Solstice Ch. 10

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Alex sexual abilities are tested in Madagascar.
6.6k words

Part 10 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/15/2021
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On Tuesday, Demi got the group together to discuss the Madagascar trip.

"Gaia, said for me to book the trip for Mom, Ariana, and Alex. I have no clue where they came from, but somehow, I had dates and places in my head. You leave on the tenth at six-fifteen pm. The trip goes from Denver to Frankfurt, Germany. Then to Cairo/Egypt, Salaam/Tanzania, Nairobi/Kenya, and finally, to Antananarivo/Madagascar. Total time is forty-three hours."

"Nothing like the direct route," Ariana grumbled.

"Guys, I really tried, but that's the best route I could find."

"What do we do when we get to Madagascar?" her mother asked.

"I've booked you a hotel room in Anta-whatever it is, for two days to rest up."

"And then?" Aphrodite asked.

"Someone will come and get you," Demi replied.

"Who?" Alex asked.

"I have no clue."

"No name?" Aphrodite asked.

"You wait at the hotel. Someone will pick you up and take you to your destination."

"Which is?" Alex asked.

"Sixty miles away."

"Well, at least it's just an hour from the hotel."

"Actually, the sixty miles will take about six hours."

"Are we going on bicycles?" Ariana asked.

"Look, I'm telling you everything I know," Demi said, apologetically.

"It's okay, honey. Do you have our return info?" her mother asked.

"Hotel on the seventeenth for one night. You fly out the next morning at eight."

"Another direct route?" Alex asked, laughing.

"Yep, but it's thirty-three hours."

"At least that's shorter," Ariana added.

"Actually, it's the same. Madagascar is ten hours ahead of Denver time. It's still the same amount of time."

"Peachy," Ariana grumbled.

"So, we'll need to pack for eight days," her mother said.

"No, just three days. While you're in Madagascar, you'll be provided with your clothes," Demi said.

"What do they wear in Madagascar?" Alex asked.

"Malagasy attire," Demi replied.

"What's that?" Ariana asked.

"Beats me," Demi said, laughing.

"You're a big help," Ariana muttered.

"Sorry, best I can do."

"Anything else?" their mother asked.

"Yeah, have a nice trip," Alexandra said, nearly falling off her chair laughing.

It took a moment, but soon, they were all laughing.

Over the next few days, other questions came up, but Demi had no more information to add. They packed, and each wound up with a single, soft-sided bag for the trip. Alexandra did some research and filled them in on the country, culture, and climate.

The trip was exhausting, and by the time they reached their hotel, they were all ready to drop. Demi had booked the Relais des Plateaux for them, and after checking in and showering they were all three asleep in minutes. Aphrodite had planned ahead and set an alarm to get them up at eight am local time, with the intent of resetting their internal clocks, and overcoming the jet lag. Since they didn't know who was coming for them, or when, they stayed close to the hotel. On the morning of their second day, they were in the hotel restaurant having breakfast when a black man walked to them.

"We go now," he said.

"Who are you?" Aphrodite asked.

He smiled, showing several missing teeth. "We go now," he said again.

"To Miora?" Alex asked.

The man nodded and smiled. "We go now," he said, as he tugged on Alex' arm.

Alex waved to the waiter, who walked to the table. "We're waiting on someone to take us somewhere. Can you speak to this man and see if he's the one we're supposed to go with?"

The waiter spoke to the man in another language, and after he replied, turned back to Alex. "He is here to take three people to the woman. He was told he would recognize them by white hair. I believe you are supposed to accompany him, sir."

"Will you ask him to join us for breakfast?"

The waiter spoke to him again. The man held up both hands and shook them. He looked terrified as he spoke.

"He said something about gods. I couldn't make it out. He will drive you to where you need to go, but he is very afraid of all three of you."

"Thanks," Alex replied.

"Alex, why don't you go to our room and grab our bags? I'll get us checked out of the hotel," Aphrodite said.

"Okay, I'll meet you in the lobby," he replied.

When Alex returned, they were waiting on him near the front door. Keeping his distance, the man led them to a small white car that resembled an old VW Beetle. It was rusted and didn't appear to have glass anywhere except the windshield. They got inside with their bags and looked for their non-existent seatbelts. After several attempts, the man was able to get the car started and pulled away.

"We take a lot for granted," Aphrodite said.

The first couple of miles were on a nice, paved road. Traffic was heavy but the driver was good at getting through it. Traffic began to thin and so did the road. Within another mile it was a dirt road with ruts and holes big enough to swallow the car. Alex was convinced they could move faster if they walked. As the sun rose well into the sky, the humidity rose with it. It was sweltering.

"I wonder how much longer?" Alex asked.

Ariana looked at her watch. "We left the hotel just over an hour ago. If Demi was right, we have another five hours," she replied.

"Ughhh," he groaned.

"Lighten up. This is a once in a lifetime adventure," his mother said, smiling.

"We can only hope," Ariana replied.

Sleeping on the trip was impossible. Every time one would nod off, they would hit a rut or a hole that jarred the entire car. It was hours later when the driver finally stopped the car. He got out and opened the doors. Once outside the car, he pointed. About one-hundred yards ahead was a cluster of shacks.

"Go," he said. Alex made a gesture for the man to drive them. He pointed to a stick in the ground with a dead bird impaled on the end of it and shook his head. "Go." His attitude told them he wasn't going past the dead bird. Aphrodite offered the man two-hundred thousand Ariary, about fifty US dollars. He shook his head, jumped back in his car, and drove away as if terrified.

"Let's hope we're at the right place," Ariana said. She was smiling again.

They walked toward the houses. People stood and stared as they passed. They greeted each one and received a local greeting and smile in return.

"I've only seen women and kids. I wonder where the men are?" Alex asked.

"Maybe, you get to be the new village stud," Ariana chuckled.

"Maybe not," he replied.

"You could do a lot worse. At least they're beautiful," his mother said.

Alex looked more closely. These truly were beautiful people. Some were black and others appeared to be black and kind of Asian at the same time. All the children were about age six or older. They saw no babies. When they actually entered the village there was an older man and woman sitting on a porch.

"Alexandra said it's customary to greet elders first," Alex said, as he headed their way. When he got to the porch, he bowed a little and said, "Salama."

The couple smiled and returned his greeting. A woman of about forty walked to them.

"We've been expecting you," she said to Aphrodite, as she kissed her on each cheek. "I am Nomena."

"Hello Nomena. I'm Di. This is my daughter Ariana, and my husband, Alex."

They all greeted each other with kisses. "Alex is also your son?" she asked.

"He is," she replied.

"I welcome you to our village. I'm sure your trip has been long and hard. We will start with a shower if that is acceptable."

"That would be wonderful," Ariana said.

"When will I meet Miora?" Alex asked.

"You must call her Gades. It's spelled differently than your goddess. If you pass your tests, you will meet her tomorrow," Nomena replied.

"Tests?" Alex asked.

"You must prove your sexual ability first. If you succeed, you will meet her. If not, you will be sent back to the city. For now, let's get cleaned up then have something to eat."

She waved her hand, and three young women ran over and took their bags. Six other women, three that appeared around Alex age, and three about his mother's age, took their arms and led them to a small wooden house.

"The women will bathe you and get you dressed for our meal. I'm afraid they only speak Malagasy. Only two of us in the village speak English."

Nomena turned and walked away. The women paired up with an older and a younger woman, then led them inside. The women each wore a brightly colored sarong-style wrap around dress. They undressed the visitors, seemingly impressed with their light-colored skin, and chatted with each other as they did. When Alex' pants were removed all the women migrated to where he stood, admiring his cock. Alex' erection grew quickly, which seemed to impress them even more. Soon they returned to their duties. The Malagasy women removed their dresses. They all had gorgeous bodies. All three visitors were walked into an open shower then the women bathed them. Hands and fingers caressed every part. Aphrodite and Ariana were enjoying this as much as Alex was. One of the women called out to the others and they ran to Aphrodite, looking at her baby bump. A woman patted the bump then looked at Aphrodite. Aphrodite pointed to Alex and smiled, then patted Ariana's lower abdomen. The women grinned at Alex before returning to the bathing.

Once dried, the women dressed Aphrodite and Ariana in wrap arounds, like theirs and set them on chairs. They began applying makeup on the visitor's faces. Alex was left sitting on a stool naked, with his hard cock pointed forward. The women made several trips over to look more closely at his cock. Other than while bathing or drying him, no one touched it.

"Mom, I wonder if I get clothes?" Alex asked.

"Poor dip shit, has to run around naked with a hard-on," Ariana chuckled.

"Naked isn't too bad. The unattended hard-on is a pain in the butt."

"I'll suck it for you when they get my makeup done," his mother replied.

"Thanks, Mom. That'll help." When the women finished with Aphrodite, she walked to Alex. He smiled when he saw her makeup. She had beautiful floral patterns on her face. "You should see it. You look beautiful."

"I saw Ariana's. If mine's that pretty, I like it. Think I can help with your problem without messing it up?"

"As long as I don't shoot on your face," he replied.

"Mom, don't swallow it. Let's surprise these ladies with it."

His mother laughed. "Excellent idea."

Aphrodite knelt between her son's legs. She began by licking his length. All the women came over to watch and chattered between themselves. The older women were talking to the younger ones as if they were giving them instructions. Di took the head into her mouth and swirled him with her tongue before taking him in the rest of the way.

"You aren't going to last long, Alex," his mother told him.

"I know, I'm about to cum already."

"Go ahead. I don't know how much time we have."

Using both her hand and mouth, she brought him to erupt quickly. As he came, she held it all in her mouth, then quickly spit into Ariana's hand. When Aphrodite came the women seemed surprised and their discussion increased. Aphrodite stood and motioned for the women to come to her. Nomena walked in the building and up to them.

"Nomena, ask each woman to dip her finger in the cum, then when I give the signal, I want them to touch it to their tongue," Ariana said.

"Why are we doing this?" Nomena asked.

"Trust me. You do it too."

Nomena spoke to the women in Malagasy. Each did as Ariana had instructed and Nomena dipped hers too. When Ariana gave the signal, all the women, including Aphrodite and Ariana touched their tongues. They looked at each other questioningly. About twenty seconds later, every woman there came. Nomena looked more surprised than any of them and spoke to one of the women, who ran from the building.

"Does that happen each time?" Nomena asked.

"Every time. Regardless of which hole it goes in," Ariana replied.

"Amazing. May I?" she asked, holding out her finger again.

"Help yourselves," Ariana replied.

Nomena was the first to dip her finger. After her orgasm, the other women did it again. They kept it up until all the cum was gone. One of the young women, licked Ariana's palm, she came again.

"We're going to have to watch this one," Aphrodite said.

The woman who had gone, returned with a folded white cloth. It had a red and black stripe over one end. Working together, they draped it up the front of Alex left leg, over his arm and shoulder then around his right side and back over his left shoulder. It looked like a Roman toga of sorts and left his entire crotch bare.

"Nice look, dit wad," Ariana told him.

"It does look good. Very regal looking, and sexy," Aphrodite replied.

"And rightfully so, I'd say," Alex added, with a chuckle.

Nomena spoke to the women and they rushed outside. "We'll remain here for a few minutes. The children are being sent away during this part of the feast and testing. Gades said that anyone under eighteen is not permitted, as per your custom."

"Thank you," Alex replied.

"Alex, do you have other special talents?" Nomena asked.

"My pre-cum makes women horny."

"Just by tasting it?" she asked.


"May I?" she requested. Alex nodded. She touched her finger to the moisture on the end of his cock to her tongue. A few seconds later, she smiled. "Oh my," she said, grinning. They waited a few more minutes and one of the women returned and spoke to Nomena. "We can go now. The children have been moved."

The walked outside to a large table where many people were seated. There were just three men and they looked very old. The women ranged from ancient to about eighteen. Alex guessed there were about twenty-five people. Alex was seated at the head of the table with his mother and sister on either side. Nomena sat next to Aphrodite. An older woman stood at the opposite end of the table and spoke in Malagasy. Nomena translated.

"We have strangers with us today that may have been sent by Zanahary. If the male passes the tests, he will be presented to Gades. If she accepts him, they will create children. The tests would be impossible for an imposter to pass. The first test is to make a woman experience orgasm without touching her. She asked for a volunteer. The woman in yellow is the one she picked. Her name is Yana. I don't think this will present a challenge at all, Alex," Nomena said.

"She doesn't know what my semen does?"

"No, but you aren't allowed to touch her with your body."

"But I can touch her with my semen?"

"You can."

"You've got this, dit wad," Ariana said.

"What is dit wad?"

"It's a term of endearment," Ariana replied.

"I agree. You've got this, dit wad," Nomena said.

Alex grinned at her. "When do we start?"

"Whenever you want. You may eat first."

"No, let's get started."

Nomena stood and spoke to the woman at the other end. She nodded. "Follow Yana, the woman in yellow."

Alex stood, and the woman led him into a house. She sat on a chair facing him. Alex stood in front of her, and thinking thoughts of his mother, his erection began growing, and was soon at full stature. He began stroking himself standing a short distance in front of the woman. In minutes, his first stream hit her nose. Being surprised, she opened her mouth. The second stream went into her mouth and he painted her face with the rest. She moaned loudly when she came. After she recovered, she used her finger to wipe some off her face. Alex signaled for her to taste it. She did and a few seconds later began moaning again in another, even larger orgasm. She did it on her own the third time. They walked back to the table together. The woman talked rapidly to the older woman who had spoken earlier.

"She doesn't want you to succeed, Alex," Nomena said.

"Did Yana tell her how I did it?"


"Is she making up the challenges as she goes?" Alex asked.

"Yes, she seems to be."

"As long as she doesn't know what my cum does, I have a fighting chance. What's next?"

"She wants you to drink a full glass of water, then repeat what you just did with another woman."

Alex thought for a moment. "Nomena, may I have your water?"

She nodded and handed Alex her glass. He drank the full glass as stood.

"Why mine, Alex?"

"I suspect there's something in mine," he said, as he followed the next woman into the same house.

Everyone at the table heard her moans a few minutes later and Alex walked her back to the table. The two women talked back and forth for a moment before the old one spoke to the group again.

"Your next challenge is to make three women cum in five minutes," Nomena said.

"Can I pick the women?" Alex asked.

She spoke to the older woman. She nodded. Alex picked the three mature women that had been in the shower.

"Why those three?" Ariana asked.

"They know what's going to happen and are expecting it. All three were dying to take Mom's place when she was sucking me. I have a motivated group."

"Good thinking," Aphrodite replied.

"How many tests do I have, Nomena?"

"Two more after this."

Alex stood and escorted the women to the house. He sat them next to each other on the bed. Walking up to the first, he offered his hard cock. She shook her head. The second woman took him greedily as the others watched. When he was close, he pulled out and signaled each to open their mouths. Each got at least a full shot right into their mouth. Seconds later they all came. "Two to go," Alex thought.

They walked back to the table. The old woman looked frustrated now. She was quiet for a moment before speaking, then began.

"She said, she's never had an orgasm during intercourse. She is your next challenge."

"Right here, at the table," Alex insisted.

Nomena repeated his demand. After a moment of thought, the woman nodded. Alex took pre-cum from his cock and put it on his lips then walked to her. He grabbed her face and kissed her, making sure to get the pre-cum into her mouth with his tongue. He stepped back and watched as her face began to flush a few seconds later then stepped behind her. Alex swept the dishes off the table in front of her and bent her over the table. He pulled up her sarong then rubbed his cock between her labia. The pre-cum had worked. She was soaked. He gently slipped his cock into her and began moving slowly. The woman responded quickly to him, but he saw no sign that she was nearing orgasm. He reached around and pulled her sarong off her breasts and began massaging them and pinching her nipples. Her activity picked up but still wasn't where he wanted it. He started pounding her. She wasn't going to cum from this either. Alex knew it, but he also knew that when he came, she would. Before that happened, she was going to get the fucking of her life. He wasn't mad; Alex was determined. With every thrust the woman grunted. Alex was smiling. Hands began tapping on the table with his every thrust and soon the tapping was joined with song from the women that kept time with him. Alex came hard into her and kept on pumping. Several seconds later the old woman screamed as she came. She screamed several times before she began pleading with him to stop. He raised his arms above his head in victory, as the chanting and singing increased. In a moment he pulled out. He dipped his fingers into her cum filled pussy then stuck his fingers in her mouth. She began screaming again as the second orgasm engulfed her. Alex walked back to his seat and drank Ariana's water.

It was several minutes before the woman was able to get off the table and return to her seat, and another couple after that before she spoke.

Nomena translated again. "There's a woman in another house who has never had an orgasm. She is said to be frigid; I believe is the term. You must make her orgasm."

"Do I have a time limit?"


"Is this my final exam?"