Some Like It Warm


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The little blonde took both of them by the arm and steered them toward the stairs. As they crossed the floor it seemed to the Morgans that the room became much quieter, but when they glanced around nobody seemed to be looking at them at all.

Instead of starting up the staircase, Mary guided them into a small nook next to the stairwell. In it an old-fashioned rotary phone hung on the wall and a phone book sat on the shelf underneath - relics of a bygone time. Mary ignored the phone and instead pressed what looked like a knot in the wood next to it. Suddenly. the entire back wall of the nook slid aside to reveal an old-fashioned elevator car. It was smaller than a modern car, but more luxurious, with velvet walls and gold trim.

As soon as they were all inside, Mary produced the key the waitress had brought to the table, inserted it into a lock on the wall, turned it, and pressed the button marked "19". The door slid closed noiselessly and the car began going up at a sedate pace.

"It's original," Mary said, turning to them. "It was installed during Prohibition so that wealthy patrons of the hotel could have a way to get to the Staff Entrance without being seen by anybody in the lobby. The key makes it an express, so it won't stop at any floors but ours."

In the comparatively bright light of the elevator car, the Morgans could see that Mary wasn't nearly as pale as she had seemed in the booth. Her face and hands were pink, and her cheeks were flushed. The effect made her hair seem a slightly lighter shade of blonde.

When the door opened, she led them out into the corridor and then to their left. Lonny and Laurie took in the dark paneling, the discrete, antique light fixtures, and the thick, rich carpeting. The dim lighting ensured that they overlooked the nicks and mars and worn spots.

Her arms around their waists, Mary held the couple close and led them to the end of the corridor and around a corner. There she inserted the key into the door of room 1941 and opened it. She reached in and flipped a light switch, turning on the bedside lamps, then stepped aside so that the Morgans could enter first.

Everything about the suite seemed luxurious, from the thick, old-fashioned wallpaper to the deep nap of the carpet, the decadent bedding and the mound of pillows covering the king-sized bed, the seemingly-antique lamps, the Stickley-esque furniture, and the gilt-edged mirror. Another old rotary-dial phone stood on the bedside table, and a rich sheaf of writing paper along with a heavy ballpoint pen sat on the desk. They guessed that the large cabinet opposite the bed hid the television set.

While the Morgans marveled at what they took to be the old-world splendor of the room, the lights suddenly dimmed. Then Mary crossed to the heavy drapes and drew them aside, eliciting gasps from the young couple. The view was magnificent. As they walked over to the window they realized that they could see most of the waterfront and the bay, and in the distance the bay bridge. The lights were astonishing, and the whole city seemed alive with endless possibilities.

There were a few moments of excited exclamations as Lonny and Laurie took turns pointing out various sights to one another. They were interrupted only when they heard Mary softly say from behind them, "The best view is this way."

Turning, they saw her standing near the bed, illuminated by the dim glow of the lamps in the room and the brighter city lights from the window, and she began to slowly strip for them. First off were her boots, which she managed to deftly unlace and pull off without sitting down, or even wavering at all while she alternated standing on one foot.

When they were off, she carefully put them under a chair near the bed and stripped off her socks. Once she was barefoot, the Morgans were shocked at how tiny she really was. Clearly under 5', perhaps even 4'10".

Next was her leather jacket, which she slowly slid off and then folded and placed on the same chair. Then she reached down to her sides, grabbed the hem of her top, and slowly pulled it up and over her head. Standing in only her jeans and a black demi-bra, she casually shook out her hair while she folded the garment and placed it on top of the jacket.

While she wasn't dancing, or obviously posing, the way she moved while she took off her clothes was eroticism itself. She seemed so graceful and so comfortable in her own skin that the Morgans found themselves breathing deeper, flushing, and reaching out to hold hands just so they could be touching somebody they loved while they watched her.

She slowly unbuttoned her jeans, then wriggled out of them and slid them down her legs. They were tight, but not so tight that they took her black thongs with them when she took them off. Folding them carefully and putting them with the rest of her clothes, she turned to face them wearing only the briefest of undergarments.

"Now it's your turn," she said, smiling, sounding like she was keenly anticipating seeing both Lonny and Laurie nude.

When they started to fumble with their clothes, though, she stopped them with a sharp, "Wait!" They both froze, looking at her, as she walked toward them. "That's my job. It's what you're paying me for," she explained, stepping up to them.

Looking up, she put a hand behind Laurie's head and drew her gently down into a kiss. When their lips met, Laurie closed her eyes and felt Mary's warm, wet little tongue tease at her lips, then work its way into her mouth to slide over her own tongue.

Laurie pulled the smaller woman to her, felt her tiny body against her own, and put her hands on either side of her head, kissing her deeply, panting, needing her so badly that it shocked her. She had some experience with other girls, but not much, and it certainly wasn't her main fantasy. She really didn't even consider herself bi. But this, this was something different entirely.

In a moment Mary pulled away, firmly extracting herself from Laurie's embrace. The hand that was still behind her head was now firmly holding her hair, and she gently tugged once or twice, not to cause pain, but to emphasize who was in charge.

"Now," she said, with a smile that was half playfulness, half lust, "you're going to stand there and watch me with your man. It won't be the last time tonight, either." Then she pivoted to Lonny, and Laurie blinked at how empty her arms suddenly felt.

Lonny towered over Mary by more than a foot. Almost eighteen inches, to be exact, but she still reached up to put a hand behind his head and drew him down to her mouth. Lonny's eyes closed and their lips met, and she treated him to the same amazing, slow burning kiss as she had Laurie. Heart racing in lust, he ran his hands down her smoothly muscled back and cupped her smooth ass cheeks. They fit perfectly in his large hands, and he began to caress and squeeze them as they kissed.

She certainly didn't object to being fondled, but in this position he was bent nearly double, so she exerted some pressure with the hand behind his neck and brought him to his knees. Now they were almost eye-to-eye, and it was much easier for him to fondle her while she held his head and explored his mouth with her tongue for several long minutes. When Lonny began pulling her to him and caressing her more urgently, she ended the kiss.

Untangling herself from Lonny as easily as she had from Laurie, Mary smiled wickedly and said, "Now you stay right there - don't move a muscle - and watch me take all of your new wife's clothes off. And you know," she continued, sliding her cheek across his so that she could whisper into his ear, "she won't even be thinking about you at all when I do."

Then she left him, kneeling in the middle of the room, erection throbbing uncomfortably in his jeans, while she turned and regarded Laurie. "My God, you're beautiful," she said, sounding absolutely sincere. Laurie flushed in pleasure as Mary took her by the hand and walked backward, leading her past Lonny and to the bed.

There, she knelt down, unfastened the straps, slipped off Laurie's heels, and casually tossed them aside. They landed several feet away, near the settee. Then she stood, took Laurie in her arms, and kissed her once again, just as slowly and tenderly as she had before, all while slowly unzipping her dress. She continued kissing her as she slid it off Laurie's arms, then pulled away slightly to let it slide to the floor and puddle at their feet.

Laurie Morgan now stood in her own lingerie, also black, but not nearly as expensive or sexy. She felt self-conscious. She knew that she wasn't as pretty as this incredible creature she and her husband had bought for the night, but those thoughts quickly vanished as Mary continued to kiss and caress her.

She moved her hands down Laurie's sides, and then up her back, using her fingernails lightly to raise goosebumps as she went. When she reached her bra, she slowly and surely began to unhook it. Laurie gasped and then moaned into the smaller woman's mouth as it came undone and in a moment fell to the floor on top of her dress.

Mary maintained the kiss for a few moments, then gradually drew back, moving her hands from Laurie's back around her sides to her breasts. She gently caressed them, slowly moving her thumbs over the nipples, which perked up under her touch. Laurie had a "fine Irish tan" as she loved to joke, and her very light pink areolae and nipples hardly stood out from her pale breasts. As the smaller woman teased them, they flushed a slightly darker pink.

Laurie shuddered, and bit her lip. It wasn't from pleasure, though she was enjoying Mary's teasing very much, but from embarrassment. Her breasts were large, DD cups, and they were not firm, even at her young age. They really never had been. They hung down, "like baloneys", one particularly cruel ex-boyfriend had once said. She didn't mind showing off her cleavage in low-cut dresses or tops as long as her breasts were well-supported, but here, naked, in front of this incredibly beautiful girl, she felt deeply inadequate.

"What's wrong?" Mary asked, looking her in the eyes with disturbing directness while she continued to gently caress and tease.

Laurie was going to ignore the question, but she found that she couldn't. "I...I...don't really like my boobs. Well, I like them, but I wish they were firmer."

"Nonsense," Mary whispered, stepping even closer so that Laurie's breasts brushed against her own, still caressing and teasing and maintaining eye contact.

"No...really," Laurie whispered back. "They're...they're so saggy. Sometimes I feel like they're so ugly!"

Stepping closer still, so that her lips brushed Laurie's, Mary murmured, "They're not ugly. They're beautiful. They make you look like a real woman, not some plastic mannikin. And, honestly, being a real woman is the sexiest thing there is." Then she kissed her again, still gently stimulating her nipples, so that Laurie was suddenly overcome with a feeling very close to love for this strange woman they'd rented for the night.

Leaning into the kiss even more, Laurie put her arms around Mary and pushed her backwards onto the bed. As they fell, the smaller woman somehow pivoted so that she landed on top. Breasts pushing into breasts, hips sliding across hips, and her knee gently pressing between Laurie's legs, she continued to kiss her.

Mary could feel how wet Laurie was, right through her underwear, so she rolled to the side and worked her left arm under Laurie's shoulders. Cradling her closely, she reached under her ass with her right hand and grasped her panties.

"Now I'm going to see you naked," she said, grinning mischievously, and to Laurie's shock flexed her right arm and easily brought Laurie's legs all the way up until her knees almost touched her chest. In this position, she slid Laurie's panties all the way off and threw them over her shoulder, to land somewhere near the rest of her clothes.

When she withdrew her right arm to toss the panties aside, Laurie's legs fell back to the bed and Mary let her eyes drift over the Laurie's body. Her hips were generous, and she had a beautiful, round, peach of an ass. Between her legs she could see a sparse, red bush that did little to hide prominent lips. She had some extra padding on her thighs and hips and stomach, but this just seemed to turn Mary on even more.

"Oh, my God," she murmured, "I want you so badly!" Then she crawled on top of her and kissed her again, nipping at her lips then snaking her tongue into her mouth to swirl around and slide over Laurie's.

"You taste so good I might have to eat you," she whispered, sliding her lips from Laurie's mouth to her ear and giving the lobe a sharp nip that brought a gasp of surprise. Then she kissed down her neck, pausing to unhook and discard the choker before sucking deeply at the flesh.

Laurie knew this was coming. She'd been told what a night with Mary would entail, and her friend Carmilla had warned her that both she and Lonny would be marked. But, God, the reality of that hot little mouth moving across her skin and pulling at her neck made her heart crash and practically turn over in her chest. She wanted to push the little nymph away, and at the same time wrap her arms around her and pull her in and keep her there forever.

She ran her hands up and down the smooth skin of Mary's back, over her shoulders, and down her sides. She wanted to unhook her bra, to see and feel her breasts, but she knew that the courtesan was in charge, and that she'd finish stripping in her own time. For now, all she could do was to lie back and close her eyes and give herself up to this incredibly erotic feeling.

After what seemed like minutes, but was probably only seconds, Mary finally released Laurie's neck and continued kissing and licking downwards, over her shoulder, and to her breasts. At the same time, she was lazily moving her fingers up Laurie's thighs, gently touching with the tips, lightly scratching with her nails. Laurie spread her legs, willing her to move faster.

Mary's mouth reached Laurie's breasts and her fingers reached her vagina at the same time, causing her to gasp and arch her back. She felt sharp teeth biting and pulling at her nipples, tugging on them until it was almost painful, before a wet, smooth tongue soothed them. Little shocks of pleasure seemed to envelope her entire chest.

Down below, Mary drew her fingertips over Laurie's labia again and again, spreading moisture up and over her clitoris without stopping to concentrate on it. She teased, and teased some more, before insinuating her fingers between her folds and slowly penetrating her.

Laurie nearly lost her mind. Moaning, she humped her hips up over and over again, trying to force Mary to go deeper. She didn't know how many fingers Mary had in her. Surely more than one, but was it just two? Three? She was a small woman, could it be four? She couldn't tell, and she couldn't see over the blonde's head. She suddenly pictured Mary working her whole hand into her and her brain almost went into overload. She had never wanted anything like that before, never pictured it, but now it was all she could think of. She wanted as much of Mary inside her as possible.

Combined with the continued teasing and sucking at her breasts, Laurie was suddenly on the verge of a monster orgasm. The realization made her gasp. She never reacted this quickly, to anything. Mary had reached her G spot and was stroking it now with what seemed like an impossible number of fingers all at once. If only she could get the slightest pressure on her clitoris, she knew she'd go off into lands she'd never visited before.

Her legs were spread wide and shaking, her lubrication overflowing, running down her bottom and into the bedspread. She had one hand behind Mary's head, pulling her to her breasts like she was feeding a starving infant, and the other was behind Mary's thigh, ineffectually searching for her vagina. She needed to climax, and she needed to feel Mary's sex, and she couldn't stand it much longer if she didn't get one or the other or both.

Suddenly, that sharp little mouth disappeared from her chest, and those hard little fingers were withdrawn from between her legs. Laurie moaned in protest and tried to pull Mary back to her, but the smaller woman easily disentangled herself, looked down at her with a pirate's grin, licked her fingers, and said, "Ooooh, so hot so soon? I think you need to cool off for a bit. After all, this is supposed to be a threesome! We can't leave your poor hubby kneeling in the middle of the floor forever."

As she eased off the bed, she looked back at Laurie, still lying with her legs spread, shaking all over, and said, "Now you get to watch me with your man. You can play with yourself while I take care of him, if you want." Looking at Mary, who turned and walked toward Lonny, Laurie's hand flew to her clitoris, while the other gripped and pulled at her breasts. She kept herself right on the edge, but she knew she wasn't going to finish until Mary touched her again.

Lonny was still kneeling on the floor where the women had left him. He had watched Mary play with his wife, tease her, and take her right to the brink. He got lost in watching the two women make love, and he almost forgot that he was supposed to be involved. His penis never forgot, though. It was as hard as it had ever been, pressed into his thigh by his jeans. When Mary slithered off the bed and came toward him, it jumped and his heart skipped a beat.

He didn't rise as she approached, but just watched her move, hips swaying, breasts bouncing slightly. She still wore the same crooked smile she had shown to Laurie when she left her, and Lonny suddenly realized that she was looking him over as if he was her prey.

She reached him in a moment, and ran her fingers through his thick hair. "You've been so patient," she breathed, looking down slightly at him as he knelt there. "Time for your reward."

She reached down and pulled his shirt up and off. A moment later, Lonny was standing and Mary was kneeling before him, and he wasn't quite sure exactly how that had happened. Had she suddenly and quickly pulled him to his feet? How was that even possible? Her face was now level with his groin, and she was smiling up at him, running the tip of her tongue around her lips, as she unbuckled his belt and worked it free.

"Put your hands on my shoulders," she murmured, still looking up at him. He did so, feeling her warm, smooth skin and the strong muscles just underneath the surface. She put a hand behind each of his knees in turn, lifted his leg, and with her free hand tugged off his boots and stripped off his socks. She flung each item aside carelessly as she worked them free, just as she had with Laurie.

Once he had both feet back on the ground, Mary unbuttoned his jeans and suddenly yanked them down, along with his boxers. Lonny's generous erection popped free, almost hitting her in the face. It was longer than average, eight or nine inches, maybe a bit more, and very thick, with a bulbous head that was currently flushed a deep red. It bobbed in midair with each beat of his heart.

She looked at it raptly, almost worshipfully. She slowly moved one hand up to cradle Lonny's large testicles, now pulled up tight in his scrotum. With the other she tried to circle his shaft, but found that it was too thick. Her fingers wouldn't touch. She looked up at him in awe, and said, almost sincerely, "Promise you won't hurt me too much with this thing." Then she leaned forward, still making eye contact, and kissed the tip.

She kept her lips there, splayed across the head, while she slowly pumped his shaft and lightly massaged his testicles. She kissed him again, and again, her tongue swirling around his urethra, teasing, before slowly engulfing him.