Solstice Ch. 22

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Alex retires and his eight sons take over.
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Part 22 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/15/2021
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Chapter 22

Demi awoke with her heart pounding. "Oh god, no," she said crying, as she got out of bed.

"What's wrong?" Ally asked.

"I need to talk to mom," she replied, leaving the room.

Demi walked into the hallway. Her mother was standing there waiting for her and took her in her arms to console her.

"Let's go for a walk," Aphrodite told her.

They went outside and walked toward the lake. Demi cried the entire way. They sat on the grass near the water.

"Why?" Demi asked.

"It's the way it has to be."

"But you're Gaia. You can change it."

"There are limits to what I can do. Creating and maintaining Xanadu leaves me with little reserve. I created tools to do what I'm not able to do. Once Xanadu is gone, I would have the ability to change it, but by then it'll be too late."

"Oh mom," Demi sobbed.

"Demi, nothing ends. Where's your father?"

"He's part of you now," she replied.

"And always will be."

"Do they know?"

"Not yet. Say nothing. If Alex finds out, he won't go through with it, and all of Xanadu will perish."

"When are you going to tell them?"

"I'm not telling Alex. I'll talk to the others in the next day or two."

"Mom, there's no other way?" she asked.

"I wish there was," Aphrodite replied.

They spent much of that day together talking, and in the late evening returned to the house.

"Is everything okay," Ally asked Demi.

Demi smiled. "I just needed some mom time. It's all good now.


The following day Aphrodite went to Ariana and Demi. She held out her hands to them.

"Take my hands," she told them.

As they did, the three disappeared.


That evening Titanus joined his father, who was picking fruits and vegetables for the family.

"Hi dad. Want some help?" he asked.

"I thought you were with the South America group today."

"I was. Terra came and talked to me about something. I needed to run it by you."

"Sure, what's that?" he asked, as he continued.

"Terra wants you to impregnate her," Titanus told him.

Alex stopped and turned to his son. "That'll be your job after she's Mamas."

"Dad, she wants you to do it, and before she's mamas."


"She says it's important to her. She wants to carry on your direct line. She's dead serious about this."

"Son, it's not how we do things. I'll talk to her."

"Talk to Ariana too. Apparently, they're both in on it. Ariana has already checked. There are no rules saying you can't."

"How do you feel about this?" Alex asked.

"I'm fine with it if that's what she wants. Helen and Urania are going to be my Emamas too."

"What? When did that happen?"

"Mom told me this morning after breakfast."

"I wonder when they plan on filling me in on any of this? It's not like I'm Papas or anything."

"Don't shoot the messenger, dad," Titanus chuckled.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to bark."

"No problem."

They finished gathering things together and took them to the house. Titanus left and returned to the South America group. Ariana walked into the kitchen.

"Hi babe. Did Titanus find you?" Ariana asked.

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"It's hard to explain, but you need to impregnate Terra."

"Why me? That's supposed to fall on Titanus."

"Hey Demi!" Ariana called.

Demi walked in the room a moment later. "You told him?" she asked.

"I need you to explain it," Ariana told her.

"Okay, sit at the table," Demi said. "Terra needs you to give her twins; girls, Sol and Luna."

"Why?" Alex asked.

"It's just what's meant to be. Trust me, I'm the Oracle."

"And Terra's okay with this?"

"Yep. She wants it to happen today."

"Why the rush?"

"So, they'll be adults when we leave Xanadu," Ariana said.

"Helen and Urania are going to become Emamas' to Titanus at the fall equinox too."

"Let me guess; it's how it's supposed to be," Alex sneered.

"Essentially, yes," Demi replied.

"But why?" Alex growled.

Aphrodite walked into the room and looked at him. "Because I'm Gaia, and that's how it's going to be!" she said with authority. Her demeanor softened. "Alex, have I ever let you down before?"

"No," he replied.

"Then, I'm asking you to trust that I know what I'm doing. Please?"

"Okay, mom. When do Helen and Urania turn eighteen?"

"In three days," Demi replied.

"We'll do the virginities first then the Emamas at the fall celebration. I'm not doing them together. Agreed?" Alex asked.

Everyone nodded.

"I'll go get specifics from Terra and see how she wants to do this," Ariana said.

"I'd like to talk to her if you're okay with that?" Alex suggested.

"That's fine," Ariana replied.

Alex stood and left the room. Aphrodite looked at her daughters.

"He can't know," she said. Both nodded in agreement.


Alex materialized a moment later next to Terra. She was on her way to visit Artemus.

"Hi dad."

"Hi honey. Got a minute?"

"Always. Did Titanus talk to you?"

"Yes, and your mom, Demi and Grandmother. Terra, why?"

"Sol and Luna are my gifts to you. They'll be the only ones of the next generation that'll be your immediate descendants."

"It's a wonderful idea, but have you really thought this through?"

She stopped and turned to her father. "I have. I'm having two daughters and I want you to be their father. Titanus and I aren't having children together. Helen and Urania will provide him with those."

"That's more of an answer than anyone else has offered. When do you want to do this?"

"Tonight, after dinner. I want mom, grandma, Demi, and Ally there. And you, of course."

"At the house?"

"Yes. Dad, I want this more than you can possibly know. I love you."

Alex took her in his arms. "I love you the same way. You're my special one. You always will be."

Alex felt better. At least Terra had given him reasons. He walked home and told Ariana about Terra's wishes for the impregnation. She began getting things organized.


Aphrodite's room, although not the largest, was the best choice for the impregnation. Aphrodite, Alex, Demi, and Alexandra were ready and waiting. Ariana and Terra walked into the room together. Terra wore a white gown and had a crown of flowers on her head. She was beautiful and beaming. She walked to her father and took his outstretched hand.

"You're sure?" he asked.

She smiled. "I'm totally sure."

Alex untied her gown and removed it, handing it to Ariana. Terra removed his then knelt and took the head of her father's cock in her mouth. She flushed after tasting the pre-cum from his developing erection. Alex took her hands and helped her to stand. They kissed deeply, then he laid her back on the bed.

Demi and Alexandra supported her legs. Alex and Ariana both knelt then began licking and kissing their daughter's pussy. She was moaning and sighing in no time. Aphrodite leaned forward and kissed her granddaughter passionately on the mouth.

Alex and Ariana stood, then Ariana guided his cock to their daughter's opening.

"I'm ready, daddy. Give me the seed of Gaia."

Her father slowly entered her.

"Ohhhh, oh, that feels so good," she whimpered.

Terra pulled Aphrodite's face to hers and kissed her as her father began his slow in and out. Ariana stroked Alex balls with one hand and slid her fingers along her daughter's clit with the other. As they supported her legs, Demi and Alexandra fondled Terra's breasts. Her moans and vocalizations were continuous. Terra increased her movement and speed and was driving herself onto her father's cock. She flushed and bucked, raising her hips completely off the bed, then began trembling as her orgasm consumed her.

Alex continued to move in and out as he drilled deeper and harder.

"Dimiourgo!" he said, loudly, as he shot stream after stream into her.

She opened her eyes to watch and was quickly overtaken by a second powerful orgasm. When she relaxed, her father began to slow then finally stopped. He stayed in his daughter until he went soft, then pulled out. The other women got finger fulls from her dripping pussy. Then at the same time licked them clean. Aphrodite served a finger full to her granddaughter and all five women came. Alex watched the magical sight.

"Thank you, daddy."

"It was an honor, my darling daughter."


Three days later, Helen and Urania gave their father their virginities in a slightly larger ceremony attended by most of the Colorado group. A few others were there, but not many. Helen cried for days afterward before Demi and Aphrodite were finally able to console her. Helen, as the next Oracle, had seen the future, and one small part of that had disturbed her.

Urania began visiting and spending time with 'the old ones'. She had an ability to combine their knowledge with her own, and soon became a human encyclopedia and instruction manual, as Aphrodite had predicted. By the time she had visited them all, Urania held the past knowledge of the entire group, and essentially all living mankind.

The fall equinox was the following weekend. The last of his sons became Epapas', bringing it to eight. All Emamas were now in place bringing their total to ten, with Titanus having three. Promises ceremonies were completed for all the Emamas' to their respective Epapas.

On the second day of the celebration, twelve virgins were brought into the fold by Alex. There would be ten to fifteen monthly between the fall and summer celebrations. Impregnations stopped. Terra had been the last, until the new Papas took over their positions.

Terra began showing within three months. With her being relatively small, and carrying twins, it was expected.

The presence of the eight Epapas was a godsend to Alex. There were times when he had to find things to do.

He was watching the kids on the playground one morning when Aphrodite came to him.

"I've got a job for you," she said.

"Sure. What can I do?"

"I need you to create something that will protect you, Ariana, and Terra, from poisonous gas and radiation."

"No problem," he chuckled. "Later today alright?"

"Alex, I'm being serious," his mother said, solemnly.

"I have no clue where to start?"

"You've got three years to figure it out."

"Mom, I don't think something like that existed back on earth."

"But we have a secret weapon," she said.

"What's that?"

"A god who can be in nine places at once, can move freely through time and space, and has an orgasmic sister. You've got this. You need to be fully functional in three years."

"Any clue where to begin?"

"Between your ears, with an idea. Work upward from there."

"You're a big help," he grinned.

"That's what mothers are for."


Alex thought his problem over for days before finally taking it to Ariana.

"How did you figure out that orgasms could stop the storm in Madagascar?" he asked her.

"Little things, moving curtains, that kind of stuff. When I created the tornado is when I actually figured it out. Gaia said women were stronger together. That's when I realized it would take more than just me. Did mom give you any clues?"

"She said our secret weapon is a god who can be in nine places at once, move freely through time and space, and has an orgasmic sister," he replied.

"Okay, let's think about that. Nine places at once; it's going to take more than one of you. Moving through time and space? I have no clue. The orgasmic sister, I suspect, means that I'll be helping with orgasm energy. Hey, have you mentioned this to Urania? Maybe she'll have an idea."

"No. I guess she's my logical next stop."

Ariana could tell that Alex was stressed over this. She took his face in her hands and kissed him. "You'll get this. Relax and let it come to you."

"I hope so. The two people I love most have their lives riding on it."

"You'll figure it out. You always figure things out."

Alex materialized next to Urania. She was reading in the library, her mother, Alexandra, had created.

"Hi dad," she said, as she hugged him.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Reading, learning, as always."

"Mind if I pick your brain?"

"Not at all."

"What would I need to protect three people from radiation and poison gas?"

"No such animal has ever existed that would last for more than a few minutes, and we don't have the technology to create something like that."

"Okay, let's approach it from a different angle. Something that never existed but was speculated about."

She thought for a minute. "In the science fiction movies, they had ways of protecting spaceships. In Star Trek they used defector shields."

"I remember that."

"Its biggest weakness was loss of its power source. Being under repeated bombardment, it would get drained. The only thing we have that could generate the power you'd need is the sun. Is this for cleansing the planet?"


"We're back at square one. The sun has been blocked out by the atmosphere. It won't be available even if you could harness it. Dad, you've got me."

"But you have given me an idea. That's more than I had."

She sat back in her seat. "What's your idea?"

"Step one, create the shield. Step two, use the most powerful energy source we have, Ariana."

"There's a big difference between creating a hurricane and blocking radiation and gasses."

"The shield does the blocking. The energy that powered the hurricane will supply the power."

She chuckled. "You'd need about eight or nine times the power of a cat five hurricane to generate the energy you need. If, and that's a big if, you can even create the shield. Even then it's not going to hold up more than an hour at best. Throw in a huge earthquake and harness that energy with it, and you may have an energy source. You're also going to need a way to direct all this potential energy to your shield without roasting everyone you're protecting."

"Are you always so full of good news?"

"Usually. You were a Broncos fan, right?"

"I was."

"Had the earth not been destroyed, there was a better than 95% chance the Broncos would have won the Superbowl."

"How could you possibly know that?"

"Grandpa Adonis was a bookie. He was good at it. That's where the money on grandma's side of the family came from. I checked his figures. He was right."

Alex laughed. "Any other projects you're working on?"

"Just two. Artemus is going to be greening the earth. I've shared all my plant knowledge with her. We're working with one or more people from each group to decide what to put where depending on the geography and climate. Leto is doing the same thing with the animals. Aida is working on an animal atlas with her."

"Ask her not to bring back mosquitos."

"Dad, mosquitos are good pollinators and a food source for fish and small animals."

"And responsible for more deaths every year than any other creature," he replied.

"They were second. Man was first, by a long shot."

"Thank you, Ms. Spock," he told her.

She smiled at him and held up her right hand with the middle and ring finger creating a V. "Live long and prosper, Captain."

Alex tried to return it but couldn't get the fingers to separate. She laughed. "If it makes you feel any better, William Shatner couldn't do it either."

"Thanks. I've gotta go build a deflector shield. I love you, Urania."

"I love you too, dad."

They kissed goodbye and Alex left. He felt better. The pieces, although still scattered, were there and starting to come together.


Alex continued, unsuccessfully, trying to create a shield for the next month. He finally set it aside to do other things and think on it.

He continued his rounds to the groups and found himself in less and less demand. His eight sons had that well under control. Aida was essentially too busy creating plant and animal atlases to be bothered with him. Adara was now the assembly leader and she had little time. By the time the summer solstice neared, he had completed all the virginity rites and stayed around home. He had one persona that slept with his mother and one who was with Ariana almost full time. They both loved the together time.

Sol and Luna were born about a month before the summer solstice. Being his youngest, and so close to home, he spent a lot of time with them and their mother, Terra.

"Dad?" Terra said.

"Yeah, honey."

"There's an early retirement party planned for you the evening before the solstice celebration. Don't make any plans."

"I hope it's nothing big. I much prefer to just kind of fade away."

"It's small. I think you'll enjoy it," she said.

"How small?"

"Less than a dozen."

"That's perfect. Where is it?"

"The big hall."

"Why a hall big enough for a thousand people when we're only having a dozen?"

"That's what the party planners decided."

"Who's planning it?"

"Everyone going, except you," she chuckled. "No more questions. Six pm, Thursday before the solstice. Don't be late."

"Yes, ma'am."


On the day of the party, Alex was getting knowing grins from nearly everyone he met, but no one was saying anything about it. He went to Ariana to ask her specifically.

"What up with the strange looks today."

"Everyone's happy for you," she replied.

"We're supposed to be there at six," he reminded her.

"We're not. You are. I won't be there."

"Why not?"

"I wasn't invited, of course."

"There's a party for me and my wife isn't invited?"

"That's about the size of it," she replied, nonchalantly.

"This is too weird."

Alex cleaned up and just before six headed toward the big building. When he walked in, he was taken aback by how empty it seemed.

"Anyone here?" he called.

Terra walked out of the shower area toward him. "Hi dad. You're right on time."

When she was about ten feet away, she dropped her gown to the floor. Alex was hard almost instantly.

"Is this a private party?" he asked.

"Semi-private. Invitation only." She took his arm and walked him to the enormous bed that had been put together on the platform, then set him on the foot of it. "I need your robe, please," she said.

Alex untied it, then slipped it off, handing it to her. She stepped back a few feet and smiled at him. Movement caught his eye from the right. Gal, the Emamas from the Israel group, joined her then dropped her robe. From the other side came Teppi, from Madagascar. Others followed, alternating sides. There was Helen and Urania from Colorado. Then Pontus from Greece. She was followed by Trish from Australia and Shu from China. Nicolette from Russia and Tania from South America finished the procession. There were ten, young, beautiful women standing nude before him. Painted in large letters, across their abdomens read 'Ha pp y Pr e- re ti re me nt.' It was all ten of the Emamas' and all were his daughters.

"Happy pre-retirement, Dad!" they all said.

One at a time, in the reverse order they had entered, they walked to him. Each kissed him then knelt and took the head of his cock in her mouth. Each stood then climbed on the bed with him. Terra was last. She kissed him and had him scoot back onto the bed. The others pulled him onto his back as Terra crawled up between his legs. She took his cock into her mouth then raised up.

"We drew numbers. I get to go first," she said, grinning.

Terra swallowed his cock. The other girls used hands, mouths, and tongues over his entire body. After a minute, she pulled off and the entire group shifted clockwise. A different daughter moved to each position. It took about twenty minutes before Terra was back where she started.

"Time for my treat, dad," Terra said, as she swallowed him and began in earnest.

She had her father moaning and rocking in minutes. He filled her mouth and she quickly dripped it around on his abdomen. The other girls licked it up. Terra began cumming first and was soon followed by the other nine. In the large empty hall, the sounds echoed.