Six BBC Saturnalia

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Marie picks up 6 BBC's at the bar, and exhausts them all!
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Spring time


"Marie, how close are you to the pesshwank... um... target?" Gaston asked in her ear piece.

"Dear, if you keep asking me, I'll never get to him on account that I will be replying to you non-stop." Marie sassed.

"Don't make a bahbin, I need you to be a rocachah!" Gaston said in his deep Cajun accent.

"Shhhhh!" Marie hissed.

She did in fact lose contact with the target. As she made her way through the crowds of people she asked herself why she volunteered to help her husband.

Scanning the dancefloor she spotted the red jacket with the black stripes. She also remembered why she came along, Ohio was her old stomping ground.

Marie looked around the club and remarked to herself that the music was much too loud. She also noticed how young the club-goers were.

'Old enough to be my children.' She thought to herself.

She was now almost on top of the target, the petite lady had a very lucrative outstanding bond. Once they had finally got taken in, the bounty would pay all their bills for the month.

"Pardon me dear." Marie said to the petite lady in the red jacket after bumping into her.

"Piss-off!" Replied the woman frowning back at Marie.

"Dear," Marie said changing directions to put some distance between her and the target. "Target has been tagged."

"Tres bien! You done good Mon Cher." Replied Gaston.

Marie looked up at the club's seating area to spot several frustrated, but well dressed African-American gentlemen around a large table.

Heading towards the table, Marie clicked her throat mike a final time.

"If you're all good dear I'm going to sign off for the night." She said.

"Oui," Gaston said. "I shall be back at the hotel for 0600 hours."

Marie wished her husband a good night, then swiftly removed the throat mike to put it away in her purse. She was dressed in a one piece navy blue dress with her shoulders exposed. Around her neck she had a black leather necklace/choker with a silver engraved spade hanging from the front.

"Hello boys," She said standing before the table. "How are you this evening?"

"Who you calling boy lady? Ow!" Quipped a lean man with skin the colour of charcoal before he was cut off by a dark brown man elbowed him.

Marie didn't like this man's tone of voice, but his Barclay Island accent had her pussy moistening! During a boat cruise that stopped at the island she had become enamoured with both it's culture... and it's men!

"Pardon me miss," The dark brown man said. "What my friend here was trying to say was hello."

"I ain't trying to say... Ow!" The charcoal coloured man tried to say in his sing-song Barclay accent.

The dark brown man stood up to greet Marie then offered her a seat. She looked him up and down, he was well dressed all in grey.

"My name is Xerxes." He said with a big smile.

"I am pleased to meet you dear, that's a very lovely name." Marie replied having a seat.

"This here is Wanya," he said gesturing towards his charcoal coloured friend dressed in red with a black tie.

"Nelson, and Shawn..." Xerxes said pointing to two chocolate brown men, the first being very skinny, the other chubbier.

"And this schmuck in the white is Bass, uh like the fish." Xerxes said motioning at a man so dark that only the whites of his eyes and teeth were visible in the din of the club.

Marie greeted them all with handshakes in smiles, before turning to Xerxes who seemed most interested in her.

"Please tell me about yourself?" Marie said placing a hand on top of his.

"Why do I get the feeling your next question will be what's your sign?" Xerxes said with a fox like grin.

Marie chuckled at this but remained silent, Xerxes took the hint and feeling comfortable in her presence he started to tell his life's tale.

"So after my contract in the Middle East ended I came back to stay with my old man. So here I am." Xerxes said finishing his story.

"For a man in his early twenties, you've lived a fascinating life." Marie said looking into his eyes. "So why is it that all of you gentlemen are so lonely tonight?"

Xerxes blushed at her words, but summoning his courage, he responded. "Well the thing is, the women tonight are all talk and no... um... follow-up."

"I think I see what you're saying..." Marie said her mind wandering off.

Xerxes used that moment of her distraction to look the woman up and down. She was a petite woman with ash-blonde hair cut short, wearing a navy-blue dress that was low cut and displaying her large milk white breasts.

Although Marie looked older than his father, Xerxes had come to appreciate the joys of mature women. At the top of the list was the lack of games. He was certain that Marie wouldn't have stopped by to chat then mooch off their bottle service like some sorta schlub.

"Waiter!" Marie cried out snapping Xerxes out of his own day-dreaming.

"I'll be right back." Marie said standing up and leaving.

"Yo man!" Wanya declared sucking his teeth. "What's with the old lady?"

Xerxes loosened his tie before replying. "Cool it man!"

"Whatever." His charcoal coloured friend quipped.

"Tell me you don't find her hot?" Xerxes challenged.

Wanya said nothing.

"Exactly, so if you ain't interested, you better bounce now, or stow the moaning." Xerxes threatened.

"Fine." Wanya snipped as Marie returned.

Marie slid back in next to Xerxes, she noticed his now exposed silver Star of David.

"This is very nice." She said admiring it with her fingers.

"Depending on where I was working in the Middle East I had to keep it hidden. I like that no one cares about such things here." Xerxes replied.

"I bet." Marie said letting it go.

"I like your jewellery as well." Xerxes said. "But why is that heart upside down?"

"Oh that isn't a heart..." Marie teased.

"It's a spade." Said Bass speaking up in a deep voice.

"Like a shovel?" Asked a confused Xerxes.

"A Queen of Spades." Bass said, with just his eyes and smile visible, he looked like a floating Cheshire Cat.

"What that mean?" Asked a now curious Wanya. "Like from poker?"

Marie seemed more than content to let the young men work it all out. She leaned back in her seat grinning broadly.

"It means." Bass stated. "That she prefers black men above all overs."

The other men at the table who weren't paying attention snapped their heads over and set down their phones. When all eyes were on her Marie smiled even broader than before and nodded an affirmative to all.

She was going to speak, however the waiter had arrived with several bottles of wine. She tipped him nicely then set out to fill out their glasses.

"What does your spade say?" Asked Nelson intrigued.

Marie stood up and held up her glass for a toast, the six men rose with her, filled glasses in hands held high. They all waited in silence for her to speak. Scantily clad women at surrounding tables looked on in envy.

"It says 'SLUT'." She declared clanging her glass to the others.

The six men in unison toasted her then drank deeply. When their drinks were drained a nervous laughter grew amongst them then turned into a tumult of chuckles and chatter as everyone started to speak at once.

The looks from the neighbouring tables went from envy to jealous sneers.

"I like when bitches come with instructions! Ow!" Whispered Wanya until Xerxes pinched him again.

A hour later at Marie's hotel room, the men began to disrobe when she noticed they weren't alone. A thin white lady with brown hair was clutching to Xerxes arm.

"Won't you introduce me to your friend?" Marie inquired hand out stretched.

"Uh... she doesn't need a name for what we got planned tonight." Xerxes stated looking down at the lady beside him.

"Whatever." The new woman casually replied.

Xerxes stepped away from the woman, then grabbed a fistful of her long brown hair.

"Get your clothes off and start fluffing whore!" Commanded an angry Xerxes.

"Ok..." Expressed the lady, who seemed bored.

Xerxes tugged more violently, holding her on an uncomfortable angle. She didn't fight it, instead removing her clothes to reveal a black set of lingerie.

Marie was initially worried but when she saw the girl's growing pupils and the look of orgasmic joy within them she relaxed. She also caught a glance at a name tag about the woman's neck that was very similar to her own... it read 'WHORE'.

"Pardon me miss Marie." Said Bass, startling Marie who was fixated upon Xerxes.

"Oh!" Marie said gathering her wits. "No need to be so formal, please just call me slut."

"Well slut..." Bass said trying out the word. "Do you know why the call me Bass?"

"Is it on account of your deep voice?" Marie replied to the very dark man.

"No, but I do like that." He said flashing his now infamous grin at her.

Marie felt like a bitch in heat, looking over at the brown-haired woman, she could see that she was on her knees surrounded by black cocks. The men grabbed her by the hair and pushed their penis' at her. Marie wanted sexual relief now!

"Dear why don't you show me?" She suggested.

The tall dark man in the white suit didn't respond. He led her to the wall, placing her hands up on it. He then undid her dress, pulling it over her head. He then undid her bra then helped slide of her panties.

Marie's excitement continued to grow as she wondered what this man would do! The lighting in the hotel room was much brighter than the club, his eyes and mouth, no longer floated in mid-air.

"Oh!" Marie exclaimed as she felt him push his way underneath her.

Bass had sat down and placed his face between her legs! This was a first for Marie, despite her love of African-American men, she had met none who ate pussy!

The man under her grasped her legs as he lapped away at her outer labia, it seemed to Marie that orgasm wasn't his goal, but rather moistening her for what will follow!

A glance at the woman beside her revealed that all the men were stiff and more aggressive than before! If she were crowd control, the men were ready to riot!

Bass meanwhile acted as if time were not a consideration! He had moved his hands around to pull her lips apart before running his tongue repeatedly across her pink folds of flesh.

Marie shut her eyes and bore down upon the man under her. If he was trying to avoid making her cum, he had failed. Ignoring her strong hint, he did not cease in his deliberate tongue movements.

When he climbed out from under her, Marie felt like buttered bread. She exhaled deeply as she walked bow leggedly to Xerxes.

"I need your phone slut." Xerxes said sternly with his hand held out.

"You already have my clothes." Marie said opening her purse. "Do you want the keys to my motorcycle as well?"

Xerxes stood naked with his hard penis protruding, he didn't get her joke, but he did take her phone. He handed it over to the brown haired woman.

"Whore." He started to say. "This video better be hot or you'll regret it!"

The skinny woman gave a fake smile then turned the side-ways. This was followed up by a thumbs up when she was ready.

Marie wasn't sure what was going to happen next, she'd had smaller gangbangs, and attended an orgy or two. She assumed that the men would line up and take turns with her on the bed?

Suddenly without warning they all rushed at her! Marie screamed at the top of her lungs in astonishment and delight!

All six men grabbed at her with large hand, then lifted at the same time. Each man had a limb, and what seemed out of the corner of her eye was Xerxes who cradled her head. They all looked down at her with hungry eyes and held her with strong hands.

When they set her on the bed Marie was certain that she came at least once whilst they carried her. She lay on her back bewildered at what was happening, she also noticed the chain that had been attached to her collar.

'These men are serious.' Marie thought to herself.

Xerxes stood before her wearing nothing but his silver Star of David and an erection. His hands were on his hips, and it looked as if he were holding something.

"We are going to breed you tonight!" The dark brown man stated.

Marie almost chuckled, her child-bearing years were long past her. He then thrust a phone at her... it wasn't hers.

"You better tell your husband not to wait up." He commanded.

"Bonjour? Gaston?" Marie said into the phone.

Xerxes climbed on top of her as a voice came thru the other side.

"Marie!" Said an obviously fake voice. "Where are you?"

Xerxes pushed his cock into her roughly, even with all the pussy licking she wasn't ready for such a large penis.

"Marie!" Shouted the voice. "What are you doing!"

It wasn't her husband, the person on the other line was trying his hardest to replicate a nerdy, feeble, and worried white man.

"Honey, I'm going... ah!" She shouted as she came. "to be late!"

"Why are breathing so heavy!" The high pitched voice demanded. "What is going on!"

Xerxes didn't let up, he fucked her harder and faster, her pussy started to produce the lubricants it needed, but it was a moment too late, she knew she'd be icing her lady bits tomorrow!

Amid the fucking Marie strove to figure out the voice, looking around she saw a crowd of blackmen staring down at her, and one white girl holding a phone. She counted the men and after several attempts, she discovered was one missing!

"Marie!" Exclaimed the man. "What is all that noise!"

Marie finally recognized the voice! It was Wanya, the fussy and reluctant one! He had disguised his Barclay Island accent and was imitating what he thought her husband would sound like. He was cute, but way off!

"They are breeding me!" Marie cried out in one breath.

"What!" Said the man in return.

"They are all going to fu... do me!" Marie shouted into the phone.

"Who is?!?" Demanded the man.

Marie could hear her own breathing through the phone Wanya was close, but she couldn't see him. What she felt was Xerxes' penis growing inside her! He was going to cum!

Xerxes grabbed the phone and yelled into it. "She busy, and don't bother with Plan B! It's happening!"

With those words uttered Marie could feel her vagina clamping down tightly onto Xerxes manhood. It was a powerful fantasy, so powerful that came at the same time as him.

"Uuuugggghhhh!!" Grunted Xerxes.

He didn't stay on top of her very long, with a kiss on her lips he climbed off her. A long string of cum ran from the tip of his manhood back between her legs.

Xerxes held her chain as he got off the bed. Wordless the next man got up, it was Bass with his clothes now off, he was so black all over that it reminded Marie of an eggplant.

He grabbed her roughly as he set her on all-fours, she didn't fight it, but rather seemed to have figured out why so many men texted her eggplant emoji's all the time.

She forgot to look at his penis, but once he pushed it in she new it well enough! He grabbed her hips tightly like he did earlier. She wanted to ask him if he'd eat her out, but as he picked up speed she decided to keep such thoughts to herself.

Marie felt uncomfortable up on all fours, it wasn't the intense stares, the phone call, or the recording. It was her large breasts swinging as Bass fucked her from behind.

Each time she tried to lay her upper torso down on the bed Xerxes would snap her chain and give a stern look.

'A sore vagina, raw hips and now my tits!' Thought Marie.

"Yyyyaaaa!!" Cried out Bass as he unloaded his seed into Marie's womb.

After two men, she was startled at how fast they were cumming! She never really understood gangbang dynamics, but assumed it was because they were all in their 20's.

Bass withdrew quickly to rejoin the crowd. Marie sighed in relief during the brief break. When Xerxes snapped her chain she was ready, but not sure for what.

When he snapped it a subsequent time she finally noticed the chubby chocolate brown man lying next to her on the bed. His penis was the shortest of the group, and the thickest by far!

Marie gulped at his tree stump of a cock! She had no idea how she'd make it work!

"Get moving slut!" Ordered Xerxes.

Marie decided to give it a try, she had after all pushed out several children, this would be the same... only in reverse.

Once astride her new partner Marie assume it was all the semen oozing out of her that made it work! He was incredibly thick, but it fit!

The only time she had any trouble was when she rode too fast and slid off his stump of a penis. Marie resolved this by grinding more, which worked very well for her and led to many mini-orgasms.

When she judged that it was time for him to cum she was startled by a sound on the bed! Looking over she spotted the other chocolate brown man approaching the bed.

His penis was truly the longest in her history of cocks! It was also the most narrowest or least amount of girth. Marie wondered if his small penis head would appear from her mouth!

Marie was certain that this second ebony would not fit in her petite vagina! She was barely over five feet tall! She's even had men with small appendages had left her with bladder infections!

When Marie stopped riding the man below her, he took that as his cue to grab her breasts which he had neglected before. She love the sensation of her tits being sucked upon.

The second man held his hilariously long chocolate rod at Marie's entrance. She was thankful that he wasn't going to spear her anus!

When his helmet touched her own, Marie came instantly! She was so eager to have them both fucking her that she had become hyper-sensitive

As he pushed she shut her eyes, she prayed that the lubrication of multiple creampies was sufficient to allow him entrance into her!

As he pushed she was surprised that her vagina had dilated enough accept him. She looked over at Xerxes who held her chain as if it were St Peter's keys. There was no expression in either his face or eyes.

Someone else held the phone, recording it all. The brunette haired woman was back on her knees eagerly preparing the next man.

The man behind her was now fully inside her. Marie shook with orgasmic pleasure! She could no longer control her body, these two men had hijacked the part of her brain that regulates the release of endorphins.

It was apparent that these two men had done this before, they both started alternating in their pumps and thrusts. Marie was still a scatter-brain, she didn't know whether to scream or moan! In the end she made bizarre noises much like that teacher who became aroused by the smell of dirty socks.

Marie had not felt this full since her last pregnancy when she went for an ultrasound. Unlike then she didn't have an exploding bladder, but rather a sensation like a balloon full of water.

The tall and lean man behind her griped her hips and fucked as fast as he could. Below her the other chubbier man rotated between breasts, suckling, massaging and teasing. The neglected breast was always squeezed by a big meaty hand.

Marie wished this moment would last forever! These two men knew how to supply her with constant orgasms, there was no way to count them as they followed one after another.

"Yyyyoooo!!" Cried out the man on top.

"Ffffuuuucccckkkk!!" Roared the man below into her cleavage.

Marie remained on all fours as she was pumped with cum from two different men at the same time! She didn't know where it would all go! She half-expected it to spurt out of her ears!

When the two men were spent they froze suddenly! Marie felt weirded out, she wanted them to keep going! Xerxes however had other plans, he snapped the chain and barked a quick command to Marie. With a heavy heart she crawled out from the two chocolate coloured men.

Xerxes was aggressive this time in his directions to Marie, she had no clue where he wanted her until she had climbed off the bed and was bent over the side. Behind her appeared the charcoal black Wanya.