Solstice Ch. 23

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The final chapter.
10.5k words

Part 23 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/15/2021
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Dear readers,

We've made it to the final chapter. There were over 120,000 reads of the first chapter. By chapter 22 there were just 7,000 of us left. Thank you for seeing this through with me.

While writing this story I've killed off billions of people. As I'm sure you've figured out, someone is dying in this chapter. When writing a story, I get attached to the characters too. I love and hate them just as the readers do. This was a tough chapter for me to write.

I appreciate the e-mails and comments I've gotten from you. Yes, even the ones that called me names, trashed my writing, and said that the story was dumber than a rock.

I hope I haven't let you down with this final chapter. There will be no sequel.


Chapter 23

For the next year Alex worked on creating his environmental bubble using his own power with no success. He was frustrated. In times of trouble, he often went fishing to clear his mind. While standing on the boat dock, someone bumped into him, pushing him into the lake. To his surprise, he realized that he was underwater and not wet.

"What the hell?" he said, noticing he could hear his own voice.

He looked around and saw that he was in a bubble. He touched it with his finger, and it vanished, soaking him in the process. He climbed out of the lake with a huge grin on his face.

"Sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to do that. I thought you knew I was here," Terra told him, laughing.

Alex grabbed her right hand as another Alex grabbed her left, and they pulled her with them into the water. All three were in a bubble. Both Alex' concentrated, and the three, holding onto each other, were able to stand. Terra reached out to touch the side.

"Not yet," Alex said, as two more personas appeared.

All four Alex' joined hands and it began to rise. Slowly at first, then completely out of the water.

"Dad, how are you doing this?" his daughter asked.

"Shhhh," he replied.

They continued to rise and were several feet above the surface of the water. The bubble began moving sideways over the bank.

"Terra, where were you headed?" he asked.


The bubble, just a few feet above the path, headed toward home. As they passed people, they rose to avoid them. Everyone who saw it was standing with their mouth agape. They stopped in front of the house.

"Call for your mom," Alex said.

"Mom! Mom! Mommm!" Terra screamed.

The front door opened, and Ariana stepped out. She smiled, realizing what she was seeing.

"Can I touch it?" she asked.

"One second," Alex replied, then lowered them to the ground. "Okay, what's it feel like?"

She touched the surface. "It's smooth but feels solid."

"Ariana, pick something up and throw it at us."

"Like what?"

"A rock or something."

She reached in the pocket of her gown and pulled out an apple. Ariana pitched it gently and watched as it bounced off. She picked it up again and threw it hard. It bounced off again.

"Put your hand on the bubble," Alex told her. She did as he said. "Terra, try and take her hand."

Terra reached for her mother's hand and passed through the bubble. She grasped her mother's hand and pulled. Their hands were now both inside.

"Keep pulling. Ariana, I want you to come in with us."

It took some trial and error, but after about a minute, she was inside with the others. Alex tried to raise them off the ground. It didn't move. Another Alex joined them. The five Alex' joined hands and the bubble rose several feet before returning to the ground and disappearing.

The personas disappeared and Alex slumped over on the ground.

"That was exhausting," he said, catching his breath.

Terra and Ariana were on their knees with him to look him over.

"Relax, Dad," Terra said, worriedly.

"You did it. Alex, you did it!" Ariana added, smiling.

In a moment, Alex sat up. He picked up the apple his wife had thrown and took a bite. "I'm starving."

"Oh Alex! That was on the ground."

"Only for a few minutes," he said, taking a second bite.

There was a crowd around them as Aphrodite walked up.

"Did you fall or something?" she asked.

"I made the bubble, mom. It's not strong yet, but I made it," he said, biting the apple again.

"The protecting bubble?"

"Yes. We rode in it from the lake."

She and Ariana shared a quick knowing look before looking back at Alex. "It's going to have to be really strong to work," Aphrodite reminded him.

"I know, but it's a start."


The progress was slow. He knew he would have to include Ariana's orgasm energy, but before that, he needed to use all his to make it as strong as possible. Beginning with a strong bubble, then adding her energy, would give them the power they would need.

Alex rarely walked more than a few feet from then on. He was in a bubble and guiding it, sometimes alone, and sometimes with multiple personas. He learned how to make it strong and safe from normal everyday hazards. Alex spent hours with Urania to learn what he would be up against when the time came to really use it. He knew, without a doubt, this was going to be dangerous for all three occupants.

His first big test was fire. Alex began with eight of his personas and a large bonfire. The whole community was there to watch his test. The fire was lit as they looked on. He created the bubble and drifted upward and over the large fire, then descended into it slowly. The upward hot air current made it difficult to control. The fire burned for hours as Alex sat comfortably in the middle of the smoke and flames. His ninth persona was with Urania. Since all personas could see and feel what the others did, he was able to share his observations and experiences with her in real time.

"Dad, start reducing the number of personas. We should know how many it actually takes to stay safe. Remove them one at a time. If anything changes after removing one, get out," Urania told him.

Alex began removing his personas one at a time about every ten minutes. By the time he got down to three, Alex could tell it was becoming harder to control and he would tire soon. Rather than stop, as Urania suggested, he added a fourth persona which brought him back to full strength.

Alex called off the experiment after about eight hours due to his hunger, thirst, and fatigue. He knew that if there had been provisions for everyone in the bubble he could have continued longer.

The following day he met with Aphrodite, Ariana, Terra, Demi, Alexandra, Helen, and Urania to brainstorm.

"I need some clue how long we're going to be in the danger zone," he said, hoping one of the group would have some idea.

Aphrodite was the only one with any clue. "Less than an hour. Ariana will need to make contact with the air and water. Terra will need to do the same with the soil."

"Do you know how fast the cleansing goes?" Urania asked.

"It'll begin immediately, but will take right at a year to complete," Aphrodite replied.

"Xanadu time?" Urania asked.


Urania did some calculating in her head. "Terra time that means three years. The cleansing will proceed at about one mile an hour. All they need to do is get it started?"

Aphrodite hesitated before answering. "Yes. What other testing are you planning?" she asked, changing the subject.

"I'm going into the upper atmosphere and underwater. I can test how it holds up in both low and high pressure," Alex replied.

"When are you including me and Terra?" Ariana asked.

"After those tests, assuming they're successful."

"Alex, you're going to require a much stronger power source than just yourself," Urania reminded him.

"Covered. That's where Ariana comes in with her orgasm power."

"Do I get to orgasm too?" Terra asked, grinning.

"We all will. Probably several times," her father replied.

"Alex, are you sure you can keep the bubble intact and cum at the same time?" Ally asked.

"I haven't tried, but I think so."

"I'd be happy to volunteer to assist in that test," Demi said smiling.

"So would the rest of us," his mother added.

"That will need to be at night and should probably be done over the water," Urania told them.

"Why?" Alex asked.

"The bubble is transparent. There are kids watching. Thus, the nighttime. Over water, because if it fails, falling in water is less dangerous than falling to the ground," Urania reminded him.

"Good points."

"I also think you need to take food and water on this venture. If you're going to be cumming as much as I suspect, you'll need that to keep your strength up," Urania advised.

"Have you tried teleporting in the bubble?" Aphrodite asked.

"Only locally so far."

"You need to do that too. That's how you'll be getting there," his mother replied.

"I'll do that alone the first few times before risking someone else."

"Alex," Urania said, excitedly. "I hadn't thought about this before. If you were in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, you could give your shield a real test."

"Why then and there?" he asked.

"It's when they dropped the a-bomb," Alexandra said.

Alex swallowed hard. "I'm not sure I wanna do that."

"If it survives that, it'll survive the cleansing," Urania said.

Alex thought for a moment then looked at his mother. "If I lose a persona, or two, will I survive that?"

"Yes, but those personas will be gone for good," Aphrodite said.

He looked at Urania. "We need to know." She nodded.

"Alex, no! That's crazy," Ariana barked. Terra put her hand on her mother's and smiled knowingly. "You're right. We need to know," Ariana said.

They talked for about another thirty minutes before going their separate ways. Alex went with Terra to play with his daughters, Sol and Luna. If he wasn't working with his bubble, that's generally where he could be found. Toddlers now, they were daddy's girls. They loved riding in daddy's big ball, and he often took them places with him. They were his joy.

Alex teleported several times alone before trying it with someone else. Helena was the first.

"Where would you like to go?" he asked.

"What are my options?" she laughed.

"Somewhere you've been or would like to go, maybe?"

"All those places were destroyed, remember?"

"We're able to go back in time, not just to a place."

"Can I meet Brad Pitt?"

"Sorry, it only works on places. We'll be the only ones there," Alex replied.

"Well, shit! I was hoping to give Brad a blowjob."

"We can go to his house, and you can give me a blowjob," Alex suggested, grinning.

"If I'm giving you a blowjob I'd rather do it someplace besides Brad's house. Let's see." She thought for a moment. "How about the front steps of the White House?"

"The White House? In Washington D.C.?"

"Yep, even Monica Lewinski never did that."

Alex laughed. "You're sure?"

"I'm pretty sure."

Alex created the bubble and then vanished with his aunt. Instantly, they were standing between the front columns of the White House. Helena looked around then dropped her gown.

"Can we go in?"

"Sure," Alex replied, opening the front door.

She led him inside and to the oval office. "Mr. President, take off that gown and have a seat on your desk. It's time for your State of the Union BJ."

Helena sat in the president's chair and patted the desk in front of her. Alex took off his gown and sat where she indicated. His cock was already hard knowing what was coming. She rolled the chair up between his legs and gingerly took her nephew's cock in her hands. She began stroking him then took him into her mouth for a few minutes then stopped.

"Okay, back out to the porch. This is where I take the title," Helena said.

"What title is that?" Alex asked, climbing off the desk.

"Official White House cocksucker."

She grabbed his cock and led him out the front door. Kneeling in front of him, she took Alex in her mouth again and began sucking in earnest as she rolled his balls in her palm. Helena owned him and soon had her mouth, face, and chest covered in her nephew's cum.

As she came a moment later, Alex created another bubble and got behind her. Once his cock was inside her, the bubble rose into the air. Alex pounded his aunt as they did a low-level pass over many of the historic sites of the capital. As they settled onto Lincoln's lap in the Lincoln memorial, he filled her pussy with his cum. She was trembling and bucking as she experienced it, then lay forward resting her head on Lincoln's left arm.

"Thanks, Abe. I needed that," she said softly.

Alex and Helena teleported back home then Alex went see Urania.

"The A-bomb trip won't work. The shockwave, if it didn't destroy the bubble would blow it away."

"Dad, I never intended you to be there when it went off. Maybe ten or fifteen minutes later, with several personas. That reminds me, Grandma said that if you lose a persona, it's gone for good. Always leave at least one at home. How well are you able to control it when you cum?"

"Seems to be working fine. During the orgasm part we'll be sitting still. I just have to maintain the strength."

"Does it get stronger when you cum?"

"Yeah, and I suspect that when Ariana cums it'll get a lot stronger."

"Time to take her for a test drive. Maybe Ariana and Terra both?" Urania asked.

"Yeah, but somewhere relatively safe."

"Pick somewhere that's geographically similar to where you plan to do the cleansing. Level, slow moving water close to the ocean," she said.

"I grew up in Colorado. I have no clue where to go," Alex replied.

"Grandpa Adonis swam with manatees in the Crystal River. It's on the west side of Florida. From what I saw in his memories, it looks like a perfect place. Touch my hand. I'll show you where it is," Urania told him.

Alex touched her hand and saw a map in his mind. "That works for me. Let me go see what Ariana and Terra are up to."

Alex vanished and popped into his living room.

"Anyone wanna go to Florida?" he asked.

"I do! What's Florida?" Terra asked.

Alex and Ariana laughed. "It used to be one of the go to vacation spots," Ariana replied. "I went to Daytona Beach on spring break. It was party city."

"Wrong side of Florida. We're going to the gulf side," Alex told her.

"If you're taking us to Florida, I want the Atlantic side," Ariana said, pouting.

"Fine. We'll go to Daytona."

"When are we going?" Terra asked.

He stepped over and took their hands. "Right now." The bubble formed around them with three additional personas. The six vanished, then materialized over the sand at Daytona beach.

"This is gorgeous," Terra remarked, looking around.

"It's much prettier without all the drunk college kids," Ariana chuckled.

"I'm going to take us up. We need to find just the right spot."

The bubble began to rise quickly. "Alex, are you sure this thing's safe?" Ariana asked, anxiously.

All the Alex' were looking around. "There, on the waterway. Minimal surf. Uh, yeah, it's safe," Alex replied.

The bubble lowered and sat down on the sand where it was just touching the water. It moved gently with the surf.

"We need to test a couple of things here. Any clue how you'll actually be doing the cleansing?"

"I'll need to be in contact with both the air and water. Terra will need to be in contact with the land."

"For how long?" he asked.

"However long it takes," Ariana replied.

Four more Alex appeared. "When we go there'll be ten of us. Just like now. The bubble is as strong right now as I can make it. You'll both need to be cumming when we arrive and keep cumming until you make the contact. Both of you try and make contact now," he told them.

Ariana and Terra both reached for their spots. "I can't get through. Back off a little," Terra said.

Alex removed one persona at a time. When it was just a single Alex and the two women inside, they managed to reach their marks.

"Okay, let's try again with you both cumming."

"Dad, wouldn't it have been simpler to just ask one of us for a blowjob?" his daughter asked.

He grinned at her. "Probably so."

Ariana knelt and raised his gown. She stroked him to get him hard. It took only a few seconds, and she began sucking him.

"When I cum, share it. Try to reach through the bubble during your orgasm."

Terra knelt next to her mother and began licking her father's balls. Alex smiled watching these two women he loved so much giving him so much pleasure. He felt himself building quickly and soon began to cum. Ariana took the first stream into her mouth then aimed the second at her daughter. She collected the remainder in her hand. As the women came, they tried pushing their finger through the bubble with no success.

"Let's try it with just one of us," Ariana said, dipping her finger into the cum.

She held it to her daughter who licked it clean. When Terra came, they tried again. Still without success.

"Shit!" Alex said, as he removed the bubble. "Shit, shit, shit!"

"What's wrong?" his daughter asked.

"You can only get through when the bubble is at its weakest. I want the fucking thing strong. Our lives depend on it."

Ariana and Terra looked at each other. Both knew what the other was thinking.

"Alex, when the time comes, the bubble will do exactly what it's supposed to. Just like the hurricane did. Relax," his wife told him.

"Ariana, I'd rather die than let something happen to either of you. I couldn't live with that," he replied.

"Dad, we feel the same way," Terra said. "Experiment over. I wanna see the waves and jump in the ocean."

"Me too," Ariana said.

Alex formed a new bubble and they floated over the waterway to the outer banks. The moment the bubble released them, both women were naked and running into the surf. They stayed at the beach playing together for about an hour before returning home.


Demi walked to her mother. "Mom, in a few minutes, Alex and Urania are going to have a talk. You need to be there."

"Why?" Aphrodite asked.

"He discovered that the only way for Ariana and Terra to begin the cleansing is to drop almost all power to the bubble. He doesn't want to do it."

"Where are they?"


Aphrodite stood and headed for the library. She arrived just as Alex did.

"Hi sweetheart. Fancy meeting you here," she said, smiling.

He kissed her. "Gotta talk to Urania. I've run into a problem with the bubble."

"Mind if I sit in?"

"Not at all. I need all the help I can get."

They went inside and found Urania exactly where they expected. She was at a large table with piles of papers on it. Most were in her own handwriting.

"Urania, I've got a problem." She looked at his crotch. "Not that kind of a problem. I took Ariana and Terra to the beach to test out the bubble. The only time they can get their hands through is when it's just me controlling it."

"How about when they're cumming?" she asked.

"Still no. I can't protect us by myself. We've got to come up with another way or we can't do it," he replied.

"Alex, you don't really have a choice," Aphrodite said.

"The hell I don't. If I can't protect them, I'm out."

"The planet has to be cleansed. You're the only one that can safely get them in there to do it," his mother said.

"Getting them in isn't the problem, mom. They need to touch the air, water, and soil. The only way they can do that is if I weaken the bubble. If I do that they'll be exposed to the radioactivity and poison gas. They'll die."

"So will you, Alex," Urania added.

"I don't give a crap about me. I'm only risking my eight clones."

"Alex, listen to me," Aphrodite began. "You're the only one that can get them there safely."

"Mom, there's gotta be a way you can help. I can't do it alone."

"Look at my face. Have I aged recently?"

"A little, I guess," he replied.

"I don't want to be rude, but it's more than a little," Urania said.