Something Better Ch. 02

Story Info
Casey takes up Gabbi's offer, and the two go on a date.
7.6k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/27/2017
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A.N. Well guys, thanks to the overwhelmingly positive response I got from the first chapter, this will be a multi-chapter story and hopefully a long one too. :)

The following contains: Sexual interactions between a Dominate Dickgirl and a Submissive boy. If you don't like this kind of stuff, then why the fuck are you browsing the transsexuals section of this site? Get your priorities straight bro.

There's a little more action (sexy stuffs) in this one but still there is a little more build up to go through before 'it' happens. Bear with me guys!

I also forgot to mention that the first chapter's title was, A Chance Encounter. Whoops.

Please enjoy!

Chapter 2: Get To Know Me


"You know, you don't have to be so nervous." Casey was snapped out of his haze by Gabbi's voice above him. Her bright smile bringing him back to the real world after about a ten minute absence. "I could see your leg bouncing from down the street." She poked fun of his jittery reflex.

He grew a big goofy grin and happily greeted her. "Hi!" Gabbi's own grin practically matched Casey's down to a T.

It had been two days since their first encounter in the movie theater, two looong days that this Goddess plagued every waking moment of his mind. But now was finally back in his presence. He felt even more nervous just recalling it now, their...'interaction' was definitely not something he was use to. How she had practically seduced him into his first ever handjob, then followed up by revealing that she had a big pack of girl meat hanging between her legs. It changed his whole perception of the world, black became white, up was down, and Casey hadn't been able to stop fidgeting since.

Mainly because his nerves were still on end with impatience. After the movie ended, Gabbi collected his phone off of the floor and added her number to his contacts. She asked him to call her sometime so they could meet up again, and for a while that sent Casey through a roller coaster of emotions. First was shock mixed with happiness, he had actually gotten a girls number! But then after that he felt sick with worry, was she really a 'girl' per say? Every woman he knew before that didn't carry the same type of genitalia that she did that's for sure.

But what came after his worry, was probably the most confusing part of it all.


In the days following the theater Casey had masturbated more than once thinking about their first chance encounter. The memory of her tight grip on his dick kept him awake at night, and strangely, so did the image of her thick cock so teasingly close to his lips. At first it scared him, did that make him...bisexual? Or was it just him being worried about it? By all accounts she looked like the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen, and the way she moved, acted, and spoke all came off as female.

Although it did leave him confused, he settled on the fact that he didn't care. Especially since she was with him, all he wanted to do was spend more time with her.

And now since he was pulled out of those thoughts he was able to coherently watch as Gabbi took a seat in the booth in front of him. "I'm glad you had the same idea to come early. I was actually a little nervous that you weren't gonna show." She said setting her purse down beside her.

"You were nervous?" He asked surprised believing there was no way she could've been more on edge then he was about this whole thing. "I was the one who showed up fifteen minutes early."

He had actually chickened out of calling her before, thinking, "What if I call her while she's at work?" Or, "What if its a bad time? What if she's asleep?" Anxiety won that battle and he opted to simply texting her Saturday night instead. He could remember his relief when she replied to him within just a few minutes of the first text, apparently she was very excited to hear from him and eager to meet up again. She even asked if she could see him that night, but obviously since Casey still lived with his parents he couldn't just leave the house in the middle of the night. So he asked if he could meet her somewhere on Sunday instead and hopefully they could spend the whole day together rather then just an hour or two late at night. And thankfully she agreed to going to a local coffee shop so they could have just a little breakfast together.

Plus it wasn't far from his home so he was able to walk there without Mom and Dad needing to drive him

The last text she sent still gave him goosebumps, 'I can't wait! See you then ;)' Just that little wink emoticon was enough to make him tremble.

Gabbi snickered a bit and asked, "Do I really make you that anxious?"

Casey gave a embarrassed shrug, "Sorry, I'm still kind of new at all this."

"Well don't be, be excited! I definitely am, this is the first date I've been on for a while." At that moment the teen felt a weight off his shoulders and a swell in his pride at the word 'date'.

"So this IS a date." He thought feeling so much of his stress from over the weekend recede. It was unclear in his mind whether or not this was going to be a casual encounter type of deal, which he was really not into. Or if it was something better.

"Plus I promise I don't bite...too hard." She threw in there at the last second.

Anxiety was then replaced with excitement at the familiar sultry tone drop in her voice. And that look in her big gorgeous brown eyes which sent a pulse into Casey's sleeping cock.

This was going much better then he was afraid it was going to go.

Casey then offered to get her something to drink so they could have something to sip from while they talked, and he had forty dollars of allowance money to throw away so he figured, why not spend it on a beautiful girl? Gabbi accepted but insisted that she go up there with him, calling herself a 'basic bitch' when it came to coffee and she didn't want him to bare the burden of her order.

And he was thankful for that because there was no way he would've remembered, 'A large iced mocha ten and ten with a little bit of extra mocha and cream and an espresso shot.' Just the speed at which she said that when they went up to the counter baffled him. But the cute smile she gave him after just made the whole display kind of adorable. How she was so specific with it just felt cute in Casey's eyes.

He was so distracted by it though that when it came to be his turn to order he caught himself about to ask for a chocolate milk. Probably the LEAST masculine thing you could get, he could feel his tongue on the roof of his mouth about to pronounce the 'Ch.' But it was just what he always got when ever he went to any coffee establishment since he didn't drink coffee. Thankfully he stopped it before it came out and quickly asked just for a bottle of cola. Gabbi didn't seem to notice his distress so he was grateful for that. He had just started getting over his anxiety about this whole thing, no more was required.

The drinks came and Casey paid for both like a proper gentleman, and the two went back to their booth again sitting across from each other.

"Sooo..." Gabbi started as she poked her straw through the cap of her cup. "What do you do? For work I mean?" It was simple and straight forward, but it was a conversation starter so why not?

"Oh um, I'm actually still in school right now." Casey answered albeit bashfully.

Immediately Gabbi's head perked up suspiciously. "...what grade?" Her voice laced with caution.

Casey rolled his eyes, "I'm eighteen."

"Oh thank God." Gabbi breathed out relieved. That was the first time Casey saw her look like she was about to lose her cool and felt is own grin get a bit wider.

"But yeah I'm still going through school, what about you?" He took a drink from his bottle, "How old are you? And do you have a job?"

She nodded, "Yup! I'm 24 years old, I am a masseuse, a part time bartender over at Dave's bar, and partial manager...oh! And I sell underwear in my spare time." There was a pause as Casey took a second to process how she had just said that last part so nonchalantly. "Hey, judge all you want, you'd be surprised at how much money you can make off of used panties."

The two laughed at that again, it felt so natural to laugh with her despite the topic being quite unnatural. And their conversation went on, he told her about his life in school and at home. How he was kind of babied by his parents and treated like the little brother by all his friends. Which he didn't mind but of course due to his shorter height and slim frame he always felt a little emasculated by the treatment. She listened intently, it was definitely a switch from their last time together where Gabbi for sure lead the conversation.

"A masseuse huh? Like a massage therapist?" He asked.

Gabbi nodded, "Yup, maybe I can show you how good I am at my job sometime." She said with a wink, Casey chuckled. Her mind always seemed to be in dirty places. "Have you heard from the bitch?" She suddenly asked.


"Your ex. Did she get back to you after we sent her our 'special picture?'" Gabbi said as she kept sipping her beverage with a snarky expression.

Just then it hit Casey hard, he hadn't even thought about his ex Jessica since that night in the theater. All he was concerned about was Gabbi. "Oh um, no actually. I know the message got sent but I didn't get any replies from her."

Gabbi looked smug, "Good." Casey had to fight the urge to roll his eyes again. She seemed so proud about hitting his ex in the gonads for him, it was almost like she was a teen that successfully destroyed an enemy students reputation. Of course he had no problem with that, Jessica hurt him and it was a nice feeling to know with Gabbi's help he might've been able to hurt her back.

"Well we sent her quite the scenario now didn't we?" He joked.

At first Gabbi giggled again but then her mood seemed to soften a bit, her eyes went down to her drink. "By the way, I didn't really get a chance to apologize for like...well, practically molesting you in the theater." She said slowly stirring the cream colored liquid while looking into it.

"Huh?" Casey replied untwisting his bottle.

She shifted a little in her seat, "I was thinking about it after I left and I felt kind of bad. It felt like I really caught you off guard and...I dunno. I felt a little rapey I guess." She said, "I just, I hope I didn't come off too-"

"No no no, you didn't I promise!" The boy quickly interjected, "I was, in a vulnerable state yes. But no, you didn't get rapey on me." Gabbi's gaze looked up from her beverage meeting his own. "You did catch me by surprise I mean, I totally didn't expect you to have..." He searched his brain for the right term, " there." Gabbi snickered, so did Casey. "Besides, I think both of us could tell that I had fun too."

Her smile broadened at that and she took another drink from her coffee. "Yeah, I will admit I did really like how you reacted to me revealing my little secret."

"More like a gigantic secret." Casey mentally added.

"I mean you could've like bit my dick off if you wanted to but thankfully you didn't."

That made him laugh, both of them began to laugh again. The image was unpleasant but it definitely kept the atmosphere between the two good. No rapey vibes present.

"Umm, speaking of which." Casey knew that he had to ask this question at some point, and even though they had just begun talking, he wanted to know more about her. This was a 'date' after all and this question was burning in the back of his brain for the past two days. "How long have you...had it? You know..." Gabbi tilted her head confused, "'It...'" He gestured with his head towards below the table. Gabbi's mouth opened in an 'oh' as she realized what he was asking about. "If that's too personal please don't feel like you have to answer, I don't want to ask you anything your uncomfortable with answering." He stated honestly.

Gabbi shook her head, "No it's okay, it's only natural that you would be curious. You just wanna get to know me right?" She asked to which Casey nodded. Again her eyes went to the coffee cup. "I was...actually born this way." She said, Casey leaned forward intent on hearing every word that came next. "I mean it's not common, to be born all feminine and to look like a total sexy bitch with a big functioning hunk of girl meat." Once more Casey rolled his eyes, she loved to fit those little remarks in there. "But it happens. Like one out of every thirty thousand pregnancies I think statistically?"


She still kept idly stirring the liquid, " was kind of tough growing up. But I got through it and I go to a bi-weekly meeting thingy for other girls like me. You know just to talk about our progress, hang out, and help others who are going through the same things we did." She finished not stopping her soft swirling motions with her straw. "I do get a little sad sometimes thinking about it but...don't worry it doesn't get to me nearly as much as it use to. I try to just take being different in stride now."

Casey blinked, just how much she seemed to have deflated compared to before, going from bubbly and energetic to down like this. It was strange, and he could see just in how her movement and stature had changed that she was feeling sad. He didn't like it, he'd known this girl for only a weekend and yet he already felt like he needed to protect her from any pain she might be feeling. Anything that he could do to comfort her he would do. She did it for him in his time of need so he guessed that now it was his turn to be a shoulder to lean on.

So he reached forward and put his hand over hers that was not stirring her drink. That broke her away from staring into the cup and brought her back to Casey. "Hey, I don't know how tough it was for you going through what you did. But..." He took a breath and mentally prepared himself, "I like you, and you were there for me when I needed you so I wanna be there for you if you need me. You're so cool, and I know I haven't known you for long but when I'm with you it's fun. Everything about you just radiates good and fun. And, I like you just the way you are, that's all that matters."

She watched him closely while he talked, seeing him speak genuinely not only from his mouth; but from those big baby blue eyes that swam straight into her soul. It felt like she could look into them forever. And when he finished, the tiniest of smiles re-adorned her face and she shifted her hand on the table so it could grab the one he rested on top of it.

"Thanks Casey." Suddenly she leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "You're sweet." The teen froze as she did that, he felt an all to familiar surge in his system when she did that. It was a little kiss but it still ignited that tiny spark in his body that he recalled earning from Friday night. Gabbi smirked, "And apparently you're still hyper sensitive to me."

Immediately the boy felt a blush rising to his cheeks, and he reclined backward with his face down trying to hide it. "Know what, maybe you're too much fun." He poked fun at her earning a louder laugh from the lady. Her energy seeming to return to her, thankfully her sullen moment seemed to not last too long.

Now her eyes were focused just on him again, she had almost forgotten how cute he could be when he was embarrassed. She could feel her eyes droop along his form again, he was dressed pretty casually. A nice dark purple t-shirt that and blue jeans with white converse shoes, her mind tripped over itself and landed in the gutter as she thought about what he would look like without all those pesky clothes on.

Casually Gabbi glanced around the shop, thankfully most people get their coffee to go and leave without wanting to hang out. So she and Casey were mostly alone aside from two stragglers sitting separately at different tables away from them. She bit her lip, "hmm, maybe..." Casey had so quickly pulled her mind out of its somber state, but he had unwillingly dropped it off in it's devious section. And as it always did before, it was quickly taking control.

"You really liked how I came at you in the theater?" She asked again, just making sure one final time that she wasn't going to be pushing his limits and her luck too far. "It wasn't too much?"

He nodded, "Mhmm, like I said I was just a bit surprised that's all."

"Well in that case..." Gabbi thought as she made her first move.

The unsuspecting boy was taking a drink from his bottle when he felt it. One of Gabbi's long legs began to slide up the inner side of his own, causing him to almost spit out his drink from flinching so hard. He peered under his side of the table and saw her foot, clad in it's stiletto sandal heel rising up his thigh, sliding up and down along it delicately until nestling itself comfortably right between his legs.

"How's he doing by the way? Did he miss me?" Her tone dropped as it did before and Casey shivered. He felt her toes shifting, practically playing with his flaccid boyhood, which was gladly responding very quickly to the sudden attention. Gabbi continued to chew on her bottom lip, watching him as he quivered in a mixture of shock and delight. She wasn't sure whether or not he would be into feet play, but with how quickly she felt him stiffening against her. She guessed that she could get him to be into anything if she tried the right way. "Remember, just gentle pushes. Then more aggressive nudges." She reminded herself, aware of how lucky she was that he still wanted to interact with her despite her losing control the first time. She continued stroking all along the crease in his pants, feeling how his dick happily throb against it's restrained position.

She pulled her foot back a bit then moved to press the point of her heel into his crotch, not painfully; just enough to elicit another twitch from him. Especially as she started to twist it against the dick reaching full mass in his pants.

"Oh..." A light moan slipped out of his throat and on reflex he clasped a hand over his mouth and quickly turned his head wildly to see if any of the other patrons were watching.

Gabbi laughed out loud again and retracted her leg from against him, "Oh, relax cutie." She stood.

Casey looked back at Gabbi and now in his aroused state, his own eyes checked out the Goddess rising in front of him. She left one hand on the table and sensually slid it along the side as she circled around to him. It was pretty warm out today being the month of May, so she wasn't exactly covered up by much clothing. She wore a short black tank top still showing off that delectable midriff of hers leaving her shoulders and arms bare aside from a few bracelets, and a red skater that went down to about mid-thigh. Casey was beginning to notice a color pattern in both her hair and clothes. But all in all, the sight of her in full light of day, and not under the shade of movie theater lighting was breath taking.

Helping herself to the seat beside him, she scooted well into Casey's personal bubble and herded him up against the wall. A sense of deja vu' hit the boy at that. "You really like cornering me don't you?" He asked half humorously, the other half he wasn't sure whether or not it was afraid or excited.

"Oh shush you, are you gonna sit there and tell me..." Her hand closest to him then took the spot her foot had taken up before. Right on the hard shaft of his boyhood. "That this little guy doesn't like it?" She whispered leaning closely into him. Her hand pawed at his erection slowly, meaningfully, and Casey squirmed in his seat. It was his turn to bite his bottom lip as the sensation swam through his legs and up his chest. Oh he missed her touch, despite only having gotten it once he could easily get drunk on it again. Their eyes bore into each others, Casey felt like she had him under some type of spell, like no matter what he did he could not look away. She peaked at his lips, "Come here." Her voice was quiet as she leaned down towards the smaller body, and this time instead of flinching or pressing against the wall harder like last time. Casey leaned forward, eager to accept her lips.