Snowed In

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Steve plays strip monopoly with 3 girls during a blizzard.
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I am 20 years old and I believe I live a charmed life. Not only do I have no "real" responsibilities, I have the supreme fortune to live with three absolutely beautiful women. I came to this lucky state by pure chance, fate dealing me a gift for which I remain truly grateful. I answered a blind ad where three people needed a fourth to share the expenses of a four-bedroom apartment not knowing that the three in question were these beauties. They did not disclose their gender in the ad and so I applied. Had I known they were three gorgeous women I would never have applied, being far too intimidated by their looks, even though I certainly would have fantasized about applying. Surprisingly enough, none of my future roommates had any problem whatsoever with the fact that I was a guy and actually thought it might be handy to have a "guy around the house" I knew right then that I must be blessed and moved in right away having lived here with them for almost a year now.

In order for you to truly understand the heights of my good fortune I should describe my roommates to you. First is Kelly. She is a 5'10 statuesque blonde with the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. Her hair is always hanging loose around her shoulders and when she tosses her head to the side to see something, and her thick blonde locks swish over her shoulder, it just makes me shudder. She is truly a woman who deserves to be worshipped.

Sandra is a little bit shorter and has brunette hair, but is no less stunning. Her most outstanding features have to be her healthy and surprisingly perky perfect 38d breasts. Often she walks around the house with only a nightshirt on and no bra, letting her breasts bounce about freely and the effect on me is most dramatic. If only she knew, which I think she does, what this does to me she would blush at the erotic fantasies I have about ramming my tool right through her glorious valleys. She is the most beautiful in the morning when she does her exercises in front of the TV. The sight of those fantastic heavy hangers swinging widely when she bends over has me doing full planks in my pants every day.

Carla is the black haired beauty of the house. Even though her breasts are quite small, (about apple-sized) they are more than enough for me. However, her outstanding characteristic is her ample, shapely oh so lickable ass. I find myself watching her for hours in an almost hypnotic trance as she bends down to pick up the laundry, or does leg lifts with Sandra in front of the TV. One day I saw her sunbathing on our back porch in a thong Brazilian cut bikini and I almost creamed my jeans right there.

Now I don't want anyone to get the impression that it is all sweetness and light at my house either. Despite having plenty to look at all of the time all three girls are fully occupied with full social lives of their own. Many nights I will hear Kelly receiving a good old fashioned banging from her very lucky boyfriend through our paper thin walls and I am filled with envy and usually put myself to sleep by choking the old chicken. Even though I have over time developed crushes on all three of my roommates nothing ever came of it. To my great regret I was more like a little brother than a romantic interest to them, so my dreams of nonstop orgiastic fun remained dreams only. I am not unattractive and they would often tease me about my ass when I wear my gym shorts that are too tight, or whistle when I walked to the bathroom in a towel, but nothing progressed beyond that. I know though that problem was I was too close, too familiar. I was an old shoe and a shoulder to cry on and a ready-made movie or dinner partner, nothing else. Everything seemed destined to stay painfully platonic, a starving man seated in the midst of an endless erotic buffet forever, or so I thought!

Living this close to such beauty and not being able to partake of it is similar to a starving man working at McDonalds yet never being able to take a lunch break. I dated plenty of other girls but over and over, but I could not get my gorgeous roommates out of my mind. Finally, though, one night all of my fantasies came true, well sort of. The sort of you will understand when I tell you what happened.

The day question was a Friday afternoon and began around 4:00 p.m. with the weather horrible and the snow falling in almost blizzard like conditions. The governor had come on the radio and announced that anyone who was on the road without snow chains would be ticketed for reckless driving so this was definitely going to be a bad weekend for traveling. I got home early from work and was alone in the house and had not been there 15 minutes when the phone rang. It was Carla.

"Steve" she said her voice bristling with panic. "The roads are a mess and my car won't start. I was supposed to pick Kelly and Sandra up from class this afternoon but now I can't. Can you come and pick us all up?"

"Sure" I replied confidently. Being from Buffalo New York snow never bothered me having grown up shoveling literally tons of it off of my car. "As long as I can see over the front of the car its nothing but a little flurry fit" I said chuckling.

Looking outside I smiled as I got suited up in my boots and calfskin jacket and hit the roads glad to be the white knight to my three damsels in distress. Once out on the roads however, even though I had lots of experience driving in the snow growing up, even I had to admit this was a bad storm! There were cars all over the road and in the ditches and when I finally arrived at the mall where Carla worked she was standing by the employee entrance to the parking lot pacing back and forth with that worried mother look she often gets.

"Thank God! I was beginning to get worried!" she said as she kissed me right on the mouth as soon as I got out of the car. This startled me a bit but my cock stirring in my shorts told me I had nothing to fear. "I sure hope Sandra and Kelly are all right, this storm is REALLY BAD!" she continued, visibly shaking from fright.

"Calm down Carla, Stevie is here and all will be OK." I said confidently in my best Dudley Dooright accent. She just laid her head on my shoulder and clutched tightly to my right arm as we walked to my car visibly shaking not just from the cold but from nerves over our imminent car trip home. We drove the few miles remaining to the local college where Kelly and Sandra are studying nursing in about two hours when normally the trip would take five minutes. The conditions were truly treacherous and I was very thankful I had put the chains on the car that morning before the snow had started. Arriving at the college, there wasn't a single car in the whole parking lot when we pulled in, all of the students and teachers having left hours earlier.

From the reaction that Kelly and Sandra gave us when we pulled up in my old car told me that they must have thought we had been killed.

"Thank God, Thank God! Thank God!" they kept saying over and over when they got in the car. All of the girls sat up front with me and watched the road so intently as we drove home that I thought their eyes were going to pop right out of their heads. It was only three miles back to our apartment and it took another hour to make that trip. All of the girls, and myself included, were extremely relieved when we pulled into my parking space back at the apartment.

"Well" said Kelly stomping the snow off of her stylish and now soaked uggs, "I guess this is going to be an in-house weekend. Let's fix popcorn and start a fire in the fireplace. Whenever it snows like this I like to make it cozy."

Everyone seemed to think this was a good idea and I went out back to the woodpile that is provided by the landlord for the tenants and gathered up some wood for the hearth. After a few trips back and forth I had enough wood for the entire weekend and as I stomped my boots clean on the back porch I announced that we were in for the duration. After I got back in I took a shower as the girls prepared dinner.

Luckily for us we had just gone to the store the day before so we had plenty of food. Fearing that we would lose power any minute, the girls decided to prepare a culinary feast, not wanting all of the groceries to spoil if the power was cut. My stomach growled incessantly as the marvelous smells emanated out of the kitchen as the girls whipped up a true banquet. We had my favorite; beef Wellington, asparagus with hollandaise sauce and Caesar salad and I was in heaven, as the food was excellent, and Sandra broke out some good wine. After doing the dishes we all went into the living room to watch a little TV. About five minutes into the movie we were watching the lights flickered a few times and went out. All of us groaning, we had been expecting this, we had lost power.

We all stumbled around in the dark and finally found some flashlights and a box of candles. "It's a good thing we bought all of those candles the other week." Carla remarked as the house glowed in the soft flicker of candlelight. To conserve heat, we closed off all of the doors leading out of the living room and I stoked up the fire to a full roar. Even though we did not have any heat the room was toasty warm from the fire and since I had the foresight to bring up all of the wood we would need for the weekend inside we were actually in pretty good shape.

We sat around the fire talking for about an hour or so and I was considering how lucky I was. Here I was snowbound with 3 gorgeous women in this romantic setting, it was heaven. After a while we all began to get bored so when Sandra suggested we play monopoly everyone jumped at the idea. I went out into the kitchen and got the monopoly set and a couple more gallons of wine and some glasses. The girls giggled and seemed to appreciate my thinking of bringing wine.

"Going get us all drunk and take advantage of us Stevie?" Carla joked.

"Drats! My evil plan was discovered!" I joked back.

After about an hour of playing monopoly everyone was down to very little money left and we all remembered just how pointless the game actually was. No one seemed to care though since everyone was on the fast path to inebriation from all of the wine we were drinking. Sandra then shocked everyone when she suggested we play for higher stakes.

"This game is getting a little boring don't you think? How about making it a little more interesting?"

"Well, just exactly what did you have in mind?" Carla replied in a half burp half hiccup, the effects of the wine becoming quite obvious.

"Let's play strip monopoly!" she said.

My cock instantly began to stir like some dog that hears the can opener running from a block away.

"Strip monopoly!" I thought. "HOLY FUCK YEAH!" I'll be snowbound in an apartment the whole weekend with a bunch of drunken, naked, beautiful women, I could think of no better outcome to the day than this.

My rational brain clicking on thought "Oh, but the others won't go for, surely they will balk."

Surprisingly they all seemed to like the idea and as they all agreed my jeans were already tenting. "This was it, my fantasy is coming true before my very eyes," I thought.

We then laid out the rules. Every time you pass go you may put two articles of clothing back on or take your $200. If you land on a piece of property with one house you have to remove one article of clothing, two houses = 2 articles and so on. If you land on a hotel you have to take off 5 articles, two hotels and you have to strip completely naked no matter how many articles of clothing you have on. The final rule was the kicker. If you are already naked and land on a property with a hotel you have to submit to one hour of any activity the group decides. To my complete delight and astonishment everyone agreed to the rules and we began to play.

This time the game was definitely not boring. The first time out Sandra landed on my Oriental Ave. with its two houses.

"Take it off, take it off" we all chanted as Sandra rose to her feet and began to remove her thigh high boots. She had no socks on underneath so she only had her jeans, shirt and any underwear she might be wearing. I thought to myself, "If I had known this was what we were going to be doing tonight I would have worn more clothing!" I only had my tee-shirt, jockeys and jeans on having decided to go barefoot that night.

It was my turn next and I rolled an 8 and landed on Ventnor Ave. This was Carla's property and she too had two houses on it. This was certainly not how I had wanted the game to go as the realization that being barefoot I had a four article disadvantage to them. Annoyed, I thought about how in my imagination of how this evening was going to go it was they who were supposed to be getting naked not me. Despite my embarrassment, I knew if I wanted to see any female flesh that evening I would have to submit the rules just like them.

Reluctantly I pulled off my tee-shirt and my jeans leaving me in only my briefs that were already straining. The girls all whistled and hooted when I removed my jeans and I turned about four shades of red when I realized that my erection was so apparent.

"Steve seems to be REALLY enjoying the game, don't you think girls?" giggled Carla joined in by the others as my bulge was hard to ignore. I sat back down on the floor futilely trying to hide my erection from them. It turned out to be a hopeless endeavor.

Kelly was next and rolled a four. "Ooooh what luck!" we all yelled as she landed on chance and read the card out loud.

"Advance to Pennsylvania Ave!" Her luck kept getting better and better as she owned the other two properties and this made the third. She sarcastically remarked "Ummm, I think I'll buy it! Oh and give me two hotels while you are at it." Seeing the two hotels on the board, and knowing that it meant instant nudity for any who landed on it ensured the game was getting interesting now.

Carla's turn was up and she rolled a four thus passing go and since she had not lost any clothing yet she collected her $200. She landed on Baltic ave. which she already owned so we would have to wait to see her strip. It was Sandra's turn next and she rolled a twelve landing on New York ave. "Great" I thought, "Carla has two houses there."

"Pay up Sandra," Carla taunted.

Sandra, with her face flushed with embarrassment slowly slipped out of her jeans revealing her perfectly shaped legs and the skimpiest French cut panties imaginable. She hesitated as she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and said "Well...Here goes nothing!"

Quickly lifting up her shirt she thus exposed her beautiful breasts and for the first time this evening some actual nudity. They bounced and jiggled as she struggled to get her shirt over the top of her head to the girl's amusement and my intense erotic interest. Blushing, she quickly covered herself with her arms as well as possible and sat back down.

It was my turn next and I nervously shook the dice in my hand. If I wanted to maintain my modesty I couldn't land on anything so I was already sweating. I rolled and held my breath.

"Perfect!" I exclaimed as I landed on free parking. I was safe for now and my shout of joy was drowned out by their playful boos. The girls all seemed very disappointed in my reprieve and Carla looked over at me a licked her lips very seductively and whispered in my ear "You will be naked soon!"

I did not think it was possible but my erection just got harder as those words hissed in my ear.

"OK Kelly, you're up " I said and she blushed. Kelly closed her eyes and rolled. I had two hotels on Park Place and one on Boardwalk and she was dangerously close to both. Rolling a six I cheered as she groaned as she had now landed on Boardwalk.

"YES! Time to show some skin Kelly!" I gloated. Since she landed on Boardwalk and there was a hotel there she had to remove five articles of clothing so nudity was a definite possibility.

"Come on guys" she begged. "I'll be naked!" The other girls tried to talk me into allowing her to only strip to her panties but I would not relent.

"Rules are rules," I grinned in triumph as she began to stand.

Half angrily she stood up and started to unbutton her blouse. Her nipples were clearly erect through her extremely sheer bra she was wearing and already I was drooling. Next she dropped her skirt to the floor which left her standing with only her pink panties on. I noticed that there was a wet stain right at the crotch and started to throb as I realized she was getting just as turned on by this game as I was.

She blushed when she saw me staring at her and I reflexively turned away. Carefully she rolled her panties down her leg being careful to keep her gorgeous muff hidden from my sight. When they reached her foot she very sexily kicked them off and right onto my face.

"Hope you enjoy the view Steve," she said lustily as I drank in the scent of her panties lying on my nose. As the sexual tension grew in the room, the wine flowed faster and help keep the game light.

It was Carla's turn next and she grabbed the dice and rolled. We all groaned in disbelief as she triumphantly moved to Reading Railroad.

"I can't believe the luck you are having!" Kelly exclaimed. "I am sitting here completely naked and you haven't even taken off your shoes yet." Carla just shrugged and laughed and passed the dice back to Sandra.

Sandra was sweating now. She was down to only her panties and had a lot of area to cover before she passed go. She rolled and landed on Marvin Gardens exhaling loudly. Luckily for her she already owned that and she proceeded to buy two more houses.

"Getting kind of expensive over here Stevie! Can't wait until you land here!" she joked as she passed the dice back to me.

Now it was my turn to sweat although I thought I was in pretty good shape on the board, there was still danger of nudity. The only properties I did not own on this side of the board were the yellow ones, which included Marvin Gardens and the Green ones. If I could just get past those two areas I would be home free so my odds looked pretty good.

I held my breath and rolled and as the dice landed every eye was trained on the board to see the result.

"ALL RIGHT!" all of the girls yelled simultaneously as the results were in. I looked down and realized I now had to take a stroll on Marvin Gardens and as I moved the little pewter shoe around the board my throat went dry.

"STRIP! STRIP! STRIP!" they began to chant and from the look on Kelly's face I knew I would receive no breaks.

"Well" I said blushing "Here goes!" and quickly dropped my drawers. I scrambled to get my shorts off as fast as possible so I could cover myself but they got tangled around my legs and I almost fell on my ass. The girls giggled and laughed and made many lewd remarks.

"Ummmm, nice equipment you have there, Stevie boy!" Carla said as she ran her finger nail down my chest and over my hands that I was desperately using to cover myself. I was quite turned on by the look I her eyes as my face got completely red. Suddenly finding yourself naked in front of all of your gorgeous female roommates was quite embarrassing.

Kelly rolled next and landed on just visiting in jail. She forwent her $200 and put her panties and bra back on. "OH," I said disappointedly "I really enjoyed seeing you naked!"

"Same goes for me," she answered giving me a wink.

"OK Carla, it's about time your luck runs out." She continued as all eyes were back on the fully clothed Carla who was about to roll.

She tossed the dice and landed on Rhode Island avenue, owned by Kelly and with a nice big hotel on it.

"Finally!" Sandra gasped. Carla sheepishly grinned, and after downing a full glass of wine for liquid courage, stood up and removed her sweater, boots and socks.

"Why do I get the feeling that Carla was better prepared than us?" Kelly asked as it became apparent that she was quite overdressed and therefore would be hard to strip.