So Stupid: A Reyna Story

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A stupid woman decides to taunt Reyna.
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**Disclaimer: This story contains characters from my series, "My Best Friend's Girlfriend," but you do not need to read those earlier stories in order to enjoy or understand this story.**


The restaurant was crowded but quiet. Good restaurants were quiet. Reyna was enjoying her Chardonnay. It wasn't great, but it was the best in the building. Isabella was paying, and Isabella wouldn't stop talking about how expensive it was. Price tags were never important to Reyna, but she enjoyed taking. Taking was it's own private pleasure, entirely separate from receiving or getting.

Isabella, to her left, was talking about something. Reyna couldn't care less. Isabella was a recent conquest, but Reyna doubted she had the potential to last. Isabella had too much strength in her. She knew who she was and couldn't become blank easily. Nevertheless, Isabella's silver collar with sapphires was Reyna's. Isabella belonged to her, body and soul.

In fact, Isabella's former best friend, Bethany, was busy eating out Reyna at this very moment. It was Isabella's idea to start offering her friends to Reyna like items on a menu. Bethany was a shy introvert until Reyna fixed her. Apparently, Bethany had quite the exhibitionist slut in her DNA for Reyna to bring out.

But Reyna was bored. Bethany wasn't very talented. Isabella wouldn't stop talking about how this wasn't the finest restaurant in town, and she promised to bring her goddess to the finest restaurant as soon as she could. She never said the word right. Goddess should be said with reverence and fear. It was a title to Isabella. It was as though Isabella felt she had collected Reyna and not the other way around. She didn't know that Reyna had been to the finest restaurants on the planet and fucked many women in them, often when open and sometimes when closed. She didn't know that the finest of this city was nothing to a goddess. She didn't know that Reyna didn't need help collecting Bethany or recommendations on who to collect next. Isabella didn't know much of anything, but she felt so smart.

Reyna needed a new distraction.

Across the restaurant, two white women were giggling and looking at Reyna. They'd been giggling all night. Reyna assumed it was the alcohol. They were gluttonous. Reyna could see this was normal for them. She could see that they wanted to be numb and giggling.

"My point is that Chardonnay, isn't exotic. Doing something well isn't inherently of value. I'd rather they did something exotic. That's worth my money," said Isabella.

Reyna rolled her eyes. She put her hands on Bethany's head. The slut stopped. She bent down so her pet could hear her and whispered, "Switch to Isabella, darling." The slut obeyed. Isabella sighed and spread her legs to receive her friend. She sighed softly and bit her lip whenever she moaned to stifle the sound. It was adorable, but more importantly, it shut her up.

The women across the restaurant burst into obnoxious laughter. This time, Reyna was sure they were looking at her table. Perhaps they saw Bethany eating out Isabella. Perhaps it was nothing at all, a coincidence. Stranger things happened.

The waitress came back. She was an older woman, in her fifties, but still attractive. Reyna made sure she could see Bethany's work. She felt a thrill enjoying the effect on both women: a combination of shame and arousal.

The things we are most ashamed of are often our deepest desires. It isn't the action that shames us, but the complete transparency. To stand fully nude at the level of the soul before a stranger evokes burning shame until Reyna teaches them to let it evoke freedom and pride. Let sluts be sluts. Everything else was dissembling and a foolish game. Reyna's deepest desire was for the world to strip itself bare, that all people be as they truly are, sluts and worms begging to be controlled. Then, and only then, can they have any true semblance of freedom. They will be slaves to society or slaves to Reyna, and Reyna offered so many more advantages.

"Anything else I can do for you ladies?" asked Charlotte, the waitress. Her silver hair was up in a bun and her black vest showed she kept in excellent shape. Her green eyes kept flitting down to the table, right where Bethany was below eating out her friend.

"I think we'd like the check," said Reyna. Isabella was too distracted with sighs to say anything. She bucked her hips deeper into Bethany's face and let her moans build in volume. She'd draw a crowd if they stayed any longer.

"Yes, Ma'am," said Charlotte.

"And I'd like to buy drinks for that table," said Reyna, pointing to the giggling girls.

Charlotte turned around. "Uh ... sure. What would you like to buy them?"

"Whatever they're having," said Reyna with a wave of her hand.

"Excellent. Anything else?"

"Your phone number," said Reyna. If Charlotte wasn't so obviously soaked, Reyna may feel the need to pour out some power into the woman's mind.

Charlotte nodded and walked away. Reyna kept her gaze on the two women across the restaurant. They were both beautiful in an artificial way. They didn't wear too much makeup or try too hard, but it was obvious that they tried. They wore expensive clothes. The brunette was in a stunning blue dress with a plunging neckline. Nothing cheap or whoreish, but she was clearly proud of her cleavage and stomach. It was the brunette's pearl necklace and earrings that tipped her off as someone of too much wealth and too little creativity. The blonde had her hair in a tight and high ponytail. Her dress was black with hard leather shoulders and beautiful lace over her cleavage. That one had taste, but the diamonds on her neck were another sign of showing off. You'd wear those to a gala or ball. But to dinner? Gaudy.

Both of them kept looking over at Reyna's table. It wasn't Bethany they were laughing at. Reyna was sure of it now. They never glanced beneath the table. And despite the occasional sighs and soft moans, Isabella wasn't acting terribly pornographic for two strangers across the restaurant to notice. It was Reyna they were laughing at.

Charlotte returned with the check. Her number was on a separate piece of paper. Reyna nudged Isabella, and her slut took out her pocketbook to pay for the check. Reyna tapped Bethany's head, and the slut stopped. There was shuffling as they put themselves back together and Bethany tried to surreptitiously crawl out from under the table.

Reyna handed a napkin to Bethany. "Clean yourself up." Her mouth was slick with Isabella's juices. Reyna turned to Isabella, "Go fix your hair, slut." Isabella nodded and turned to find a bathroom.

Reyna took out a mirror from Bethany's purse. There was nothing wrong with her face or on it. It was soft and copper. She kept her makeup simple, often preferring a natural or nude look with the exception of her lips. Her long black hair was flipped and cascaded over her shoulder. It was an elegant look she liked that took little time to prepare. She was perfect.

Reyna handed the mirror back to Bethany. "Go get the car. Park it on the street and fuck yourself," said the goddess casually. Bethany nodded and left. She wasn't completely trained, so Reyna supposed the immediacy of her obedience came from her eagerness to cum.

The two women were calming down, but they continued to grin devilishly. Reyna didn't want to engage in their pettiness. Some mortals need to feel superior. They need to put down others and mock others in order to feel value. The truth is, they were acutely aware of their own valueless existence. The only way to stave off the pain of obscurity was to cling to the tiny notoriety of being the mocker. Goddesses didn't need to feel superior. They were superior. Reyna wasn't self-conscious or anxious about the women's comments. She was intrigued. They were opening themselves up to her, inviting her into their world. Of course, she would accept.

"Where's Beth?" asked Isabella when she got back to the table.

"She's getting the car."


"You're ready?" asked Reyna.

"Yes, goddess."

"Follow me." Reyna stood from the table and walked straight for the table of the two women. The women stopped laughing immediately. The brunette looked uncomfortable, but the blonde was still smiling.

"Can I help you?" asked the blonde. She had a faint accent. It sounded like somewhere up north, maybe Chicago or Minnesota.

"Is something wrong?" asked Reyna.

"What do you mean?" Her wicked smile didn't change with her tone. Her voice sounded confused, but her face knew better.

"You've been staring at -"

"They let anyone in these days," said the blonde. She turned away from Reyna and spoke directly to the brunette. "They should probably build a wall."

The blonde burst into obnoxious laughter. The brunette chuckled, but stared uncomfortably at Reyna. Reyna looked to Isabella, and her pet was blushing. She wasn't speaking, she knew her place, but she wanted to leave. Even Isabella, a natural domme in many ways, felt inferior to this hyena?

"Is that a joke?" asked Reyna. There was no fire in her voice. Something was funny, but Reyna hadn't done anything amusing and the blonde hadn't said anything amusing. Her question prompted another burst of laughter from the blonde.

"We should go," muttered Isabella.

Reyna turned and glared at her. Isabella withered. "We're going to find out what's so funny. Have a seat, slut." Isabella obeyed immediately and sat at the table next to the brunette. Reyna sat across from the blond. The brunette moved away from Isabella, but the blonde continued to laugh. Her laughter was high pitched and punctuated with sharp inhales. It was like a chirp or a chitter. It was disgusting.

"Cathy," said the brunette. She put a hand on the blonde's hand.

The blonde, Cathy, recoiled and glared at her. The brunette wilted.

"Please, tell me, what's so funny?" asked Reyna.

"Oh," said Cathy condescendingly as she reached out a hand towards Reyna, "is English not your first language?" She laughed at her own joke.

"Cathy ..." warned the brunette.

"Shut up, Heather," hissed Cathy. "Jesus, you're such a pussy. You've been laughing the whole time." Heather obeyed.

"Spanish is my first language," said Reyna. She knew what Cathy was trying to do. She understood her tone. She was trying to make Reyna a joke. But it wasn't funny. Jokes were supposed to be funny.

"I think," said Cathy. "You should learn English. That's what we speak in this country."

"I know English," said Reyna. She tilted her head. Cathy wasn't powerful. She was weak. She was confused. She was stupid. She was so stupid. Reyna saw it clearly now. There was nothing of substance to this woman. Others were afraid of her, but Reyna couldn't see why. Perhaps she had money, she must to afford this restaurant and her clothes, but that didn't matter. There was no mind behind that money.

"Not well enough." Cathy turned to Heather. "They let anyone in. I thought this place was supposed to be exclusive. These beaners need to go back to their fucking country." Heather and Isabella both gave slight gasps at the same time, but Cathy turned slowly and smiled at Reyna. "Comprende?" she asked with a disturbing accent.

Reyna smiled. This was certainly going to be more fun than Isabella or Bethany's clumsy tongue. "You're so stupid," said Reyna. It wasn't an insult. It wasn't an attack. There was no tone in her voice of anger or frustration. It was the truth, pure and simple. Cathy's smile didn't fade. Reyna sensed the blonde liked a challenge. Isabella and Heather moved closer together, away from the moron and the goddess.

"What did you say to me?"

"You're so stupid." The smile fled Cathy's face. "I am from the springs of Alhama de Granada. I am from the depths of truth hidden in human hearts. I am the fear in the face of unrelenting certainty and unyielding reality. I am not some immigrant to your country. I was before your country, and I will be long after it. And you, you are so stupid not to realize when you're speaking to a goddess."

Cathy broke into laughter. Heather and Isabella each gave a slight chuckle. Isabella had never heard the beginning of Reyna's full name. There were so many names to remember, but that was the way with truth. The truest things took the most words to express.

"Isabella," said Reyna without looking away from Cathy. "Find the manager and then the owner of this restaurant. Then, buy it."

"W-w-what?" stammered Isabella. "R-reyna I don't have that kind of -"

"You're selling your beach house, slut. Now go. Once you've convinced them it isn't a game, remove everyone from the building. I want privacy."

"S-surely -"

Reyna turned to Isabella and poured herself out into the slut. Isabella locked onto Reyna's eyes and her whole body relaxed. A smile crept onto her face and slowly lifted one corner of her mouth. "You like to use your money to feel powerful. This will make you feel powerful. You don't want your money to sit in a bank account or a house. You want to impress people. Tell them this is the restaurant you bought for a goddess. Impress them with your impulsivity. You want to impress them. You hope you can impress me. You're desperate to surprise me, but you know you never will. Try anyways, slut. Buy the restaurant. Take control of the staff and the management. Put this towards my wishes." Isabella nodded slightly, as though she were falling asleep. She caught herself and got up to obey.

Isabella wouldn't stay with Reyna much longer. She'd outlive her usefulness when she had no more money.

"What the fuck?" said Cathy. "This is one of the most exclusive -"

"You're so stupid," said Reyna. "You think you're more clever and creative than ... What was your name?" asked Reyna to Heather.

"Heather," whispered the brunette. She was trying to shrink into her shoulders and dress, as though there was no danger if she made herself small.

"Heather, yes." Reyna turned back to Cathy. "You think you're more clever than she is, but you're wrong. You're so stupid. You can't even realize that you're not in charge here."

"You can't talk to me that -"

"You must have many friends that listen to you. They obey you. They fear you. I assume your husband," said Reyna, nodding at the giant diamond ring on Cathy's finger, "also fears you. You love their fear. You love your boldness. You believe you're willing to do and say what others are too weak to say or do."

"Listen, bitch," hissed Cathy, "I don't know you think -"

"But the truth is that you aren't brave or bold. You're stupid. Heather is wise to hold her tongue, but you're too stupid. You can't even remember who I am. I told you. You think it's fantasy, some play with words, but that's because you're so stupid. Heather knows. She knows I spoke the truth. I can only speak the truth, but you're too stupid to know it when you hear it."

"Thank you," whispered Heather. She let her shoulders move back and held her head a little higher.

"Goddess," corrected Reyna. "Thank you, goddess."

"Thank you, goddess," said Heather with deference.

"What the fuck, Heather?" snapped Cathy.

Heather shrugged and sunk back into herself.

"Cathy, you're a domme. I can respect that," said Reyna. "But you've gone too far."

"Fuck you, bitch."

Reyna poured herself out into Cathy. Cathy was so remarkably simple, it was disappointing. She was nothing like Anna or Sarah. Those two were complex meals with different textures of shame and repression. Cathy was primal. She was an animal with language. She was cruel for control. She controlled out of fear. She feared loneliness. She was acutely aware of her inadequacies and shortcomings, but felt that fear would overcome logic and keep people with her. She was right, so far. People flocked to her because they feared loneliness more than her abuse.

"But you're so stupid," whispered Reyna. Cathy saw the truth in Reyna's eyes. There were no lies there. Cathy was a small girl who didn't know how the world worked. She didn't know the basics of respect and civility. She didn't understand compassion or empathy, and Cathy saw that as strength because she was too stupid to see it as cruelty. She couldn't see, she couldn't know, what true intellect was. Intellect was more than knowledge. It was the application of knowledge, and she had applied her knowledge to make a casual racist remark to a stranger. There's nothing impressive in that mind.

"There's nothing impressive in your mind," whispered Reyna. Cathy leaned closer to Reyna cross the table. She wanted to crawl into Reyna. She wanted to be with the truth in Reyna's mind so that she may finally taste a true mind and true intelligence. "You don't belong with me," said Reyna. "You're too stupid."

"Too stupid," whispered Cathy. It was barely a whisper and more of a sigh.

"There's nothing of value in your mind."

"Nothing of value in my mind."

"Your mind is useless."

"My mind is useless."

"You have no choice but to be stupid."

"Be stupid."

"Be so stupid."

"Be so stupid."

"The only good thing about you is your body."

"My body," intoned Cathy. She leaned further over the table. Her breathing deepened, and Reyna knew if she looked under the table, she'd see Cathy's legs clench with desire.

"You're turned on by being used," whispered Reyna. It wasn't a suggestion. With Reyna, there were no suggestions. There was only the truth. There was only the irrevocable, unrelenting force of authentic reality pressing down on a person's soul. Reyna wasn't controlling Cathy; she was freeing her.

"I'm turned on by being used."

"You prefer to be a body."

"I prefer to be a body."

"You love being a mindless body."

"Love being a mindless body."

"Your mouth isn't for talking; talking requires thinking."

Cathy nodded.

"Your mouth is for serving. For sucking."

Cathy nodded.

"Show me."

Cathy slid under the table without hesitation. Reyna turned her attention to Heather. "Heather, darling?"

"Yes, goddess?" whispered the brunette. She kept her eyes in her lap. She was shy. Poor thing.

Reyna grabbed her chin and lifted her gaze. Reyna poured out her power and felt Heather relax. "Relax, Heather," whispered Reyna. "I'm not going to hurt you. You didn't do anything wrong. You're the smart one. You're intelligent. You showed wisdom. You recognized power when you saw it, and you showed respect where it was due. Few women would call me goddess so quickly. You're eager to obey, that's why you follow Cathy. Isn't that right?"

"Yes, goddess," whispered Heather.

"You're intelligent, and Cathy is stupid. Isn't that right?"

"Yes, goddess."

"Say it."

"I'm intelligent, and Cathy is stupid."

"And the intelligent should look out for the stupid. They should guide them. They should teach them. They should be in control and in charge." Reyna released Heather's chin, but Heather didn't look away. Cathy was under the table, spreading Heather's legs and rolling down Heather's panties. "Say it."

"The intelligent should look out for the stupid. They should guide them. They should teach them. They should be in control and in charge."

"You should be in charge of Cathy."

"I should be in charge of Cathy."

"You've always been in charge of her."

"I've always been in charge of her."

"She's so stupid and heartless."

"She's so stupid and heartless."

"You're her moral compass."

"I'm her moral compass."

"She's been bad."

"She's been bad."

Under the table, Cathy was staring at Heather's pussy like a moron, like she'd never seen a pussy before and had no idea what to do with it.

"If you're in charge, you should punish her."

"I should punish her."

Reyna released Heather, and the girl gasped with pleasure. She'd been able to ignore Cathy, but the stupid girl was probing the pussy, trying to figure out how it works. Cathy slid her hips forward and spread her legs apart. Heather continue to finger Cathy, working her pussy like a smartphone or checking the temperature of a bath. She was fascinated by it.