Sketching Sophie


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"I'm lying here with my pyjamas open, breasts bare to the cold air, wishing you were here with me."

"Oh god."

"Yeah, you like that image, don't you..."

"Uh huh..."

"Touch yourself."

And so, unable to resist her any longer, I slipped a finger down under my jeans, moaning at the sensations it sent over my skin.

"Oh god, Sophie," I panted.

"That sounds excruciating," she purred. "Aching. Desperate."

I whimpered assent as I stroked a finger over my clit.

"Christ, Kay, I wish I was there," Sophie groaned. "I'd play you like an instrument, kiss you until you saw stars..."

"Is this what... it's supposed to be like?"

"Mostly, for me," she whispered. "Though... your voice is doing all sorts of... things to... me... oh, oh, oh god..."

And then I lay there, flushing fiercely, as I listened to Sophie whimpering through what I guessed was an orgasm.

"Oh, fuck me," she whispered eventually. "Oh fuck, that was special."

I lay, aching, listening to her breathing. Then she sighed, a long, languid, throaty groan.

"Now you're stuck with me," she said softly. "Now that I know what your voice does to me, I'm going to be all over you."

"I'm a mess."

"Maybe, but you're my mess."

"Promise?" I whispered, closing my eyes.

"Oh, pumpkin, if only you knew how much..."



"Yep?" she answered through her door.

"Is it ok if I take a bath?"

"All good, Kay, I'm done for the evening."

"Ok, thanks. Sleep well."

"You too."

I collected my small box of toiletries from my room, and locked the bathroom door behind me. Then I turned on the tap, and stripped while I waited for the bath to fill to a decent but not ridiculous depth. I felt my matted, soaked pubic hair, and shivered at the tremor that ran through my legs when I touched my still-sensitive clitoris.

I picked up my razor and body wash and climbed into the bath.

It had been a while since I'd shaven my legs. I looked ruefully at them, and set to work, slowly paring them back to smoothness. Then I looked down at my straggly bush, and paused, thinking. I'd never felt the need to be bare, but my hair had been so matted, so grim after that phone call with Sophie, that I wanted it gone. So I worked slowly, methodically, freeing myself of it and gathering the remains into a ball to flush.

And then I stood, rinsed myself with the shower head, and climbed out. I rinsed the bath, cleaned up the bathroom and slunk back to my room, where, heart pounding at the unaccustomed adventurousness, I spread my legs and used my Samsung to view myself, inspecting my mons and lips closely for any patches of remaining hair or stubble.

My lips stood smooth and pink, framed in the vee of my thighs, still moist, my inner lips and entrance visibly glistening in the cellphone's light as I parted myself with the fingers of my left hand. I looked trim and neat and nicely proportioned in my opinion. I fought down the briefest urge to touch myself, to stroke a finger down and around myself, into myself...

But I was hers now, and I wanted her to have me first.

I hoped she'd like me.


I woke, languid and happy - a rarity for me. Strange, erotic dreams had chased themselves around my head - one vivid one remained, of me using Sophie as a canvas to reproduce Starry Night - her breast a star, the line of her belly transected by dark conifers.

I stood, opened my curtains, bathing my room with soft natural light - a sunny Sunday morning; good light for working. I settled myself at my easel, and went to work on my portrait of her, neatening up the lines, working the golden highlights into her hair, adding the warm undertones to her skin, and then capturing the soft lighting of the room behind her.

Morning became midday as I worked, massaged, eased this great work through its gestation.

My phone rang, and I put down my brush, knowing I needed to take a break.

"Hello, Soph."

"You've been ignoring my messages. Sad. So sad. Poor me."

"I was painting," I said softly. "It's a lovely morning for it... and I was inspired."

"Mm. I forgive you," she laughed softly. "Have you eaten, pumpkin?"


"Lunch, silly."

I looked at the time. "Oh wow. No, I haven't."

"Shall I bring something?"

I smiled to myself. "You know what, that would be wonderful."

"See you now then. Mwa."

I sat up, stretched. I dug a worn sports bra out of my laundry hamper and pulled it on, then rummaged for a base layer top and some leggings. I pulled some fluffy yoga socks over my feet, and spent a few minutes tidying the room, trying to hide or at least disguise my normal heedless squalor. The doorbell rang, and I hurried downstairs to open it.

"Ding dong," Sophie said, smiling up at me. "I come bearing gifts. Hope you don't mind, I also brought my craptop."

"Your what?"

"Craptop. Crappy laptop. I thought I'd maybe spend some time writing... if you're comfortable with me in your space, that is?"

"Of course. Come in," I added, shuffling aside to permit her to squeeze past me.

"I like the outfit," she said in passing. "Very, very nice," she leered. "Does wonderful things for that delectable bum of yours."

I smiled. "I was aiming for chalet chiq, whatever that is."

"You hit chalet chick," she said, grinning over her shoulder at me as she kicked off her boots. She hung up her coat, then turned, looking up at me. "I always seem to forget how tall you are," she breathed softly. "Love it," she added, stepping in for a hug. I returned the squeeze, stupidly pleased by the gentle compliments.

"I brought stuff to scavenge, and some wine."


"Uh huh. I work best with a bit of booze in me; eases the creative flow. Such as mine is," she said, with a lopsided grin. "Do you have any wineglasses, or are we going to have to slum it?"

"I have some, but they're old and mismatched..."

"I suppose I can lower my standards for one day," she chuckled. "Here, pour us a glass, and then lets head for your cave."

"My tower. I have light of sorts."

She laughed softly at me, and followed me upstairs, carrying the assortment of olives, bruschetta and cold meat she'd clearly pillaged from her home. I kicked open the door, held it open for her with my hip as she stepped through, then nudged it closed behind me.

"I like your room," she said, as she put her tray down. "Light, airy... oh..."

She stared at the painting.

"Oh my god," she breathed. "Kay... is this... me?"

"Yeah. From the other night," I said softly. "It's not finished yet."

"Jesus Christ, Kay," she said, moving closer to it. "You did this from memory? Seriously?"

"Uh huh."

"Wow... I..."


She shook her head, brushed at an eye, and gave me a bright smile. "I don't have the words. It's beautiful," she said, stepping forward and up onto her toes to kiss me. "Thank you."

"I'm going to work some more on it while I'm in the groove, if you don't mind..."

"Never apologise for being you. I'll sit here and admire you."

And she did, a small smile ever-present on her lips.


"Oh god, I need to take a break," I groaned, sitting up after a long period of intense detailing.

Late afternoon light slanted in through my window, lighting Sophie as she lay on her side, reading. She glanced up at me. "You ok?"

"No," I whimpered. "Fuck sakes, I knew this was going to happen, but I was too in the moment and didn't want to stop."

"What's going on?"

"My back. Shoulders go into spasm if I don't move enough. Ow, fuck," I whimpered, "there it goes. Shit."

"Come here. Come lie down. I'll try to work it out."

She scooted over, and I stumbled over to the bed, lowering myself painfully onto my belly. "Where is it, Kay?"

"Left shoulder, between my shoulder blade and my spine, then up to my collarbone. You'll probably be able to see it, the muscle locks like a metal bar..."

"This one?"

"Yes... oh, yes, that's the fucker right there."

"Ok." She swung a leg over me, and settled down on my lower back. "I'm going to have to use my weight, pumpkin. This will probably hurt."

"Just make it stoooohFUCK CUNT SHIT JESUS..."

I buried my head in my pillow, biting hard on my lip, while Sophie leaned on me, first with the palm of her hand, then with her elbow.

"Oh... oh fuck that's so sore..."

"My mum gets something similar," she said conversationally as she brutalised me. "This is sometimes all that works."

"Oh fuck me..."

"Maybe later."

I laughed then, quietly, some weird reflex caused by the extreme discomfort, and Sophie joined in after a while. Slowly the muscle eased, slowly I relaxed. Sophie switched to merely gently massaging me, while I lay there in a partial, drooling catatonia.

"This is so nice," I managed after a while.

"You should take your scandalously tight top off, then it will feel even better," she teased.

"Ok," I breathed, after a moment's hesitation. "Help me..."

"Um... really?"

"Uh huh. Scoot off my bum a bit."

Sophie lifted herself, and I arched my back as I stripped off my base layer top. Then I reached for my bra, and pulled it up and off me, flinging it aside.

"Kay..." Sophie said softly. "You don't need to do that..."

"It was pinching me," I replied as quietly, as I lay down once more.

She was silent for a moment.

"Every time I look to up the ante, you go and pull the rug out from under me," she said, a strange note in her voice. "Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?"


"It's... how I've been thinking of you," she whispered.

"I... really like that title." I reached back, found her leg, squeezed it gently. "I like how you make me feel. How everything glows when you're around. I've come to... depend on it. On you..."

She gently, hesitantly set her hands to my back, and I stretched out, whimpering in pleasure as she started to gently massage me again.

Then she leaned forward, and I could hear the quivering breath she let out as she laid her cheek on the small of my back. I shivered as she exhaled over me, and closed my eyes, trying to fix this moment forever.

"Kay?" she breathed, after some time.


"Does your door lock?"

"Yes. Key's hanging on the coat-hook."

She climbed off me, and I rolled onto my side, watching her as she locked the door. She stripped out of her jumper and the thin cotton vest under it, then stood, somewhat shyly, as she touched her turquoise lace bra.

"Do you want me to take this off?"

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. She reached down to her sternum, and unclipped the two halves, shrugging out of it and casting it aside. She came back to the bed, her small high breasts with their small erect nipples jiggling slightly with every step, and I flushed guiltily as I watched her.

"Like the view?" she breathed into my ear.

"Uh huh."

"Mm. Good. So do I" She leaned forward, pulled me against her, letting me feel her, before she lay down next to me, head pillowed on an arm, smiling that small smile.

"You're good for my ego," she said softly.

"You're good for my soul."

She leaned in to me, and I closed my eyes as she kissed me and gathered me to her.

And then she moved slightly, and I felt her fingers on my left breast, and my toes curled in on themselves as I arched my back and groaned.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy getting to know you," she breathed.

I whimpered assent, and then froze as she planted the softest of kisses on my neck.

"Kay," she breathed.

"Uh huh..."

"You need to tell me if anything I do is too much, too quick, too soon..."

"Please... just don't stop..."

She trailed a finger over my nipple, and I felt goosebumps crawl up my back.

"I'm going to cover us with a blanket," she said, matter-of-fact, "because very soon I'm going to have a powerful need to be naked, and as hot as you're making me I'm still going to get cold."

She pulled my fleece over us, and then nuzzled up against me, gathering me against her once more. "You have such a lovely body," she whispered. "I wish I was a sculptor so I could capture this." Her fingers trailed over the globe of my breast, down over my ribs, to my hip, and she pulled me to her as another shudder ran through me.

"Oh god, Sophie, your fingers are like fire on my skin..."

"You, pumpkin, have what sounds like a long span of years worth of stored up frustration."

"You're causing it," I quavered. "Your scent, your voice, the sound of you, the sensation of you... oh god, you're doing my head in..."

She leaned in, kissed me again, groaned as she pulled her breasts against me. "You can touch me," she moaned. "Please, touch me."

"I don't know what to do..."

"Here," she whispered, as she took my hand and placed it against her small, perfect breast. "Touch me gently," she said, and I moaned as I felt her, cupped her, her nipple hard against the skin of my palm. She whimpered, a quiet "Oh," as I gently took her nipple in my fingers and squeezed it. "Like that," she said. "That's great." She pushed me over onto my back, and held herself up on an elbow, granting me access to her. Her hair had escaped her hairband, and it fell in golden cascades down over the slight freckling of her shoulders. Her nipples, pinker than mine, stood out against her fair skin, and when she noticed me staring at them she smiled and lifted herself more. "Tongue them," she breathed. "I'd love you to tongue them..."

Gently, hesitantly, I leaned towards her, nuzzled her, took one in my mouth, held it gently, running the tip of my tongue over it. She hissed out a breath. "Oh, oh, that's nice," she breathed, and I felt her hand on my own nipples, teasing me in sympathy with what I did to her. Then I felt her fingers crawling down over my belly, to the waistband of my leggings... and under.

"Soph," I whispered.

"Too much?"

"Just... I've... "

"Ok, slowing down," she breathed. "Forgot, sorry, you're just making me so hot it's so hard to be good right now..."

"I don't know what I'm feeling. Never felt this before. Not even last night."

"It's nerves, pumpkin. Nerves and need, probably, given how you're flushing and panting when I touch you..."

"You make my body ache. My belly... it feels like there's a hollow in it, like I can't catch my breath at all..."

"Mm." She leaned forward, kissed my nipple, my breast, my cheek. "I'm going to strip, Kay."

"Oh god..."

"You don't have to touch, or look, if you're not ready. But I'm wetter than the Titanic right now so unless I want to walk home with a massive damp spot I need to get these jeans off me immediately."

I snorted, then laughed, dizzy, and she grinned down at me as she fumbled at her buttons. "Make room," she breathed, and she flopped onto her back and wriggled free, kicking jeans and panties off the bed in contempt.

Then she lay still, flushed, almost shy, waiting as I levered myself up to look, to admire her.

"Do you like it?" she breathed, after a long silence.

"You're beautiful..."

She shivered, swallowed. "You will probably never really understand how important that was to me."

"Can I... see... you?"

"You mean... my pussy?"

"I've... never really... apart from mine."

She nodded, spreading her legs slightly, then further as I hesitantly moved down. She reached down, trailed a finger along herself, and let out a shuddering sigh. Then she slowly spread her lips, exposing herself, her sparse, golden hair serving more as a punctuation mark than any cover. I could see how wet she was, her lips, her inner lips glistened, and if she was even remotely as aroused as I was then her self-deprecatory joke had not been far from the mark.

She reached out, gently took my unresisting hand, guided me down to her.

"Oh... oh god," I quavered, and she moaned in sympathy as I parted her with a shaking fingertip.

"Slowly... slick it up... then stroke it around the base of my... clit," she whispered. "Uhn... yes... just like that... oh, oh fuck you have no idea... just no idea..."

She pulled me down to her, tangled her hand in my hair, kissed me, and I felt as she started to wriggle, to writhe against me as I stroked her. "Oh, oh, don't stop, don't stop," she panted into my ear, pulling my head down against her breasts. I could hear my heart thumping, my pulse pounding in my ears, a deep-seated need to hold her, pleasure her overriding all my normal reserve. I curled my finger over, felt for her, felt her give around it, felt rather than heard the way she arched her back and whimpered as I started to slide my fingertip in and out of her vagina, slicking it and her engorged clit, teasing her, aching in sympathy, clamping my legs together as need built and built within me.

"Kay... Kay... oh... oh... oh..."

And then she paused. I felt her stiffen, felt her arms lock around me as she crushed me down against her, small little grunting panted whimpers escaping her as her abdominal muscles started to spasm. I felt her vagina clench, clench, clench on me, and something made me push my finger deep into her - I needed to feel everything, sense everything as Sophie orgasmed.

"Oh... God..." she moaned, legs shaking. She flailed helplessly at me, trying to catch my hand, trying to stop me, but she couldn't, and I didn't, and it was so delightful to hold her here, feeling her, watching her, hearing her, that I didn't want to stop.

"Please... please stop... oh... please stop..." she begged eventually, and reluctantly I did. I slowly slipped my hand out of her, wiped it self-consciously on my duvet cover, and then crawled in against her, marvelling at the scent of her, at the beautiful flush on her chest, at the small, erect nipples in their beautiful areolae, at the slight sheen of sweat on her belly.


"What are you thinking?"

I sighed out a breath, opened my eyes, met her gaze.

"Just... trying to capture this forever."

"I just want to tell you that for someone who claims to have no experience, you sure know your way around a vagina."

"Beginners luck, I think," I said softly.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, as she reached out to gently touch my shoulder.

"Really, really nervous."

"It's a big thing, pumpkin. Being with someone. Lots of people try to brush it off, be glib about it. But... it makes you really vulnerable to give yourself to someone." She stared at me, then leaned forward to kiss me on the forehead. "Listen to me, Kay. I'm totally ok with going as slow as you need. If you don't want me touching you yet, that's ok. I'm ok with that."

"It's not... it's just... I'm scared."


"I'm feeling things I've never felt. This... need to be near you. I'm just really scared that... that I won't be good enough."

"Good enough?"

"For you," I whispered.

"Are you serious?"

She trailed her hand down my back, down over my bum, making me shiver. "Kay, darling, a simple smile from you is good enough for me. Everything else you give me is a magical, unexpected, undeserved bonus. I would follow you for days for the promise of a kiss. The only way," she added, squeezing me, "that you will not be good enough for me is if there's a surprise penis hiding in this delectable booty of yours."

I snorted, laughed, choked, and she joined in as she snuggled in against me. "And I don't think there is," she purred, sending me into muffled whooping hyena laughter again.

"No penis, I swear," I managed, after some time.

"Good. Can't abide sausage."

I rolled onto my side, and crawled in closer to her. "How do you make me feel this way?"

"Some of it must just be reflections of how you make me feel. Breathless. Unsteady. Silly."

"Sillier than normal, thats for certain," I breathed. "And... much more liberated." I felt for her hand, guided it downwards, slipped it and mine under my leggings.

"Are... are you sure about this?" Sophie asked shakily. "Kay?"