Sissy Slut Ch. 02

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Tom is pierced, marked and punished.
9.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/30/2022
Created 02/01/2005
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At first I was a little pissed she just discarded me like that so easily, but I quickly got over it, as I was now free. Thankfully there were no other houses nearby that I had to worry about being seen in all my naked glory. It took me a few minutes before I was able to drive away, as I had to get dressed first. I kept looking back at the house, as I wanted see if she was watching me. I couldn't tell if she even cared if I left. Less than ten minutes later I was on the road headed for home and I vowed I would never go back to that house.

By the time I got home it was already nine in the evening and I was surprisingly exhausted from my ordeal. I barely had the energy to make myself something to eat before I crashed on an easy chair in front of the TV. It wasn't until then I remembered the velvet box that Tally had given me.

I retrieved the box from the shopping bag and looked inside. The first thing a saw was a hand written note that told me not to close the rings until they were in my nipples as they couldn't be reopened. There were two rings in the box. Each was an inch in diameter and made of fourteen-caret gold. On both rings hung a word that was written in beautiful flowing letters. One ring had the word Slut on it and the other sissy.

I laughed as I thought there was no way I was ever going to have my nipples pierced with these rings. I closed the box and tossed onto my coffee table as I sat back and started watching the TV.

By ten thirty I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and I decided to go to bed. With in minutes I was sound a sleep thought it wasn't a very restful sleep. I kept having dreams of the sex I had during the weekend and I would continue to wake up with a start. By six in the morning I gave up and climbed out of bed.

I woke up with what I thought was a pee hard on but even after emptying my bladder it still wouldn't go down. I climbed into a cool shower thinking that would take care of it, that didn't help either. In the end I tried stroking my cock to get it to go down but there again I was foiled.

Each time I tried to think of some girl I had been with my mind would go to Tally. When I tried to think of some of the porn I read or saw again my mind would go to Tally. I couldn't get her out of my mind and I couldn't stop thinking about the sex we had. When I finally came, in my mind it was Tally cuming in my mouth.

I never felt so disgusted with myself as I did at that point. How could I possible get off on thinking about the stuff we did? As I got dressed for work I made a vow to myself not to think about that sort of thing ever again. Unfortunately the unconscious mind doesn't always do what you want it to.

At work I could barely keep my mind on the job at hand as my mind would drift back to Tally. I couldn't get her out of my head. When my workday was over I when back to my apartment to immerse myself in Internet porn for several hours hoping that would cure my wondering mind.

But when I opened my email box I found three pieces of mail from someone I didn't know. Each message just told the other person was thinking about me and there was an attachment to the Email. When I open the first attachment I received a shock. The picture was of me as I tried to insert the dildo on Friday night. The second picture was of me as I sucked off Tally after she paddled me on Saturday morning. The third was of me as I was bound to the barstool with one man in my ass and another in my mouth. You couldn't identify the men with me as their faces were blurred out but my face was quite recognizable.

I was sure the emails came from Tally and I wrote a mean spirited letter back to her about the pictures she sent. Not surprisingly my email address was block by her carrier. In frustration I shut down my computer.

Once I had nothing to occupy my mind I worry how far she would take this. I couldn't have a scandal at work and Tally proved she was computer savvy with finding my email address. I knew for certain, I didn't give my email address to her. I worried most of that night and I didn't sleep well either.

When I arrived at work on Tuesday I found another email though this time it was in my office email account. In the message I saw she had put in three other email addresses one for my secretary, one for my boss and one for the president of the company. This told me Tally was serious about having me back.

The email also had a picture attached of me having my ass beat on the first night. Tally's face was blurred out but my face was clear. You could see by the smile on my face, I was enjoying the beating.

I had to find out how far she was willing to take this. I thought about going to her house that evening to talk to her. I quickly discarded that option as too dangerous. I had to meet her on her terms. I had to play the game her way. That meant I had to have my nipples pierced with the rings she gave me and I had to present myself on Thursday night.

Before I left work for the day I made arrangement to be off on Friday in case I couldn't get away from her. I feared she would slap another collar on me and I would be trapped until Sunday. Once I left work I ran home and got the nipple rings she gave me. Then all I had to do was find some one to pierce my nipples for me.

I went down town where I knew there was quite a few tattoo parlors. But I didn't want to go to just anyone. I wasn't into the humiliation of having some man make fun of me while he was doing it.

I went from shop to shop checking each one out and also checking out the artist as they were called. The first five or six shops had tall well-built biker types going the piercing. I quickly left their shops knowing they would make fun of me. I checked out ten more shops, all had males doing the piercing. Some I would have swore were gay by the way they carried themselves the others looked dirty and unsanitary.

I finally settled on one that had a cute little girl of around twenty-five doing the piercing. She stood about five foot two and had a tight little body and perky tits. She had long blond hair that was tied into a ponytail that bounce when she walked.

She came up to me smiled warmly and asked, "Is there something I can get for you or are you interested in a nice tattoo or a piercing?"

"I'm looking for someone to pierce my nipples do you do that," I asked in a stutter.

The girl smiled knowingly and said, "Sure I do that, though I mostly do that on girls but I have done it on a few men. Would you like to see the jewelry I have for nipple piercing?"

I held up the velvet box and said, "I already have the jewelry I just need you to install them."

The girl took the box from me and opened it. I saw her stifle a giggle before she said. "I can't guarantee the piercing since I don't know what quality your rings are. They look like a good quality ring but I can't be sure. If you still want me to do the piercing I'll have to put these in the sterilizer for a few minutes. Come on to the back where I do the piercing and we'll get started."

I could feel my entire body become flush with embarrassment as I followed the girl to the back room. Once in the room she put the rings on a tray and put the tray into a small sterilizer. She then put on latex gloves and said, "Have a seat sissy and we'll get started."

"Why did you call me that?" I asked defensively.

The girl laughed and said. "According to your nipple rings that's exactly what you are sissy. Any time you take off your shirt everyone who looks at you will know you're a sissy slut so get use to it. And don't think you can take them off and change them for a different pair when you're away from your Domi. Those rings lock together and you'll have to cut them to get them off. Once you do your domi will know."

I didn't like the verbal abuse I was receiving but I really didn't have any recourse, as she knew what I was and why I was doing this to myself. Once I removed my shirt the girl looked at me and giggled out right before saying. "You definitely are a sissy aren't you. Look at yourself, not a single hair on your chest and I'm sure none on your balls either. Now sit down so we can get started. By the way who are you owned by?"

"All I know her by is Tally," I told her meekly as I sat in a chair that reminded me of a dentist chair.

The girl slapped my face hard before saying. "That's Mistress Tally to you sissy. I know Tally and I'm sure she will not be pleased when she finds out you didn't use her proper name."

Just my luck she knew Tally, I knew I had to do something to please her so she wouldn't tell Tally. So I said, "Isn't there something I can do to persuade you not to tell Mistress Tally. She really doesn't need to hear about this one indiscretion."

The girl laughed in my face before she brought her fist down onto my balls. The pain was excruciating and I was momentarily immobilized by it. She took this opportunity to strap my arms to the chair and she also wrapped a strap around my neck to hold my head in place.

Once I was able to speak again I asked, "What are you going to do to me?"

The girl picked up her cell phone and said, "First I'm going to call Tally and tell her you misspoke her name then I'm going to tell her you tried to bribe me into not telling her. We'll let her decide what to do with you."

All I could do was groan, as I had no way to stop her. All I could hear was the girl's end of the conversation as she told Tally what I had done. I did find out her name was Sam short for Samantha and she was quite giddy in her explanation.

Before she hung up she held the phone to my ear and I heard Tally say, "I'm glad to see you've decided to serve me but I'm not happy about your disrespect. I want you to do exactly as Samantha tells you and we'll see to your disrespect when you come on Thursday. Good night my little sissy slut and have fun with Sammie."

"Good night Mistress." I told her before Sammie pulled the phone from my ear.

After Sammie hung up the phone she stood removed her gloves and started unbuckling the belt on her jeans. As she lowered the zipper she said. "Tally said I can let you eat my pussy till I can't stand it any longer. I hope you don't have anywhere to go tonight as this may take some time.

She pressed a button on the chair and the chair started to recline. Before long my head was lower then the rest of me as Sammie straddled my head and brought her hairy pussy down onto my mouth.

Sammie had the hairiest pussy I ever seen. She had a virtual forest between her legs. As she settled onto my face, I noticed her smell was strong. I could tell she showered regularly, but I'm sure she hadn't washed since early morning. I smelt the sweat and a slight scent of urine but there was definite smell of her womanly juices.

Seeing I really didn't have much choice in the matter I started licking her pussy. I first had to make my way though the hair till I felt her neither lips. Once I started licking her pussy Sammie moaned and settled further onto my face. By this time her pussy surrounded my mouth and nose.

I could barely breathe through the forest of hair and when she started getting excited Sammie virtually smothered me with her pussy. She even squeezed my head with her legs each time she orgasm. By her third orgasm I was gasping for air which Sammie barely acknowledged by falling forward on to my chest. Once I took in a few gulps of air she sat once more on my face.

How many times she came I don't know, but after what seemed like two hours Sammie rolled off my face to sit on a chair next to me. When she regained some of her composer she said, "Not bad for a sissy fag, not to many men will stand for a good smothering. I'll have to ask Tally to borrow you again some time. Now on to business."

Sammie reached over and pressed a button on the chair and I was raised back up into a sitting position. As I was being positioned she went back to the other end of the shop for a minute then returned. She opened the sterilizer removed the nipple rings before dropping something else into another tray and placed it in the sterilizer. With out putting her jeans back on she sat next to me and put her latex gloves back on.

"This should hurt a little but I'm sure you're quite use to pain," Sammie told me as she grabbed my left nipple with a pair of hemostats.

Pain shot though me and I groaned out. Sammie just giggled before she pierced my nipple with a large needle. That hurt too but not as bad as the hemostats did. Blood seem to pour out of the hole for a few seconds before it slowed to a trickle. Once the bleeding had stopped Sammie washed away the blood before inserting the nipple ring with the word slut on it. She then did the same to my right nipple and installed the ring with the word sissy on it. The pain on the second nipple wasn't as bad as the first though it still hurt quite a bit.

Sammie let me relax for a few minutes till the pain had decreased to a slow stead throb. She then opened the sterilizer and removed the second tray. She then sat back down next to me and told me to stick out my tongue.

I was very leery as I wasn't sure what she had in mine but Sammie wasn't taking no for an answer. "Listen sissy you either open your mouth and stick out your tongue or I'll start twisting those nipple rings, believe me you don't want me to do that just now."

I would have got up to walk out but I couldn't do that either so reluctantly I stuck out my tongue. Before I could react Sammie grabbed my tongue with the hemostats and pulled my tongue out of my mouth. As soon as I saw the needle coming close to my tongue I knew what was going to happen and I didn't want it. I tried to pull my tongue back into my mouth as I shouted no, but Sammie had a good grip on it. She pierced my tongue with the needle and installed a tongue ring that was in the sterilizer tray.

When she released my tongue I quickly pulled it back in and asked, "Why did you do that?"

"That's what Tally wanted me to do to punish you for not using her proper name, that and the tattoo. When I release you I want you to pull your pants down and lie on your belly. Unless you want to defy your Mistress," Sammie told me as she started undoing the straps.

I felt really humiliated now. At least I could hide the nipple rings under my shirt, but the tongue ring was almost impossible. There was no way people wouldn't notice it and for the first few days I'll talk funny too. God how did I get myself into this I thought.

I lay on my stomach like I was told and Sammie started tattooing me. At first there was some pain but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as the paddling I had received over the weekend. After a short while even that pain seem to go away.

I thought it was an elaborate tattoo, as it seemed to take Sammie a long time to complete it. I know I laid there for well over an hour. In fact I almost fell asleep while she was doing it.

Once she was done and I was allowed to get up I looked at the tattoo in a mirror. On the right cheek of my ass there were two circles, one inside the other. The inside circle was two inches in diameter and inside the circle it read, "Prime grade A Sissy." Between the outside circle and the inside one was written "Property of Mistress Tally."

After I had a chance to look at the tattoo Sammie said, "She must really like you you're the first sissy she ever marked and she had quite a few. You should be honored." I didn't feel honored. I felt used and humiliated.

After Sammie put a dressing on the tattoo I was allowed to get dressed. Sammie put her jeans back on before leading me back to the area at the front of the shop. She gave me several sheets of paper that explained the care of the piercing and the tattoo before she handed me a bill for three hundred and fifty dollars. I thought that was an outrageous price but I paid it with out question.

It was past midnight by the time I got home. When I looked at myself in the mirror I knew I was seriously fucked. Sure I could pull out the nipple rings and the tongue ring but I never could remove the tattoo. I could but that would cause even more embarrassment.

I knew I had to go to work the next day but I couldn't figure out how to get through the day with out talking. My tongue was already swollen and I knew it would only get wore before it got better. And some time tomorrow I had to stop for an enema bag and a butt plug so I could present myself to my mistress on Thursday. All this just to see what she planed to do with those pictures.

I slept fitfully that night as I worried what would become of me. I feared losing my job and I also feared I was going to be black mailed into staying Tally sissy sub. I barely got any sleep at all and when I did get up I felt more tired than I did when I went to sleep.

I got lucky, as I only had to talk to my secretary when I told her I bit my tongue and it was swollen. She was in her early twenties and I'm sure quite into the single scene. She laughed and told me I sounded like I had my tongue pierced. I almost gagged when she said it.

On my way home that night I stopped at an adult toy store to pick up a butt plug. I chose a store that catered to couples and women, thinking they wouldn't embarrass me when they saw what I was getting.

There were only two other cars in the parking lot when I pulled in. When I walked in the store I saw there were two sales girls and no customers. The girls were quite pretty in a Barbie kind of way. They had big breast that I was sure they weren't born with and they were tall with long legs that showed under their mini skirts.

After I looked through some of the videos knowing that wasn't what I came here for I went to the toy area. I spotted the butt plugs almost immediately but I pretended to look over everything. There was a large assortment of dildoes, vibrators as well as butt plugs. There were also cuffs and whips, but there was anything I hadn't already seen and used on some occasion. It was when one of the sales girls first approached me.

"Good afternoon sir my name is Tammy is there something I can help you with? Something for your wife or your girlfriend?" The girl asked me in a sweet high-pitched voice.

To answer her question I told her my name and said, "I was thinking of a butt plug, you know something different for a change."

Tammy smiled and put her hand on my shoulder and said, "I guess that would be different to some people. What size were you looking for we have a large assortment."

I spotted the large plug that I had to use at the party and said as I pointed to it, "Something like that over there."

Tammy looked at the plug and said. "My you do go for the big ones don't you. I hope this isn't your first time using a plug. That one would be very painful for someone. Maybe you would like to start off with something smaller or an assortment pack would be better."

Tammy picked up a box that had several butt plugs and several vibrators in it as well as a bottle of anal ease. It had the big butt plug and the smaller one I wore with the maid's uniform. I didn't care about the other stuff but I though it would look better if I bought it as a set.

I told her I would take the set. As I turned to go to the check out she said. "Maybe you would like to see our lingerie as well. I'm sure your lover would love something sexy to wear while using your new toys. We have all sizes and styles." I didn't need any of that but I followed her over to the lingerie section anyway.

She showed me several nighties and assortment of panties. She held a pale pink baby doll nightie as she said, "I think this one would fit you perfectly. Something nice and silky to get you in the mood for some anal play."

"Why would you say something like that," I asked as my face started to heat up.