Sophie's New Perversions Ch. 02


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Suddenly the door burst open and BBW, looking every bit like the Big Bad Wolf strode through the door. But my heart nearly stopped when my father walked in right behind him.

We both tried to cover ourselves with our hands.

Uncle Brad spoke first, "I was very explicit in my instructions to you two."

"But," Tracey started to say.

"But nothing. Those so-called swimming suits could get you arrested in nearly any pool or beach in the state. That is not what I had in mind. I am really upset by your behavior, Tracey. You should have known better."

My heart was in my throat. I still had not looked up at my father. Then he spoke softly, "Sophie, I cannot believe my daughter would behave in such a manner. Disobeying Mr. Wilde and displaying yourself so wantonly to those strangers."

I still could not look up at him. BBW spoke, "Fortunately, I told the business group that you were neighborhood miscreants that had snuck in and that I had called your parents to come get you. They believed that and are staying to finish our business dealings. You two will stay here until we are done with the meeting. I will have the cook send something up for your dinner."

Tracey and I simultaneously answered, "Yes, Sir," in quiet voices.

My father spoke again, "I haven't done this for many years Sophie, but you need to understand how much you have disappointed me. Stand up and bend over."

I looked up quickly. My father's eyes were boring into me. I looked away and slowly rose to my feet. Uncle Brad commanded, "Tracey, you too."

Tracey stood as well and we turned away from the men. "Bend over and lean your heads on the sofa," said Uncle Brad. We did. Our butts were high with our heads on the low cussion.

What happened next caused me to blush to my toes. Our bikini bottoms were quickly pulled down to our knees, totally exposing our asses and pussy cracks. Then together, the two men delivered a dozen swift slaps to our exposed butts.

Dad and Uncle Brad left and closed the door, leaving the two of us to wonder at what had happened and what the result might be. I couldn't believe that my father had seen me practically naked and was sure I would never again be allowed to hang out with Tracey or visit her uncle's home.

We changed into sweats and tried to just talk about other things, but we kept coming back to what this might mean. I packed what I had brought with me in anticipation of going home.

At about 7:30, we answered a soft knock on the door and a woman of about 45-50 entered pushing a cart with a silver domed platter on it. Tracey said, "Hello, Gertie. What'd you bring us?"

Gertie uncovered the tray. "You two must have really ticked off the boss. I was going to bring you the same thing they're having in the dining room, but he said to just bring you this."

We both looked at the tray and saw slices of toast, two bowls of chicken broth, and two glasses of milk. "When you're done, just roll it out in the hall. I'll pick it up later." Then she left, closing the door behind her.

Tracey and I ate our meager meal, feeling hungrier when we were done. We rolled the cart back into the hall.

As we waited, Tracey decided we should watch TV. However, when she turned it on, it was obvious the cable had been cut to our room, so we could do nothing but talk and worry.

Finally, at 10:30, Uncle Brad entered the room. I looked at the door, expecting my father to follow, but he wasn't there. We stood up, but he just said, "Sit back down and listen ladies." We did as we were told.

"Now, I know you two have been enjoying your new-found freedom," he began, "But you have not grasped that with freedom comes responsibility. You both have gifts and talents, but you must learn to exercise responsibility in how you use them. There are appropriate and inappropriate times and places to use them."

Tracey and I both nodded our heads in understanding.

"Sophie, I talked it over with your father and assured him that I would see that you learned to behave. He is awaiting my judgment to decide whether you will be allowed to return next weekend for the Halloween party."

He paused to let this sink in. There was still a chance.

"Tracey, I am sure Sophie's father will also speak to your parents. The same will hold true for you. Either you behave or you won't be here next week. Do you both understand?"

Tracey and I looked at each other and then I said, "Thank you Mr. Wilde."

"Okay then," said Mr. Wilde, "Since you understand that you are going to learn to obey, we'll start now." He paused for a moment. "I am going to separate you two for the night. Sophie, since you have already packed, move your things to the next room."

I stood and looked questioningly at Tracey who look just as perplexed as I was. I gathered my things and moved down the hall, passing the butler as I went. He nodded slightly to me. He was holding a leather case and apparently waiting for his boss.

I settled in to the next room and waited for about 20 minutes.

Uncle Brad came in smiling followed by the butler. "Tracey's all settled for the night, so now it's your turn. Take off all of your clothes and lay face down on the bed."

Still confused, I did as I was told, thinking maybe the fun was finally going to start. I pulled the covers off and lay on the sheet with my head face down anticipating something interesting.

When I was naked on the bed, Uncle Brad and the butler came in. The butler opened the case and took out some small leather belts. One was placed on each of my wrists and each of my ankles. The last was placed around my neck like a choker. They weren't really uncomfortable, each had a soft lining, but I was feeling very strange. The straps each had rings attached and a new strap was added to the rings and then connected to the corners of the beds. Then they were tightened until I was completely spread-eagled on the bed. It reminded me of my experience with the ladies in the Victorian house. I was getting a little tingly thinking about it.

Suddenly I was struck across my legs with a belt. I squealed. The blows continued across my legs and up to my ass and on to my back. They were not hard enough to leave welts or anything, but the sting of the belt and the sting of the embarrassment were enough that I soon began to cry.

Finally the belt stopped. Uncle Brad spoke again, "That is the beginning, Sophie. You will obey or their will be more. If you obey, everything will be easier. He began lightly caressing my legs, moving gradually up and down my legs, getting closer and closer to my crotch. I started to feel a familiar tingling sensation. His fingers brushed my cunt and electric shocks ran through my body. One the next movement, he pressed hard against my pussy and I felt that I was getting wet. Again he moved up and kept his hand against my cunt, his fingers working their way inside. I moaned. He teased my clit and I could feel myself moving up toward total arousal. The fingers moved away and suddenly SMACK! He swatted me again and said, "Goodnight, Sophie. See you in the morning."

Then he left and I was alone in a darkened room, naked, spread-eagled on a bed. He hadn't even covered me with a blanket. I tried to sleep but could not get comfortable. It was torture to have no control over my movement and to be all alone.

It seemed like hours later that I finally drifted into an exhausted sleep.

Chapter 18: Sophie Learns to Obey

I awakened to a noise in the hall and noticed a sliver of sun shining in through a gap in the curtains over the window. I had no idea what time it might be. It took me a moment to remember where I was. I came fully awake when I realized I could not turn over. My wrists and ankles were still bound to the bed. When it dawned on me, I tried to remember all that had happened the night before. Then I realized how my muscles ached from being tied inn this manner.

I lay on the bed for some time, unable to move and unable to return to sleep. Finally I heard footsteps and then the door opened. "Good morning Sophie," came the voice of Uncle Brad.

"Good morning," I mumbled into the bed where my face was buried.

I felt the straps being undone and slowly moved my arms and legs to get the circulation back into them. Then I rolled over. Standing at the foot of my bed was Uncle Brad. He was dressed in black leather pants and vest. A riding crop was in his hands.

"Stand up, Sophie," he commanded, his voice making it clear there was no choice but to obey.

I answered, "Yes, Sir," and immediately stood beside the bed.

Uncle Brad explained, "I have much to do to prepare for the Halloween party and I am expecting a dozen guests for dinner tonight. Along with Bruce, my butler, I will also take care of your obedience training today. I may have to leave to take care of some of the party details, but when I do, Bruce will be in charge. Is that understood, Sophie?"

"Yes, sir."

Uncle Brad stepped forward and attached a leash to the collar that had been placed around my neck. "Come with me, Sophie, " he said as he walked toward the door. Not that I had a choice with the leash in his hand.

"Yes, Sir," I dutifully answered.

In the hallway, Tracey was standing obediently looking down at the floor with Bruce holding her leash. They led us through the house. Several people were already at work cleaning and polishing in the ballroom. They stopped to watch us as we were led naked past them. I felt humiliated, but knew better than to protest or attempt to cover myself.

We were led me into Uncle Brad's private quarters and then through a door we hadn't used on our tour of the home. Uncle Brad flipped a switch and we could see to descend a narrow stairway. We were going into the basement. At the bottom of the steps, Uncle Brad pointed to a door and said, "In there."

Tracey looked at him and said, "What now?" WHACK! The riding crop smacked across her bare ass. "Yes, Sir," she said quickly and we went through the next door.

The room was just a bathroom. There was a large shower in the back corner. Bruce opened a cupboard and took out two enema hoses like the one at the POVES building.

"Shove this in your ass," he commanded as he handed one to each of us.

With no ointment, it was difficult to do this. "Yes, Sir," we both answered. I slipped my finger in to make sure there was room and inserted the hose. Tracey did the same. Bruce connected the ends to a device like we use for gas in chemistry class. He turned the valve on his end of the hose and ice cold water rushed into our bowels. Pain shot through my lower regions.

Bruce closed the valve. Tracey and I stood shivering and cramping and waited for directions. Bruce opened the valve it again and I was hit with another icy blast. When he did it a third time, I thought I would explode. Then suddenly, Bruce and Uncle Brad each jerked a hose out. Water came out of my ass. WHACK! "Hold it in," Uncle Brad commanded.

"Yes, Sir." I squeezed my cheeks together and tightened my sphincter. I was holding for the moment. I looked at Tracey and she had her eyes squeezed shut in concentration.

"Would you like to release the fluid?"

"Yes, Sir," we both answered in stained voices.

"First, you must suck our cocks. On your knees."

We both knelt quickly. I started in on Uncle Brad and Tracey on Bruce. It was difficult to concentrate with the cramps and pain in our intestines, but we tried to do as we had learned.

When Uncle Brad became hard, he said, "Well done Sophie. You may expel the liquid." He released my leash and I rushed to the toilet and relieved my strained body.

Tracey followed a few minutes behind me. We both felt extremely relieved until Bruce again handed us the enema tubes.

"Insert this again," he commanded. I really didn't want to, but did as I was told. When Bruce connected his end of the hose to another valve and slowly opened it, I braced myself, but this time the water was warm. It was not nearly as bad. He had us expel the liquid and then filled us each with warm water a second time.

Then Uncle Brad held out two small rubber things. He spread some sort of lubricant on them. They were pink and about three inches long, tapered from a rounded point at one end and expanding to a diameter of about two inches. The taper included ridges of ever increasing size. I looked at it quizzically, fearing I knew what it was for.

"Bend over and spread your cheeks," he commanded. "Make sure you don't lose any liquid. I will insert this butt plug to help you hold your water." Tracey and I each obediently did as we were told. Uncle Brad pressed the butt plug ever deeper into my asshole. As each ridge entered, my sphincter closed on the next valley. He kept pressing it deeper until I was sure something would tear and then finally stopped. My bowels wanted release, but it was now denied. Bruce had done the same to Tracey.

Each of us were then handed a pair of black rubber panties and we put them on. They were very tight and served to hold the butt plug in place. They were however open at the front, leaving our pussies exposed.

Our masters then pulled on our leashes and led us out of the bathroom. We paused at a very large wooden door and Bruce produced a large key. The door opened with a slow creak and the heat from inside hit us at once. A large, sweating, bald man stood at the door. He was over forty, but not fat. He actually looked quite muscular. He wore a black mask covering his head and looked like an executioner except that his only other clothing was sort of like a black speedo containing a very significant bulge.

The man bowed and in a very deep voice said, "Welcome Master. The chamber has been prepared."

"Thank you, Arnold," answered Uncle Brad and we were led into the darkened room lit only by a single bare bulb near the doorway and a couple dozen candles in candelabras around the room. I began sweating as soon as I entered. I stared around the room and saw what looked like a torture chamber from some old movie about the Middle Ages or the Inquisition. I thought to myself that I must have actually paid attention to something in Mr. Randall's history classes. There were several strange and evil looking devices spread about the room. This was a way more bizarre than I had ever expected.

Tracey and I were each led to opposite sides of the room where we each walked up three steps to stand on a small platform facing each other. Behind each of us was something I can best describe as a metal spiderweb about eight feet in diameter. The web was basically almost a circle, although it really had sixteen straight sides. There were four progressively smaller sixteen sided section inside the large one. Straight metal bars connected the rings at the corners from the outside one to the inside one. The inner circle was about a foot and a half wide.

I watched as Bruce unclipped something and I could hear the same being done behind me. Three wedge-shaped sections of the web were removed like giant slices of pizza, leaving only the outer rim in those areas. I watched as Tracey's web was turned so the open wedge was at the bottom and she was pushed back against the wheel.

Within seconds I was also pushed back and felt the cold steel bars pressing against me. Straps were secured at my wrists, elbows, and shoulders. Another was placed around my waist and one just below my boobs. My legs were spread apart because of the opening in the web and then ankles knees, and thighs were strapped to the bars. Finally a strap was placed around my forehead.

Then I felt myself rising from the platform and watched as Tracey did the same. Suddenly I was spinning. The entire web was rotating about the center like a giant roulette wheel. I closed my eyes and made many revolutions until I could tell it was gradually slowing. When it finally came to rest, my head was at the bottom and my spread legs were pointing toward the ceiling. I was dizzy and slightly nauseous. Besides my intestines were full of water and it was so hot I was sweating. Now I was head-down and could feel the blood rushing in that direction.

I was facing Tracey, who was in the same position and obviously in some discomfort as well. The men all walked away from us to the center of the room where there was some whispered conversation. Then Uncle Brad announced, "Bruce and I must go attend to some business upstairs. Arnold will remain here. You are to be silent until we return."

The two men left. The hulking Arnold walked over to Tracey and checked her bindings and gave her web another spin. She shrieked in surprise and received several swats on her bare ass as a result. Arnold delivered these with a small whip from behind her web.

I steeled myself as he came to me and did the same, spinning me once more to dizziness. I did manage to keep my mouth closed and was spared the swats.

Arnold then sat on a stool in the center of the room and eventually appeared to doze off. I desperately wanted to talk to Tracey, but was afraid the monster would awaken and deliver my punishment. We hung in silence, beginning to notice every ache and pain in our bodies.

Finally, the massive door opened and our masters came in and consulted with Arnold. Uncle Brad spoke, "Sophie, you behaved well. You will be rewarded." He came to me and rotated the wheel slowly until I was upright, then locked it in place. I felt a little dizziness, but mostly relief as the blood returned to my body. I could see Tracey still upside down across the room.

Then Arnold came to the center of the room carrying something in each hand. Bruce and Uncle Brad each went to him and came back toward each of us carrying feather plumes. I am sure Tracey got the same instructions I did, "Don't laugh. It will make it harder to hold your water." I smiled inside. I am not very ticklish. Tracey is though.

Uncle Brad began tickling the bottoms of my feet and up the insides of my legs toward my crotch. I was doing fine, without any desire to giggle or laugh. Tracey was already laughing hysterically and between the laughing she was crying out, "Stop. Please stop!" I felt badly for her, not only was she ticklish but she was still upside down.

Uncle Brad was getting a little frustrated with me, though. He tried the backs of my legs and even my armpits, with no results. He would have tried my ass, but the rubber pants holding in the butt plug prevented that. Finally he moved toward my head. The one place I am ticklish is at the tops of my knees, but that takes a goose, not a feather. Uncle Brad covered my entire body head to toe and back three times before he gave up. He turned to walk away, then quickly turned back around and used his hands to tickle my knees. I jumped and laughed and immediately had an inkling of what Tracey was going through. I had to relieve the pressure in my bowels very soon or I might explode.

After several minutes he stopped. It took me a little while to relax and realize Tracey was now sobbing uncontrollably.

The men all stepped aside to confer. When they came back, Arnold went behind me and pulled a pin of some sort. The web was rotated so that I was now flat on my back looking up at the ceiling. I could then hear the same being done to Tracey's web.

Uncle Brad said, "Arnold needs to get some relief from the erection you have both given him. Accommodate him and you will be allowed to release the fluids.

I heard a gasp from Tracey, followed by several grunts and screams. Eventually she started to moan and then had what sounded like a massive orgasm.

Arnold then came over to me and stepped inside the outer rim of the web and moved toward me. He walked up between my spread legs until his upper thighs were touching my crotch. I felt something hard on my belly and looked down. I saw a penis as big around as a baseball bat. With him standing between my legs, it reached above my belly button. I knew why Tracey had gasped.