Slim Secrets Biggest Losers

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Gail loses her marriage as well as some excess weight.
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It's just a bit of fun, no sex scenes, and no one dies.

This story has been posted to Literotica with the full knowledge of the original author, Corny1974. No part or whole of this story may be reprinted in any other format or on any other website without the written consent of the original author.

Please note that this is self edited. I do have a brain injury so there will be mistakes, despite my very best efforts.

I first met Jane at the regional finals of The Slim Secrets Slimmer of the Year award. No, we weren't nominated. We were doing the supportive partner bit for my wife, Gail, and Jane's husband, Andy. We bonded over our boredom, really. Our spouses both went to the same slimming club and had both done exceptionally well.

"They both look good, don't they?" said Jane after introducing herself.

"Yes, they've both done well. Are you proud of him?"

"Well, he's worked hard. He deserves this recognition, but if I'm honest, I thought he was fine as he was before. I loved him when he was a skinny, gangly teen. I loved him as a chubby fiancé and a fat husband. I've always thought he was lovely. This was for him, not for me. What about you?"

"Well, I fell in love with her when she was larger, and I always thought she was beautiful, but she never listened. I couldn't make her feel it. She needed this to feel good. If she's happy, I'm happy. Happy wife, happy life, and all that. Don't ever tell her, but the cuddles aren't as good now that she's thin."

Jane laughs, "No, I know what you mean. Andy's not as comfy as before, either."

When our spouses came off the stage, I met Andy for the first time. He was flushed with success, but there was something in his arrogant smile that rubbed me the wrong way. Something in the way he touched the small of Gail's back without thinking about it. Something about how he lingered too long when Gail hugged him goodbye: I tried not to think about it, but it rankled me. It was true that Gail had become more self-absorbed lately.

We had words in the car on the way home,

"I'm not so keen on your friend Andy; he seemed a bit overly friendly with you."

"Well, he is my friend; he understands how hard this journey has been for me. He's been very supportive."

"And I haven't?"

"No, you've been wonderful. You are wonderful, but how can you possibly understand what it's like? You can eat anything and never put on a pound. You've always looked good. Andy's just a friend who understands the struggle as he's going through it, too. You know I would never do anything to hurt you."

I'd been married long enough to know when I was being talked around, but when we got home, and she slipped out of that new tight dress, I soon forgot all about Andy, and I was confident she had, too. It had been a while, as she was distracted by the slimming competition, so I was determined to make the best of it. Our sex life had always been good; we were so good together; why would she ever think about stepping out?

She also knew how I felt about infidelity, so I made a big mistake; I trusted the woman I loved, thinking that letting her have her moment of glory was best. She had worked so hard, after all. I thought that there would be time for us to reconnect later.

The following Wednesday night, Gail disappeared to the slimming club as usual. I just settled down to have some me time, which basically meant a beer and some porn. When I heard the doorbell, it was Jane.

"We need to talk, Gary," she said as she glided past me into the hallway. "Sorry if I was disturbing you." She smiled, glancing down at the front of my jogging bottoms that were still slightly tented. "Beer and porn while the wife's out, is it?" she said, glancing at my laptop, which I stupidly hadn't shut down. I was mortified.

"Don't be embarrassed. I imagine you haven't been getting much lately. Neither have I, considering our spouses have been getting it from each other."

She burst into tears then. I have never been able to stand seeing someone cry, so I took her in my arms and held her. I caught sight of my shocked face in the mirror as I tried to process what she had just told me. It couldn't be true, could it? Not my Gail; she wouldn't do that to me. We were going to start trying for a baby soon, once the national competition was over. We had talked about it. She had promised.

Finally, Jane got her sobbing under control and let me guide her to the sofa.

"I'm sorry for blurting it out like that. I was going to tell you gently. I had practised and everything, but it all came out."

"I'm sure that you're wrong. Gail has been distant, but she's been so busy."

"Yes, busy with my husband. Look, Gary, you're a nice guy, and I wouldn't make this up. I do have proof. If it makes you feel better, I didn't suspect anything either. Dottie Keane, the old lady from the slimming class, alerted me first. She saw us in a café. I was having cake, but Andy was nursing a fruit tea. She knew him from the slimming club and seemed quite indignant that he was with me,

'You ought to be ashamed of yourself, stepping out on that lovely wife of yours. She adores you, never takes her eyes off you at Slimming Club, and you two are always canoodling; now you are here with this floozy.'

She seemed very shocked when I explained that I was actually his wife. She was very apologetic to me whilst looking daggers at Andy.

'I'm sorry, love, for getting it mixed up. I had one who did the dirty on me, too.' With that, she flounced back to her table, hitting Andy with her bag as she did so.

Of course, Andy said she was senile and always caused trouble at the slimming club. He thought he'd talked me round, but he hadn't. He'd done it before, you see, before we were married, and I'd stupidly forgiven him.

So, I got a friend from work to join the slimming club. She wanted to lose a few pounds and was keen to go undercover if I paid for her class. It didn't take her long to confirm it."

With that, she handed me some photos. I didn't want to look. I knew that my life would change forever; I wasn't the forgiving sort. There were a few grainy photos of them kissing and holding hands. The worst was the short video that was taken in the darkest corner of the pub car park, where they all went for a post-weigh-in drink. You could see Andy's bare buttocks as he ploughed into Gail in the back seat of her car. The car I paid for every month. What a bitch.

Jane gave me a few minutes to take it all in before she said,

"So, what are we going to do about it?"

"Nothing for now, but this will end our marriage," I answered,

I couldn't continue then; I just wanted her to go. I needed to be alone to process what she had told me, and honestly, I didn't want her to see me break down.

"Could we meet tomorrow? I need to think about this. Are you going to tell him that you know?"

"I can wait if you want me to. I can carry on pretending."

That night, I was the one pretending; I pretended to be asleep when I heard Gail get in the shower. I wonder why she needed that? The following morning, I was up and out before she even surfaced. I called in work and took the day off. I went for a long walk in the park while thinking about what I would do. I texted Jane, and we met at the park café.

"How are you coping?" she asked. "I'm sorry for throwing all that at you last night. It's been so hard keeping it all in."

"I'm doing OK. I need a little time to plan what I'm going to do. We have a deposit on a new build. Finally stopping renting after all these years so that we can start our family. I need to cancel that and sort out the finances before I let on that I know. I have saved all that money. I pay for everything I always have. Her money is very definitely her money, and she spends anything she's got on herself."

"Why not just tell her?"

"I think I want her to suffer a bit. She's had her fun; now it's my turn."

"I'm surprised; I didn't think that you would want to turn the screws."

"I'm a Scorpio," I stated, "I'm the best friend you could ever have. I'm also the worst enemy you could have, too. She's thrown everything away, thrown me away and for what -- a quick shag in a pub car park. I thought that I was worth more than that."

"You are worth more than that. She doesn't deserve you, and I deserved better than Andy, the two-timing saggy arsed prat."

"It did look quite saggy in that video," I admitted, "Too much weight lost too quickly."

"I do have an idea of how you can get your revenge. I don't see why she should get half of your savings, and you end up worse off."

I listened as she told me her plan. It was pretty simple, really. She worked in the local betting shop. I would withdraw the maximum amount of money daily from my savings account and then 'lose' it all every day as the world's most unsuccessful gambler. In reality, I would be going in every day and just placing small bets but making myself known to Jane's colleagues and fellow punters.

"What about you? What about your revenge?"

"Well, I'm divorcing him, too. We don't have much money, but my revenge will hurt him, and it will really hurt. I'm going to tell you a little secret. Andy doesn't always follow the Slimming Secrets diet. He uses low-calorie slimming shakes to help things along."

"So, you'll tell the national competition judges he's been cheating?"

"No, where is the fun in that? I'm going to swap his diet shakes with a high-fat build-up powder that they use to help sick people regain weight quickly. Of course, he won't put enough weight on to bar him from the competition, but he won't win it."

"And he'll drive himself mad trying to work out what he's doing wrong?"

"Exactly; then, at the national final, we'll expose them both for the dirty cheaters they are. You in?"

I agreed, quietly thinking I would ensure I never crossed Jane in any way; she was pretty scary in her petty revenge.

So, I had to last a whole month pretending to be normal. Of course, Gail was wholly wrapped up in preparing for the finals in London. She was constantly getting a different beauty treatment here and an exercise class there. She was probably meeting with Andy sometimes, but I was past caring. She didn't even notice that I had drifted away from her. She was too wrapped up in herself.

The savings account had only about 10% of what it had to start with. I was OK with her getting half of that. I had hidden away the money that I had supposedly gambled away. It was no longer traceable.

Jane had even mentioned to Andy that I had been a constant in the betting shop.

"Andy tells me that Jane has often seen you in the betting shop. What's that all about? You've never been a betting man."

"Well, I've felt lonely and bored since my wife has been so busy. I've had the odd flutter as a distraction. It's not a problem, is it? I've lost a bit, but not too much."

"How much?"

"Nothing for you to worry about. I'm sure we will still be able to get our house. Don't worry. You just think about the competition. I'm sure you are going to win. You look amazing. What do you think Andy's chances are?"

"Not good at the moment. He's put ten pounds on and can't work out how. He's having to get bigger trousers for the final. He's not happy, and the class leader has been putting a lot of pressure on him."

"Well, not everyone copes well with stress," I replied. "I did get the impression that he's a bit of a self-indulgent man-child on the odd occasions I've met him."

Gail just stared. She looked like she was going to defend him, but then she thought better of it.

Finally, the big day came, and we were ensconced in a big hotel in London. Gail and Andy were whisked off for hair and makeup. I suddenly realised that Gail had left her Grandma's bracelet behind. She always wore it on special occasions. She called it her lucky charm. Even after everything, I cared enough to try to take it to her. I went down to the room that they were being made up in. So many people were bustling about that no one stopped me until I was close enough to see them holding hands and laughing together. That intimacy seemed to hurt even more than the video of their car park escapade. One of the young runners laughed at my expression.

"Oh yes, our two little lovebirds, brought together at Slim Secrets. They can't leave each other alone. Quite a romance."

We were interrupted when I saw the local and regional representatives rush to me. They were obviously anxious that I didn't see Gail and Andy at this point and what they were up to.

I handed over the bracelet, "Perhaps someone could be kind enough to pass this on to my wife." I felt the young runner stiffen as I emphasised the last part.

Jane was starting to feel nervous as the presentation began. She wasn't entirely sure how she was going to expose them. As it turned out, she needn't have worried, as they were stupid enough to do it themselves.

The finalists were all on stage, and they announced the male winner first. It wasn't Andy; he had to settle for third place. No, the winner was Graeme from Scotland, who resembled a punctured balloon in a kilt. He had lost twenty stone, so he deserved my cheer.

When they announced Gail as the female Slim Secrets Slimmer of the Year, I cheered as loudly as anyone else. I turned to look at Jane, and she had a horrified look on her face. I followed her gaze, and there in front of everyone, magnified on the big screen, was her husband and my wife kissing. This was not a congratulatory kiss on the cheek. This was a lover's kiss. The crowd roared its approval. They spring apart, shocked that they seem to have forgotten themselves in the excitement of her success. Gail tries to laugh it off, but I see the terror in her eyes.

One of the organisers rushes towards us, muttering something about the heat of the moment. Nothing to worry about. But she was too late. Jane was already halfway up the steps to the stage. She's at the podium, in front of the cameras and all the press. She needs my support.

"Andy, another one? You promised after the last time. How long?"

"This isn't what it looks like."

"Really. Isn't that chapter one from the cheater's handbook, because it's quite obvious to everyone else that it's exactly what it looks like."

I managed to catch up now despite the organiser's best efforts.

Jane turns to the press. "I'm the wife," she said.

"And I'm the husband," I added, "Well, soon-to-be ex-husband. We are available for interviews in the ballroom. We have some photographs to share with you. Some show that Slim Secrets were well aware of the affair between them. I am happy to detail how they have tried to hide this from us both. So, how about this for a headline: 'Slim Secrets Ruined My Marriage'?"

"Or 'Slim Secrets Kept the Cheater's Secrets'," added Jane as I took her hand to lead her down the steps. Gail had fled to the opposite side of the stage, wailing that her big moment was ruined after all her hard work.

I quite enjoyed telling my story to the press, knowing that Gail would be mortified. Jane particularly relished telling the media that Andy was cheating in more ways than one and that some of his success was down to diet shakes. I heard one of the Slim Secrets publicists groaning at this point.

Later, back in the room, as I packed my case, Gail appeared out of the bathroom. Her professionally applied makeup was now gone, and for once, she resembled the wife I once knew--the one I once loved.

"Did you have to humiliate me quite so publicly?"

"I could say the same to you. Imagine how humiliating it was to see my wife playing kissy face in front of the national press."

"That wasn't my fault. Andy took me by surprise."

"Not for the first time, I imagine."

"Stop being like this, Gary. Andy means nothing to me. He was just a friend who supported me on my journey."

"By shagging you in a pub car park? If that was the type of support you needed, you had a husband for that."

"Look, I admit I got carried away; having someone else find me attractive after all these years was exciting. I was always the fat girl, the one nobody wanted until you came along."

"You were beautiful then; if everyone else couldn't see it, that was their problem. I loved you and thought you were perfect then. Shouldn't that have counted for something?"

"It did. I was never going to leave you. I love you. Andy was just a bit of fun; it would all have been over after the finals."

"Well, it doesn't matter now. You can carry on seeing him for all I care."

"No, I don't want an open marriage. I want things to be like before."

"What with me being a supportive and loving husband who trusted his wife and you shagging that bastard? I don't think so. I wasn't thinking of an open marriage--I was thinking along the lines of no marriage."

"You can't mean that. We have plans. The house will be ready soon. Ready for our family."

"When the house is ready, it will be for someone else's family now. I've cancelled it."

"No, you can't do that."

"I can, and I have, and just remember you did this. You threw us away. You shed our marriage along with the weight. I hope it was worth it. Look on the bright side. Think how good you look in your skinny jeans on all those dating apps."

With that, I walked out of the hotel and into the sunshine. I took my friend Jane by the hand and walked to the taxi rank.

Gail and Andy soon turned on each other; Gail had been telling the truth when she said it was a bit of fun, as even their friendship didn't survive. Gail was livid when she found out just how much money I had 'lost'. Her solicitor tried to prove that I had cheated her in some way, but the judge was sympathetic and saw that in my depression over my failing marriage, I had fallen prey to an addiction. The fact that Jane backed me up and I could prove that I had sought help by joining a Gamblers Anonymous group helped. They were a good bunch who were grateful for me taking charge of the teas and coffees. That stood me in good favour.

Gail was livid, but there was nothing she could do. She started stress eating again, and the last time I saw her, she had piled most of the weight back on again. I saw her when I was cutting the grass of my new house--yes, that new house. I may have told a little white lie when I told her that I had cancelled it. Thankfully, it wasn't completed until after the divorce was finalised.

It was a family home and too big for one person, so I got a roommate--Jane.

We're just friends for now, but I think we both know what will happen, particularly when her hand crept up the leg of my shorts last night while we were watching Netflix. All the best stories finish with a happy ending, don't they?

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MarrttyMarrtty2 days ago

Pretty good story. MC was a little wimpy, but still good. The two highest causes of divorce are women who make more money than hubby, and women who loose a lot of weight. Everyone has heard the trop that 50 percent of marriages fail, for these two groups it is 90 percent.

I have seen it in my own life, had devote church couple with 3 kids, typical mid 30s couple. Wife joined a gym got a trainer. Did so well the local paper ran an article about during charity run. And shortly after shaping up, she dumps hubby for the trainer.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades4 days ago

Great Story, I can see this actually happening. Thanks for your writing.

redboat7redboat74 days ago

Great Story!! Loved it!!

AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

Why not like.

MC too much wimp

He pays all the bills and lets her keep all of her money

Both spouses pay part depending on pay checks

Never should one pay All unless stay at home wife

AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

If you had avoided the tired trope of the two cucks hooking up, it would have been a five.

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