Solstice Ch. 18

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Arriving at their new home.
8.4k words

Part 18 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/15/2021
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Solstice - Ch 18 - Xanadu

They all looked at each other. In addition to suddenly being teleported, their clothes had been changed. Everyone wore simple white cotton gowns like the villagers had worn in Greece.

Demi had shown them all the memories Alex and Ariana had shared with her. So, they had an idea what to expect. They were still surprised at how simple yet homey and practical it was.

After looking through the house, they ventured outside. In the immediate vicinity it was all Colorado group, who had just arrived. As they continued, they met others. Having never met any of them, they somehow knew everyone's names and their families. There were no strangers in Xanadu.

Nomena, from Madagascar came running up to them and greeted them warmly.

"Glad you finally arrived. I'm sort of a self-appointed welcome wagon. Every day at noon there's a newcomer's meeting."

"How do you know when it's noon?" Alex asked.

"There are vertical poles scattered around. They're sundials. You're going to love it here."

"How long have you been here?" Ariana asked.

"Two weeks based on time here. What date did you leave earth?"

"October seventeenth," Alexandra replied.

"Then I've been here for six weeks earth time, and two weeks Xanadu time," Nomena said. "We've got about a half hour until the meeting. Let me show you around."

She gave them a quick tour. The whole area was set up on semi-circles that were crossed by paths at points on the compass. These were intersected by two parallel lines running the length of the village. The river had been designated as the south side. All homes were on the semi-circles. Community buildings were at the points where major paths crossed. It would be easy to navigate once you saw the pattern. The assembly house, the largest structure, was where all compass paths intersected.

"Look at the fields over there," Nomena said, pointing them out. "Those were planted the day after I arrived. The fruits and vegetables were mature the next morning. It's amazing. If you pick everything off a plant today, it'll be full and ready for picking again the next morning."

"Wow!" Alex said.

"Better go to the meeting. Who can figure out where the assembly house is?"

"That way," they all said.

"Exactly right. We may let you stay."

They walked the few minutes to the structure and went inside. There was room to seat at least a thousand. She took them to the front and pointed out seats.

Several people gave orientation talks to the hundred or more newcomers. It was comforting knowing how organized everything was. It was when they began speaking of the assembly that their brows were raised. As they named off the assembly members, they announced Ariana, Demi, Alexandra, and Alex of the Colorado group. Aphrodite was announced as the leader of the assembly itself.

Aphrodite stood. "Excuse me. How were those names selected for the assembly?"

"You were close to the last of your group to arrive. Those already here voted unanimously on your members. As far as you as assembly leader, over three quarters of Gaia's children are here. You were voted in by 100% of the vote. Welcome to Xanadu, Aphrodite."

"Thank you."

"The assembly meets at six this evening. We'll see you then."

"Finally, a woman president," Alexandra said, smiling.

"It's an honorary position," Aphrodite said.

"No, it isn't, Madam President," Demi told her. "The Oracle said it's going to be a full-time job for a couple of months to get the community coordinated and running efficiently."

"Crap! Am I going to have to learn to play bridge and stuff?" Alex grumbled.

"Why would you have to do that?" Ariana asked.

"First gentleman, you know."

"Alex, you can be a real dumbass at times. Your job is fucking," his sister replied.

Nomena continued the tour on the way back to the house. "The big community meals are done in here at five," she said, pointing out the structure. You can also cook and eat at home once you're settled."

"I've got someone due to feed now. I'm heading home," Aphrodite said.

"So do I," Ariana added, leaving with her.

"Alex, how does it feel to be the only fertile male in Xanadu?" Demi asked.


"Well, let's see. About seven-hundred women. That's only two a day," Nomena said.

"Assuming they're satisfied getting laid once a year," Alexandra chuckled.

"Oh shit," Alex said. "I hope we have the stuff here to make the elixir of vitality."

The women laughed. "Maybe you could set yourself up in an office. Say, thirty or forty visits a day," Demi chuckled.

"That still only gives us once every three weeks. Seven hundred women, three times a week, using a forty-hour week, comes out to fifty-two and a half in an hour. Almost one woman a minute. Sounds like pretty boring sex to me," Ally offered.

"Not gonna happen, ladies," Alex grumbled. "I'm pretty sure my job is impregnation. We also have the other men and women that can help with the sex part. We're back to two or three a day."

"Don't forget the virgins," Demi said.

"The oldest non-adult female I've seen here is only twelve," Nomena replied. "So, virgins won't be an issue for at least six years."

"Really?" Ally asked.

"Except for the few born in the last six months, all the kids are between six and twelve."

"Strange. I wonder why? I'll ask the Oracle," Demi said.


The meeting with the assembly was awkward for Aphrodite, but she handled it like a pro. With Gaia as her guiding force, a plan was devised to find out what the people wanted or needed that they didn't have. They reviewed available resources. Gaia had even provided metal in the form of tools and fishhooks. Food, water, and shelter were covered. Everyone wore the white gowns that seemed to repel soiling. Simple rinsing had so far kept them clean. Hygiene was covered. Soap was being made in ample amounts, and a plant was found with a flower that worked perfectly as a toothbrush. All that seemed to be needed was organization. Everyone would check with their groups, and they would re-convene in three days. Demi was given a list of questions for the Oracle. Ally would write minutes of the meeting. Aphrodite would spend the next couple of days touring the community and meeting everyone.

As they were walking home, they came across Jason. He was sitting alone beside the path.

"You go ahead. I want to talk to Jason for a few minutes," Aphrodite told the others.

She sat beside him in the grass. "I haven't done anything wrong. Please don't make me a dick nose again."

"I wasn't planning to. You seem down. What's wrong?"

"Music was my life. When I came my guitar didn't come. I'm lost."

"So, make a new guitar," she said.

"From what?"

"Jason, music was around for a long time before guitars. I'd wager every group in Xanadu has someone looking for a way to make music, and some of them probably know how to make instruments. Music is vital to us all. Visit each group. Talk to them. Put an add on the main dining area. Other musicians are out there. You just have to find them. I get front row center at the first concert," Aphrodite said.

"You really believe that?"

"Jason, I'm sure of it. Do it. I'd love for us to sing and dance together."

"You're on," he said standing. "Thanks, Mamas."

"You're welcome, Jason,"

Aphrodite went back to the house. It was time for Titanus to nurse. Sleeping arrangements at the house were, Demi and Ally, Aphrodite and Titanus, with Alex, Ariana and Terra sharing a third. There was another bedroom for a nursery but neither of the mothers wanted to use it yet.

Demi felt the need to communicate with the Oracle that night and sat outside alone for a considerable time.

The Oracle told her many things that she would have to share with the masses, but she would share them with her family in the morning.


At the big dining room, Aphrodite got an idea of who, in their group, Adara's group, and Miora's group had decided not to make the trip.

Alex got to meet several of his other children. All the babies were his and those were only in the three groups he had been with. None of the other five groups had any babies. The other children there were between the ages of six and twelve. All were girls.

Alex tried to do a headcount of males. There were about twenty-five in the eighteen to twenty-five range and around one hundred and fifty that were older. Alex was comforted knowing that even though only he carried fertile seed, there were plenty of dicks to go around.

Following breakfast, Aphrodite and her family got the full tour of Xanadu from Nomena.

The one area where everyone seemed to go on a regular basis was the dining building. Two women were painting decoratively on the outside.

"Can I get one of you to do something for me?" Aphrodite asked them.

"Sure," one replied.

"Designate an area, where everyone will see it, as a community billboard. We can all post fliers there, announce meetings, and events."

"Yeah, we'll have it done in no time."

"Thanks," Aphrodite said. She turned to Nomena. "Each group needs to name their area and number their buildings so we can locate each other. Is there an area set aside for the kids to get together and play?"

"Just the school, but there's no play area."

"That needs to be fixed quickly. There's a nice area for that near the school. I'm going to need all the kids and about a dozen creative builders there right after lunch."

"I assume I've been appointed your PA," Nomena chuckled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to draft you. You're perfect for the job though. You know everyone and have a grasp of the entire community."

"I love the idea. My welcome wagon job was going obsolete pretty soon anyway."

"Is there a way to call the entire community together quickly?"


"See what you can figure out for that. We also need places for groups with common interests to gather. Musicians, artists, craft people, that sort of thing. Is there a place for our adults only activities?"

"Yes, it's back by itself on the outskirts of the village."

"Is this the one you showed us, Demi?" Aphrodite asked.

"Yes, but I'd like to see it."

"Nomena, lead the way," Aphrodite instructed.

Nomena took them to the building. Ariana and Alex grinned at each other knowing it had already been christened.

"Well done, Gaia," Aphrodite chuckled. "Where are the extra bed coverings?"

"There's a room on either side, next to the showers," Nomena told her.

"How about an area for food and drink?"

"No such animal, boss," Nomena replied.

"Well, there should be. At least two areas, I think. Maybe, near the showers."

"On it."

"Anyone else see anything we need?" Aphrodite asked.

"The place has no personality. It needs a facelift," Ally said. "Drapes, artwork."

"Agreed. Nomena, are you going to need a PA?"

"I've got this. Okay if I have each group add their own culture?"

"Yes, each group should be equally represented in all things. I want us to celebrate our differences and each other. There's a world of opportunity here for us to learn and grow from. And with that, I need to go feed my son. I think his appetite is bigger than his father's."

"Let's all go back to the house. There are some things I need to share from the Oracle," Demi said.

Once situated at the house and the babies being nursed, Demi began.

"Our whole community needs to hear this, but I wanted to tell you all first. The seed of Gaia is the first item. Right now, Alex is the only one that carries it. He'll pass it on to his firstborn male in each of the eight groups. Firstborn isn't right. Alex is only going to sire eight males. When they reach maturity, they'll pass it on to all their sons. In two generations all males born will carry it. Women currently outnumber men about five to one. The next generation will be more like fifteen to one. The third generation will balance it out pretty close to fifty-fifty."

"Any idea why?" Ariana asked.

"It's to keep the seed pure so that Alex physical traits are passed to each group equally. Alex and his sons will carry a lot of responsibility initially with the seed. His grandsons will be the ones repopulating Terra."

"Terra, my daughter or Terra the earth?" Alex asked.

"Terra is the name of the planet, to honor your daughter, Terra. The term earth will be obsolete."

"Are my sons inheriting all my traits?"

"All but the magic resizing of your dick, your white hair, and your dumb jokes. They'll get the bodies, stamina, quick recovery times, and will have the 'dimiourgo' ability."

"How about the females? Will they get any of those?" Aphrodite asked.

"They're going to have the bodies of Spartan women, strong and agile. Alex won't be passing on his fighting abilities to anyone. They won't be needed. Was that clear enough?"

"I think so," Aphrodite replied.

"Next is the strange one, time. Xanadu time is three times Terra time. A day here is three on Terra. Even though we're living in Xanadu we'll all age on Terra time."

"What? Titanus and Terra will be eighteen in six years?" Aphrodite asked.

"That's correct. In two years our six-year-olds will be eighteen. In three years, the babies will be. They'll mature normally but at three times the usual rate.

"Titanus was four months when we arrived yesterday. Did the rapid growth start then?"

"Yes. Three months from now he'll be thirteen months."

"In six years, he'll become Epapas?" Alex asked.

"Correct. And so will your other seven sons."

"Cool, I can retire in seven years," Alex grinned.

"Yes, each son will become Papas of their own group."

"Demi, how in the hell do we mature their brains with their bodies?"

"Gaia has taken care of much of that, but we'll also be accelerating the education process for them. There's a lot that was taught in our schools that's useless now."

"Such as?" Ally asked.

"History, government, economics. The kids will need more practical skills. Their lives, all our lives, will be dramatically different than what we 'old ones' knew."

"Watch who you call 'old ones', little girl. I can still spank your ass," her mother said, half-smiling.

"Sorry, mom. The ones who are babies now will refer to us as the 'old ones.'"

"Not to my face they won't," Aphrodite replied.

"Demi, do you know how long we'll be in Xanadu?" Ariana asked.

"We'll leave shortly after Alex' sons become Papas. Alex, Ariana, and Terra will be the first to leave. The three of you will be the ones to turn Terra habitable again."

"Ariana clears the air and seas. Terra does the soil. What will I do?" Alex asked.

"You'll provide a sort of environmental bubble for them to do their magic. They would never survive it without you."

"Why can't we just stay here?" Ally asked.

"We're in a tiny bubble here. Xanadu isn't big enough. We'll outgrow it. Terra, although different, is still a big place. Sooner or later, we have to get off the ark."

"Old ones? I'm going to kick someone's ass," Aphrodite grumbled.

Everyone laughed. "You still on that, mom?" Alex asked.

His mother gave him a dirty look. "Old ones? I will kick the first person's young ass that calls me that."

"Alex, you were talking about the numbers you're facing with the women. Your first task is to make sons. You have five to get started on right away. Each group has already chosen who will be the mother and Mamas. The assembly will schedule an event to do all five. After that, you'll be making lots of girl babies. Lots of girl babies. The elixir will be available full time for the other men. They'll take care of most of the women's needs. Besides your wives, at one time or another, you'll be with almost all the other women. Banging the son of the goddess is a pretty great honor. The married ones should still have the spouse's approval, but the singles are free game."

"Stay away from the girl at the 7-11, husband," Ariana said. Alex grinned. The others looked at her with brows raised. "It's an inside joke. Forget it."

"If we're going to get people together for the playground we should probably get going," Nomena said.


Nomena stood during lunch. "Aphrodite would like to meet with the children after lunch at the area behind the school to talk about creating a playground. Parents are welcome. We'll also need about eight or ten builders, and artsy people to help with the project. Jason, are you here?" He stood and waved. "Aphrodite has requested you join us too." He gave her a thumbs up. "On the wall outside we've created a space to post fliers and notices. If you're looking for something or someone, need help with something, put up a note. Same thing if you have a special skill you want to share. We'll also put up notices for special events there. We want to create road names and building numbers. Each group can do that. It'll help us locate people and places. Each group should make a map and get it back to me. We'll make a big map for everyone to use."

"When is Alex going to be available?" a woman yelled.

Nomena laughed. "Soon, we'll post a flier. Alex, would you stand so we can see what we have to look forward to?"

Alex blushed, but stood and waved at the crowd. He got lots of applause before sitting.

Nomena returned to the table and after lunch a crowd followed them to the school. Aphrodite stopped and turned to them.

"I'd like the children to come up here by me and sit so we can have a nice talk."

There were somewhere around a hundred of them that formed a semi-circle in front of her sitting on the grass.

"Jason, come here beside me."

He ran to her. "Yes, ma'am."

"Relax. I need your help with this."

She motioned for the crowd to sit, then sat in front of the kids. Jason sat beside her.

"My name is Aphrodite. You can call me Di. I was looking around this morning and noticed we didn't have a playground. I don't know about you, but I think we need one." The kids screamed in agreement. "I like swings and slides, but I think our playground should be a lot better than that. My friend, Jason, here..." She put her arm around him. " a musician. He's going to help us all make the best playground ever. But we need your help. No one knows more about playgrounds than children. You are the experts. Now, you're all pretty grown up, but soon there will be a lot of little kids that will want to use it too. I need you to give Jason your ideas on what we need. He'll work with the grownups behind you to create it. Then we're going to need you to decorate it. Can you do that?" The kids screamed their agreement. Aphrodite looked at the adults. "Jason is running this project. He's not making just a playground. He's creating a spectacular playground. It will incorporate music, art, physical exercise, and tons of fun. He's going to need people to help layout, design and build it. He wants low maintenance and high safety. Those of you interested in helping him and these amazing kids build a dream, join him after the kids finish with him." She looked at the children. "This needs to be awesome. This is your playground. Now give Jason your ideas." Aphrodite looked at Jason. "You got this?"

"I've got this! Thanks, Aphrodite," he said grinning.

"I have no doubt. Have fun."

Aphrodite walked away and left Jason and the kids to their task.

"I'm kinda surprised you picked Jason," Alex said.

"He's a musician, an artist. Who better to create a wonderland than an artist? I'm excited to see what they come up with."

They continued their tour and passed the school a couple of hours later. Construction was already underway in several areas.

"Mom, I like the white gowns. They're really comfortable and all," Ariana said.


"Look around. Don't all the people in white look strange? Like a cult or something."

"Think we should add some color?"

"I'm sure someone knows about dyes and stuff. Miora's group made all their own clothes."