Sisters, Friends, and Lovers Ch. 15


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The day flew by with meetings and a half-day workshop with one of the project teams. In hushed tones she told me about Pete and Bob's sex filled weekend with Pete's sisters. She allowed as how they had all welcomed her home Monday evening with some hard loving, just what she wanted. Repeatedly, she thanked me for taking her up to Boston to meet my extended family, to enjoy various wanton sexual romps with new friends, and to be there when the unplanned drama surrounding Joel erupted.

I asked, "Does Pete, or Bob for that matter, ever get upset about you going off with me, or spending time with Jane and me?"

"No, not a bit. I've had a couple of other lovers, but you're the most serious I've had. I didn't love them, but I love you. The two of them play with their sisters, this past weekend it was with Pete's two sisters, but Bob also has a couple of sisters that visit once in a while and get the living crap fucked out of them too. Despite the family relationships, there is a lot of love there. Also, they occasionally lure one of their other lady friends home for a night of debauchery. So, they don't have a leg to stand on when I want to go have some fairly straight sex with another guy - no incest, or anything else involved - well, except for a little sapphic action here and there."

"I just don't want to be in the middle of some break up or angry flare up between you two or three."

"Steve, I love you, and I wouldn't ever put you in that situation. Trust me, we're cool with our extra-marital dalliances and relationships. Hear me well, again, I love you."

"Pam, I love you - more so each day we're together. I think you're going to be my role model for how Fran and I will behave in some ways as we move into our marriage, but still keep our minds open to other relationships."

"I'm flattered, and I know Bob and Pete will be too. Do you mind if I tell them what you said?"

"Not a bit. I'd love to hear them talk about it first hand sometime."

"That can be arranged."

* * * * *

I had a personnel situation flare up about five thirty between four people on one of the teams. To keep it from exploding further and festering overnight, I opted to deal with it before I left for the day. I texted Jane,'Going to be late; problem solving until about eight o'clock. Can we meet for dinner? L. Me.'

Jane texted back,'When you get ready to leave, call or text. I'll tell you where I am. L. Me2.'

I played project psychologist for the next two hours, getting each of the four to articulate how they saw the problem between, as I forced the others to listen and then repeat back what they'd heard without editorializing. I then had each person postulate a possible solution, going around the group repeatedly until there were no more suggestions. We did a group analysis of all the solutions, and I got them to talk about each other's strengths and weaknesses in the process around each option. This was time consuming, but the lines of communication reopened, and the four started to have fun being together again - three men and one woman. By seven-thirty, I could ask if they wanted to continue with me or if they thought they could work together again. They actually did a group hug in my presence, and then opted to go to dinner together.

I cleaned up my papers and notes, folded my laptop that I'd been using with one hand, and texted Jane: 'Where are you? I'm done.'

I immediately got a return text, 'Cocktail lounge Hyatt Morristown. Wanted to get away from TCI. Come rescue me - single female in bar; guess what? L. J.'

I knew the Hyatt; We'd eaten dinner there a couple of times. I headed out on the Interstate and at that time of night made good time to Morristown. After parking, I strolled into the lounge area, not sure what to expect.

I saw Jane sitting at a small table, her back against the red bench seat against the wall, as two smartly dressed men closer to my age stood by her table and talked to her. I watched the interaction. Jane laughed. The two of them seemed to be selling some idea to her; at least that was the body language. The more I observed, the more I guessed what was going on: not one but two men were hitting on Jane.

I got myself a glass of wine from the bar, and stood nearby watching the action at Jane's table. The two men obviously didn't want to take no for an answer, so they tried to sell the idea even harder. They seemed eager but not belligerent.

After ten minutes of this, I strolled over in her direction, catching her eye. She looked hopeful that I'd come to her rescue, but instead I went and sat at the table next to hers, sort of ignoring the threesome. I pulled out my iPhone and started to tinker with various apps. Jane caught on to my ploy, and didn't say anything.

At that point, I heard one of the men say, "Babe, we really want to be with you, and we promise we'll make it worth your while. How about $500 for the two of us for the evening? You can split your time up anyway you want between the two of us."

Jane laughed and snorted, "That's all? At my usual pay rate that'd barely get you ten minutes, but then maybe that's all you need before you pop off."

The guy who'd suggested the price balked, "What? Whoa? Really? You're ... $3,000? You must be one fine piece of ass to get that on a regular basis?" He didn't sound convinced.

Jane laughed and said, "Every day. Gentlemen, if you're not ready to pay the freight, well you know what they say? Stop crimping my business. I have other people to meet and greet."

The guy that hadn't spoken said, "What if we get other guys to join us, you know, sort of make it a gangbang?"

Jane said, "I'd expect a generous bonus for the extra workload, as I would in any job. A bonus for what you propose usually doubles my daily rate."

The guy sputtered, "So ... you mean ... holy shit, that'd mean four of us would be almost five or six thousand dollars."

Jane shrugged as though she didn't care.

The heavier set man said to the other, "Let's think about it. You'll be here for a few minutes, right?"

"Right. Well, unless some other better offer comes along I'll be here," Jane teased.

I could see where this was going by now.

As the men returned towards the dark wooden bar, I stood and made a show of introducing myself, "Ma'am, I couldn't help but overhear the last part of your conversation. I hope you don't think me crass, but you were talking to boys. Might a real man be of interest to you?" I made sure the two men could hear me as they walked away.

From the corner of my eye, I could see both men turn around and gawk at the two of us. Jane continued to play her role, "Well, kind sir, my name is Jane and I am a hot piece of ass that could make this one of the most special evenings in your life." She put out her hand towards me.

I reached forward to shake her hand, "And I'd have to pay you up front for your time?" I kissed her hand in suave gesture.

Jane smiled broadly, "That's the preferred method. Cash too."

I made a show of pulling my billfold from my pocket, and then counting off thirty greenbacks. I knew that from the distance, the men would have no knowledge of whether I was counting off ones or hundreds or something in between.

Jane scooped up the money, made a show of scanning and counting it, and then put the wad of bills into her purse. She gestured to the empty chair beside her.

I retrieved my glass of wine, and sat with her. "So, darling, how was your day?" I asked with a touch of humor in my voice.

Jane smirked, "Other than being mistaken by four men as the hotel prostitute, I thought I was doing pretty well."


"Well, before you saw me with those two, two other men separately came and asked if I were available for the evening. The first one left me stuttering and stammering, but then I figured I'd have some fun, so when the second guy approached me I told him he couldn't afford me and that he'd need a permission slip from his wife. He ran out of here so fast, I think you can still see the skid marks on the floor."

"You're mean."

"I was having fun. The two Lotharios you saw me with had come up about two minutes before you walked in here. You know you could have come right over. I saw you over by the bar watching. I felt safer, and your presence made me want to toy with them more. You heard the last part of our conversation."

I leaned in and kissed her. "I did hear, and both men are at a table to our left looking at the pair of us with their tongues hanging out of their mouths. They would really have liked to fuck the evening away with you."

"Well, my tongue would like to wrap itself around your cock, but not before you feed me. What was that old thing about five F's: find 'em, feed 'em, feel 'em, fuck 'em, and forget 'em."

I put my glass down, and gestured to the barkeep that we were going into the dining room adjacent to the bar. He nodded, and I held Jane's arm as I escorted her politely into the main dining room. We walked about five feet from the two men that had wanted a threesome with her. As we strolled by, Jane said in an exaggerated voice hard to miss, "I've always wanted to fuck a ten inch cock. My friends tell me it's an experience one never forgets."

I felt the men's eyes on my back as the maître d' met us and escorted us to a booth in one of the dark corners of the restaurant. I explained that the lady had a bar bill that should be transferred to our table, and he assured me he'd take care of the matter.

Jane and I kissed a little, and then picked from the menu. A pretty waitress took our order, making a point to flirt with me a little. Our drinks were refreshed, and then Jane and I made out some more.

Jane said in a low voice to me, "Those two guys are watching me again - or us."

I laughed, "Why don't you give me a faux blowjob then."

Jane smiled, adjusted her position, and then lowered her head into my lap. She said to me, "Just let me know if anyone starts coming."

"Coming or cumming?"


"Get to work, Babe," I jested.

Jane's head bobbed up and down in mock attention to me. From across the nearly empty restaurant all that could be seen above the tabletop was the back of her head moving rhythmically. I could now see the men as I turned my head with eyes supposedly squinting in supreme pleasure.

After a couple of minutes, I said, "Dinner will be here soon. Maybe you'd better finish me off or else you'll get caught by our cute waitress."

Jane squirmed around a little, rubbed my crotch with her hand, and then slowly rose up to a seated position. She play acted having just gotten a huge load of cum, using her napkin to dab at the corners of her mouth, and then to dip in her water glass and wipe a few errant stains from her suit jacket and face. She even pulled out a compact from her purse, and fixed her makeup and made sure she was cum free. I had never been exposed, but I remained hard in my pants, a problem I knew we'd fix later.

I pretended she had a little spot in the hair beside her face. I pointed to an imaginary splotch of cum in her hair, and she dabbed until I nodded that 'she'd got it.' The men had watched every second of the supposed event.

Jane said, "Shall I see if they want to join us?"

"For sex or dinner?"

"Why sex, of course. But only if they want to pay the freight."

"You wouldn't?"

Jane turned to the men, crooked a finger, and gestured for them to come to the table. Looking like two pre-teen youths caught being peeping toms, they slowly approached the table until they were standing next to us.

Jane looked at the two of them, "Did you decide?"

One man said shyly, "What about him?" He gestured to me.

"Oh, he'll join us. He's already settled with me ahead of time. We just thought more might be merrier."

I smiled benignly at the two men, and then set my right hand encased in the fresh plaster cast on the table with a loud thud. I may as well have laid down a loaded sawed off shotgun. Both men jumped back a step at the sight of the encased hand.

Jane smiled too, "Oh, don't mind him (me). He broke a bone in his hand the other day beating the shit out of someone that messed with another one of his women in a bad way."

I gave a Cheshire cat smile to the two men, the kind of smile a lion might give a gazelle just before he lunges after fresh meat on the hoof.

The taller man said, "Well, you two enjoy your evening. We'll ... we'll ... we'll be going." At that, they turned and nearly ran out of the restaurant, the man in the rear running up the back of the slower man leading.

We both burst out laughing after they were out of sight.

Jane suddenly had a frightening thought, "You don't think I'll get arrested for soliciting, do you?"

"Did you make an overt offer to have sex for money?"

"Oh, God, I'm not sure."

"Don't sweat it. I'll cover for you anyway."

Our waitress appeared with a tray with our entrees. As she set them in front of us, she said, "Not that anyone else saw, but you might remember on future visits that the restaurant has cameras mounted around the place so the wait staff - tonight that's me - can be sure each of our tables is happy."

Jane blushed.

I said with a grin, "And what do you think you saw?"

The cute waitress said, "Well, there was a lot of head bobbing near valuable male anatomy, so I wasn't too sure other than that. It appeared to me that's all it was, a show for those two guys that just ran out of here."

I laughed, "René - that's what your nametag says - we were playing a joke on them that mistook my girlfriend as the hotel prostitute."

René laughed, "Oh, no. You mean the two men you called over to your table?"

Jane nodded.

"That's terrible. They went back to the bar by the way. You can't see them from here."

I said, "Could you ask the bartender to give them another round and put it on our tab? We were playing with them, but I'd like them not to know that. I think we shocked them."

"You shocked me until I saw that you were pretending," René said with a chuckle.

I gave a slanted glance that signaled, 'Really?'

René said, "I see men do a lot of stupid things in the bar and restaurant, but you two have the right attitude about making something funny from the situation. I like both of you."

We bowed our heads to say thank you.

René scurried away towards the bar, and then returned, gave us a wink, and cleared away our completed dinnerware.

Later, when the bill came, I gave René a generous tip. Jane saw what I did and teased me; "What are you trying to do, get into our pretty waitress' panties?"

"Maybe. They look worthy of consideration, and so does the rest of her."

Jane studied René across the room. "I think you're right - even I would enjoy some of her. Maybe we'll come back here soon and see if she'd like to expand her horizons."

The idea of having René - an appealing stranger - join us in our bed proved to be a powerful aphrodisiac for the two of us that evening after we got into Jane's bed. Jane pretended to be the cute waitress, and I played the role of the seducing patron trying to talk the pants off the hotel prostitute. Of course, it was a win-win situation, and after two rounds of sex, we parked 'René' and the two men away for another evening, and went to sleep.

To be continued

AND, my thanks to germandragon for his brilliant editing.

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WoodencavWoodencavalmost 2 years ago

Oh I am so enjoying this series, you are such a creative writer! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Re. the scepter thing

Normally I'd agree, but in the context of their role play, for me it kind of works. (And he hasn't been using that sort of language for the previous 14 chapters, so clearly it was done this time with intention.)

Perhaps the allusion could have been to a different priestly prop, but whatever :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Cuntal canal????

Sensitive scepter?????


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