Snowed In

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Three months in a cabin with five naked women and no shower.
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NOTE: This story is in the 'fetish' category, as bodily fluids and unwashed women are the main topic. But there is also some mild bondage, and a bit of lesbian incest. If that bothers you, you may want to read something else.

I have always loved hiking, in particular in the mountains. So when I had a business meeting Thursday and Friday in Colorado, it was natural to stay for the weekend to walk in the mountains. Normally, the end of November is a bit too late for hiking, but the fall had been warmer than usual, and the weather forecast was excellent. I had searched the Net for good hiking trails, and picked one of the lesser know, the Antler Lake Trail, expecting to have it more or less for myself this late in the season.

Early Saturday morning I checked out of my hotel and put most of my stuff in my car. The hotel charged a surprisingly large parking fee, so I had just left my car on a public parking lot a few hundred feet down the street. I then took an Uber to the trailhead.

My plan was simple. I would follow the main trail, probably eat lunch at Antler Lake, and then continue down the other side of the mountain. I expected to reach the road by mid afternoon, and then walk for perhaps half an hour to a small town, where I had booked a room in a bed-and-breakfast.

The first hours went fine. The landscape was beautiful, the sun was shining from a blue sky, and there was almost no wind. I put my jacket in the backpack, and enjoyed walking in solitude. Occasionally, I would catch a glimpse of two people further ahead on the trail, but they were far away.

By noon I was approaching the highest point on the hike. A small side-trail on the left led down to the lake itself. It was less than half a mile detour, and I was early, so I decided to eat lunch by the lake. Once I reached it, I saw that the two persons I had seen ahead were already here, unpacking their lunch. It was two young women in their twenties, one of them looking pregnant.

We ate our lunches together, and small-talked. The pregnant woman was called Cindy, and expected to give birth by the end of January. Her friend, Mary-Ann, had until recently been a park ranger in Yellowstone, and was now looking for a similar job. Both were nice people, and we got along well.

Suddenly Mary-Ann pointed at the mountain across the lake, "I don't like those clouds!"

We could all see the white cumulus clouds appearing from behind the mountain, growing rapidly.

"The weather forecast said sun all day," I said.

"Yes, Indeed. But I still don't like those clouds. They are probably harmless, but still..."

We finished our lunch, perhaps hurrying a bit more than we would otherwise have done as the clouds were growing surprisingly fast. By the time we were back on the main trail, the sun had almost disappearing behind the clouds. By unspoken agreement, we stayed together as we continued the hike. Half an hour later, the first snowflakes appeared and soon the ground was covered with a thin white layer, melting almost as fast as it was falling. There was no point in turning back, we were more or less at the halfway point, and the path ahead would be more sheltered than the path behind us. But it was with some worry that we trotted ahead.

We soon entered a small wood, giving us temporary shelter from the snow, but as we left the trees again the snowfall was heavy enough to be worrying, already an inch or more had accumulated on the track. That was when we saw a small mountain cabin, and decided to seek shelter.

The cabin was deserted, and the door was locked. We decided to try to find a way in anyway, if necessary by force, for now the snowfall was heavy and we could not deny that we were in trouble. There was no key below the doormat, and while the girls investigated the windows, I looked at the small tool shed, and tried to image where I would hide a spare key. It turned out I was thinking in much the same way as the owner, on the top of one of the small beams holding the roof there was a key.

We opened the door, and entered the hut. It was relatively large, with a single room serving both as living room, bedroom and kitchen. There were three beds in one corner, two bunk beds and a normal bed. Five chairs were placed around a table, two more chairs were by the beds, and a old but comfortably looking armchair. And along the wall by the windows there was a small kitchen with sink and a stove. In the wall furthest from the entrance there were two doors. I opened one of them, it led to a small bathroom with a toilet and a shower, and a pile of four blue plastic buckets in the shower.

"Jesus H. Christ!" I head Cindy exclaim. We all rushed over to her, she had opened the other door. It was a pantry with enough food to feed an army, or at least a small family for a year or two. Canned food and dried food, every kind of food that would not spoil, and no small supply of wine.

"This place must be owned by some kind of survivalist freak who expects to outlast the Zombie Apocalypse. Well, if we have to stay overnight, we will not starve."

"And God forbid you get out of shape while waiting for the Apocalypse to pass," Mary-Ann added and pointed to the training bike and the elliptical cross-trainer next to the beds.

We settled around the table, and decided to make coffee. Unfortunately, there was no water in the taps. A switch in the kitchen was labeled "Water pump", but flipping it had no effect. I investigated, and found that the cable from the switch led below the sink, where there were pipes but no pump - it looked like a pump had recently been removed, perhaps for repairs. Ah well, no coffee.

A little later, the snowfall stopped and the sun broke through. We opened the front door, everything was covered by maybe five inches of snow.

"It's our lucky day, let's get down while we still can," I suggested.

Mary-Ann looked worried, "I don't think so. Look at the clouds coming there. In half an hour it will be snowing even worse than it just did. I suggest that we stay out of trouble and wait it out here. It won't kill us to spend the night."

You really should listen to a park ranger when you have one, so we did as she said. We filled two pots with snow, and put them on the stove to get water. Less than twenty minutes passed, then the sun disappeared and it started snowing again. The wind picked up, and the weather turned really nasty, but at least we would soon have water for coffee.

"There is someone out there!" Mary-Ann exclaimed. She rushed to the door, opened it, and flicked the light on and off rapidly to attract their attention. And moments later Cindy and I could see three people approaching the cabin through what was now almost a blizzard.

It turned out to be three women on a family hike. Heather, the grandmother, was 55 but did not look a day older than 45. She had an athletic build, and her hair was relatively short, light brown with the first streaks of grey in it. Sarah, the mother, was 37. She was slightly chubby, with long, straight red hair that reached halfway down her back, and a very nice bust. Tracy, the daughter, was eighteen. Clearly her father was dark-skinned, maybe African-American, from India, or something like that, for her skin was very dark and her hair was black and fell in beautiful curls down her back. She had inherited her mother's large shapely breasts. Although the three women were quite different, nobody who saw their pretty faces could have the least doubt that they were family.

We invited them in, and made coffee for the six of us. The cabin was still quite cold, but the electric heating was working, and in a few hours it would be pleasant. We all sat around the table and chatted, praising our luck for finding this place as we watched the blizzard rage outside. By evening we cooked some food from the pantry, and opened a bottle of wine. We planned to track down the owner of the cabin the next day, apologize and pay for what we had taken.

There were three beds, and bed-linen in a cabinet. On top of the sheets Cindy found three thick and heavy sheets, and asked if we knew what they were for.

"It is bed-wetter sheets. Some people just use them to protect the mattresses," Tracy explained.

"Well, we won't need them," Cindy said, but Tracy disagreed.

"If the owner uses them to protect his mattresses, we should use them too, just as a matter of respect."

"I agree," her mother said.

I thought it was slightly silly, but life has taught me not to argue about unimportant things, so we made the beds with the protective sheets below the normal ones.

"Cindy, did you see if there were any extra blankets or something like that, so I can make some kind of bed for myself on the floor?"

"No, sorry," She answered.

"Why would you sleep on the floor?" Sarah asked.

"Well, there are only three beds, and they are not very wide. As the only male here, it looks like the floor is my fate. I'll survive."

"Don't be silly, Gordon. I am thirty seven, old enough to sleep with a man without fucking him. If you can keep your hands to yourself you can sleep with me. We can take this bed, it is a little wider than the bunks, so we won't be quite as close."

"Thanks!" I did not say it loud, but sharing a bed with Sarah seemed like a much nicer alternative than the floor.

I decided to sleep in my briefs and my t-shirt. The ladies also stripped down to panties and t-shirts, and they all removed their bras while keeping the t-shirt on. We went to bed, Sarah and I with our backs towards each other, but quite close as we had to share a blanket.

"Sleep well, and no groping. If you do, you'll spend the rest of the night on the floor." she said with a friendly but determined voice.

"Don't worry, I will not risk that."

I closed my eyes, and could feel the warmth from Sarah's back less than an inch from my own. The day had been mentally straining, and I quickly fell asleep.

I woke early, it was still dark outside. Sarah had turned in her sleep and was now spooning me, with her arm over my chest. I did not want to try to move her, lest she woke up and misunderstood the situation. Besides, feeling her warmth against my back was quite pleasant. I soon dozed off again.

When I woke again, Sarah was still spooning me, but now she was squeezing me really close in her sleep, and giving off small sounds. Was she having wet dreams? I felt damp on my back, where her breasts were rubbing against my back. The first faint light was coming in through the windows, and I could see Tracy climbing down from the upper bunk, trying to be silent. She went to the bathroom. I cowardly decided to act like I was sleeping until Sarah woke up, she could then disengage and pretend this never happened.

The bathroom door opened again, and Tracy came out. She went to the window, and looked out.

"FUUUUUUCK!!!! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" she shouted.

We all woke up. Behind me, Sarah sat up.

"Oh shit! I am leaking again!"

"Seriously, mom, we have far worse problems than your leaky breasts. Come and see!"

We all got out of bed, and went to the window. It was a beautiful morning, the clouds were gone and the sun would soon rise, we could already see the red light in the horizon. We could also see the problem that had caused Tracy to freak out. It had snowed a lot during the night. The ground was covered with a thick layer of snow, three or four feet at least. We were not going anywhere today!

"This really sucks," Sarah said, "but I still need to clean up my mess."

I looked at her. Her t-shirt was really wet on the front, with two big blotches as if her tits were leaking milk. She picked up her bra, and went to the bathroom. The rest of us put on our pants, by now the hut was warm enough to just wear the t-shirts we had been sleeping in.

"We need some more water," Tracy said, "there is only half a pot here, and less than half a bucket in the bathroom, barely enough to flush once."

The snow reached the bottom of the windows, so we opened one and collected two more pots of snow. Right then, Sarah came back out. She was now wearing panties and her bra, and held her t-shirt in her hand. She asked for my t-shirt.

"It is wet on the back. We have to wash them, otherwise they will stink before lunch." She put the t-shirts in a plastic tub, and began heating some water, then she got dressed too. Without our t-shirts, Sarah and I had to wear our sweaters, although it was a bit warm for that.

"It's bad enough for us to be stuck here, but it really sucks if a little one is impatiently waiting for mom to come back," I said to Sarah.

"A little one?" She looked confused, "Oh, the milk. No, Tracy is my only child. My hormones are just a bit messed up, it is a harmless but rather rare condition. My breasts continue to produce milk, they have done so for eighteen years now. It is sometimes inconvenient, but at least I can milk it out and sell it for a good price. There are some newborn babies that are so prone to allergies that they can only drink the real thing, and if their mom does not produce any..."

We soon had breakfast, and discussed the chances of getting rescued. Unfortunately, we had all come with Ubers, so there were no cars left at the trailheads for anyone to find.

"It is really my fault if we don't get rescued," Mary-Ann said. "I am a Ranger, part of my job was to tell people to always leave an itinerary when going hiking, so a search-and-rescue can be sent out if they go missing. But do I take my own medicine? No!" She looked really miserable, but we assured her that we would most likely be saved within a few days at the most. It was just unfortunate that none of us had told anybody where we were going.

We spent the rest of the day playing cards, drinking some wine, and melting snow. Getting enough water for the toilet was a real issue, and we agreed not to flush if we only peed. But still, we had to melt snow continuously.

By evening we got ready to go to bed again.

"Do you mind if I sleep without my t-shirt?" Sarah asked me, "I have emptied my breasts, and I usually don't leak milk when I sleep, but I really don't want to take any chances and get it wet again."

"We really should be sleeping naked," Heather said.

"Why?" we all asked.

"We only have the underwear that we are wearing, it easily gets ever so slightly damp. If it never dries, then we girls risk getting a yeast infection in the pussy, and trust me that is no fun if there is no pharmacy nearby!"

Everybody hesitated except Heather, who just stripped naked and went to bed. Finally, Tracy took off her t-shirt and panties, and climbed into the upper bunk with Heather. The rest of us stripped naked too and went to bed.

Knowing that Sarah was behind me completely naked was more distracting than I had expected. I could hear her breathing, and I could smell her! She had not showered for a few days, and smelled strongly of woman. Most men stink when they don't wash, and some women too, but others just smell so sexy. We were lying there for perhaps fifteen minutes, neither of us sleeping, before Sarah turned in the bed. She put her hand on my shoulder and slowly turned me onto my back.

She whispered in my ear, "When I said I could share a bed with a man without fucking him, I did not know we would be naked. I am getting so horny!"

I answered her by kissing her on the mouth. She immediately responded, and we tongue-kissed. She reached down to my cock and I placed my hand on her breast. We embraced for a while, touching each others bodies, before she rolled onto her back and spread her legs. I got in between them, and entered her. I kissed her deeply while we fucked. She began moaning loudly, and finally almost screamed as we both came.

"Grandma, are you just as noisy as Mom when you fuck?"


"Me neither."

They giggled in the bunks. Sarah and I were mortified, we had somehow forgotten that we had an audience. There was nothing to do except lying down in each other's arms, and pretend that we didn't care. Soon we heard noises from the lower bunk. We had not seen any indication that Cindy and Mary-Ann were anything else than just friends, but now they were clearly following our example, just with a lot less noise. Finally, they sounded like they reached their climax. I was now on my back, and Sarah was lying next to me.

"Can I lie on top of you?" she whispered.

I nodded, and she climbed on top, lying face down on me. We kissed again, but it was too soon to do anything more, so we just enjoyed our closeness.

"May I sleep like this?"


Eventually, we both fell asleep, with her on top of me. I woke up a few times during the night, feeling her weight on my body. I had never slept like that before, but liked it, and went back to sleep. Finally, I could see the very first light as I woke up. She was still sleeping, but again moaning slightly in her dreams, and I felt wetness where her pussy was touching my pubic hair. I quickly got an erection, and tried to slide it into her without waking her. She woke up, of course, and was clearly a bit confused until she realized what was happening.

"Nice way to wake a girl," she whispered in my ear. Then she sat up, and began riding me. Her breasts were larger than they had been the night before, and quickly began dripping milk. I tried to catch a few drops in my mouth, she smiled and slid upwards, placing her left nipple in my mouth. I sucked it, and my mouth filled with warm milk. The taste was strange, sweeter than I expected, and not unpleasant. I drank a few mouthfuls from her breast, and then she gave me the other one. Then she slid back onto my cock.

"Now I won't drip on you," she whispered, and began riding me again. This time we tried not to make any noise, so we would not wake up the others. We must have failed, for when we were done the four others were sitting in their beds watching us. Tracy almost jumped down from her bed, and rushed naked to the bathroom. She did not even take the time to close the door before she sat down and pissed. The rest of us relieved ourselves too, and prepared breakfast. We all sat down to eat, still naked as if none of us wanted to be the first to get dressed and thereby admit that the nudity was not natural.

"Anybody needs some milk for the coffee? Gordon didn't do a very good job emptying my breasts."

I blushed, Cindy and Mary-Ann nodded. Sarah took a glass and milked out almost a full glass from her left breast. It was a strange breakfast, we were all a little embarrassed about being naked, but none of us wanted to admit it. Finally, Mary-Ann brought up the subject.

"If we get rescued today or tomorrow, it will be by helicopter. Walking the paths, even on skis, is asking to get killed in an avalanche. But realistically, we may be stuck here until the snow melts, that can take weeks or even all winter. I suggest we pack away our clothes, so we have something not too filthy to wear once we get saved."

"Clothes or not," Sarah said, "I am sweaty and smelly and need a bath." She got up, and found a wash-cloth. "Gordon, if I heat some water will you help me wash?"

Soon I found myself washing a beautiful, naked Sarah. Rubbing her entire body with the wet cloth was very stimulating, and although I tried to avoid it I soon had an erection. Obviously, I paid special attention to her breasts and pussy as I washed her. She had a nice bush between her legs, it looked like she was trimming it regularly. I obviously had to make sure it was cleaned properly. She then washed me the same way. While we washed, Tracy and Mary-Ann had begun working out on the machines, and Heather was playing cards with Cindy.

"Cindy and Heather, do any of you want to be washed by a sexy naked man?" Sarah asked when we had finished. Cindy put down her cards, and came to me. I enjoyed washing her pregnant body, there is something fundamentally sexy about it, probably an instinctive attraction to a woman that is obviously fertile. Cindy's breasts were smaller than Sarah's, but soon just as clean. Her pussy was hairy, too, and I made sure it was absolutely clean. But soon I had no excuse to continue touching her, and she returned to her seat. Heather came to get her wash.