Slummin It - Treva

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Young white runaway escapes to New Orleans.
2.8k words

Part 28 of the 36 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/08/2020
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Although this story begins when Treva is under 18, she is not sexually attacked until after turning 18 years old.

As Treva climbed on board the 28-foot cabin cruiser, she quickly looked over her shoulder and breathed a sigh of relief not to see her step-dad behind her. She quickly tossed her suitcase and backpack into the cabin and then moved quickly to check the two 30-gallon fuel saddle tanks. Both were full. Treva had spent enough time on the river while growing up to know that 60 gallons would take her about 125 miles upstream and more than 200 miles downstream. She started the engine and looked down the length of the dock again for her step-dad. The dock lights made puddles of light all along the dock. She knew it would be light in an hour. After the engine was running, she turned on the lights, untied the boat and turned south on the Ohio River.

For the first couple miles, she ran at a pretty good speed to get away, and then she cut the engines back to just above an idle. The cruiser continued downriver as Treva leaned on the wheel and thought of what drove her to this point.

Treva's mother and dad divorced when she was young, and her mother married Al Fowler when Treva was 10 years-old. Treva's mother had inherited a small cabin cruiser boat from her own mother and dad when they passed away, and the family spent many happy days cruising on the river, and many happy nights camping on the boat. The boat had a tiny kitchen area, a commode and sink and small sleeping/sitting area. Treva learned to pilot the boat and eventually took it out on her own without her mother and Al knowing. Five years after marrying Al, Treva's mother passed away when she was 15.

Treva never really trusted Al. He drank and he swore at her all the time. She spent more and more time with her friends and hiding out on the boat just to stay away from him. She ran away from him when he was drinking.

Over the three years after Treva's mother died, she attended high school, held a part time job and eventually graduated. She was hardly ever home, and that suited her just fine.

After graduating from high school, she was working at a small factory in Paducah, Kentucky until she decided what to do with her life. She had only been an average student, but she had never lacked for dates. Treva was a pretty brunette; 5'5" tall and 120 pounds, and although not promiscuous, had experienced sex with several guys.

As soon as she turned 18 the summer after her graduation, Al made his move. He hid his car and spent the evening drinking, and when she entered the house, he attacked and raped her. When he was finished, she ran to her bedroom, locked the door and packed her clothes. She dug her money stash of a couple thousand dollars from behind the shelf in her closet and waited quietly for Al to fall asleep.

When she heard the snores from his room, she grabbed some food and water, let herself out of the house, sliced his tires with the Swiss Army knife that her mother had given her and then drove the old car, that had belonged to her mother, to the marina. She had no plans other than to get away from Al Fowler before one of them killed the other.

As she piloted the small craft down the river, she made excellent time, and by early afternoon, Treva was happy to reach Cairo and the Mississippi River. She filled the gas tanks and then cruised across the river to Wickliffe, Kentucky where she docked her boat for the night and took a well-deserved rest. She slept like a baby.

Eventually, Treva made it to Memphis where she found an inexpensive dock area in an industrial area of town. She walked to a small store where she bought more water and food to continue her trip. She had almost reached her boat when she heard a deep voice behind her. "You need help wit dat?"

She jumped in surprise and dropped one of the bags as she turned quickly. There stood a big black man, who looked to be over six feet tall. He had muscles, but his stomach also hung over the waist of his jeans. Treva was afraid as she looked at the big man's face. He was just an average looking man, but he needed a shave, his clothes were dirty and his hair was disheveled.

"Wh-who are... who are y-you?" She asked as she stepped back.

"I said, 'you need help wit dat?' It look like you need help," he said as he stooped and began picking up the cans and boxes that were lying on the dock. Treva was too afraid to move as the man pushed everything back into the plastic bag and stood. He looked at her and asked, "Do you have any food you could spare? I ain't ate in a while."

She was numb as she turned and climbed onto her boat. He carried the bag and followed her. She slowly turned to him and asked, "Are you going to hurt me, mister?"

When he smiled at her, some of her fear fell away. He said, "No, I ain't gonna hurt you. I just want some food." She nodded her head and asked his name. "I'm Reuben. Who're you?" He asked as his eyes roamed from her face down to her tight tee shirt. He smiled as he noticed her breasts stretching the shirt. He continued down her body and saw that she had nice shapely tanned legs under her mid-thigh length shorts. Her voice brought his eyes back to her face.

"I'm Treva," she said. "Do you live around here, Reuben?"

He grinned an evil grin as he said, "No Treva. I don't live round here. I'm sorta between residences right now."

He sat on the deck as Treva cut up some cheese and apples. She carried the cheese, apples, crackers, pepperoni slices and carrots back on deck where they sat across from each other and ate. Treva nibbled on a little of everything, but Reuben wolfed down everything else. When they were finished, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a blunt. After lighting it and showing her how to smoke it, he passed it to Treva.

Within minutes, she was giggling and laughing. When he pulled out his second one, she put her hand on his leg and said, "I... I d-d-don't thin... I don't think I should ha...." And then she began giggling again.

Midway through the second blunt, Reuben had her tee shirt and bra off and his hands were roaming over her big breasts as she continued to giggle and laugh. Her nipples were hard as bullets even though she wasn't fully aware of what was going on. When they finished the smoke, he finished stripping the young white girl and laid her on the deck. He unzipped his pants and moved to her head and slapped her face with his hard black cock. She giggled and then opened her mouth and he fed his cock into it and smiled down at her. He knew he was old enough to be her old man, but he didn't care; he was gonna fuck this young slut.

And he did. After he slid his cock in and out of her mouth for a few minutes, he moved between her open legs and easily slid his cock into her wet pussy. "Unnngggh! Ahhhh!" She moaned as she came quickly on his cock. Reuben pumped her white pussy with his hard black cock. He didn't last too long, but he made her cum two more times before he withdrew and jacked his cum onto her chest and then scooped it up and fed it to her.

She had no sooner swallowed his cum when she nodded off to a deep sleep. Reuben carried her below and put her in her small bed. Not wanting to scare her when she woke in the morning, Reuben took a blanket and slept on the deck.

The next morning, Reuben woke first and found her wallet. He took some money and walked the few blocks to a restaurant and got carry-out for breakfast. When he returned, Treva was just getting up. She wore a large tee shirt that was a few inches below her pussy. They sat on the deck and ate scrambled eggs, grits and sausage. They washed it down with hot coffee. Reuben enjoyed looking at her braless chest as they ate.

"I... I've n-n-never done tha... that before Reuben. I've never had that much grass before. And... and then I... I thi-think you took advantage of me." He started laughing. "Wha-what's so f-funny?"

He said, "I didn't take advantage of you. You wanted me to fuck you and I did. You weren't complainin' last night., were ya?"

"Well, I uh... I d-don't know what, I uh.... "

He started laughing again, and she was just ready to yell at him. "Stand up," he said. She wrinkled her brow, and after a few seconds, she slowly stood. He looked down her body at her shapely legs and remembered the feeling of having them wrapped around his waist. As he slowly stood, he said, "Take off your shirt."


"I said to take off that shirt. Now!"

The fear began to return as she looked at the big man and lifted the shirt over her head. Fortunately, there were no other people around as the 18-year-old white girl stood naked on the deck of her boat being ogled by the older black man. He stepped to her and put his hand behind her head. He lowered his head and kissed her hard. Then he pushed his tongue into her mouth. At first, she just stood there, but then she reciprocated and shoved her tongue into his mouth as his hands roamed over her body. As he fingered her wet pussy, she became delirious and no longer cared what he did to her or who saw her standing there. He laid her on the deck and dropped his pants, and crawled between her open legs. He pushed his cock into her waiting pussy and she screamed, "Ahhh yess! Arrrrrgggh!"

She came quickly as he pounded her with his cock making her scream and moan. She gave herself completely to this big dirty black man as his hands squeezed her breasts and his cock pounded her white pussy. They kissed and thrust their tongues into each other's mouths as their joining became harder and faster. When he was about to cum, he growled, "Where do you want my cum, slut?"

"Ahhhh! Uunnngggh! Anywhere, baby. Cum wherever you want. Aaarrrrgggh! Ahhh fuck!"

He quickly withdrew and shoved his cock into her open mouth. As the cum spurted from his cock, she swallowed all of it as he smirked down at his young conquered white slut.

After they were dressed, he asked her about why a young girl was piloting a boat down the Mississippi River. She told him about her grandparents giving her mother the boat and her mother dying. She told him about Al trying to fuck her as soon as her mother died, and finally succeeding a few nights ago. She told him that she had no plan other than to get as far from Al Fowler as she could.

When she asked about him, he was vague at first. Then he told her that he was recently released from prison for robbing a 7-11 and beating the shit out of the clerk. As they sat next to each other talking, his hands moved over her legs, back and breasts possessively. She made no effort to stop the older black man, and was even somewhat excited about harboring a convicted black felon.

He dug into his pocket again and produced another marijuana cigarette. Her eyes got huge as she saw it. She asked, "Why... why d-don't y-y-you come with m-me, Reuben?"

He smiled knowingly at the young white girl as they shared the joint. He knew that she would soon be completely his. He smiled and nodded his head. "OK," he said. "let's fuck again before we push off."

She leaped from her chair and led him down the short stairway to her bed.

The odd couple worked their way slowly down the Mississippi River. It didn't take Reuben long to own the young white slut's body. She became infatuated with the older black man. Although she had had sex prior to meeting Reuben, it was nothing in comparison to the workout that he was giving her body whenever he wanted.

By the time they reached Baton Rouge, he had used all of her holes many times. He called her his little white slut and she had sworn over and over to do anything that he asked or told her. They had used a sizeable chunk of her funds on petrol, food, marijuana and new clothes for Reuben.

As they docked at Baton Rouge, Reuben used her cell phone and linked up with an old friend who lived in the city. He left to meet with the friend and Treva relaxed on the boat for the afternoon. Reuben's friend sold a few drugs and ran a few girls in the city. Reuben explained that they needed some cash and his friend offered to let her work as part of his stable for a few days. Since they were old friends, he would only take 50% instead of his usual 75% cut.

When Reuben returned to the boat, he quickly stripped Treva and slid his cock into her pussy. He had fucked enough young sluts to know the drill, so he fucked her to the verge of an orgasm and then made her repeat that she would do anything for him. Then he made her agree to fuck whoever he told her to fuck, and from there, it was easy to turn her in to an 18-year-old prostitute in Baton Rouge for the next week. By the end of the week, each of the men had made over $500 from Treva's pussy.

She was exhausted when she made it back to the boat after being fucked by men of all ages, colors and sizes for the past week. Without a word, she untied the boat and drifted to the middle of the river. Reuben grinned at her when he woke up and moved behind her and slid his hands around her waist and then inside her tee shirt. He squeezed her breasts and then whispered, "You have a hot little pussy, slut. I may put it to work for me when we reach New Orleans."

She turned and said, "Baby, I don't... " Before she could say another word, he had her stripped and on her knees sucking his cock while he steered the boat.

After she swallowed his load, he said, "you're my slut, Treva. You'll do what I tell you. Understand?" She hesitated only briefly before nodding her head. "Now tell me, slut."

She slowly got to her feet and stood naked in front of him. She paused for a few seconds and then said, "I... I'm your sl-slut. I love y-your c-cock Reuben, and I-I'll do anything for it. I-I thi... I think I love you, baby."

When they reached The Big Easy, Reuben sold the boat and got an apartment for the two of them. He soon had her on the street selling her body to anyone with the money to buy it. Shortly, he added two young black prostitutes and an older white prostitute to his stable, giving him a total of four whores on the street. The hot young white girl from near Paducah was always the biggest earner for him, and to show his appreciation, he continued to let her stay with him and he used her white body a few times each month as long as her cunt continued to support his lifestyle.

Treva never thought of Al Fowler again. She also soon forgot about her trip down the Mississippi, and her previous life in Kentucky. Her mind was completely consumed by earning enough money to keep Reuben happy and enjoying the blunts and other drugs that he supplied to her to keep her on her back servicing cocks. She discovered that she loved to fuck and she liked the variety of being a street whore. This wasn't what Treva pictured herself doing when she left home, but somehow, she had become dependent on Reuben and was happiest when she was servicing him and making him happy. She no longer thought of the future or what she wanted to do with her life. She thought no further ahead than her next high and her next cock.

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