Somebody That I Used to Know Ch. 04


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Deciding it was time for a break Adam put down his pencil and knelt down in front of his son, Kevin seemed almost oblivious to his father's presence, Adam smiled softly.

"You're a little idiot aren't you? Ah but you're my little idiot. If only you knew how much I loved you."

Kevin stumbled around a little more before picking up a Santa doll and showing it to his father proudly.

Adam laughed quietly. "You know who that is? That's Santa, you know who Santa is right?"

Kevin nodded slowly, Santa's foot stuck in his mouth to be chewed on."

"Santa's the man who brings you presents at Christmas. What do you want for Christmas this year?"


Adam did a double-take, Kevin hadn't said his first word yet but he just might have. "What did you say?"


A smile plastered its way across Adam's face. "Again."



Inspired by his father's happy face Kevin practically burst. "Juice, juice, juice, juice."

Adam picked Kevin off the floor and held him in his arms, both laughing like the children only one of them actually was.

In that most perfect of moments, Kanani arrived home just seconds later, Adam heard the door shut and rushed to see his wife, he was so fast that when he kissed her she was caught off-guard.

"Whoa, what was that for?"

"It's Kevin, hey Kev, tell mummy what you want from Santa this year."

"Juice." Kevin chirped triumphantly.

The same mile wide smile on Adam's face now made it's way onto Kay's as she took Kevin from Adam and held him.

"Oh my baby boy. I'm so proud of you. Oh Adam I was starting to get worried, he should've been speaking months ago. God I'm so happy."

"Me too Kay, me too."

The husband and wife kissed again, a longer, more loving kiss than the last one, but Kevin didn't notice, his mind was still on juice.




The years went by quickly, Kevin grew up and before Adam or Kay realised it he was getting ready to start school. They discussed having more children but they agreed that should wait until Adam got a steady career, he was in the law industry but was basically at intern level, the pay was low but it got the three of them by.

There was the occasional argument or disagreement, mostly to do with Kevin who was at that age where he didn't know any better but couldn't get away with what he did, it led to Adam and Kay arguing over how to discipline him. It was an ongoing argument and did reach shouting levels at points but once things calmed down they were back to normal.

In the March of 2006 Adam got a letter form his mother, at the ripe old age of 68 she was retiring from her work and the company was throwing a going away party for her. Adam, Kanani and Kevin were invited to the party and all three decided to go, Adam even asked Ray and Kale if they wanted to come as well and they agreed.

Adam had to admit it was a sight seeing five very tanned people getting off the plane in the middle of March. Only Adam and Ray knew how bad the British springs could be so Kay, Kevin and Kale took a shock to the system with the cold. Kevin gave his father a look that said 'I know now why you left.'

Claire had worked for the same company since she left school at 18, for 50 years she gave her time and dedication to her work, she was rewarded of course with promotions and pay rises. Best of all she met her husband at the company and that was a lifetime of rewards. Despite this Adam wasn't sure what his mother did, he could never give her job a title, he had heard his father once call her an 'ultra-secretary' and when Adam met his mother's boss once before he had said that wasn't far off but he admitted that Claire kept the company afloat a lot more than he ever did.

With everything she'd done it didn't surprise Adam that the send-off was a big one. The company had rented out an entire ballroom to fit everyone, there was a platoon of business types walking around talking, drinking and stealing small bites of food, there was over 100 people, maybe even over 150 and yet still there was room for a lot more.

Swimming their way through the crowd Adam and Kanani found Claire surrounded by businessmen, she was laughing and joking around with them but as soon as she saw her son she jumped up and left them.

"I'm so glad you made it Adam."

"Me too mum."

Claire stopped hugging Adam and hugged Kay as well. "You as well Kanani."

"Thanks Claire."

"And how about my favourite grandson? How's he doing?"

"Grandma, I'm your only grandson."

"All the more reason to make you my favourite. Would you like a mint?"

Ever the good boy Kevin looked up at his father, Adam nodded and Kevin stuck out his hand. Claire laughed and took out a bag of imperial mints from her pocket.

"I figured since I'm a granny now I need to act like one. I'm not getting any younger."

Adam chuckled slightly. "You're still young and beautiful mum."

"Mummy's boy." Claire smiled at Adam.

"I got to say mum this whole thing is bigger than I expected."

"I know, it is a little much. I told John not to do anything too extravagant, a simple coffee and cake with a few people round the office would've been enough."

A voice came from behind them "Ah but that would never have been enough to show how much you mean to this company."

Adam turned to see Jonathan Burton, John, Claire's boss. Adam liked John, they had met a few times and Adam got the impression he was someone who would bend over backwards to help his employees. He was slightly rounder in the stomach since last time Adam saw him and his hair was greying but he still looked in good health and his face had that permanent smile. John shook Claire's hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Well it's still too much John. I mean I hardly know anyone here, I can recognize only half the people here and only half of them I actually know the name of."

"I know I know and I apologise but we couldn't well give you a 'how-you-do' and send you on your way. You're an important member of this company and it won't be the same without you."

You're too kind John, grow a backbone. Oh John, you remember my son Adam?"

"Of course, looks just like his father, good man."

"Thanks sir. This is my wife Kanani and my son Kevin."

"Kanani? Of course yeah, you were in Hawaii. Nice to meet you Kanani."

"Please call me Kay, nice to meet you as well."

"And that must make you Kevin. You know we've got an American branch opening in a couple years, you say the word I can get a scholarship for him."

Adam couldn't believe what he'd heard/ "Really? You would do that."

"Of course, your mother's saved this company so much money I can afford to help him out."

"We'll talk it over but thank you."

"No problem, least I could do. Come on Claire, time to address the masses."

"Feed the sharks more like. I'll see you in a moment Adam."

"Adam, I'm going to take Kevin to the loo, I'll see you in a minute."

"Ok, I'll find Kale and Ray, see you both later."

All three went off in their own directions, Adam found Kale and Ray by the open bar, both were pounding back their drinks and laughing with a few businessmen.

"Adam, there you are. What can I get you?"

"Just whatever's on tap Ray. You two having a good time?"

Kale burped. "Schuse me. Yeah, the cold's getting better but it's still bad. Thankfully this stuff's keeping me warm. I need to keep this stuff at home."

At the stage John tapped on the microphone. "Hello, yes hello."

Everyone quietened down and faced the stage, John looked out over the crowd.

"Well first let my say how happy I am to see so many of you here today. I just wish it was under better circumstances but unfortunately I'm losing one of my best workers and closest friends, Claire McAllister, come up here please."

Claire gave John a dirty look but stood up and walked to the stage, John helped her climb the steps which brought a smile to Adam, he knew that John had a crush on his mother but didn't do anything because she was married.

Claire stood at the microphone. "You'll have to excuse me if I don't have a speech prepared, John sprung this on me after I told him not to. But he's always been like that, never knowing what to do when I'm not there. I've been at this company for 50 years I came here in the mid 50s a shy wee girl just out of school looking for a job, I never once thought a part-time receptionist could turn into a full-time career but it did and I wouldn't have it any other way. They say you get what you put in and I can say that is the truth, I put all my time, effort and dedication into this company and in return I got lifelong friends, a whole range of opportunities, I found and lost my husband while working here and he gave me my son Adam. Who's given me nothing but bloody pain for nearly 40 years. I'm not one for tears so I'll stop now before I burst, let me just say thank you. Thank you to everyone for the best 50 years of my life, now you're on your own so don't come calling when you fuck up."

That last bout of blue humour ending things on a high note as everyone laughed and applauded while Claire left the stage, dabbing tears from her eyes. Adam walked over to her, through the crowd he saw his mum and John have a quick chat and exchange cards before John left quickly, his face bright red.

"What was that about?"

Claire blushed. "John asked me out on a date."

"What? Really? Wow."

"You don't sound very surprised."

"Well, no. I've kinda known about John liking you for a while now. He didn't do anything because you were happy with dad."

Claire smiled. "He told me he had a thing for me, I guess with your dad gone and him no longer my boss it seemed like a good as time as any. Think I should take him up on it."

"Absolutely mum. I like John, I know he'll treat you well and you deserve someone good, move on from dad."

"Thanks son, it means a lot to..."

Claire froze, her eyes fixed on the entrance. Adam turned to se what had her so spooked and he felt his own blood freeze.

It was Alexandra.

Adam looked at his cousin, the shock on his face evident from miles away. She had changed quite a bit since they last seen each other, for one thing she looked the most mature Adam had ever seen, her hair was it's natural dirty blonde colour and cut into a short ponytail, she had put a good amount of weight on as well, not a disgusting amount but she had her curves back, nothing was as sharp or stick-like from her heroin days, here she was rounder, smoother, curvier, much like she was 16 years ago but with an added sense of contentment making her look great. She was wearing a red and white floral pattern dress that reached to just above her knees, quite a conservative choice given some of the things Adam had seen her wear.

Adam was so engrossed in his cousin he didn't even see who she was with, standing on her left was Liam. Adam knew they were a couple but seeing them together made it all the more real, and all the more difficult to understand. Liam looked the best he had in years, he had the beginnings of a beard on his face, little specks of grey popped in and out on his hair, his eyes had a sparkle to them, he was happy.

But it wasn't Liam Adam was interested in, it was the little girl to her right.

The little girl, she couldn't have been more than 5 or 6, she stuck close to Alexandra, holding her hand and skipping alongside her. She was a very cute little girl, her face round, fresh and full of innocent wonderment. She had the same colour hair as Alexandra, a little lighter perhaps but still very similar.

Adam didn't need to be told anything, he knew that the girl was Lexi's daughter.

"Dammit John." Adam heard his mother speak softly beside him. "He must've invited her, I shouldn't have said anything."

"Why don't you want Lexi here mum?"

"Trust me Adam it's a bad idea, just keep your distance from her."

Adam was confused but he followed Claire to meet his cousin once more. Alexandra saw Claire first, she and her daughter walked quickly up to her, Claire knelt down to hug her grand-niece then got back up again to share a kiss on the cheek with Lexi.

"Sorry we're late, Liam was working late and..."

Now it was Alexandra's turn to freeze, she spotted Adam behind his mother, smiling at her.


"Adam? Hey. God I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"You weren't expecting me at my own mother's retirement party?"

"No it's just, you know what I mean. It's just been a long time."

"I know Lexi. So Liam, gave me one good reason not to kick your ass for sleeping with my cousin."

"Cause then you'd have to kick your own. Good to see you man."

"You too."

The two friends hugged, it had been too long the first time they left each other, now it was even longer.

Adam looked down at the little girl hiding behind Lexi. "So who's gonna introduce me to this cute, little thing."

Liam's smile grew wider. "Adam, this is Nicola. This is our daughter."

Daughter, he knew it. He couldn't believe it though, two failed pregnancies and now here Alexandra stood before him a mother. Why she never told him anything he couldn't understand.

"Hey Nicola, I'm your Uncle Adam. Don't worry, I won't bite."

Liam lightly pushed his daughter forward. "Go on honey, he's a good guy. Mostly."

Still hesitant, Nicola edged forward, her young eyes never leaving Adam's. As she got closer she opened her arms and hugged Adam.

"Hey, there we go. It's great to finally meet you Nicola. I think they're still in the bathroom but would you like to meet your Aunt Kay and your cousin Kevin?"

Nicola nodded, Adam smiled and handed her back to Alexandra. "She's a good kid, she has your eyes."

"Thanks. I'm proud of her."

From out of the corner of their eyes, Ray and Kale arrived, slightly drunk but not wasted. Ray put his arm around Lexi. "I thought I recognized your voice. Good to see you again honey."

"You too dad. Oh dad, this is Nicola, your granddaughter."

Ray's face lit up with shock, then immediately afterwards joy. He looked down at Nicola and smiled. "Hello Nikki, my aren't you beautiful."

Still nervous but smiling Nicola looked away bashfully. "Thank you."

"I can't believe you never said anything to me, I would've been here in a minute if I knew I had a grandchild."

"I know dad it's just... I had my reasons ok."

"It's fine honey, I'm just glad to meet her."

Liam coughed. "I'm gonna get a drink, anyone want anything?"

There was a chorus of no's throughout before Liam went to the bar, Adam followed him.

"Pint of Carling please."

The bartender smiled at them. "Sure, anything for you sir?" She asked Adam.

"Uh just a coke please."

"You paying together?"

Liam spoke up quickly. "Yes."

"Ok, that'll be £4.70."

Liam handed over a fiver. "Keep the change."

As the bartender got their drinks Adam decided to get some things off his chest.

"So you and Lexi have a daughter."

"I know, I was so surprised when she told me. I thought with all the drugs I did my boys weren't the strongest swimmers. But all it took was one roll in the hey and 9 months later, Nicola."

"Does Maggie know?"

"Yes, but she doesn't care, she told me she wasn't telling T.J. or Kate. And as much as it hurts I don't care, I'm happy with Nicola, and I'm very happy with Alexandra. Thinking of marrying her."

"Really? Congrats man, tell me if you do alright, I don't want another surprise."

"Ha, sorry about that, I guess we should've said something."

"I can't understand why you didn't. Did my mum know?"

"Of course, she was there at the birth, helped Alexandra through it all."

"So obviously Lexi told her not to say anything, because there's no reason mum wouldn't tell me. Hell she didn't even tell her father, she didn't want me to know. Why?"

The bartender handed the men their drinks. "Look Adam I don't know. Alex's always been a little overprotective of Nicola. What with the miscarriage beforehand, then we had a little trouble at the start, Nikki was a couple weeks premature."

"Jesus, how bad?"

"She was scheduled for around the 15th, 20th October, that week. She was born on the 1st."

"Fuck, that must've been tough on Lexi. Well Nicola looks healthy."

"We got lucky I guess. I don't understand her Adam, but Alex adores Nicola, if she has her reasons they're her reasons. I'm not questioning them."

"Good plan, alright Liam thanks."

Liam took his drink back to the group while Adam stayed at the bar. Something didn't sit right with Liam's story, there was no reason why Lexi didn't tell him about Nicola, if his mother and best friend knew as well but didn't tell him she told them not to.

He thought about Nicola, she looked decidedly healthy for a premature baby. Adam wasn't cruel but he didn't believe someone with Lexi's luck could get by that easy. Liam said she was born at the start of October, that must mean she was conceived on...

Oh fuck.

Adam dropped his glass in shock, no-way, he didn't believe it, he couldn't believe it. There was no possibility that it was so. In a fury of rage and confusion Adam stormed over to the table his group had settled at, he couldn't see who was there, just Lexi. He stopped in front of her, his face struggling to contain his anger.

"Who's her father?" He asked, his fists clenched so tight his nails were almost piercing his own skin.

Alexandra was understandably confused, everyone else was as well but Adam only saw her.


"You know damn well who. Nicola, who's her father?"

"Adam is this some kind of joke? It's not funny."

"I'm not joking, tell me."

"It's Liam, you know that."

"Bullshit, he's not the father."

Liam stood up and yelled something at Adam but it fell on deaf ears. The cries and protests of everyone around him went unnoticed by the man determined to find out the truth.

"Adam sit down." Alexandra refused to look at her crazed cousin.

"No, tell me."

Lexi wiped a tear away from her eye. "Adam you're crazy. Just sit down, we'll talk about this later."

"We'll talk now. Tell me who her father really is?"

Alexandra opened her mouth but no words came out, what could she say to this mad-man.

Adam's patience had ran out ages ago. "TELL ME!"

That outburst got everyone's attention, not just at the table but around the room. The whole room fell into silence as they stared at this event unfold.

Not bothering to wipe away the rest of her tears, Alexandra looked up at Adam, her voice full of disgust and hatred.

"It's you Adam. You're her father alright. That's your daughter. You happy now?"

Adam's face dropped, for the first time since he started his tirade he realised what he had done.

He'd fucked up.



God this was a bitch to write. I am sorry for the delay but I had the biggest case of writer's block trying to get this chapter down because so much shit happens in this chapter that it was difficult getting it all down.

But thankfully I've finished, like I said at the start this is originally the ending I wanted for chapter 3, but thinking about it I prefer it this way. Chapter 5 will be the finale, I know how it ends but getting there is going to be the hard part. Hopefully I won't take as long as this but I don't see the next chapter being finished until Jan/Fed 2013.

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unclemerv77unclemerv776 months ago

very good story and a great ending

RanDog025RanDog025over 1 year ago

Great story. I don't agree with all the bitching about Adam. He's a normal human being in love with two women. What's fucked up is is giving positive comments on transgender, queer and rape stories! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING BLAZING HUGE FUCKING NOVA STARS! Thank you Ok Clancy. Great story.

linnearlinnearabout 3 years ago

This is one wild ride and I know it is older but damn, it is crazy. How many times can Adam make an ass out of himself and destroy everything around him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
some story

this is one of the best stories i have ever read on are one great writer. ihope the end of the story is as great as the rest of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I can only hope you burn that stupid dumbads Adam . I hope Kay burns his cheating sorry ass . Hope she never let's him see Kevin again . I also hope kale gets his shot at Adam . I hope be cuts his nuts off . God I hate that dumbass right now . Cheating cocksucker

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