Something Better

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Unexpected love is the best cure for a broken heart.
8.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/27/2017
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A.N. This is my first story on Literotica, and I hope that it pleases the people who view it :)

My primary place of writing is actually on another site called hentai foundry, where all my stories are posted currently. But I am a frequent visitor to this site too so I figured why not put my writings up on both of them?

The following contains: Dominant Dickgirl on Submissive boy. Not too much sexy time happens since this is the first chapter but there is some, and there will always be at least one X rated scene happening per chapter in this story.

I hope you guys enjoy, leave a review letting me know if you liked what you saw and if you'd wanna see more!


Have you ever sat alone in a completely empty movie theater, before the trailers even began and the lights were still up? Casey had never noticed how quiet it was until only the sound of his soft sniffles seemed to register in the giant empty room.

The lights were due to go down several minutes ago but this film had long since run its course and was sure to be replaced with a newer movie that would bring in fresh viewers, so the employees were probably taking there sweet time to walk to the screening room and just play the damn thing. He could remember the girls amused face when he actually asked for a single ticket to see this movie.

"I was suppose to be ordering two..." He had to sniff again, and sadly glance over to the empty seat beside him. Another quiet sob choked it's way out of his throat and he had to let his head fall, tears beginning to drop from his eyes.

The break up was only a week ago, and yet it felt like forever.


She was Casey's first actual girlfriend and even though their time together was short for his age groups standards, all the time he spent with her had made him so happy. She was actually the one to ask him out too, obviously since he never could've worked up the courage to ask out such a beautiful girl like her. She approached him with a simple 'I think you're really cute, would you want to hang out sometime?' and that led him to the best few months of his young life.

But now it was over, all because of that damn prick sticking out of his crotch.

"Damn it..." He mumbled to himself in between tiny cries as he noticed a few of his tears were dropping onto his phones screen. He quickly tried to wipe them away but in doing so he woke his phone up, lighting his face with the same image he had up on there when it first fell asleep. No not a picture of when they were together, or a picture of just her. It was the last message she sent him, a text with an image attached of her kneeling beside some pants-less taller guy whose face remained outside of the frame. A huge smug smile on her lips as she pointed to the penis dangling beside her, easily pornstar sized and more then Casey could ever hope to pack.

The message came with these words, 'This is the kind of cock I like to suck ;P'

It hurt like hell and he couldn't help but cast a look down at his pants, his own 'manhood' was nowhere near that size. At BEST, he was average but he hadn't ever measured himself so he didn't know exactly. Maybe he was a little less then average if there were guys out there who packed that kind of heat.

He should've been mad that Jessica would've done such a thing to him, but the only emotion he could muster was sadness and loss. Jessica was the classic girl next door type, with long blonde hair, and bright blue angel like eyes. Perky breasts that Casey drooled over and a nice tight ass that made even other woman look at her and say, 'yeah I'd do her.' She could've had anyone she wanted, but she picked him. A painfully average guy, Casey was 5'5 with no discernible muscle, plain black chin length hair, and blue eyes. He couldn't even grow a beard for damn sake, this was often some others favorite joke to tease him with. How that to some eyes he looked like a girl, and that only made it worse. Was it just to torment him for a while, to let him have a look, but not be able to touch? He didn't know, but what he did know was that he liked her so much. She brought something fun into his average world and boring life. And now that she was gone, he didn't know what to do.

Finally the lights had gone down and the trailers began to roll. Already he recognized them since he'd seen this movie before, Ghostbusters 3 was the one and only movie him and Jessica went to see together. Since Casey was still a senior in high school and living with mom and dad he didn't have much money to take her out often, but the one time he did he brought her here. And the two of them were able to have a good few laughs, they even kissed a little in the same spot he sat in now.

This was the reason he was here, in a desperate attempt to try and win Jessica back, he wanted to reply to her text by sending her a picture of this spot. And maybe it would remind her of what they-

Casey couldn't even finish the thought before he started bawling. He may as well have tattoo'ed DESPERATE on his forehead. But he couldn't help it, she was his first girlfriend and he missed her.

"Okay...okay...c'mon." The teen said to himself trying to rub his eyes clear, he knew this wasn't the most masculine thing to do, but he wasn't the most masculine guy. He was just average, too average...less then average. Again a cry choked out of his throat while he sat up and sniffed again.

This time however as he wiped away at his right eye, his left caught sight of a figure standing in the darkness beside the entrance, a leather purse over her shoulder, a bag of popcorn in one hand and a soda in the other. He couldn't see distinct features as she was facing him, away from the light of the screen but by the look of the silhouette it was definitely a woman. Just standing there looking up at him.

Casey froze, how long had she been there? His head was down for the last few minutes and he didn't hear her walk in, and he wasn't exactly keeping his cries down. If she didn't hear him he would've been surprised.

And judging by the fact that after a few moments of awkward silence between the two, she started ascending the steps passing by empty row after row towards the top all the way in the back where he was planted, he was pretty sure she heard him.

"Oh geez." He thought turning his head away from the approaching woman, he could feel the first wave of embarrassment already prepping to hit him as he was sure his face was red and his eyes felt puffy and full of despair. No one wanted to be seen like this but as the sound of her footsteps crept closer, he knew that undesired contact was inevitable. He could politely ask her to leave him alone and sit somewhere else, but interacting with people wasn't one of the boys stronger attributes. Hell striking up a conversation was hard enough, refusing someone a seat beside him because he wanted to be alone in misery, that was worse. "I mean how am I even gonna-"

"Hi." His thought was cut off at the tender tone of the voice, just in that one syllable. On reflex his head turned back in her direction to track the source, and his eyes landed on her exposed midriff, then slowly traveled aaaaalll the way up to her face. It felt like Casey's heart skipped a beat, she wore a black leather jacket over a red crop top that showed off her slender belly and complimented her gorgeous breasts, long black hair slightly wavy at the tips and highlighted crimson red which framed her perfectly oval shaped face and piercing brown eyes. Pink lips seemed to glisten in the flickering lights of the screen that were just begging to be kissed. He sat there with his jaw hanging slack as he ogled the girl in sheer amazement of her beauty. "Hello?" Suddenly she asked again leaning her head forward a bit and it then occurred to Casey that he hadn't even responded yet being too busy staring.

"Uh..." He cleared his throat, "H-hi."

His voice cracked. And if he wasn't red before, he certainly was now. Having just cried for about ten minutes and only whispering to himself when he suddenly tried to speak again at a normal volume all that came out was a girly squeak that may or may not have had a word attached to it.

Before he could face palm himself though, the woman giggled, and again that voice. Such a smooth angelic like tone filled his ears and banished his embarrassment before it could take root.

She gestured to the empty spot beside him, "Is this seat taken?"

Just like that though he was forced to remember why he was here, so with a slump of his shoulders he told her, " ones sitting there."

The woman either didn't notice his deflation or chose not to acknowledge it, because taking the invite she lowered both the arm rests of the chair, placed her soda in the one furthest from Casey and her popcorn in the seat next to it along with her purse then sat down herself. She crossed her legs and placed one hand over her top knee causing the boy to steal more glances at the hip hugging jeans covering her long legs and her brown high heel boots. She had to be maybe 5'10 or so making her much taller then himself. Plus the heels in addition had to tack on maybe another two or three inches.

If the word Goddess needed a picture to go along with it's definition, a simple selfie of this woman is all they would need.

With a flick of her hair and a recline in her seat, her eyes were on him and again Casey froze. Something about her stare stunned and excited him, it was so sharp yet soft at the same time, threatening and comforting put together. He couldn't describe it but whatever it was, it was interesting.

"Soo..." She started, "I'm Gabriella, but I like to be called Gabbi. What's your name?"

Still having trouble unfreezing, it took him a second to reply, "Um, Casey Bennett."

"Nice to meet you Casey." She stuck her hand out offering a handshake to him. This was another gesture that seemed foreign to him, the only hand he shook in his life was his swim team coach when he won his first relay. (Which was the only time he ever won) But he accepted it anyway still holding his phone in one hand. "Sooo, why are you so sad?"

He let out a half-hearted chuckle, he figured that's why she came up here. "What makes you think I'm sad?" The statement was half sarcasm, half serious, with a tad hint of futility as he knew it was practically hopeless to hide from the fact that he was blatantly crying in here.

Gabbi reached for some popcorn, "Well I hate to break it to you Casey but, I could hear you crying from down the hall." And then popped a few of the snacks into her mouth. "I wanted to see what was wrong." She crunched behind closed lips while she waited for his answer, but it didn't come. She was being honest, she just wanted to know what was wrong and maybe she could do this poor soul a kindness and help in some form, however he remained silent. The boy wanted to talk about it no doubt, but he just couldn't bring himself to, so he stared blankly at his phone which was still on with the obscene picture Jessica had sent him. Talking about it might help, but at the same time it might bring him to tears again.

"Well..." He started, "Why else do most guys cry?" He had to sniffle again, and the sound of it almost pained Gabbi's heart.


"...Ex." His throat hurt as he tried to swallow the lump in it. Gabbi figured as much but just the way is throat practically squeaked it out, she knew he had to be hurting. Break ups always sucked, but she gave him a quick once over and could tell that he was most likely the sensitive type. "I'm sorry it's just...I'm a little lost right now." He briefly looked up at her with glassy blue eyes that tugged at Gabbi's heart strings, immediately she just wanted to hug him but instead opted to just lean over his shoulder and lightly rub his back.

He gratefully accepted the comfort as she whispered, "Don't be sorry, it's ok. We've all had some bad split ups, but don't beat yourself up sweetie." The fact that she called him sweetie actually made him smile, and he turned up to look at her again. Only this time closer and with a much better view of her features. Her skin was tan and looked silky smooth, he had never received this kind of attention from this caliber girl before. It was a welcome feeling, especially her own smile. He was quite pale in comparison to her skin tone, but she found his doll like exterior to be very adorable. "There's someone out there for everyone."

Casey was thankful for the attention, aside from his parents not too many people really tried to reassure him after the break up. He had friends of course, but they were all the sarcastic kind who just told him there was plenty of fish in the sea and that he should just move on. All of them of course were more then adequately built men who had more then one girlfriend during their lifetime. Not some 'less-than-average' feminine looking boy.

Why was he built like this? He was able to joke around and keep up with sarcasm like his beefier buddies, hoping that acting like them would magically change something, but it didn't. Not only was he so damn sensitive, but it felt like he produced such little testosterone. A normal guy wouldn't be sitting in a movie theater crying over a lewd picture of his ex with another man. He'd get pissed, and go off to kick the other guys ass! But then again Casey had to remind himself that he wasn't really like normal guys. He was AT BEST, just average.

"Yeah, I'm sure there's someone out there who would fall head over heels for a blubbering mess like me." He sniffled again and gave a pity filled huff at his self-scrutinizing.

"Oh stop that." Gabbi lightly swatted his back. "You're a cutie, I know a dozen girls who would be all over you." Again Casey met her eyes at that, did she just call him cute? "Maybe you just need" Her own eyes then shifted to his phone and he suddenly realized that she could see over his shoulder at the image of his ex girlfriend pointing at a dick on it.

He practically flailed away and repeatedly pressed the lock button on the device trying to close it until finally the screen went dark. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I-I can explain that!." Now it was Gabbi's turn to be stunned, albeit only for a second as she quickly erupted into a fit of laughter. Casey was filled with dread, thinking he just blew this whole conversation out of the atmosphere by not being smart enough to turn off his phone. That's rule number one in theaters! "Please don't laugh, please I..." He pleaded feeling all sorts of terrible emotions wash over him.

Gabbi waved her hand stifling her laughs, "Your reaction was priceless." She told him still wearing a giddy grin, "But seriously, why were you looking at that exactly?" She inquired.

Now he would be glad to explain what had happened to him recently, anything to justify him practically crying over a dick pick.

"That was my Ex-girlfriend, we broke up a week ago because of my..." He stopped short and quickly looked at Gabbi who was listening intently and quirked an eyebrow. "My...lack of physique." It was something he just made up on the spot, but he could kind of tell that those eyes saw straight through him. "Yesterday she sent me that picture, so she's clearly moved on. And I came here because, this place was where we had our first date."

"Wait, wait, wait." She spoke up, clearly appalled. Her brows a moment ago were curious, now were furrowed and her eyes narrowed in disbelief. "You broke up a week ago, and she thinks it's cool to send you a pick of her with-" She didn't even finish, originally Gabbi thought it was a simple bitter sweet break up that he was just taking real hard. But upon discovery that his Ex is a bit of a cunt, this changed things real fast. "That bitch!"

Casey almost laughed at her reaction, although he was still reeling from the break up, it was nice to see someone else's reaction be so negative towards Jessica. Up until this point, his friends of course held nothing personal against her and he couldn't really feel any rage himself. He was too sad to muster up the energy to be mad at her.

"Well that's another reason why I came here. I've been..." He paused unsure of whether or not he wanted to tell her his other motives. It was embarrassing but Hell, he'd been very embarrassed already. A little more couldn't hurt, and plus maybe she would understand where he was coming from. "Despite everything I've been wanting her back. So I was gonna come here and take a picture of this spot and hope that maybe it would make her miss us." It was pathetic, absolutely pathetic. But it was also the only idea he had to get him out of bed this morning.

Gabbi felt a lot of pity for the boy, she couldn't deny that she found him very cute especially in this little defeated state he was in. But it made her question why someone would be such a dick to him. Was this Jessica just that much of a stuck up bitch? Well Hell no, if she wants to be an ass then two can play at that game.

"Ah uh," Gabbi shook her head then quickly sipped her soda, "You can do way better then that chick and your gonna prove it right now." Suddenly she stood up with a look of determination in her eyes.

Caseys eyes went wide, "Wha-?" He tried to speak but he couldn't get the words out as Gabbi lifted both of his arm rests leaning very close to his face and giving him an amazing shot of her ample cleavage.

"You wanna send a pic to make her regret leaving you. Oh she'll get a pic alright." And without another second going by, she was straddling him.

"Whoa wait! What are you? I...I didn't..." He tried to protest but was silenced when Gabbi pulled up her crop top exposing her matching dark red bra.

She shushed him too for good measure and said, "You can finish those sentences later. For now just relax, trust me. We're gonna send her a pic of you fucking a real stacked chick, not some cheap ass teen bitch." His heart stopped at that and she smiled wickedly, "Calm down, we're just gonna make it look good okay? Undies can stay on." She reassured him with.

Casey felt a mixture of relief and disappointment at that, although he wouldn't have felt comfortable doing it in a movie theater. If he got to have sex with such a Goddess of a woman, he wouldn't have complained much.

"Now here let me get these." Her hands reached down and unbuttoned his own jeans, she lifted herself on her knees a bit to pull them down enough to expose his underwear. The teen was practically shaking, this was so intense even though it was fake. He'd never been in a position like this, not even with Jessica. Gabbi shrugged off her jacket and pooled it around her legs to hide her pants. "Okay now put your hand here." Without warning she grabbed his free hand and placed it on her breast. Caseys jaw dropped, he hadn't EVER gotten to touch a girl like this before. A whole lot of first's were happening tonight for him, and it was taking his mind far off the reason why they were doing this in the first place. Gabbi grinned, flattered at the bug-eyed expression she earned from him. "Relax, it's just my boob."

"You say that like it's nothing." Casey countered with.

"Oh shush, now come here." She commanded and practically didn't allow him to comply, she simply took hold of his shoulders and brought him almost chest to chest with her. "Put your lips on my neck, make it look like your sucking on it." With a flip of her hair moving it out of the way, the boy got to actually move his lips to her skin and feel the silkiness of her flesh against his mouth. A pleasant chill crawled up his spine as she continued to give him instructions, only half of which he actually heard. Up until it was time to take the picture, however he was still shaking so much that he couldn't hold the camera steady and they needed to take several duplicates.