Solstice Ch. 17

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Alex and Aphrodite see Xander.
5.3k words

Part 17 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/15/2021
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Solstice - Chapter 17 - Seeing Xander

In the early morning hours of the following day, a launch was detected by military organizations from a site in North Korea. It appeared to be headed toward the Sea of Japan. There had been other launches in the past month in the same direction, but they had all landed harmlessly about one hundred miles out. This one, after traveling about one-hundred-fifty miles, turned in a south-south-east direction along South Korea's eastern shoreline. South Korean, Japanese, and American militaries went on alert. Planes were scrambled and warships were moved. It detonated halfway between the South Korean coastline and Fukuoka, Japan. The nuclear warhead was estimated by sensors to be approximately fifteen kilotons. A bomb equivalent to the one that destroyed Hiroshima. Four South Korean, two Japanese, and one American fighter jets were destroyed, along with a few South Korean and Japanese fishing vessels.

Every military organization in the area went on high alert, including North Korea and China. Within hours, a special session of the UN General Assembly was called. The North Korean ambassador didn't attend. While still in session, four missiles were launched from South Korea at the launch area of the North Korean missile. They were no sooner detected before North Korea launched four missiles in retaliation. These were all conventional warheads.

China defended North Korea's launch as simple testing that went awry and argued that South Korea's response was inappropriate. The rest of the world disagreed. A resolution was passed stripping North Korea of missile testing rights and stated clearly that further launches would be considered an act of war. China was the only country that voted against the resolution. The end had begun.


Demi spent much of the night gleaning information from both the Oracle and Gaia. At the appointed time, she was at eight separate places, at the same time, talking and answering questions about Xanadu. She didn't discuss the morning's events or the upcoming war.

Everyone from the Colorado site was there, and all their questions and concerns were answered. The same thing happened at the other sites.

Different areas of the planet would be affected by war at varying times. There would be no warnings, and families would be sent together, even if they were in different locations at the time. The first would be leaving for Xanadu in about two months.

Families would be transported directly into their new homes. Regional groups would be housed in the same general area and retain their current group leaders. Four leaders from each group would combine with other leaders to form the assembly, which would create their minimal government. The assembly would select one person as the leader. That person's original seat would be filled by their group, making the assembly a total of thirty-three people.

Traditional festivals and celebrations would be continued and eighteen would remain the age of consent to signify adulthood.


In early August, Demi announced the dates for the upcoming trip to Greece. Aphrodite and Alex would be going. Gaia would be providing for their travel, and each would bring a single bag. Ariana would care for Titanus, and in preparation, Aphrodite used a breast pump to freeze a ten-day supply of milk. They were given a specific date and time to leave, and while sitting at the kitchen table with the rest of the first family, they simply vanished. Aphrodite and Alex found themselves sitting at the kitchen table at Adara's house.

Adara jumped when they appeared, then laughed. She was nursing Pontus and they had startled her. Artemus was sleeping in a small crib next to her. After hugs and kisses, both visitors went for the babies. Being careful not to wake her, Aphrodite lifted Artemus from the crib. When Pontus finished nursing, Adara handed him to his father. They chatted for a while, mostly about the babies.

"What time is it, Adara," Alex asked.

"Twenty after eight," she replied.

"There's a twelve-hour difference? I thought it was thirteen," Alex said.

"It is thirteen hours. It's eight-twenty am on August seventeenth."

"Adara, are you sure?" Alex asked.

She chuckled. "Positive."

"I'll be damned. Ariana was right."

"About what?" his mother asked.

"We left home at 8 am, August 17th, mom."

"Yes, so?"

"There's a thirteen-hour time difference. It should be 9:20 pm on August 17th. We traveled back in time. Gaia doesn't view time the way we do. Ari and I were in Xanadu for eight hours, max, but time passed for you a full twenty-four hours."

"Alex, you've watched too many Star Trek movies," Di said.

"No, he's right. If you left home at 8 am you should have arrived here at 9 pm the same day. The same thing happened to me when I came and returned in June. I didn't think about it at the time," Adara said.

"Let's assume that's true. How does that matter to us?" Aphrodite asked.

"Gaia said it would be about ten years before we could begin cleaning up the earth. Time in Xanadu is one day for every three or four on earth. Instead of ten years in Xanadu we'll be there three or four, roughly," he replied.

"Or we'll be there for ten years, and earth will have aged thirty," Adara added.

"That's too bizarre for me. Just let me know when it's time to leave."

"Will do, mom."

"Adara, is Xander around?" Aphrodite asked.

"He's out on the mountain with the sheep. He should be back around dinner time."

"I was hoping he'd be here."

"Tending sheep is a seven day a week job. He takes it very seriously."

"That's fine. I can see him later."

Alex could see his mother's disappointment. He could also sense that Adara wasn't saying something. He decided to wait and see how it all played out.

"You promised me a tour when I came," Alex told Adara.

"It's not safe in the cities anymore. People are getting killed there. We're still safe here on the mountain. You can see Olympus just up the hill a short distance. When my mother gets back, I'll have her watch the babies for a little while so I can show you."

"Is she working?" Aphrodite asked.

"No, she's just gone to the store." Again, Alex felt she was hedging. "Tomorrow we've planned a get together. There are a lot of people that want to meet you, Alex."

"Women?" Aphrodite asked, smiling.

"I'm afraid so. My grandmother really talked him up."

Alex smiled, but said nothing. He knew this would be expected of him and didn't mind. Mentally, he had separated his duties with the larger family from his relationship with his wives.

Elena and Lydia returned to the house about twenty minutes later. Lydia greeted the visitors warmly. Elena greeted Alex as a welcome guest but was standoffish to Aphrodite. Everyone noticed.

Adara and her two guests left for a tour of the local area and the village. It was beautiful and the view of Olympus was magnificent.

"Adara, is your mother upset with my mom?" Alex asked.

Adara looked at Aphrodite apprehensively.

"Alex, I suspect she sees me as a threat to her relationship with your father," his mother replied.

"But he's Papas here. Isn't he with most of the women?"

"He was for the first several months, but my mother and your father are exclusive now, I believe," Adara said.

"Mom, were you aware of that?" Alex asked.

"I was aware there was something between them just from the way he spoke of her. Alex, I want your dad to be happy. If being with Elena makes him happy, they have my blessing. I'll present no threat to them."

As they continued their tour, Alex reached full celebrity status. He was greeted as such by everyone they met. Aphrodite was too, but not to the extent he had been.

When they returned to Adara's house Elena left quickly without saying a word. Lydia was red faced. Apparently, they'd been arguing.

"Stupid sow," Lydia mumbled at her daughter, then smiled at Aphrodite.

Aphrodite patted her on the shoulder. "It'll be fine."

"Yes, but they're making a big mistake," Lydia said.

"Mom, how are we all understanding each other? Lydia doesn't speak English."

"Gaia," all three women replied.

They spent the rest of the day chatting and holding the babies. Neither Elena nor Xander came to the house by bedtime. Aphrodite said nothing but could see her disappointment.

Alex had showered and was laying in the bed. His mother walked into the room, fresh from the shower, and wearing only a towel.

"You're going to get a workout tomorrow. I'm getting mine now," she said, dropping the towel.

Alex was still in awe of her. From the top of her head to her feet she was perfection. His cock began rising to the occasion. His mother pulled off the sheet covering him then crawled up between his legs. Her hand encircled his cock as she smiled up at him.

"This is all mine tonight," she said, as she licked the head.

Using both her hand and mouth she pleasured him. Alex watched her every move as she did. She milked his pre-cum and licked it away. Then smiled dreamily as the wave of arousal passed through her.

"Mmmm," she whispered. "Nectar of Gaia."

She took the head into her mouth, then using her lips, pulled him fully into her. Alex could feel her tongue stroking his underside as she did.

"Mom, you're amazing at that."

She pulled off. "Hold onto your hat. You're going to cum quick this time."

She took him all the way to the root. Alex felt her tongue lapping at his sack. Then she began swallowing. The sensation was like getting two blowjobs. One on the shaft and a second, even more intense, just on the head. He tried to hold back but it was impossible. He came deep into her throat with a moan. His mother continued until he was emptied. She pulled back just enough to breathe then shuddered with her own orgasm. Her tongue continued teasing his underside the entire time.

Aphrodite got up and straddled his still hard cock and lowered herself on to it. She rocked from front to back then began sliding him in and out of her soaked pussy. Alex grasped her breasts. Both were wet with her milk. They continued for several minutes as she worked herself up again. When she was close, Alex raised his open mouth to her breasts and pointed both nipples at it. She moaned loudly as she came. Milk squirted from both nipples into his mouth and onto his face with each wave. Alex filled her and triggered another orgasm for her, getting a good second helping of her warm milk.

"It's more fun nursing you now than it was nineteen years ago," she said, grinning.

"Are you tender since you haven't been nursing?"

"Surprisingly, no. Full but not tender."

"Mom, are you okay?"

"You mean about your father?"


"Alex, I have a husband that I love and that loves me. Wonderful daughters. A new son that's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I'm Mamas and have an entire extended family that relies on me. What more could anyone ask for?"

Alex smiled at her. "You didn't answer my question."

"I'm fine. I'm sure he has a reason for not stopping by. If I don't see him before we leave, I'll see him in Xanadu."

"Yeah, there is that," he replied.


Lydia, Adara, Di and Alex were sitting at the kitchen table having breakfast the next morning. Already fed, the babies were sleeping. Adara filled them in on the schedule for the day.

"During the night a platform was erected in the center of town for today. All the little ones were taken to a house at the edge of town. There will be four chairs set-up, but I suspect one will remain empty."

"Xander's?" Aphrodite asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry," she replied.

"It's fine."

"Alex will have the tall seat. You and I will be on either side of him. The fourth seat is.... Anyway, I'll speak first then collect the seed from Alex. Aphrodite, if you would collect more, I think we'll need it. The women are going to go a bit crazy over it."

"I'd love to do that," Di said, grinning at her son.

"Alex will impregnate me first. There's a table set up for that. There are three others who have also requested insemination. Then we have two virgins. We'll follow that with a feast. After that you and I are free, and Alex goes to work."

"How many women are there going to be?" Alex asked.

"Seven before the feast and probably about ten afterward. They'll just want sex from you. They've drawn numbers to determine order," Adara replied.

"I told them you can go as many times as you want. Don't make me look like an old fool," Lydia laughed.

"It won't be a problem," Alex chuckled. "I'll need periodic food and drink."

"We drink more wine than water here. Pace yourself," Adara told him.

"That could be a problem," Alex replied.

"Tell your hostess nicely that you prefer water. They'll be disappointed but will do as you ask," Lydia said.

"Do I have any duties after the feast?" Aphrodite asked.

"I'd like you to mingle. I suspect you're going to be an important part of our lives in Xanadu," Adara replied.

"What if my dad does show up?" Alex asked.

"He won't," Lydia replied. "Elena won't allow it."


At noon, Adara, Alex, and Aphrodite left the house. They all wore simple white cotton robes. Adara led with Alex and his mother a few steps behind. In the square there were about forty people waiting. All the men were elderly. Women ranged from old to what appeared to be in their early twenties. All were beautiful and dressed in the same white robes. The three went onto the platform and took their seats. Lydia nodded at Adara, and she stood, stepping to the front near the crowd. Adara dropped her robe to the ground.

"Wow! She's filled out a little since last time," Alex told his mother.

"Having a child tends to broaden the hips and make the breasts a little larger," Di said smiling.

"Welcome. Today we have two of our family from the states. First, we have Aphrodite." She stood and dropped her robe as she smiled at everyone. "She is the physical embodiment of Gaia."

The crowd began snapping their fingers and murmuring. Aphrodite returned to her seat with her knees parted.

"Next we have the son of Gaia and Aphrodite. Papas Alexander, if you please."

Alex stood and walked to her. She unfastened his robe and removed it. He stood there with his Spartan body smiling.

"Alex is the embodiment of Uranus, the firstborn. He carries the seed of Gaia. He is the father of Pontus and Artemus," Adara said, stroking his cock to full stature. The finger snapping went wild as the women admired him.

"Papas, would you grant me the seed of Gaia?"

"I would be honored."

She turned him so that the crowd could see what she was doing, then knelt, and took him in her mouth. Adara took her time as she sucked him and cupped his balls, massaging them. When he came, a few minutes later, she quickly drooled it into a gold cup. Her orgasm began a few seconds later.

"Thank you, Papas."

"I am honored," he replied.

Adara nodded to Aphrodite. She walked to him and knelt, as Adara had. "Will you share the seed of Gaia with me, my son?"

"I would consider it an honor to share it with my wife and mother."

Aphrodite took his already wet cock fully into her mouth and held him there for what seemed like minutes. She began long strokes from the head to the base, and in minutes, Alex came again. Aphrodite drooled the cum into Adara's cup then came hard. After recovering, she looked up at him.

"Thank you, Papas."

"I'm honored, Mamas."

Adara held the cup up in front of her. "I hold the seed of Gaia. Each of the women will dip in one finger. On my command, you will touch it to your tongues."

Lydia took the cup and moved through the crowd sharing it. Alex returned to his seat. His cock remained fully erect. Aphrodite saw Elena dip her finger in the cup, near the rear of the crowd. Di looked beyond her and saw Xander. He was doing his best to not be seen. Lydia gave Adara a nod when all the women had a sample.

"Taste the seed of Gaia," Adara called out.

Each woman touched their cum laden fingers to their tongue. Just seconds later, thirty women were cumming at the same time.

"Alex," his mother whispered. "Do you want cum for the virgins?"

"Yes, it works better that way."

"Up to another blowjob?"

"Always," he replied, smiling.

"I'll do the throat thing. Warn me so I can pull off in time."

"Okay," he replied.

His mother knelt in front of him and began. It was just minutes before he came again. She set the cup aside for later.

"Papas, son of Gaia and Aphrodite, I ask that you give me the seed of Gaia so that we can make our daughter," Adara said.

Alex stood and walked to her. He and Aphrodite helped her onto the table. She drew up her knees and presented herself. Aphrodite felt Adara's pussy, then put her son's cock at the vaginal opening.

"Ready? It's going to be different this time," Alex asked.

"I know, Demi warned me," she chuckled.

He slipped his cock into her. It grew immediately to fill her completely.

"Wow! Oh my god! You're huge. Does that happen every time?"

"Every time."

They began moving together and Adara was flushed quickly. Aphrodite began massaging Adara's swollen breasts. Adara came hard with a series of loud moans. Her milk squirted high from both breasts.

Just as she began to recover Alex said, "dimiourgo!" He filled her with cum to overflowing. It dripped from her, flowing down onto the table and onto the floor. Her orgasm from his cum began even before he finished emptying into her. Finger snapping began but was replaced by cheers very quickly. After letting her rest for a moment, Alex and Aphrodite helped her up.

"You're a mess," Alex said, grinning.

"I wasn't expecting the milk shower, or I would have brought an umbrella," she chuckled. "I do hope we get a chance to do that again before you leave, maybe with your mother joining is," Adara added.

"Mom?" Alex asked.

"Tonight, if you're both up to it," Aphrodite replied.

Several women came onto the platform to clean up Adara and Alex. Another cleaned up the table and the cum that had run onto the floor.

A chant began in the crowd. Soft, at first, then louder and louder. "Aphrodite! Alex! Gaia! Uranus!" they repeated. Alex and Aphrodite looked at Adara confused.

"They want to see Gaia and Uranus join," Adara said.

"Well, I suppose I could force myself. Mom," Alex said, taking her hand.

"Cowgirl, Gaia's driving," Aphrodite told him.

Alex got onto his back on the table. His erect cock visible for all to see. Aphrodite straddled him and lowered herself on. She turned her head to the crowd.

"Join us," she said, waving them up.

The people came up on the platform and surrounded the table. Each putting their hand on one of them. As Aphrodite began to move on her son's cock, those touching them could feel the sensation on themselves. The men could feel their cock moving inside Aphrodite, and the women were being fucked by Alex. The entire crowd was moaning in ecstasy. Aphrodite moved slowly on her son as the hands touched them everywhere. She looked through the crowd, then back into the square. Elena and Xander watched from a distant doorway, but otherwise the square was empty. She turned her attention back to the people on the platform. The women were flushing with her and moaning together. Her pace quickened, and her orgasm built quickly, then exploded. Her back arched as she came on her son's cock. A loud moan emanated from the women in unison. Milk sprayed from her breasts, soaking many of them. Alex and the men let out a single loud groan and erupted into her. Her orgasm from the contact with his cum triggered the women a second time. When Aphrodite recovered the crowd was silent. No one moved.

"Thank you, Gaia and Uranus, for sharing that with us," Adara said.

Aphrodite and Alex smiled, as the crowd repeated their thanks, and began to move off the platform. After everyone was situated Adara spoke.