Sister's Medicine


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I arched an eyebrow. "Good, is it?"

"Kinda, yeah. 'Cause you're right, I know you won't care if I need practice or whatever. And, like, I trust you, you know? You care way more about me than getting into my pants."

"I don't want in your pants."

"S'what I'm sayin'. If I ever found some other boy to mess around with... who knows what he'd really be thinking. But I know for sure you love me."

"I do."

"And you don't want to ever hurt me, to the point where it's actually kind of annoying."

I chuckled softly. "That's what brothers are for."

"So, like, this'll be good. I'll get to learn, and maybe you'll actually enjoy yourself too."

"I might. But Lily? Seriously, if you decide you don't actually want to do this at any point..."

"I won't."

"If you do," I insisted. "You already saw how annoying I can be about this. Just imagine me feeling all guilty 'cause I emotionally scarred you with sexy stuff."

Lily's lips twitched into a smile. "You'd be insufferable."


"I Promise I won't get all emotionally scarred, ok?"

I nodded. "Ok."

Lily scooted a smidge closer, then stopped and cleared her throat uncertainly. "So, uh, how do I start?"

"I guess... you probably need my cock out."

"Yeah, I know. But, like, do I take your undies off? Do I reach in the little hole thing in the front?"

"How about I make it easier for you."

I was, admittedly, quite uncomfortable stripping further in front of Lily. It wasn't as bad as it could have been. Her embarrassment helped mine feel smaller than it was, and I at no point felt like I was going to be judged on appearance or size or anything.

Lily was kind of a unique case for me. I'd never gotten my cock out for a girl and not had the sense that something sexual and/or romantic was going to happen, and that there was a lot riding on the removal of clothing.

Well, technically this was still sexual, but not in the way I usually thought of it.

Lily watched me with fascination and anticipation fully evident on her face. She forgot her fears as she studied my cock, and scooched even nearer to me when I sat back down.

"I can see it growing," she said in a hushed and reverent tone.

"Yeah, it'll do that."

"No, I mean, I know. But guys on the internet are always just... hard. Or sometimes soft. But never really in the middle."

"You see a lot of cock on the internet do you?"

Lily was entirely unashamed in her answer. "I don't get out much, dude. You know that."

"Yeah, that's fair." I shrugged. "I really don't mean to imply that it's a bad thing."

Lily nodded minutely and leaned lower. She reached a tentative hand out and stopped just before touching me. "Can I?"

"That'd be the point, I believe."

Her warm little fingers encircled me in a quick, gentle motion. She gave a short, nervous giggle as I stiffened further in her loose grip.

"Wow," she said.

"Nothing's even happened yet."

"No, but... I dunno. It feels nice."

"You're easy to please."

"Shut up! I'm learning."

Lily unconsciously squeezed tighter. I groaned at the sudden tightness and she jerked away.

"Don't let go," I said.

"Sorry. I thought I did something wrong."

"You didn't. It just felt good is all."

"Oh. Ok."

Lily gripped me again and started experimenting. Playing, really. Like my cock was a new toy.

She initially appeared a bit disappointed when I stopped growing, though she soon found the fun in my full erection. I exaggerated my vocal reactions for her benefit, since she really seemed to respond to clear feedback. She liked touching me in ways that made me feel good.

She toyed with every part of my cock, from the tip, down the shaft, around the base, and even all the way to my balls. Everything got caressed and fondled, gently or more firmly depending on my reactions. I almost could have forgotten that she was my sister and just appreciated a girl who was so keen on figuring out what every part of me felt like, and what felt best for me.

I eventually guided her toward the classic full hand grip and stroke. She did it for a bit, then decided she needed a better position. She moved to the floor, kneeling between my legs so she had a more comfortable angle for her arm, and a much closer view of what she was doing.

"You want a pillow or something?" I asked.

Lily shook her head with a trance-like lack of hurry. "No, I'm good."

She jerked me off over the next little while, demonstrating absolutely no sense of hurry or desire to finish up. I really wanted to take over a few times and give myself the release she was building me toward so very slowly, but I let her have her fun. It was really quite pleasant in spite of being so agonizingly unfocused.

"Gonna cum," I whispered as I finally approached the end.

Lily squeaked as she felt me tense in her hand, then darted forward and took the tip of my cock in her mouth. My cum shot straight out onto her tongue and the back of her throat, and she swallowed reflexively until I had nothing left to give her.

She sat back on her heels afterward. A slight flush crept over her cheeks as though she recognized that she'd gone a bit further at the end than I'd expected.

"You used your mouth," I said gently.

"Well you were gonna cum. What else was I s'posed to do?"

"I'm not saying it was wrong. Just that I didn't expect it."

"Sorry." Lily wiggled as she wrestled with something in her head. "So... was it ok though? Overall?"

"It was pretty damn great."

She beamed. "Really?"

"Yeah. Really."

"Cool. We can do it again, right?"

I laughed softly. "Yeah, I suspect we can. Not right now, obviously."

"No, yeah, not right now. Soon, though?"

"We'll see."

"And do you think I could try-"


"-maybe like using my mouth-"


"-like doing a blowjob or something. That could be fun too, right?"

"Dammit, Lily. Don't say things like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you want to give me a blowjob."

She flushed redder. "It's not that I want to. I mean, I do. But... but not in a weird way. I already put my mouth on your cock, so that wouldn't be new. And it'd just be a chance to try it, is all. You liked me using my hand, right?"

"I did. And I'm saying we can do that some more. Probably. But don't push it."

Lily stuck her bottom lip out in a defiant pout. "Like you wouldn't like it," she grumbled.

"I'm sure I would, actually. That's not the point."

"No, of course not. You're probably gonna tell me it's all for my own good, and what a good brother you are, and-"



"Shut the hell up."

She stuck her tongue out at me in response.

I stood up and got dressed again. Lily stood as well and watched until I was ready to leave.

"Thanks for this," she said quietly. "Seriously."

"I like being able to help," I said. "I want to keep you as my sister, though. You get that, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do." Lily scratched her head. "I think maybe I just know that none of this is gonna change anything important between us. It's not gonna ruin anything. And maybe you're worried that it might. Maybe that's all."

I nodded. "Yeah, maybe. You're smarter than me about that stuff sometimes."

"More like all the time."

I reached out and mussed her hair affectionately. She glared and tried to smooth it out, but then darted in on tip-toe and kissed my cheek as I turned to leave.

"Love you," she said.

I smiled back at her. "Love you too."


As it turned out, Lily didn't have to wait long to play with me again. She knocked on my door while I was jerking off the next morning, then walked in before I could cover up. Not that she hadn't seen everything already anyway.

"Going at it again, huh?" she said.

"For your benefit," I clarified.

"Uh huh." She clasped her hands behind her back, shifting her weight to one foot in an outwardly innocent pose. "Want some help?"

I felt anticipatory tingles at the thought of accepting the offer. Sister or not, I hadn't forgotten how good it had felt to let her stroke my cock the night before.

"You're gonna get tired of it pretty fast if you do it all the time," I said.

Lily smirked. "No I won't."

She assumed a position almost identical to last time; on her knees and within easy reach of my cock. She wasn't nearly so tentative upon first contact this time, and had definitely learned from her previous experience.

I groaned in pleasure as my sister's delicate little fingers gripped me in a tight, comfortable embrace and stroked my length up and down. She flicked a finger over a few interesting spots, but mostly focused on the very basic pumping of my cock.

It was really was better having her do it. For actual efficiency, I was still the more talented, but it wasn't all about cumming quickly. Having someone else touch me, caress me, work me the way Lily did, it was on a whole other level. Her skin was so soft and warm and feminine, so unlike my own despite all the similarities.

And maybe, just maybe, it was pretty damn hot that it was my own little sister jerking me off. It wasn't good by any means. Not moral or ethical. But it was pretty fucking naughty and sexy.

That was how Lily felt, I thought. At least somewhat. I could see on her face that it wasn't all about learning or helping me out. She was excited too. She was enjoying this.

What did that say about us?

I didn't really care in the moment. I'd have to give it all a serious think at some point, but not right now. Right now I just wanted my baby sister to make me cum. Again.

So wrong. So depraved. So fucking hot.

Lily flicked her big puppy eyes up at me, searching my expression as though she sensed something was wrong. I smiled back at her and lifted my hand to her face. She leaned into my caress, nuzzling her cheek to my palm.

"I'm not a very good brother," I whispered.

"You're the best brother," she corrected without even thinking about it.

"I'm liking this way too much."

Her beaming smile melted away a whole layer of guilt all by itself. "Really?"

"Yeah. Really."

"I'm doing good?"

"Really good." I hesitated, unsure I should say any more. "And you're killing me the way you're looking at me."

"What? Looking at you how?"

I tilted her face up toward me. Her eyes remained wide and searching. "Just like that."

Lily blushed and looked away. "You're being silly."

"I'm not."

Still red, she cautiously met my gaze again and smiled shyly. Her expression was too damn adorable. My cock twitched in her hand, eager to be released.

Lily giggled softly and stroked me faster. As I got closer, she opened her mouth partway and extended her tongue just a little. The effect was to appear ready for me to cum all over her face, which I found that much more arousing. It was such a cute and slutty look all at the same time.

As soon as I said I was going to cum, Lily darted in and covered the tip of my cock with her mouth. Her soft lips formed a perfect seal, ensuring nothing escaped as my cum flooded over her tongue and throat.

I was fully entranced by Lily's every movement as she swallowed all my cum, then gave me a few cute little licks to make sure nothing had been missed. I was pretty sensitive, but her touches were so tender that they didn't bother me.

"You almost looked like you were gonna make me cum all over your face," I said.

Lily bit her lip. "I thought about it," she admitted. "I watched this video last night. The girl kept making these sexy faces while jerking a guy off. At the end she gets a mess all over." She wiggled a bit. "It got me pretty hot."

"I didn't really need to know that."

Lily tilted her head and arched an eyebrow. She nodded at my softening cock where her fingers were still loosely wrapped around me. "Dude. Don't act like that's too much information."

"No, you're right. I'm just not used to you being quite so upfront about that kind of stuff."

"Well... it got me really horny, ok?"

"Fine. What does that have to do with sharing?"

Lily squirmed even more self-consciously than before. "I kinda wanted to see if you might be ok with trying something like that sometime."

"Cumming on your face?"

"Yeah. Or whatever."

"Seems like a waste, given the actual point of the exercise."

Lily shook her head a little too quickly. "I could lick it up after. No waste."

"Oh god."


"I'm creating a monster."

Lily punched my thigh. "Don't say that. It was a really hot video. That's all. And I thought it could be fun."

"This isn't supposed to be about fun."

"Says you. There's no reason it can't be." She smirked crookedly. "Besides, you can't tell me you aren't enjoying this."

She had me there. I was really quite enamored with having her jerk me off instead of doing it myself. And I could totally see the appeal in cumming on her face. I wasn't quite sure if she wanted it, or if she just thought I'd like it. I suspected it might be both.

I couldn't be too hard on her either, because I knew she'd spent her whole life without ever feeling sexy or desirable, and all of a sudden she had an outlet. I wished she'd been able to learn this stuff in a more normal way, but it wasn't like this was the most harmful experience for her either. She could have found some abusive jerk instead. Combined with her self-esteem issues, that could have been crippling.

"There you are, Lily."

I startled out of my daydreaming. Mom stood at the doorway, arms folded in a not-quite-stern expression.

"You're going to be late if you don't get moving," Mom continued.

Lily reluctantly let go of my cock that had long since softened almost entirely. "Yeah, you're right. Kinda lost track of time."

My heart pounded in an instinctive reaction to getting caught, but neither Lily or Mom seemed the least bit put out. Lily straightened herself out, then skipped off to get ready for school.

"Breakfast is on the table," Mom called after her.

I belatedly covered myself up before Mom turned back to me. Not that it meant much at this point.

"Don't you need to be getting somewhere too?" Mom asked.

"Well... yeah, I s'pose." I looked away, then back at her. "Are you gonna tell me off or something?"

"What for?"

"You know what for."

"If I wasn't going to last night, why would I this morning?"

"I dunno. Just to make me feel better, I guess."

Mom laughed softly. "You're a good boy, Jess. If you and your sister can find some fun in all this, I'd really like you not to feel guilty about it. We've all been through a lot."

"That's true."

"Anyway, I better let you get dressed. Don't take too long."

"Yeah. Right."


I didn't give into Lily's request for a facial right away, but I wouldn't have stopped her if she'd tried it. After the first couple times jerking me off, she had apparently decided she could do it whenever she wanted, and I wasn't inclined to disagree. It gave her plenty of opportunity to try things, but she mostly didn't.

Partly she may just have wanted to get me used to her getting at my cock on a regular basis. She spent a lot of time and effort on normalizing it. I knew what she was doing, but it still worked. It got so that she could just walk up to me anywhere in the house, take my pants off, and do her thing. I accepted and enjoyed it.

It didn't really surprise me when she finally finished me off and instead of her usual hasty mouth clamp to ensure she got everything, she brought her face to my cock and let my cum splash all over it. I even had to admit that it was pretty hot watching my little sis taking my load on her face.

What I didn't anticipate at all was what she did after that. Almost immediately, she had her phone out and started aiming it around to get the best angle for a selfie.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"What does it look like?"

"It looks like you're taking a dirty pic of yourself."

"Then why the hell did you ask?"

Lily snapped a few shots, then flounced onto her bed to examine them more carefully. Almost as an afterthought, she licked up the cum around her lips, then scooped the rest into her mouth with her finger.

"You're not sending those to anyone I hope," I said.

"Of course not. They're just for me."

"But... why?"

Lily looked at me seriously. "'Cause it feels sexy."

I had to let her have that one. It had been a bizarre side-effect of this whole adventure that she was finally feeling good about herself in a way she never had before. If she wanted dirty pics of her face all covered in brother-cum, who was I to tell her it was wrong?

The other thing that happened right around the same time, a few weeks in to the cum experiment, was Mom finally dragged me out to see Lily's new doctor. Dr. Michelle seemed very eager to meet me. Interested in a way I didn't really associate with the medical profession.

"So you're the brother," Dr. Michelle said once we were alone in her examination room.

I wasn't sure whether I would have rathered have Mom in there with me or not. "Uh, yeah. Jess."

"Mmhm. Well I just want to say it's so wonderful of you to be so helpful in all of this. The treatment simply wouldn't work nearly so well without such full cooperation from you."

I squirmed uncomfortably, since I knew exactly what 'full cooperation' meant. I wondered if Dr. Michelle knew just how full it was.

"She's my sister," I mumbled. "I want to help."

"Yes, indeed. In the spirit of that, why don't we make sure you're performing as well as possible, shall we?"

We proceeded with a basic examination, making sure my body was essentially functioning as expected. I let myself be lulled into a false sense of security, right up until Dr. Michelle started asking about my sexual performance.

"Are you finding it easy to keep up with such a rigorous masturbation schedule?" she asked. "I notice that you've been providing samples four or five times a day. Sometimes more."

"Uh, yeah," I said, flushing slightly. I hoped she didn't know how I'd been providing them, but then there was no reason anyone would have told her. "That's about right. I guess it gets a little rough sometimes. And some of my... samples aren't really all that large."

"That's to be expected. However, if you're up for it, we can certainly make things better all round."

"In what sense?"

"Every sense." Dr. Michelle picked up a small bottle of pills and shook it slightly to make its contents rattle. "Increased semen production, increased density of nutrients, faster recovery, more control, increased sensitivity... and, in fact, superior taste, thought that's not really advertised for medical purposes."

I blinked slowly. "You want to make me cum more?"

"Yes. Again, if you like. It's not necessary. But it would make things much more pleasurable for you and your sister both." She gave me the kind of look that suggested she knew exactly how pleasurable it had already been. "Up to you."


I took the pills. It seemed silly not to. I disliked the thought that Dr. Michelle knew Lily was jerking me off regularly-though of course I still didn't know for sure that she knew-but either way increasing my performance seemed like a good idea.

Truth be told, I'd been struggling to keep up with my sister. Her cum-lust seemed insatiable. It was for a good reason, but I felt like her health was sometimes just an excuse for her to play with me.

I was quite impressed with the pills once I'd been on them a few days and they really started kicking in. Lily was overjoyed with the bigger cum loads she was getting, but it wasn't until I managed to overflow her mouth that she realized there was something going on. Fun sexy times could be a little blinding at times.

"How come you're cumming so much all of a sudden?" Lily asked as she wiped cum off her chin with her free hand and sucked it from her finger.

"Well, you know how I went to see Dr. Michelle?"