Solstice Ch. 16

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Alex's first children are born.
5.6k words

Part 16 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/15/2021
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People began arriving a few days before the summer solstice celebration. The houses were filled to the brim. There were RVs, travel trailers and tents everywhere. It looked more like the parking area at the Indy 500 the night before the race than a family compound.

The first family arrived a week early to make sure everything was set up. The family was sitting around the table for breakfast on Friday morning when Adara, then Miora, appeared out of thin air. Gaia had delivered them. Carrying twins, Adara looked huge.

Following greetings and breakfast, Ariana, Demi, and Alexandra began the task of outfitting the visitors.

The primary purpose for attending the solstice celebration by the extended family was to welcome Titanus, the heir apparent to Papas. Most had no knowledge of Adara and the twins Pontus and Artemus, or Miora's son Gael. No one except, the first family and the two visitors knew of the impending visit from Gaia.

Aphrodite and Alex led the procession. They were followed by Ariana, Adara, and Miora. Bringing up the rear were Demi and Alexandra. They all wore purple and had medallions.

The huge crowd parted to let the procession pass. There were seven chairs on the platform. Alex walked his mother to her chair on his right. Ariana helped Adara to the end chair then stood in front of the chair next to her mother. On the other side Miora had the chair between Demi and Alexandra.

Alex nodded and everyone, but Ariana took their seats. She walked to the front of the platform and dropped her robe.

"I am Mamas Ariana. Welcome to the summer solstice celebration. I see many faces that are unfamiliar to me, but also many that are. Let me take a moment to introduce those on the platform with me. To Papas right is Mamas Aphrodite. She will give birth to the firstborn son of Papas tomorrow. He will be called Titanus. To her right is Mamas Adara, of our family in Greece, where Xander is acting Papas. She will be birthing twins tomorrow. The second son of Papas, who will be called Pontus, and the first daughter, Artemus. On Papas' immediate left is Mamas Demi. Next to her is Miora, of our family in Madagascar. She carries Gael, the third son of Papas. To her left is Mamas Alexandra. As I said, I am Mamas Ariana, I carry Papas second daughter, Terra, who will arrive at the fall equinox. In the center is Papas Alexander. He celebrates his nineteenth birthday."

Alex stood, as the crowd began snapping their fingers. Alex took off his robe and dropped it on the floor next to his seat. The other women stood and dropped theirs. When the snapping died down, they took their seats. Ariana turned and knelt in front of Alex.

"Papas may I receive the seed of Gaia?" Ariana asked.

"It would be my honor," he replied.

Ariana took him in her mouth and began sucking him. It only took a few minutes before he gifted her with a mouthful of his seed. She quickly let it fall into a gold cup, handed it to Demi, then came in front of him and the crowd. Ally helped her up and back to her seat. Miora stood and knelt in front of him.

"Papas, I also desire the seed of Gaia," she said.

"I would be honored, Miora," he said smiling. She took him in her mouth and began sucking. "You've been practicing."

"Every chance I get," she replied.

It was just minutes before he rewarded her. She also dripped it in the cup Demi was holding, then trembled as she came from his cum.

Demi walked to the front of the platform. "With this size group, we're going to forego the usual greetings. Start with this cup and we'll bring more out shortly. The elixir of vitality is on each of the tables in the cabanas. Let the festival begin," Demi said, handing the cup to a man in the front.

Ally was already working on getting the third specimen. Demi went to Miora.

"After Ally and I collect ours, we'll be joining the festivities. As Mamas, we only perform on the women. You're free to interact with everyone."

"All of them?" she asked.

"All of them," Demi smiled.

"In that case, I'll see you later." Miora grinned and went into the crowd.

Ally handed Demi the cup with her load. Demi went to Alex to collect number four and had it in record time.

Alex turned to his sister, Ariana, on his right. "Alex, walk with us back to the house. Mom and Adara are both having mild contractions. I'm going to get them comfortable."

Grandmothers Phoebe and Rhea came to them.

"Alex, you go to the crowd. They need us right now more than they need you," Phoebe said.

Alex looked at his mother. "Go, they're waiting on you. The babies won't be here before midnight," Aphrodite said.

He kissed her and Adara then walked into the crowd. The five women walked back to the house. Alex hadn't gotten twenty feet before he was met by Sofia and Ciri.

"Will you have a little time for us, Papas?" Sofia asked.

"Both of you?" he asked.

"Both of us together," Ciri said.

"I'm free right now, ladies."

They found an empty spot in one of the cabanas. Both were licking and sucking him immediately.


Ally and Demi went looking for Miora. They found her getting a cock in each hole. She looked like she was having the time of her life.

"I don't think she needs our help," Ally said.

"No, I suspect not.


Aphrodite and Adara were reclining in the big garden tub. One at each end. The contractions were still mild.

"Are you ready for this, Di?" Adara asked.

She smiled, "You mean I have a choice? Adara, you'll do just fine. Relax, if you can fall asleep, do it. When it's time to push you'll need your strength. We're strong women. We've got this."


Although still in great demand, Alex called it a night for himself about eleven. He walked back to the house with Ally and Demi.

"Whoa dude, you need a shower. You smell like about twenty pussies," Ally said.

"Just twelve," he replied.

"Slipping in your old age?" Demi asked.

"I guess," he replied.

"We're gonna check on mom," Demi told him.

"I will too after a shower. Miora still playing?"

"Yep, she was in the middle of a pile a few minutes ago," Ally said.

"She was eager to learn."

"I think she got her PhD. Piled high in dicks," Demi offered.

"How do you think tomorrow will go?" Alex asked.

"I have no clue," Demi replied.

They arrived at the house and split up. Alex stripped then walked into his bathroom. His mother and Adara were both still in the tub but sleeping. He took a quick shower then left the room. His grandmother Rhea followed him.

"How are they doing?" he asked.

"Still early. Your mom only had two hours of hard labor with you. It's Adara's first, but with twins they'll likely be smaller. Get a few hours' sleep before we need you."

"Okay, thanks grandma."

Just after three Rhea woke Alex. "Time to get up. You're going to be a father soon."

Alex leapt from the bed and followed her into the master bath. His mother was alone in the tub. Demi was sitting on the floor next to the tub holding her mother's hand. When she saw Alex, she got up to let him take her place.

Alex knelt, then leaned over and kissed his mother. "How are you?" he asked anxiously.

"Fat, waterlogged, tired, and fairly comfortable for about another minute," she replied, with a soft smile.

"You're beautiful, and you aren't fat. That's our son in there."

"Not for long. I'm dilated to nine."

"At ten, you push?"

"Uh huh. At ten we push."

"Has it been bad?" Alex asked.

"Nothing like you were. Here comes a contraction. Give me your hand."

Alex offered her his hand. As the contraction increased, she grimaced and squeezed it hard. She began panting. The contraction lasted for about a minute.

"I'm feeling the need to push but it's still too early. It won't be long. How's your hand?"

"My hand is good. The bones should heal in a few weeks," he replied, smiling.

"Your father's hand was sore for days after you were born."

"Squeeze as hard as you need. I'm tough."

"If you were really tough, you'd trade me places. Here it comes again. One of you suck Alex. I'm going to need some cum in a few minutes."

Demi crawled over to her brother. "Alex, lift up your butt. Let's get your pants off. Grandma, we need a cup."

In just a moment, she had him in her mouth. He was hard quickly from his sister's ministrations. His mother's squeeze on his hand was firm but not uncomfortable. Alex was feeling the need to cum but held off through about three of his mother's contraction. When the third was over he filled Demi's mouth with a loud moan. Demi quickly spit the cum in the cup and handed it back to her grandmother before her own orgasm hit.

"Di, are you going to need all of this," Rhea asked.

"Probably just enough for two times. Help yourself, mom."

Rhea placed the cup on the sink, put her finger into it, then touched it to her tongue. She came a few seconds later, just as Di's next contraction began. When it passed, Di looked at her mother-in-law.

"I think you need to check me again."

Rhea knelt at put her fingers inside. "Ten and tissue thin. You're good to push."

With the next contraction she pushed hard for several seconds then returned to panting. When it finished, she smiled at Alex.

"Put your hand down there," his mother said.

Alex reached into the water and put his hand between her legs.

"Is that the top of his head?"

"That's our son's head. We'll be meeting him very soon. It's starting again."

She pushed again but not quite as hard. With the next contraction, Alex could see the head exit the vagina.

"The head is out. Go for it, mom."

"Not yet. He has to turn first. When you see his shoulder, give me the cum. I'll push the little bugger right out."

Alex watched closely. With the next contraction the head rotated forty-five degrees. The contraction after that, the upper shoulder came into view. He dipped his finger into the cup then touched it to her tongue. As she stiffened with the orgasm, Titanus left the vagina. Aphrodite picked him up and lifted his head just out of the water. They saw his face for the first time. Rhea, Demi, and Ally had moved over to see. Rhea handed Alex two small plastic clips. He placed them on the cord as his mother had shown him earlier. Rhea handed him the scissors and he cut the cord between the clamps, then his mother, the mother of his son, placed the baby in his hands. He raised it and kissed it on the cheek.

"Welcome Titanus," he said, with moist eyes, then moved him to his mother's chest.

"We have a beautiful son, Alex."

"You did good, mom. Isn't he supposed to cry or something?"

"He's breathing fine. You didn't cry either."

Ariana poked her head in the bathroom. "Alex, if you're going to see your twins born, you'd better get upstairs." As Alex stood, Ariana looked at the baby. "Welcome to the family, little brother."

Rhea, dipped her finger in the cup then handed it to Ariana. Alex and Ariana ran upstairs to Adara.

Alex knelt next to the tub and took her hand. "Where are we?"

"She's crowning," Phoebe said.

"Pontus or Artemus?" he asked.

His grandmother rolled her eyes. "How the hell should I know. You can only see the top of the head."

"Oh yeah. How are you doing, Adara?"

"Good, but I'm ready to get this over. Contraction is starting."

She squeezed his hand and pushed. The head delivered. With the next contraction it turned. Ariana held the cup to him, and he dipped a finger. When the top shoulder showed, during the next contraction, he touched the cum to Adara's tongue. She moaned loudly as she came and pushed the baby out.

"It's Pontus," Alex said, raising the head out of the water. Adara took the baby from him. Alex put on the clamps and cut the cord. Adara held their son up to her face and kissed his cheek.

"Hello my sweet baby," she said.

"He's beautiful," Alex told her, as he kissed their son.

She held him up to Alex. "Give him to Ariana. We still have more work to do," Adara told him.

Alex took him then handed him to his sister. He turned back to Adara. She grabbed his arm as she panted. It was about ten minutes later when his daughter, Artemus, made her appearance. As Adara was delivering the placenta, Alex sat on the floor with one baby in each arm. Ariana was kneeling next to him.

"Congratulations, daddy."

"Thanks," he replied. "This is so cool."

"You need to put on your purple robe and announce the births."

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

Phoebe took one and Ariana took the other, then Alex went back to the master. Aphrodite was sitting up on the bed nursing Titanus.

"That's a beautiful sight," he told her.

"He's a beautiful boy. All done upstairs?"

"Yeah. All three are doing well. I need to go make the announcement.

He grabbed then donned his purple robe and medallion and went outside. The sun had just risen. There was a large crowd gathered around the platform. He stepped up smiling and turned to them.

"Good morning. Titanus was born about an hour ago. Pontus about fifteen minutes later, followed by Artemus. The mothers and babies are all doing well."

The crowd roared then finger snapping followed. He stepped off the platform to congratulatory hugs and pats as he made his way back to the house.

Both new mothers slept as his other wives and Miora attended the babies. Alex' smile seemed etched to his face.

Alex brought breakfast to his mother. "What time is it?" his mother asked.

"A little before ten."

"I'll need to get ready soon. We've got a festival to attend. Happy Birthday, by the way."

"Thanks, I'd forgotten all about that. Mom, you should get some rest."

"Alex, Gaia's coming. It's important that we're all there."

"Yeah, but you need rest too."

"Thank you for being concerned, but I'm fine. I've had babies before, you know."

"Suit yourself. What color are we wearing today?" Alex asked.

"Gold. This is a biggie. How's Adara doing?"

"Sleeping a few minutes ago. I'll take her breakfast when she wakes up."

Titanus, who had been lying next to her on the bed whimpered.

"He's hungry again," she said.

"How often does he eat?"

"Every two hours. Just like you do," she chuckled. "Go see to Adara. We're fine here."

Alex kissed them both then took Adara breakfast. She was nursing one of the babies.

"Which one is that?"

"Artemus. She's in the pink blanket. Pontus has the blue one."

"How are you feeling?"

"Motherly. Alex, this has been the most wonderful experience. I can't wait for our next one." He looked puzzled. "Remember, Gaia said you and I were having another girl?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot. When do we do that?"

"I think you're coming to Greece in August."

"I'm looking forward to that," he replied. Alex picked up a piece of bacon and held it near her mouth. She grinned and took a bite.

"This is delicious, lamb or goat?"

"What do you mean lamb or goat?"

"Is it from a lamb or a goat?"

"It's from a pig. Isn't that where all bacon comes from?"

"We only raise sheep and goats. Pigs are rare in our area."

"How about cows?"

"Also, rare. Beef is awfully expensive in Greece." She looked down at Artemus. "We made beautiful babies, Alex."

"Yes, we did."

Ariana walked in the room. "Adara, when you finish nursing her, you need to get ready for the festival. There are a lot of people wanting to meet the babies. You too, Alex. Go get ready."

"What about you?" he asked.

"I'm ready. All I have left to do is dress."

Alex kissed everyone and left. Within thirty minutes he was ready. Ally had gone to get Titanus ready, and Demi had joined her sister to get the twins ready.

Shortly before noon they all waited in the dining room for their summons. Olly popped in and called them.

Alex led the procession with Aphrodite and Adara behind him. Ariana was next carrying Titanus, then Demi with Pontus, and finally, Ally with Artemus. Miora ran and joined the procession next to Ally about halfway to the platform.

"Sorry, my date ran over longer than I expected," she whispered to Ally.

"Better late than never," Ally replied.

When Alex reached the steps, he stopped and helped each of the women to the platform. Aphrodite and Adara took their seats. Ariana handed Titanus to Aphrodite then sat. Demi walked to Adara, gave Pontus to her then took her seat. Alexandra gave Artemus to Ariana then she and Miora sat.

Alex walked to the front of the platform. "Good afternoon," he said smiling. "It's been a busy morning. We have three new people with us today. Early this morning Mamas Aphrodite gave birth to our firstborn son. He's called Titanus and will be my successor." Alex turned to Aphrodite, who stood and joined him. She held their son up for all to see. The finger snapping began then she returned to her seat. "Adara gave birth to the second born son a few minutes later. He's called Pontus and will be Papas of our Greek family." Adara joined him and held up the baby. "Just minutes later she gave birth to our daughter, called Artemus. She will be Mamas to our Greek family. Ariana joined them. She and Adara swapped babies, then Adara held her high for all to see. The finger snapping went wild. Everyone except Alex went to their seats.

"Today we will begin with our traditional feast followed by an afternoon of revelry. The dinner feast will be at six and it will be followed my more revelry. We anticipate a very special visitor sometime today. We aren't sure when. When the guest arrives, we'll meet up at either this spot or the feast tables. The elixir of vitality is in each cabana.

"Can we meet the babies?" someone called out.

Alex turned to the mothers. Both nodded with big smiles. "I think that's a yes. Let the feast begin."

The snapping began and people began coming onto the platform. They greeted and congratulated Alex then went to the babies. It took at least thirty minutes for the line to end. Helena, Hera, and Olivia, Alex' aunts, came up and took the babies to the house.

At past feasts all tables were in rows with the first family seated in the center row. At this one, a second platform had been erected with the first family facing the crowd and slightly above them. The first family, Adara and Miora took seats facing the crowd, as they had on the other platform. Everyone was about finished eating when Aphrodite turned to Alex.

"I need you to get everyone's attention," she said.

Alex banged a cup on the table. "Can I get everyone's attention?" Alex called loudly.

The group got quiet and turned to them. Aphrodite looked around, then stood. Except she didn't stand. Gaia did. Her nude body separated from Aphrodite, passing right through Aphrodite's purple robe. She stepped forward, passing through the table, and stood facing the crowd.

"I am Gaia, my children."

Jaws dropped throughout the group at what looked like a second Aphrodite standing nude on the platform.

"Oh bullshit!" a male voice said. "It's some kind of trick."

Gaia looked where the voice had come from. A man floated into the air with his arms and legs flailing.

"Oh shit. Big mistake," Alex whispered to his mother. It was Jason.

Gaia watched as he floated above the crowd and to her. He stopped, facing her, about six feet above the tables.

"Only a fool questions Gaia. You are Jason, are you not?"

"Yes, please put me down."

"Silence, fool. Your mouth and attitude have gotten you in trouble before. I've had millennia to think about how to deal with insolence such as yours," she said calmly.

Those sitting at the first family table laughed. Gaia turned to them. "How's that?" she asked. Nods and grins came from them all.

She looked back at Jason, and he rotated in the air to face the entire crowd. Everyone began laughing as they looked at him. His nose was his penis and hanging from his chin was his scrotum and balls.

"Your nose, penis now, will be semi functional. You can still urinate normally and get erections. You will be aroused and erect as long as you are awake. However, no amount of stimulation will give you relief. If you come within one foot of a woman, you will lose the erection and the horniness will get even worse."