Solstice Ch. 20

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Alex firstborn son comes of age.
7.2k words

Part 20 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/15/2021
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Chapter 20 - Coming of Age

Alex had been able to keep up with his duties and began using his ninth persona to learn everything he could about how things worked. With the assistance of other personas, when they were free, he learned about building, plumbing, farming, fishing, making clothes and even cooking. He could step in and do most anything and do it well.

At the end of her second year as assembly leader, Aphrodite stepped down. By unanimous vote, Nomena became the new leader. Aphrodite became a non-voting member of the assembly.

The children attending school were learning at a much faster rate than previous generations had. They had also developed a physical education program that was nothing short of amazing. All the children, whether born before or in Xanadu, were perfect physical specimens. You couldn't tell who was from what group.

Alexandra had kept up a calendar and had calculated, using both earth and Xanadu time, when each child had birthdays. Their eighteenth being the most important.

Leader of the assembly became a two-year appointment. When Nomena stepped down, one of the men from the South America group was elected. There were no term limits for assembly members, but they often stepped aside, and others were chosen by their groups. Ariana had stepped down and Cletus had replaced her.

About a month before Titanus was to turn eighteen, Aphrodite called Alex, Ariana, Demi, Alexandra together for a private meeting.

"Once Titanus is named Epapas, I'll be stepping down. Ariana is next in line if she chooses to become the senior Mamas," Aphrodite said.

"I suppose I will, until Terra becomes Mamas," she said hesitantly. "Alex and I have talked this over. When Titanus and his other sons become Papas, Alex is stepping down, as tradition states, and I will too."

"Ally and I are stepping down when Ariana does. We think it's better that the next generation take over entirely," Demi added.

"We'll all still have the Xpapas and Xmamas roles, but I agree with all of you," Aphrodite replied.

"God, I'm looking forward to that," Alex said.

"Alex, your last year as Papas is going include a lot of virgins," Ariana chuckled.

"Yeah, but a lot fewer impregnations. I suspect most of the women will want to wait for the new Papas," he replied.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that. Your sons won't have your enlarging dick," his mother added.

"There's another issue too," Ariana began. "Mom has kept being Gaia a secret. Alex, people already see you as a god. That's not going to change just because you step down."

"Kids, they look at all five of us as gods. Each of us has abilities no one else possesses. What else could they think?" Aphrodite asked.

The group got quiet for a few minutes. "Are we? Are we gods, mom?" Demi asked.

"I'm afraid so, honey. That doesn't mean we're any different than we've ever been. The sons of Alex, along with your three daughters, are too. They'll have special abilities. Demi's daughter will become the new Oracle. Alexandra's will hold the memory of not only what she experiences, but the history of humankind. She'll be the motivation to advance the civilization beyond what we have in Xanadu. Artemus, Adara's first daughter, will be the one who causes the planet to green up again. Leto, her second, will repopulate it with animal life."

"Ask her to skip the mosquitoes. I don't miss them at all," Alex suggested.

"Ask her yourself. She's your daughter," his mother replied.

"Mom, do you have any idea what's going on outside Xanadu?" Ariana asked.

"It's Chaos. There's nothing still alive. No bacteria, viruses, nothing. The sky is filled with ash. There's no sunlight getting through. The atmosphere is toxic. About half the planet is too hot to survive and the rest is too cold. The only indication it was ever populated are the tops of a couple of skyscrapers. They'll be covered soon. The continents have shifted and merged into a single mass near the equator. It's not a pretty picture."

"How long until we can start cleaning it up?" Alex asked.

"In about six years we'll begin. It'll take almost a year to clean, then six more months to introduce plants and animals. At that point some will leave Xanadu to establish a village to move into. When that's done, we'll all leave."

"Will some want to stay in Xanadu?" Ariana asked.

"No. Once the last of us leave, Xanadu will cease to exist. Anything else?" Aphrodite asked.

"I have one more thing," Ariana said. "Alex, when we get back, I don't want to see you anywhere near a 7-11."

"You have my word," he replied.

Aphrodite shook her head. "Whatever."

The group walked back to the house. Just after they entered the living room, Titanus walked in.

"Ah, the 'old ones' have returned," he said, jovially.

"Son, you just fucked up," Alex said, calmly.

"What do....whaaaaaa?" he screamed, as he floated to the ceiling and stayed there.

His mother walked over beneath him and looked up. "Don't speak. Don't move. If you do, I'm going to open a can of whoopass." She stormed out of the room, as the others, except Titanus, laughed.

"Dad, what's whoopass?" his son asked.

"You don't wanna know."

"Can one of you get me down?"

"Not a chance in hell," Demi said, laughing.

Terra walked into the room and looked at him. "This might be a dumb question, but why are you up on the ceiling?"

"Uh, my mom put me here."

Aphrodite walked back in. "Don't talk to the little smart ass. He's being taught a life lesson," she told Terra. "And you," she said, looking at Titanus. "Will not speak until I say you can. Unless you'd prefer to see how Xanadu looks from a mile up."

Aphrodite turned to Alex and winked, then left the room grinning. Everyone went about their business and ignored Titanus. He didn't say a word.

It was an hour or so later when she walked back in. Laying down on the floor beneath him, she looked him in the eye, and asked, "Have you figured out why you're up there?"

"You didn't appreciate my 'old ones' comment."

"Correct. So how do we prevent a reoccurrence of this situation?"

"I'm never saying it again," he replied.

She smiled. Titanus dropped to about a foot above her, before stopping suddenly. "Good boy," she said, as she raised and his forehead.

Titanus' body moved to an upright position, then gently floated to the floor. Aphrodite stood and quietly left the room. After making sure he could move, Titanus headed toward his room. Terra stepped out of hers as he passed.

"Terra?" he whispered.

"Uh huh?"

"How did she do that?"

"You don't know?"

"I have no clue," he replied.

She took his arm and pulled him into her room, then closed the door behind them. "You really don't know?"

"No," he replied, seriously.

She leaned over near his ear and whispered, "Your mother, my grandmother, is Gaia."

"Are you kidding me?" he asked, incredulously.

"Not a bit, but keep your mouth shut about it. No one outside this house is supposed to know."

"Holy shit," he said.

She chuckled, "That's exactly what I said when I found out. Now, beat it. I've got things to do."

Titanus left the room scratching his head and walked outside. His father followed him.

"I wouldn't say 'old ones' around your mom anymore."

"No kidding. Dad could she really have sent me a mile up?"

"Or ten miles up. Or down, for that matter."

"Is mom really Gaia?"

"She is. You tell no one." Titanus nodded. "You know Jason?"

"Yeah, the music guy."

"He pissed her off once and she moved his dick to his nose. God, that was funny."


Alex laughed. "His balls were hanging from his chin."

"I'm glad she's not the vindictive type."

"We all are. Just don't say it anymore. Okay?"

"Count on it."


Alex knocked on Aphrodite's door later that night.

"It's unlocked."

He opened the door and came in, then crawled up next to her on the bed.

"Busy?" he asked.

"Never too busy for you. I was hoping you'd drop by."

He turned her face to him and kissed her. "You're so beautiful," he said.

"Flattery will get you just about anything," she replied, smiling.

He put his hand over her crotch. "Will it get me here?"

"It will."

As he gently massaged her pussy, and showered her with kisses, she moaned softly. His mother sat up and pulled off her gown. She held his head with her hand, holding him to her breast. His fingers were exploring her increasingly wet pussy. When she began moaning more, he slid down her body and began licking around her labia.

"Mmmm, so good," she said.

His fingers entered her and began their in and out movement. Aphrodite parted her legs to give him better access. He licked the length of her labia, eliciting a loud moan.

"Now, Alex. I need you in me."

He raised up and slipped his cock inside his mother's hungry pussy then began moving in her. She moaned continuously as he did. Grabbing his face, she pulled him to her, kissing him passionately. One more loud moan and her legs encircled him, pulling him deep into her as she came. Alex watched her beautiful face as she did. He loved watching her experience the all-encompassing ecstasy of her orgasms.

"Fill me, Alex. I want it."

It only took a few more thrusts before he did. He continued to watch as she came again on his cock. He rested his chest on her, supporting much of his weight on his arms. They lay there together for a long time as she stroked his hair.

"I let the cat out of the bag, didn't I?" she asked.

"He won't tell anyone. I talked to him."

"But what about Terra?"

"She already knew."


"She saw you get yourself a cup of water without getting up, then asked Ariana about it. You're safe. Ariana made her promise to keep it quiet."

"Good. I like remaining anonymous."

"How long are you going to keep that up?"

"As long as I can."

"I'm really going to miss watching you drop your gown at the festivals. That's so hot."

"I'll drop my gown for you anytime."


"I promise," she replied.

"After we leave Xanadu, I'd really like to have one of my personas stay with you."

"I'd love that, but let's see how things go. There's a lot that can happen between now and then. What about your Mamas in the other groups? Are they going to let you leave?"

"I'm pretty sure Adara's going to want me to stay. Maybe Aida, but I doubt the others will."

"Ariana won't have a problem with that. What is the 7-11 thing?"

"An old joke. She's okay with my Papas responsibilities but said if she catches me with a girl at the 7-11 all hell is gonna break loose."

"Your father did that once about seven years into our marriage. It's a good thing I didn't know about being Gaia. I would have turned him into a horny cockroach with no genitals," she chuckled.

"Fortunately, there are no 7-11s anymore."

"You should probably go back to Ariana for the night."

"I'm with her. And with Demi and Ally too."

"And who else?"

"All the other Mamas except Miora."

"Are you fucking them all?"

"Only five of them, at the moment. I just finished with the others."

"You're probably the only man on the planet that can multitask."

"That was a sexist remark," he said, feigning indignance.

"I'm Gaia. I can be sexist if I want to."

"Yes ma'am," he chuckled.

Alex rolled off and cuddled with his mother. Both were asleep a short time later.


On the morning of what would have been June 21st, Titanus' eighteenth birthday, Alex and his son went fishing.

"I thought I'd better fill you in on what's in store for you tonight. Happy birthday, by the way."

"Same to you, dad."

"Thanks. Anyway, when I turned eighteen there was a book my dad was supposed to give me to read. It slipped his mind. I had no clue what was about to happen."

Alex described the ceremony, as Titanus sat listening with his mouth agape.

"Any questions?"

"Is this some kind of a joke?"

"Nope, it's going to happen exactly as I told you."

"Does mom know about this?"

"Of course, she knows. She's retiring as Mamas after you become Epapas. Ariana is too. Demi and Alexandra will be sharing the senior Mamas job."

"I'm going to have sex with mom, Aunt Demi, and aunt Ally?"

"And pretty much any of the other adult women. I suspect it'll just be this one night with your mom, that'll really be up to her. Terra is going to become your promised one at the fall solstice."

"Terra too? Dad, this is really weird."

"It's a family tradition that's gone on for a few thousand years. It's common courtesy to ask the married ones before bedding them."

"And you're okay with this?"

"I am. It's our tradition."

"There's kind of a problem," Titanus said.

"What's that?"

"I haven't been able to get a boner for three days."

"That drink you've been getting caused that. You'll get the antidote just before the ceremony."

"I'm being drugged?"

"It's herbal, relax. Son, you're going to see things tonight that will likely shock you."

"Such as?"

"Each of the eight groups has at least one Mamas. Each has a son just about your age."

"Yeah, the guys I go to Epapas class with."

"They're all your brothers. All the girls younger than you are your sisters."

"No way."

"Titanus, I'm the only male in Xanadu that can fertilize a woman. When you and your brothers become Papas, you'll also have that ability. Our pre-cum works as an aphrodisiac on the women. None of the other men do that. Tonight, the elixir your mom will give you will allow you to stay erect and cum as often as your heart desires. When you become Papas, you won't need an elixir for that."

"Dad, back up a minute. I'm still stuck on you being everyone's father."

"Right now, I'm Papas in all eight groups."

"Dad, you're home all the time. That's impossible."

"Look behind you, son."

Titanus turned and suddenly eight more of his father were standing there smiling at him.

"What the....there are eight of you?"

"There's only one of me. I can be in nine places at once."

"Holy shit! You're a god too."

"I'm your dad, and a husband to my wives. That's what's important."

"But...," Titanus began.

"But nothing. I'm the same man you've known all your life, nothing more." The other personas vanished. "Tonight, when we're on the platform, the Mamas will be collecting my cum. Part of the tradition is to share it with all the women. My cum will trigger orgasms in all of them at the same time. Yours will too when you become Papas. Same thing with your brothers."

"This is all too weird."

"We are who we are. The planet we lived on was destroyed by the folly of humankind. We alone survived. Weird or not, we'll be returning there, so you and your brothers can begin to repopulate it. Tonight, you take your place as the first Epapas. Your brothers will do the same thing when they turn eighteen. In a year, you'll become Papas and your wife, Terra, will become Mamas."

"Does Terra know about this?"

"She does. The future Mamas are told when they turn sixteen, but there's no sexual activity until they turn eighteen. Any more questions?"

Titanus had a lot more questions, and over the rest of the morning, his father answered them.


The procession to the great hall began right at six. Alex led the group, and was followed by Aphrodite and Titanus, walking arm in arm. Ariana, Demi, Ally, and the other Mamas followed in pairs behind them.

As they went inside the packed hall with all the other adults, Titanus saw it for the first time. The raised platform in the center had twelve chairs. The two in the center were taller and more ornate than the others. As they reached the steps, Ariana stepped out of the line and joined the crowd, standing in front of a pair of vacant seats. Another Alex stood with her, holding her hand.

Alex also stood in front of the center chair with Aphrodite on his right. Titanus stood to her right, followed by Demi, Alexandra, and Adara. The other Mamas stood in front of the remaining six chairs on Alex' left. Aphrodite gave a nod. Everyone in the hall took their seats except Alex. He walked to the front of the platform.

"Children of Gaia, I welcome you. We're here this evening to name my son, Titanus, as the Epapas of the Colorado group. We will induct him into our fold and family traditions. As my other seven sons reach maturity, we'll do the same for each of them."

Finger snapping began and Alex nodded to Aphrodite. She stood and picked up a cup, bringing it to Titanus.

"Drink of the final elixir, my son," she said, handing it to him. He drank the entire contents. Aphrodite walked to the front of the platform and faced the crowd. Her gown fell to the floor. "Let the ceremony begin."

The finger snapping began again as she turned to face Titanus. Seeing his goddess mother standing nude before him caused his virgin cock to spring to life. She smiled as she walked toward him. His mother raised his gown exposing his cock then straddled him. Her hands held his face as she kissed him and lowered herself onto his cock.

"Ohhhh," Titanus moaned.

"Give me your seed, my son," his mother said, as she raised and lowered herself on him slowly.

"Oh mom," he whimpered.

"Happy Birthday, Epapas," she said. "I was your grandfather's and your father's first too. Thank you for allowing me to be yours."

"Mom, I don't know what to say.

"You're welcome would be nice."

He swallowed hard. "You're welcome."

Sensing he was close, she raised herself then knelt in front of him. He came the moment her mouth engulfed the head of her son's cock. When he finished, she let his cum run from her mouth into the cup he had just emptied.

"Thank you, Epapas," she said, as she stood. Aphrodite turned to Alex and knelt, kissing his cock. "Our son is now Epapas."

"Thank you, Mamas," Alex replied.

She stood, then took her seat. Demi stood and dropped her gown then stepped to Alex. She knelt and kissed his cock. "Papas," she said. He smiled at her. She stood and stepped to her mother, kneeling, and kissing her mons. "Mamas," she said. Demi then went to Titanus. She was grinning at him. "Epapas, welcome to the fold," she said, as she licked the pre-cum from his cock and kissed it. Demi returned to her seat as Alexandra repeated what Demi had done, then returned to her seat.

Aphrodite nodded to Alex and another Alex appeared behind each of the remaining seven Mamas'. They stood and ushered the Alex' to their chairs. Each knelt and began sucking. Aphrodite joined them, sucking the Alex in the center chair. Ariana knelt in front of the Alex seated next to her in the audience and began sucking him.

Demi and Alexandra walked to Titanus. "Mouth or pussy?" Demi asked.

"Uh, uh, you pick," he stammered.

She turned her back to him and slid his cock into her. Titanus moaned loudly as she did. She turned her face to him.

"Your mom may have gotten your virginity, but I get your first pussy load. Fill your aunt with your cum," she said, grinning.

Titanus didn't disappoint her and soon emptied a load inside her. She stood and let it drip into the cup as Ally held it between Demi's legs. Demi took the cup and Ally stepped up.

"Mouth or pussy?" she asked, grinning.

"Mouth," Titanus replied.

She knelt and had him cumming in the cup in minutes. Each of the other nine women who were sucking Alex pulled large bowls from under their seats and moved them between their legs. A single groan came from each Alex simultaneously, and cum flowed from his cocks in a steady stream. It ran from their mouths, down their chins, and into the bowls. A moment later, all nine women came at the same time.

"Thank you, Papas," they all said.

"It was my honor," he replied. All but the center Alex and the one next to Ariana vanished.

Titanus couldn't believe what his father had just done. There had to be at least a quart of cum in each bowl.