Slave to My Indian Maid Ch. 15

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My love for Rashida leads my maid to punish me thoroughly.
27.8k words

Part 15 of the 16 part series

Updated 02/25/2024
Created 09/29/2016
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My love for Rashida leads her to punish me thoroughly - Tarek

I know I haven't written much over the last few months. When this journey started, I wanted to write my story about my maids as a type of personal therapy. It was a creative outlet that let me recount those beautiful times and feel some closure, especially about how it would end. Yet, as I draw near the final few chapters, those incidents are tough to recount. There are memories and feelings that I had long ago buried. Such as my tryst with Rubina, and that terrible aftermath, which I had mentioned in the last episode. Yet, I must tell all if I am to achieve the closure. Before I begin this story, let me set the timeline and the context. If only so I can steady myself.

It was May of my final year as an undergrad. My final exam marks had just come in, and I had done extremely well. Remember when Rashida and Rubina had spanked me all night after I had some bad grades? Well, that must have worked.

Convocation was in June, and I was ecstatic. I was soon going to graduate with a degree in business administration, and I was ready to take over my parents' businesses in Delhi. A business that was going through some tough times, yet my father was hopeful me being there in Delhi in person could help save it. I really wanted to study further, but you must help out family. That was the plan.

It was all decided, and I was looking forward to the summer. In June, after my graduation ceremony, I would travel with my maid Rashida to her village, and stay there for some time, living with Rashida, her mother, and her sister. It took a LOT of planning and deceit to convince my family that not only would I go and stay in a village for some time, but that too Rashida's village, and in her mother's house.

The excuse that I gave to my own family was that I wanted to see and understand village life, to better understand how to start marketing the goods that we have, to a lower economic class. Rashida then 'helpfully' suggested that since I was looking for a typical Indian village, I go with her to her mother's house in her own village. My own mother finally agreed, knowing our family maid Rashida would be there to "look after me". Apparently, my mother thought I, a university business graduate, couldn't live alone in a village for a few weeks without a maid servant to 'look after me'!

So it was decided that I would stay there, in Rashida's mother's house, for a few weeks, before returning home, and then travelling to Delhi in August. Rashida herself was travelling in two weeks to visit her mother for a short time, before coming back to be with us in Calcutta. She would then return to her village with me in end of June. Then in August, when I moved to Delhi, she accompany me there as well. The Delhi apartment was still to be booked, however. My mother was quite pleased that Rashida would also be with me in Delhi to "take care of me".

I cannot tell you how many times I had cum (with my dearest Rashida's permission, of course) to the thought of living alone, 24/7, in my own apartment, in a new city, with my beautiful, beloved, buxom maid Rashida to "look after me" and "take care of me".

Those were my plans for the summer, and roughly this is how events transpired over the next few days. I will write about each event in as much detail as I can remember. It's also because if you must get to the end, you have to understand my feelings each step of the way.

One final point. Those of you who may not be familiar with how submission works, or how besotted a slave can become of his mistress, will never understand my feelings. You will wonder why I would tolerate being repeatedly spanked, slapped, caned, urinated upon, humiliated and punished by two "lower class" women - my maids. But then, you have not understood my story. It is a story of my love, for my love.

Rashida. I loved that woman, and it was becoming an obsession. A fixation for which I would end up being thoroughly punished.

Now, back to my story.

* * *

The hot air of the humid night hit my face as the yellow Ambassador taxi we were riding in stopped at a light. The car window was fully rolled down, as there was no air conditioning on this old taxi. The mugginess of the May night was apparent. I was dressed in very light trousers and a cotton shirt, and yet I felt hot. Sweaty.

I glanced to my right.

Rashida, my vivacious maid servant, was dressed in a black burkha. Her face was showing though, so it wasn't the completely covering cloth - the niqab - that some Muslim women in the city wore. And underneath, I knew she was dressed in a bright yellow sari. I knew because an hour ago I had helped my lovely maid get dressed in that sari.

"Bua." I whispered, as the car started again. "I am nervous. What if we meet someone I know?"

Rashida's reply was swift. She suddenly reached out, grabbed my right ear with her left hand and twisted. Her fingers powerfully pinched my ear lobe and gave me a sharp pull by the ear, before she gave it another painful twist. When she was done, I had a stinging right ear. It was dark in the taxi's back row, but I felt myself blushing a bright red.

"I told you, baba." Rashida replied with a slight smile, gently stroking me on the thigh, "These parties have a coordinator and I have talked with her. There is no one on the list - or I should say there is no guy on the list - that you know."

No guy on the list. I would recall that phrase later.

My ears still smarting, I mumbled a thanks. I saw a soft grin on Rashida's lips. Her hand, which was on my thigh, slowly crept up until she was palming my crotch area. She continued to stroke me, and even through the material of my pants, I felt myself getting harder.

"Baba." Rashida asked. "Did you book my train ticket for me to go visit my mother?"

"Bua." I answered. "Not yet. I will do it tomorrow, I promise."

"I have been asking you for some time." Rashida's displeasure was evident in her voice, and I got a sharp, sudden ear pull, once again. "And you keep postponing it. Better do it tomorrow."

"Yes, bua. I will, bua."

I was used to obeying my maid, and Rashida was used to me carrying out her orders immediately. Even now, in the taxi, the way she had clipped my ear, despite being my maid, and now was rubbing me, demonstrated her total dominance of me. There was no deference paid to my sense of dignity or self-respect. In the back of a taxicab, a ride that I was paying out of pocket for, my maid servant had punished me, and now was stroking over my privates while I sat there helplessly letting her molest me at will. Rashida knew, and I knew, that I was smitten by her, and I would let her do anything to me. I loved her.

I started to think where we were going on this Friday night.

Actually, let's go back twenty-four hours.

It was late last night, a Thursday night, when Rashida had told me of this party, she wanted to take me to. Like any other late Thursday nights, I was in her room.

I was standing next to her, while she was seated on the bed. I was fully naked, of course. Rashida reached out with her hand. She brushed against my balls, before wrapping her fingers around my dick. She stroked my dick a couple of times. As always, the merest touch of my maid Rashida on my body was enough to start arousing me. In fact, even the mere thought of her ...

Her hands now rested on my balls.

"Baba." Rashida asked, gently kneading my testicles. "Why are you here, naked, in my room late in the night, with your balls in my hand?"

It was a rhetorical question, but I knew I needed to answer it. As always.

"Bua," I replied. "I am here to submit to you. I am here to be punished and corrected by you."

I love you, my bua, I silently added. I love being in service to you, being your slave, and being punished by you. When you praise me after a good spanking session, it means the world to me. I will do ANY thing for you.

"Baba." Rashida continued to massage my nuts. "I have ordered you never to wear underwear in the house. Can you tell me why?"

I remembered that day very well from years ago. It was the very second time I had been punished by Rashida, when she had caught me peeking at Rubina while she was showering.

Rashida had grabbed my arm and helped push me down on her lap, over her knees. Roughly she grasped my ass cheeks, positioning me till I was centered. She then clutched the waistband of my pants and pulled it down. My underwear soon followed, dropping to my ankles. My bare butt was now high up in the air. Enjoying the sight of my naked bum on her lap at her mercy, Rashida clicked her tongue.

"From now on," Rashida commanded me, "I don't want you to wear underpants around the house, ever! Whenever I want, I should just be able to pull down your pants or pajamas down, and I should be able to see your bare bottom, so that I can spank you."

"Er ... yes, bua." I gulped as I recalled that memorable moment. The moment I had surrendered and become her slave. "So that, bua, whenever you want, you can just pull my pants down and give me a spanking on my bare ass."

"Good." Rashida stopped stroking my penis and balls, and her hands went behind me. She patted me on my buttocks. My bare buttocks.

"So, this morning," She said, "When I came to wake you up, why were you wearing your pajamas, and underwear underneath?"

"Oh, bua." I started to turn red. I wonder how she had known. She must have suspected, and then pulled down my pajamas to check while I had been asleep.

"I ... I was ... very late in returning home last night," I mumbled, "As you know ... from that graduation party. So ... I just took off my pants, and put on my night pajamas, and fell to the bed. I forgot to take off my underwear ... in my tiredness."

"Do you know how I know?" Rashida asked, continuing to caress me on my bottom. I shook my head. I wasn't going to accuse her of pulling down my pajamas!

"You must have been rubbing yourself in your sleep." Rashida announced. "The horny little pervert you are! When I came to your room, your pajama was to your knees, and your underwear was showing. Along with your bare ass. I could see the crack of your pasa (butt)."

"Oh. I am really sorry, bua."

"Baba, I am not finished. This morning you left the toilet seat up, and I could see your pee on the seat. Were you tired in the morning as well?"

"I am so sorry, bua. It won't happen again, I promise. I had a really bad headache too."

Rashida stopped patting my ass and moved her hands forward. She then held both of my balls in her hand and gave them a little tug.

"Were you drinking, baba? You know drinking is not allowed for us!"

"No, bua. I wasn't! I swear."

"Hmm. Baba, in your very first year as my slave, I punished you for peeing standing up. And often, throughout the years, I had to punish you for being dirty like that. Every time you say this will be the last time, and yet, baba, and I have to punish you again. And again."

"I am very sorry, bua. I just forgot. Please forgive me, bua."

"Hmm." Rashida continued to play with my balls. "It's been a while since I have caned you, baba. I am thinking whether I should, tonight."

I gulped.

"Bua, I am your slave." I stated the obvious. Rashida had the right to punish me as she wanted. "Please forgive me, though, bua. You know I am scared of being caned."

"A little caning will be good for you." Rashia replied. "And you still haven't bought my ticket to go visit my mother."

"I will buy it this weekend, bua, I promise."

"Baba, bring that chair over here." Rashida suddenly ordered, releasing my genitals from her hands. I turned to where she pointed, walked over and picked up a small but study wooden chair from the corner of the room, and placed it against the wall.

Rashida sat heavily down on the chair. Ever since the wedding of Rubina, I felt she had put on a few more pounds, and she now moved a little more slowly and ponderously. Of course, some of the fat as is wont went to her already large boobs, so one cannot really complain.

"Stand here, baba. Face the wall, palms pressing against it, and your pasa (butt) sticking out." Rashida ordered.

Obediently, I stood beside her and pressed myself against the wall as instructed. Rashida then slipped an arm around my waist to hold me tight, while the other hand firmly cupped my butt cheeks.

"How many times have you been in this position, baba?" Rashida asked me, caressing my bottom, cupping and squeezing my ass cheeks. "Pura nangta (fully naked), held firmly by your kaajer meye (housemaid), ready to be punished on your pasa by her?"

I gulped.

"Bua," I said. "Trust me when I say, it is my priviledge and honour to be punished by you. Bua, I love you. I hope I can continue to submit to you for many years to come!"

I meant every word. I really did.

"Hmm." Rashida didn't say much but continued to prolong my agony my stroking my butt cheeks. She then let go and raised her hand.


If I thought my abject declaration of love would entail Rashida to go easy on me, I was bound to be disappointed. A thunderous crack resulted as she struck my ass with her bare hand.

"One! I am sorry, bua, I will never leave the toilet seat up. Please spank me again."

"You are also forgetting the fact that you were wearing your underwear at home." Rashida reminded me.

"I am sorry, bua."


"Two! I am sorry, bua. I will pee properly from now on, and I will never wear underwear in the house. Please spank me again."

"After all these years, do I now have to come and watch you pee?" Rashida grumbled. "I am getting on in age, and I hate cleaning up your dirty washroom when you are so inconsiderate. Why can't you remember to pee properly, baba?"


"Three! I am so sorry, bua. Please forgive me. I deserve to be punished, please spank me again."

"You are a grown man. After all these years you know NEVER to wear underwear at home, and you SHOULD KNOW how to pee."





For the next fifteen minutes I was spanked hard and fast. Rashida held me firmly with her non-spanking arm going around me waist, and I couldn't squirm or wiggle as I was being punished. My buttocks were very close to her face, and she could see the results of her handiwork as she beat me again and again. As Rashida alternated between each ass cheek, she could see my bum quiver with each beating, and soon my reddened bottom was warm, and tingling.

Rashida then let go of my waist.

"Baba, go to my bed." Rashida commanded, breathing heavily. "Put a pillow over the centre, and then lie on it, your nunu (penis) on the pillow. Make sure not to rub your little nunu on the pillow."

"Yes, bua." As always, I was obedient and respectful to my chubby and buxom maid servant, like a well-trained dog, even though I had just been thrashed on my ass by her. Showing my obedience, politeness, reverence, and discipline was very important. As I laid down on the bed, I could hear Rashida click her tongue with approval at the way I was obeying her instructions. This brief moment gave me a lot of satisfaction. I loved to make my beloved Rashida pleased.

Then again, if anyone could see me now! I, the son of the rich businessman, and the scion of a powerful family, was demurely lying naked, sprawled across the bed of my maid servant, on my belly, my red ass up, and presented to my housemaid for further punishment.

"Now tell me again, baba, why you are here."

"I am here to be punished, bua. As you see fit."

"Do you know, baba, how disgusting dried pee is on the commode seat, and how much it stinks?"

Wisely, I remained silent.

Rashida walked to over to the bed, and patted my buttocks. Then she opened her palm, and put her middle finger on my ass, and then inserted it into my asshole.


It pained a little, as she inserted her middle finger quite deep. Then she pulled it out and moved her hand towards my face.

"Smell it." She commanded.

"Yes, bua."

What could I do? It was the remnants of what was in my own asshole. There was a strong pungent aroma on her fingers.

"Lick my finger." Rashida commanded.

"Yes, bua."

Without thinking a second thought, I started to lick her middle finger. I saw a small smile at the corner of her lips as I slurped, licked and kissed her finger.

The finger that had been deep inside my own asshole.

Rashida repeated the act. She painfully drilled my asshole with her finger, before presenting it to me. Again and again. In total, I licked my own ass juice from her fingers six times.

"I am training you to be a thorough gentleman." Rashida remarked. "You will never pee on the toilet seat and leave it dirty. When you are eventually married, you will be submitting to your wife. You will always be ready to be spanked by her, so you should by now have gotten used to not wearing underwear, ever. A woman likes to have her asshole licked and cleaned, so that is why I make you lick and clean my asshole - and your asshole - from time to time. You will never satisfy a woman in bed, so you have to learn to satisfy her in other ways."

"Yes, bua." I answered. "I know."

What about Rubina though, I thought. I did manage to satisfy her a few times!

"Don't think just because you made love to Rubina, you are good in bed." Rashida commented, reading my thoughts perfectly. "Rubina treated you as a temporary thrill. You didn't fuck her, she FUCKED you. And then I had to clean up the mess about her pregnancy."

"Yes, bua. I am sorry, bua."

"Ok, now get up." Rashida ordered. She went and sat down on the chair again. "Over my knees, this time."

As I lay across her lap, Rashida gently massaged my sore behind. Then she bent down and took off her slipper from her foot. I was going to be beaten with her chappal.




As she hit me, I had to count, beg for forgiveness and ask for my punishment to continue. It prolonged my humiliation, as I lay there on her knees, getting punished, again and again, my maid servant beating me with her slipper.

Rashida then touched my buttocks with her hand.

"Baba, stand up."

"Yes, bua."

After I stood up, Rashida put the slipper on the floor, and slipped her foot back into it. As I stood there, naked, my buttocks blistered and paining, my eyes were on her beautiful feet. Oh, how I wanted to kiss and lick those feet! It was the ultimate act of submission, to bend down on the floor, ass up, naked, and just kiss and kiss and lick each toe of her, each nail, each part of her feet, her ankle and her legs. My beautiful Rashida, however, had other thoughts.

"Baba," My buxom maid patted her thick thighs. "My kutta (dog). Sit here. On my lap."

"Yes, bua." Like a little boy, I sat down on her lap, on her big thighs. Rashida's hands automatically went to my manhood.

"There's a party tomorrow night." Rashida said, stroking my penis.

"Yes, bua." I replied. My ass was smarting from just sitting on her lap. The bare skin of my blistered butt cheeks was in contact with the rough cotton sari that she wore, making my stinging pain even more acute. Rashida switched repeatedly from stroking my manhood to caressing my balls, and then back to stroking my penis, as I sat on her lap, keenly listening to her, and getting more and more aroused.
