Slippery Slope Pt. 02

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Paul discovers his true self.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/27/2015
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The Club

So now I had an alternate plan. I was convinced that the magazines were the problem. Those photos got my imagination working and got me horny. If I actually saw guys doing those sex acts depicted in the magazines, I would be appropriately disgusted and revert to my normal, straight self. And so I resolved to go back to Old Town on Saturday and go to one of those X-rated movie theaters that showed gay films. I told my folks I was going out with some friends and wouldn't be home till late. In fact, I might even stay overnight with one of them. I don't know why that came out of my mouth, but it did.

I picked a theater that had a really disgusting sounding feature showing and resolved to go to the seven o'clock showing. I arrived about twenty minutes before the start time, but couldn't bring myself to go up to the box office. I stood across the street from the theater and watched people buy tickets and file in. There were a lot of them and I didn't like the looks of the crowd. There were a few 'normal' looking guys, but you could tell that most of them were gay. The way they swished around when they walked and the feminine mannerisms that many of them exhibited.

Anyway, I just couldn't screw up the courage to go in. At about quarter past seven I decided to just wait around for the eight-thirty show. Maybe that wouldn't be as crowded. I watched people file out of the first showing and watched new customers buy their tickets and enter the theater. What the hell, I figured. Just go do it. I was just about to cross the street when a voice behind me stopped me in my tracks.

"You don't want to go to that movie, son."

I turned around to see a very large man standing close. He was probably about six foot-two and I'll bet he weighed two hundred plus pounds. He had long, gray hair worn in a ponytail and a small gold earring dangled from his right ear. I guessed him to be in his fifties.

"I . . . I don't?" I stammered.

"No. The movie itself is crap. But the men inside that dark theater would eat you for lunch, son." The man chuckled. "If you're looking for company, why don't you come down the street to a club with me."

"I . . . I don't know."

"A drink in a public place never hurt anyone. Let's go do it." He smiled and grabbing me by the arm began to lead me down the street. He was so confident that I just let him lead me.

"My name is Devlin, Devlin MacArthur. But my friends call me Dev. What's your name, son?

"Paul. Paul Bryant."

"And here we are, Paul. Let's go get a drink or two."

The club was called "The Den." It was one of a number of clubs lining both sides of the street. From the clientele lingering outside, it was obvious that these were gay clubs. The doorman at "The Den" could see that I was probably not twenty-one and initially refused to admit me. But he knew Dev, called him the "Professor," and Dev talked him into letting me in. Dev claimed I was his eighteen year old nephew and that he would feed me nothing but soft drinks.

"How old are you, Paul?' Dev asked when we were inside.

"I'm actually going to be nineteen in a couple of weeks."


I had never been in a club like this before. Oh shit, let's be honest, I had never been in a club before. I suppose I had expected bright lights and loud music. But this place was very quiet with soft music playing and the lighting very low. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the lighting enough where I could actually make things out. Dev took hold of my arm again and led me deeper into the room. There were tables and chairs in the center of the room and couches and love seats along the walls.

Dev led me to a love seat on the far wall from the entrance and ordered drinks for us. Scotch, neat for him and a strawberry daiquiri for me. So much for feeding me cokes! I was glad that he did the ordering. I had not consumed much alcohol in my life and didn't know much about drinks.

The love seat wasn't all that big and with his large frame, Dev's leg was pressed up right against mine. He threw his arm across the top of the seat and gradually, his arm came to rest across my shoulders. The drinks came quickly and we sat and talked. The drinks kept coming. As soon as I had finished downing one, there was another to replace it.

Dev told me all about himself. He was fifty-two years old and a professor at the University of Illinois Circle campus. I was thrilled about that because I was starting at UICC that September. Dev taught introductory psychology, a freshman course, and an advanced psych course as well. He lived alone in an apartment on the near north side and, as he put it, he wasn't currently screwing anyone. I felt more and more comfortable as he told me about himself.

Then he asked me to tell him about me. I gave him all the standard background information. He listened politely, but what he was really interested in was what I was doing standing outside a gay movie theater on a Saturday night. I felt so comfortable with him, that I spilled all the beans. I told him about finding the magazine at the airport and then buying the magazine at the bookstore down the street. I told him about the encounter with the married guy in the bookstore. And I told him about my disastrous date with Mary Lou Martin and how confused I was about everything that was happening to me. I told him I was afraid that I would be changed into a homosexual.

"That's quite a bit of angst you're dealing with, Paul." He chuckled. "But you know, you can't change who you really are. Your job is to discover who you are and let your true essence emerge."

"How do I do that?" I entreated.

"Through experience." Dev answered. "But you must be open to experience. You must embrace opportunity and discovery. The incident at the bookstore was such an experience. It started you down the slippery slope to delicious decadence."

"Yes, but that was wrong."

"Was it? Let's explore that. What got you sexually aroused at the bookstore? The man?"

"No. It was the magazine. The one with the men and boys."

"Both magazines featured older men and younger boys, didn't they Paul?"

"Ye . . . Yes."

"And you like to masturbate while looking at the pictures of the men and boys together, don't you, Paul?"


"Do you fantasize while you masturbate?"

"I guess so."

"What do you fantasize about?

"I . . . I don't know."

"Yes you do, Paul. Be honest. Tell me your fantasies."

"I . . . I . . . I fantasize that I'm one of the boys in the book. That's warped isn't it?"

"No, not at all, Paul. Every inter-personal relationship has the same basic dynamic. One party plays a dominant role and the other plays a submissive role. The intensity of the dominance and submission depends on the personalities of the individuals. By imagining yourself as one of the boys in the picture books, you are just exhibiting submissive tendencies that you should explore to their fullest. If this is the true 'you', you must allow it to emerge.

"I guess you know what you're talking about. After all, you are the psych professor." I laughed weakly.

"Yes, that's right, Paul. What did you feel when the man played with you in the bookstore?"

"I guess I felt pretty scared."

"Nothing else?"

"I . . . I kind of . . . liked it."

"What did you like about it, Paul?"

"I liked having my penis rubbed, of course. And I liked . . . I liked that I felt helpless. No, maybe controlled is a better word."

"Yes. The submissive side of you struggling to get out. What did you feel when you discovered that you were being watched?"

"I guess it excited me."

"That's nice, very nice. You have a bit of exhibitionist streak in you, as well." Dev chuckled and looked directly into my eyes. "I think you need to explore these feelings further. You need to discover who you truly are and what you truly like. I would like to help you with that, Paul. Will you let me?"

Dev placed his free hand on my knee and then slowly moved it up and down caressing my thigh. Each time it moved up, it got closer to my crotch. By the time he began to fondle my cock, I was already hard and stiff.

"I don't know. I don't know about this." I gasped and squirmed as Dev squeezed and fondled my cock and balls.

"It's alright, honey. I will help you. I will help you surrender to me and discover your submissive self. You don't need to decide. You just need to let Dev lead you. You need to obey Dev. All right, baby?"

And then he cradled the back of my head with his hand and leaned in and planted his lips on mine. His tongue flicked against my lips and I sighed and opened my mouth. Dev plunged his tongue into my mouth and I felt something like an electric shock course directly to my cock. I moaned with pleasure as his tongue played with mine and his hand teased my manhood. My cock was now leaking pre-cum and the crotch of my pants was wet. Dev's hand spread the wetness as he fondled me.

"We shouldn't do this here." I pleaded when he broke the kiss. "Someone will see."

"Look around you." Dev chuckled. "We are hardly unique."

I looked around and was amazed at what I saw in the dim light. There were some couples who were carrying on conversations. But there was also much more going on. One couple was holding hands and interrupting their conversation with frequent pecks on the lips. Many couples were locked in close embrace, kissing and petting and fondling each other.

At one love seat, a man had his tongue plunged deep into his lover's mouth and his hand down his lover's pants; his lover squirmed at the attention. At another love seat, an older man slouched with his legs spread wide and his pants down around his ankles. A young man was between his legs, sucking on the older man's cock, his head bobbing up and down. As I took all this in, Dev continued to fondle my crotch and he nibbled on my neck and ear. This was just surreal! But it made me more aroused than I had ever been in my life!

"Come home with me, baby." Dev whispered in my ear. "Will you come home with me and surrender to me?"

"Oh yes, please." I moaned as Dev tongued my ear."

"Will you obey me, doll?" Dev asked.

"Yes." I gasped.

"That's a good boy. I want you to call me Daddy from now on. Will you do that, baby?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"That's my good boy. Let's go get a cab and go to my place."

Dev gave my crotch one last squeeze and then helped me up off of the love seat. I was weak at the knees, but he wrapped his arm around my waist to steady me and led me out of the club.

It was cold outside and I began to shiver as we waited for the cab to arrive. Dev unbuttoned the long, gray, cashmere overcoat he was wearing and drew me close to him, swallowing me up in the coat. I could feel his cock throbbing against my back as he began to fondle me once more. I felt totally possessed, swallowed up in this coat while my possessor played with me and enticed me and excited me. I closed my eyes and luxuriated in the feeling of being possessed by this man. Before I could cum the cab arrived to take us to Dev's apartment.


We got into the cab and Dev wrapped his arm around me as he gave the driver instructions. The cab ride only took about ten or fifteen minutes and Dev fondled my crotch the entire time. Shit, I wanted to cum so bad! But before I could, we arrived at the apartment. Dev took me by the hand and led me into his building and up the stairs to his third floor apartment.

Before the door had even fully shut behind us, Dev was all over me. He swallowed me up in his arms and plunged his tongue into my mouth. He squeezed and kneaded my ass-cheeks as I melted into him. It didn't take him long to rip my clothes off. And once I was naked, he quickly stripped and drew me back into his embrace.

There we were, this big hairy-chested man and little ole me, dwarfed by his size and led by his manipulation of my body. Then, he literally swept me off my feet and carried me into his bedroom. What a room! The ceiling was mirrored. Three of the walls were fully mirrored. A huge round bed occupied the middle of the room. Dev put me down in front of the bed and stood behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and drew me close.

"Look at us in the mirror, baby." He urged. "Look at yourself; how small and scrawny you are next to me. I am a real man. You are little boy; a small twink who needs a real man to control him and dominate him. I am going to do that, honey. I am going fuck you into submission and help you to blossom into the little sissy you really are."

He threw me onto the bed then and crawled on top of me. Everything seemed surreal from that point on. Everything was sensation and physical experience for me. I felt his tongue in my mouth; demanding, insistent, teasing. I felt his hands on my body; exploring, possessing. Then his mouth was on my chest, sucking my little titties and licking and gently biting my erect nipples.

This was ecstasy! I was lost in pleasure as his lips moved down my torso to my hard, throbbing penis pointing up at the mirrored ceiling like a soldier at attention. He sucked my cock into his mouth and used his tongue and lips to give me sensations I had never even dreamed could exist.

While he sucked me, I felt his finger at the entrance to my ass. It was slick with some type of gel or something and I gasped as I felt it enter me. I stared at myself in the mirrored ceiling. Here I was squirming under this large man as he sucked on my throbbing prick and finger-fucked my tender ass. The sight and the sensations were intoxicating. I didn't want it to ever end. Then I felt a second finger enter my ass. I knew I was on the verge of cumming. I began to shake uncontrollably.

"Oh, yes! Please! Please, Daddy, make me cum!" I pleaded as Dev brought me to the verge and then pushed me over the edge with his sucking and finger-fucking.

My hips bucked wildly as Dev sucked all of the love-juice out of me. I came violently; again and again and again. When I had been completely drained, Dev removed his mouth and smiled at the squirming, shivering mass of flesh on the bed that used to be me.

"Did you like that, baby?" He asked with a devilish look in his eye.

"Oh, yes, Daddy. That was so good, Daddy."

"You see, honey, you are a little slut; Daddy's little cum-slut. Now I am going to make you Daddy's bitch."

I looked up at the mirrored ceiling. Dev's fingers were still inside of me, slowly moving in and out of my greased ass. I could see him applying the lubricant to his cock with his other hand. His cock was huge! It looked like it must be nine or ten inches long, very thick around with a huge mushroom head. I knew what was coming; even before Dev pulled his fingers out of me and crawled on top of me.

"Spread your legs for me, slut." He commanded and I responded by spreading them wide.

Dev positioned the head of his cock at my hole and smiled down at me.

"You're a virgin, aren't you, slut?"

"Yes, Daddy."

He pushed his cock slowly into me.

"Not any more, whore. Daddy has taken your cherry."

Then he pushed in slowly, but steadily until he was fully buried inside of me. I had expected abject pain from the size of his cock. But though there was some discomfort while he entered me, the anticipated pain was not there. He lay on top of me, breathing heavily. I could feel his manhood filling me, throbbing with life inside of me.

"Now I'm going to fuck your tight little ass, baby." He whispered in my ear. "I'm going to fuck the manhood out of you. When my sperm fills you, it will transform you into a little, gay slut. I want you to hold this image in your mind as I make you my bitch."

And then he began to fuck me. Slowly at first, but picking up steam and speed as he progressed. He began to grunt with pleasure as he moved in and out of me. And me? I started getting hard again. It was as if his fucking was inflating my penis. I began to shake and quiver with pleasure.

"Oh yes, Daddy! Please, Daddy! Fuck me, Daddy! Take me, Daddy!"

My words egged him on and he increased the tempo of his fucking. And now I began to lose control. The rest of my first fuck became a blur. I was no longer thinking. I was only feeling. I wanted more! I wrapped my legs around him and clung to him a tightly as I could. We were like two dogs in heat; panting, grunting, locked together as one. I could hear animal sounds; grunting, gurgling. I realized they were coming from my throat!

Then Dev pushed into me hard. His body stiffened. I felt his throbbing cock inside of me. And then the dam burst! He began to shoot his load into me. Spurt after spurt. If filled me. I could feel it leaking out of my ass and onto the bedsheet. Then I began to convulse! My little cock was hard and stiff and now shooting another load of cum onto my stomach and chest.

"Yes! Yes! Cum you little slut!" Dev urged me. And I did; hard and long.

Our orgasms subsided at about the same time. But Dev did not pull his cock out of me. He lay there on top of me with his cock, still hard and throbbing inside of me.

"Did you like that, baby?" He smiled down at me.

"Oh, yes, Daddy." I gasped.

"You see, baby, you always had this inside of you. You were always a slut deep inside just waiting to come out. Like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. Now I have fully turned you. You are my bitch!"

"Yes, Daddy, I am your bitch." I affirmed as I snuggled against him.

"Daddy is going to have so much fun training you." Dev whispered in my ear. His tongue caressed my ear inside and out and he began to move slowly against me. He was going to fuck me a second time! More of his cum oozed out of my ass as he plunged his cock in and out. He wrapped his hand around my flaccid, little prick and began to squeeze and jack it as the tempo of his fucking increased. I totally lost control of myself. I was now just a squirming mass of flesh being played by Daddy like an instrument. He told my later that I was screaming as he came inside of me a second time while milking the cum out of my hard little rod.


There was no doubt that I was his after that. I came to see him every day until school started. He trained me well. He fucked me in every possible position that I could be fucked: missionary, doggy style, on my side, laying flat on my stomach. And he taught me how to pleasure him with my mouth. I became very adept at nursing on his beautiful, fat man-cock.

I transferred to his psych class and when the semester started I moved in with him. I thought it would last forever, but I soon discovered that Dev liked to take a new boy each semester. When he discarded me, I tried to go back to dating girls, but that was a total failure. I fooled around with some of the younger boys, but something was missing. Then I finally went to that gay movie theater. An older man approached me there and took me home. He became my second Daddy.

Seven more men have taken me since then. Always older than me; always aggressive, dominating personalities. Ben is the latest. He took me almost two years ago. I was with someone at the time, but Ben. He wanted me, so he took me. He's my first college professor since Dev. I live in his house and keep it neat and clean. He does the cooking because he likes to, thank god. I hate to cook. He also publishes and I act as his proof reader. I don't get paid for that. I don't get paid for anything. Ben likes to say that I am his slave labor.

He's starting to stir now. I can feel his cock growing against my ass-crack. I start to grease his hardening cock with lube. He likes to plunge his morning wood into me and give me a proper fucking to start the day. Oh yes! It feels wonderful as he pushes his fat cock into me.

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MichaelfantasiesMichaelfantasiesover 1 year ago

You wrote, "Look at us in the mirror, baby." He urged. "Look at yourself; how small and scrawny you are next to me. I am a real man. You are little boy; a small twink who needs a real man to control him and dominate him. I am going to do that, honey. I am going fuck you into submission and help you to blossom into the little sissy you really are." That is SO HOT! I WANT a man to say similar words to me! Also, the Daddy talk gets me over the edge, and that's not fair !!! The Daddy / Sissy situation is a tease for me. I always melt, when reading about it!

A55eaterA55eaterover 1 year ago

Love this story of boi finding his true nature. Only problem is the drinking age in Chicago in the 70’s was 18… still it made me cum so hard. Would have loved to hear how he learned to suck cock, like I love to do. But otherwise it’s a wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

That is all I want to do. Please men, real manly men. My true desire is to be the repository of my man's seman in my tummy and my boi-pussy. Whenever and wherever he desires. If he's married and not getting any at home, I won't interfere with his Familia relationship but I will be his personal swallowing fellatrix and keeping my boi-pussy plugged and always ready for his powerful use. A dream come true. Thank you Daddy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
OMG Yes yes

More stories please more I cum so hard thinking it’s me who is getting fucked . More please 🙏 pretty please.

soulfight_6969soulfight_6969about 6 years ago
wish this happen to me

Hot tale. You wrote a good one. Keep it up

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