Skanked - The Beginning Maria's Story

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A young lesbian dom takes control of a married family friend.
17.9k words

Part 2 of the 12 part series

Updated 12/31/2023
Created 09/09/2021
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This story series depicts the awakening of repressed sexual desires in a respected professional woman at the hands of a rebellious, undisciplined Gen Z'er. It is told from the perspective of both main characters giving us each one's perspective.

This is the second chapter in the series and shows the perspective of the rebellious young Dom. The story depicts non-consent, reluctance and humiliation as Dr. Samantha Kaplan-Donovan is shown what she really needs. If this is offensive to you, please find another story. If you read on, please enjoy and comments are always welcome.

Maria Quinones' story: The Beginning

My name is Maria Quinones, and I just had the most incredible yet terrifying night of my life and have to share my story.

First a little background. I am 22 years old and the daughter of two hard working parents that built a family pharmacy from basically nothing which has supported the family for over 35 years. We live in Plainfield Illinois where I have lived my whole life.

My Poppy passed when I was ten and I was his princess. Don't get me wrong, he was not perfect. He had high expectations of me and even as a young child I felt pressure to live up to his expectations. But one thing was clear and is still today, he did it all for my mama and me and we were the center of his universe.

When he died suddenly of a heart attack, I was devastated. My mama did her best to support and comfort me, but I was inconsolable and let my anger at the world get the better of me. Mama struggled but never let me see just how much. She had let my father handle much of the business duties and had to learn all of them on her own.

She figured it all out and kept us going and I will be forever grateful for that. Looking back, I wished she had been a little less focused on the pharmacy and a little more on fun once in a while. I did not do well dealing with the pressure of living up to her expectations. But, thinking about it today, I put a lot of pressure on myself.

Our pharmacist and longtime family friend Dr Samantha Kaplan-Donovan really helped me see that recently. Because of her, my relationship with mama is the best it's ever been. Our parents were best friends and Sam, was like a big sister to me growing up.

Sometimes I feel like she's the daughter my mama always wanted. She was a straight A student, worked in the pharmacy from age 15 on except when she went away to pharmacy school. Even then she worked summers at the pharmacy. The day after she graduated, she started as the pharmacist at the store.

She's worked for mamma full time even though the pay sucks and has to work part time at Walmart to make up for it. I've quit the pharmacy three times and thanks to Sam have been back at the store for eight months. Mom is teaching me the business and It's been great. Mainly since I haven't done anything to blow it up. Hopefully, what happened tonight won't be the bomb this time.

Before I get to that, let me finish the background. Samantha, though seven years older, did her best to be the big sis I never had and I in turn was the sister she never had. She had two older brothers, so I was a welcome change of pace.

When I hit the teen years, I grew to resent her and the relationship she had with mom. The bottom of both relationships fell out when her parents died. I was 18 and it felt like she was stealing mamma and I resented them both for it.

Looking back on it, I was being petty and insecure, and a few rough years followed. The anger from the loss of my Poppy carried with me for far too long.

I loved Sam's parents too, but selfishly, I became crazy jealous, when mamma became her surrogate mom. I got accepted on an athletic scholarship for soccer to Calumet College in Indiana and jumped at the opportunity to get away. Not to mention my boyfriend at the time was going there.

Unfortunately, I became much more interested in partying, piercing and tattoos than soccer and studying. I never picked a major and quit after one year. Kicked out is more truthful.

My roommate was the soccer team's number one forward and living with her taught me that I preferred women to men, which didn't work out too well either. She's now married to the afore mentioned boyfriend. So, I lost them both!

From there, the downward spiral continued, I moved back home and still live with mamma. She continues to be supportive and not too demanding which makes me feel guilty and that makes me mad, and I resent her more. And that was the vicious cycle in my head. Fear of failure, anger, acting out, forgiveness, guilt, resentment and repeat. Add to the emotional shit pile that I'm gay, another potential disappointment for Mama, and life just smelt great!

When I returned home, I took a waitress job at a restaurant bar and when I turned 21, moved to the to the bar full time. It is so much easier to get tips when you're pushin' drinks. I love the sound of the tip bell. Free drinks for me are a good fucking deal too.

It just seemed best for me to stay away from the pharmacy. Mama and I seemed to find a neutral balance. I lived downstairs, paid some rent, and did my own thing, no pressure to be the golden child and savior of the dwindling family legacy. She had Samantha for that. When I wasn't working, I hit the gay bars or hooked up with a "friend" and stayed at their place. The universe was in balance.

Then one day Samantha asked me to lunch, and my perspective changed. We ate at the diner down the block from the pharmacy. She was dressed elegantly as usual. She wore a navy pants suit and matching blazer with a white scoop neck blouse. It was tight fitting as usual, highlighting her 36 double fucking D's.

If you haven't noticed, I'm jealous of Sam. She is super tall, blue/green eyes with the thickest light brown hair I've ever seen. It hangs halfway down her back, and she had it in a braid revealing her long kissable neck.

You may have guessed I have some issues with my surrogate sister that Mama would not approve of either. After realizing I officially prefer women, it brought the past into focus.

In hindsight, when I was 17, Mama and I went on a boat with Sam, and I saw her in a bikini for the first time; I understand now why I was so agitated that day. It was a red string bikini that popped against her tanned super model bod. I was instantly envious and suddenly embarrassed at how I looked compared to her.

I had a white high waisted bikini and padded top. The day before I tried it on and looked at myself in the mirror. I thought, "I look good!" I spent too much time admiring myself but, I really did feel sexy.

I'm 5' 1" 108 lbs., not fat, but healthy. My thighs are thick but toned, my butt is average, and tit's are small, but I have never had any complaints. My face is round and seems fat to me and I can never find a hair style I like. My lips are full and sometimes seem too big for my face. But that day I felt good about how I looked.

Then I saw Sam, and I went from sexy to short and puffy in an instant. She is 5' 9" tall, probably 125 lbs. with 10lb. tits. Her top barely covered half her bimbo boobs as I came to call them out of jealousy. Her stomach was toned but feminine, with a sexy curve when you looked from the side.

When she turned and I saw her ass, my jaw nearly dropped. It was round and wide but perky firm. Half of each cheek hung out and there was a smiley face crease under each cheek. Today I understand why I couldn't stop staring. I wanted her! Back then, I didn't understand that, and it manifested as pure jealously and frustration.

Her hair was ponytailed and when I saw her from behind, my jealousy (lust) grew stronger. Her neck and shoulders were mesmerizing. Her body tapered in from her shoulders down before rolling out for that amazing ass. Her legs were long thin and shapely. I could not stop staring at her that day.

That was when I first noticed how thick her hair was and of course even that made me jealous. Also, with her hair pulled back, I notice her face was perfectly symmetrical. Her nose was narrow and petite, cheek bones high while my nose is round like my face. So, all day long my insecurities grew, along with my frustrations. It's clear now, my frustration was the result of being excited by her without realizing it.

I hardly notice anything about the boat that day except it was really fucking big. It was owned by CEO of a pharmaceutical company who later went on to become Sam's husband, even though he's old enough to be her father. I would have married her too after seeing that body. I do remember thinking the old guy must have a small dick if he needs a boat that big. The boat was way too fucking big for the lake, but I guess if you're rich the rules don't apply.

About a year later she sold herself out to Edmond "Daddy Warbucks" Donovan and got married. After that she became a snooty bitch, and I did my best to avoid her. I did have to go with Mama to dinner twice a month, so I still got a steady dose of Ms. Perfect.

Ok then, back to the lunch. I sat across from her, and her perfume sent a rush through me, her blue/green eyes seemed to penetrate me and her subtly thin lips begged for a kiss. We made a little small talk, but I could tell she wanted to say something.

While I could sense her thinking what to say, I notice her eyes seemed to light up looking at my face. For some reason, I sensed she was looking at me longingly. I thought, it was probably my imagination after picturing that body in my head and the nasty thoughts that came with it.

Then her tone shifted, and she started asking about my job and what opportunities to advance there might be, blah, blah. I could hear Mama's voice asking.

"Did Mama send you to check up on me?" I asked getting pissed.

"No, she doesn't know I'm here. I'm curious if you even care about inheriting the business. I know your mom would love to see you take over someday, but neither of us know if you are even interested." She looked at me seriously.

"Fuck! Is she Sick?"

"No, no, she's just thinking about the future and wants you to be provided for if anything ever did happen..."

"You're trying to take it aren't you?" I barked, not sure why.

I reacted more out of fear than anything else. Fear of failure. I just did not want to fuck up Poppy and Mama's dream. I wasn't sure I had the drive to keep it going successfully on my own.

"Think about it Maria. I have all I would ever need. Why would I want to steal your parent's business from you? I love you like a sister and your Mama like my own. I only want what's best for you." She said with the kindest eyes.

I started to tear up and she took my hand in both of hers. I tried to pull away, but she held on.

I just let it out to Sam, about how I felt like I wasn't good enough and didn't want to disappoint Mama. So, instead I lash out and avoid all of it. I vented all my fears of being a general fuck up.

The rest of lunch she assured me if I took it over, she would stay on and help me until I threw her out and she would never move out of the area. She would learn the business with me, and she would stay till the end.

I was not sure I believed her, but I left lunch agreeing to talk to Mama that night. I held onto her hand for the rest of lunch, thinking how great it felt in my hand, warm and soft. We ended the lunch feeling happy. As we walked out, she hounded me about talking to Mama that night.

"Lighten up Sammie, you're gonna be working for me someday, remember that." I joked.

It had to look silly if someone saw us. I had a choppy bob with bangs, multiple piercings, (lip, eyebrow, nose, tongue. 5 piercings per ear), ripped jeans and half buttoned long sleeve flannel, telling the tall Dr. she would work for me some day.

"Got it Boss, but don't call me Sammie!" She joked.

That night I talked to Mama and started work at the Pharmacy the following Monday.

I thought about the "uniform" for the pharmacy. Khakis a dark polo and the grey smock. Never have been a conformer and did not want to start now. I did wear new jeans and buttoned my shirt!

Mama was so happy that day and gave me a huge hug in front of the customers.

"Maria Sweetheart, I'm so happy you're here. Do you want the register this morning? You can do whatever you feel like." She smiled with her hands squeezing my shoulders.

"The register is fine, Thanks. Maybe some time, you can teach me the inventory system and product ordering and I can help you with that?"

"Yes, that's wonderful Sweetheart. Ms. Johnson is ready." She said nodding to the register.

She practically skipped down the aisle. Her and Sam were all smiles and chatty all day long. They would talk and look at me with smiles and wave. It was pathetic, but I loved it.

Later, when Mama stepped out, Sam came over to me.

"It's so good to see you back in the store. Your mom is so happy." She smiled.

"Thank you for helping make it happen. I had such a fear of not living up to Mama's expectations, I sabotaged our relationship before it could happen. I really need to break that pattern of behavior." I confessed

"I understand, it can be a lot of pressure trying to live up to parental expectations. We both were born to remarkable parents."

"I'm so sorry about your parents. They were so encouraging after Poppy died. I can't imagine losing both parents. Losing an aunt and uncle was hard enough. They were always closer to me than my bio aunts and uncles." I said touching her arm

She began to cry. "God, I miss them."

I gave her a hug. She smelled heavenly and with our height difference I got a close encounter with her amazing bimbo boobs.

"Me too," I said sniffling softly. "OK, enough sniveling, I need to get back to work.

"You know, now that you're management, you might want to refamiliarize yourself with the dress code your mom and Poppy put in place." She said out of nowhere. It pissed me off of course. We were having a moment and she slaps me with her prissy judgy shit.

"OMG, are you trying to turn me into you. If you haven't noticed, I don't have a porn bimbo, super model body, perfect tit's and Scarlett Johansson ass." I said agitated.

"Hold on minute. Where did that come from? I'm just sayin'. Other employees are required to wear Kakis or a skirt. If you're gonna run this place, it's probably good to lead by example."

"Kind of hard to follow your example, I don't have a 10K a month closing allowance." I clapped back.

"I'm sorry, Maria, I forget how lucky I am. It was not my intent to flaunt my position. I was just trying to help." She said, looking afraid.

"Do you even know how condescending that sounds? Luck, really? Marrying someone twenty years older for money, so you can live in the biggest house on the lake, wear the best clothes and drive the best fucking car in the fucking parking lot. Is that luck or is that prostitution?" I said and stomped my way back to the counter.

A customer came in and as I took a breath, I realized how much I overreacted. When the customer left, I went back to talk to her.

"I am such a fucking bitch, I'm so sorry. That was completely uncalled for. I'm just jealous and lashing out. You've done so much for Mama and me. Anybody else would have moved on years ago. Can you please, please forgive me Sam?"

She looked at me and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry too. Sometimes I don't think before I talk. I was not trying... I'm gonna leave it at that. Of course, I forgive you. See you tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'm opening tomorrow." I replied calmly.

See you bright and early." She smiled warmly.

"So do you really think, I've got a Scarlett Johansson ass," She rubbed it and looked over her shoulder at it. I wished that was my hand rubbing her and had to snap myself out of that thought pattern.

"Scarlet wishes she had your ass, Samantha." I smiled trying not to show my sinful thoughts.

The next day, I did wear the uniform, even the ugly grey smock. The next few months were good. I learned the inventory management system and purchase order entry rules and had taken it over, with some oversite at the end of the month from Mama.

Then Sam hosted a small gathering for Mama's Birthday. Edmond was out of town, and we had a few friends along with, Mama, Sam and me. I was handling the drinks and Sam "helped" serve the food. As much as I resented that she had a housekeeping staff. I had to admit, she did not treat them like help or flaunt it.

I introduced Sam to Long Island iced tea that evening, and though I warned her they fooled you with their taste but packed a big fucking punch, she kept asking for more. I never saw her drunk before, but she was full blown, falling down, sloppy drunk.

If I'm honest, letting her drink seven of them didn't help. I thought about cutting her off, but I did not. I wanted to see just how blasted she could get.

She had been sitting poolside for the last two drinks and when she tried to stand up, it hit her and me, just how blasted she was. Needless to say, she sat back down quickly, or I could say, fell back down.

The party was wrapping up and I agreed to stay and take care of her. Mama would open the store and cover it till we made it in. If we made it in. The staff went home, and we managed to keep her in the chair as the guests departed, then Mama left too.

I sat next to her trying not to laugh watching her head wobble when she talked. Here eye's looked like she'd been smoking weed all night.

"I jusht luff you, Maria. She slurred big time. Thwank you for stlaying wiff me shweetie." She was looking for her drink. "Where'd I put..."

I dumped it even though there was over half left. She was toast and I just needed to get her to bed. If she laid still for two minutes that would have been the end of her until the rude awakening the next morning.

"Sam Honey, you don't need any more tea. Can I get you an ice water?"

"Ok" she said

"Please stay right there, don't try to get up." I said and hurried for the water.

When I came back, she was sitting up sideways on the lounge chair. She took a few drinks of water. And said, "Les go for a shwim."

"I didn't bring a swimsuit Sam, and I think you should sleep it off Honey," I said trying to distract her.

"I'm not tired and who needs a shwim shuit?" She kicked off her pumps and pulled her sundress up over here head and tossed it.

She staggered as she tossed the dress but kept her balance. Then she popped her bra and her breasts, rolled side to side as she swayed. I moved toward her hoping to stop her, but she was already taking off her panties.

Stunned by the sight of her naked ass, I stopped and watched. When she stood up, I was awed by her naked body. When she playfully looked at me and asked if I was coming, I reacted without thinking and undressed too. Sam dove in and taunted me to join her.

I quickly jumped in and felt no shock. The pool temp was like a warm bath. Nevertheless, it did seem to sober her up a little. When I moved close to her, she spun to the side, leaned against the side of the pool and rested her head on the edge.

I was disappointed that flash of flirtation was not what I had hoped. But we did have a very revealing conversation about her life and marriage.

"Isn't this relaxing?" she sighed. "Everything is just so perfect, isn't it?"

"Sounds like, NOT!" I said hearing her sarcasm.

"He's gone so much and when he comes home, he doesn't act like he missed me much." She sounded like she was gonna cry, so I leaned on the side of the pool next to her.

"He is a CEO Sam, travel's part of the deal." I said not sure why I felt like I had to defend him.

"You're probably right, I should be grateful, but a girl has needs." She almost whined.

I couldn't help but ask. "How often do you have sex?"

She hesitated, looked at me and then toward the sky. "Once a month, maybe, if he's home." She sniffed, crying.