Soul's Divide Ch. 05-07


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Gabrielle gulped down the water as she waited for her body to stop shaking. She had never pressed herself like that before. Three Echoes, one right after another. Ghastly, horrible images of being shredded by claws and bitten by sharp fangs. The overwhelming feeling of death as the curtain dropped down over each of those poor souls.

The images always faded, but not now. There were still sharp in her mind's eye. So sharp, in fact, that she could barely see the room she was in. Sweat dripped off of her face in a steady stream.

"I'm sorry, Gabs," Roberts murmured. He touched her elbow and she jerked away, yelping in terror.

She felt him stay close to her as she struggled to fight the images. He was smart enough not to touch her again. She clutched the glass of water as if it was her only lifeline. It didn't matter if her eyes were open or closed; she could still see her death three times over.

She didn't know how long she fought, but the images finally faded. She came aware to Roberts kneeling in front of her, his eyes pinched in pain. "I'm back," she said, her voice hoarse.

"I'm sorry," he said, his eyes pleading with her.

She took a drink of water and sighed. "Not your fault," she breathed. "It had to be done."

"What do you need?" The question held a desperation to it, as though he longed to help her in any way he could.

It made her smile. "Help me up."

He hesitated. "You sure?"

"I'm not some delicate china doll. Help me up."

Roberts pulled her up and helped her over to a nearby chair. Gabrielle sat down gratefully. Stan was standing close by, looking unusually morose.

"You ok, Agent Summers?" Stan asked delicately.

"Better than them," she said, nodding to the bodies behind her.

Stan cracked a weak smile. "That's the spirit."

Roberts pulled a chair over to her and sat down in front of her. "Can you talk about it? Or do you need more time?"

"I'm good," she replied, waving away his concern. "You're not going to like what I found."

Roberts tensed. "What?"

"Nothing," Gabrielle sighed, sinking into her chair. "All three were attacked in the same way: from behind, in the dark. I just saw more images of long claws and sharp teeth."

"Damn," Roberts said, his shoulders slumping. "I thought for sure this was going to be our lucky break."

"You know what this means," Gabrielle said, standing up slowly. "We're going to have to do some old fashioned detective work."

"And who's better than real detectives?" Roberts said, smiling slightly.

Gabrielle couldn't help returning his smile.


Chapter 7 - What Must be Done

Daniel closed the front door to his house softly and turned to the coat rack in the corner. He removed his coat and scarf and carefully placed them on the hooks. And then he turned around.

"Hello, dear," Amara purred.

He had spent all day chasing her trail around town, looking for the most obvious places she would be. It finally dawned on him that the place he would find her would be the most obvious of them all.

She stood by the stairway, wearing nothing but a black silk robe. The robe was split down the middle, revealing the sides of her tanned breasts. It tied at the waist and flared out, revealing a very nice set of sensuously smooth legs.

Daniel felt a stirring in his groin. The fact that she had carefully crafted her new body made no difference to that animalistic side of him. She was a thing of stirring beauty, and the beast inside of him wanted to ravish her over and over again.

"Hello, Amara," Daniel replied, showing remarkable constraint. It was second nature to him, now.

She tilted her head to the side. She didn't look disappointed. No, she looked...pleased, as if she expected his lack of response. He had to remind himself that she was the ultimate hunter and very much enjoyed a good chase.

"You were expecting me, I see," she said.

Daniel nodded and turned to pick up the mail on the table next to the door. He tried to appear as casual as possible as he thumbed through all the junk mail. "I was hoping to find you here, in fact."

He looked up to find her smiling, her eyes telling him she knew very well the game he was playing. "I made myself at home. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. Please, join me in the living room. I have some important things I wish to discuss with you."

"So formal," she purred, her smile reminding him of a hunting cat. "And such rare manners these days. I would be glad to join you in the living room, my child."

He felt his eye twitch briefly. She had stressed the last part on purpose. Her smile showed that she knew she had won the first point. Irritated, Daniel led her down the hall to the formal living room.

Amara sat down on a couch and artfully arranged her robe, leaving most of her legs exposed but shadowed the part in between them. The nipples on her large breasts were barely covered.

Daniel had to shift positions in his chair. Score a second point to Amara. He decided not to look directly at her. "Thank you for seeing me."

Amara laughed, her voice rich and musical. "You make it sound as though you arranged an appointment with me. My dear Daniel, why so formal? Do I make you nervous?"

"We didn't exactly part on the best of terms," he said carefully. "All those years ago, I mean."

"Hmm," Amara said, her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "A mother doesn't abandon her child so easily. I simply gave you the space you required."

That was a small relief. He had said some rather nasty things when he left. He had the distinct impression that she would tear him apart if she ever laid eyes on him again. He decided to accept her version of events gratefully.

"I apologize for this morning. You just caught me off guard."

"Liar," she said, her smile taking the sting from the words. "You meant every word you said. Still, I appreciate the attempt at civility. But why don't we skip such pleasantries and cut to the chase, shall we? I'm very eager to know what it is you need of me."

That was the Amara he knew. For an immortal, she never really did have any patience. And he knew how much she loved a good mystery. "What do you know of the Organization?" he began, with what he hoped was a safe question.

She tilted her head in confusion. "What about them? I taught you everything you need to know about this world."

"You taught me the basics," he countered. "I would like to know more about them."

She eyed him suspiciously. "What an odd question to ask. Why do you want to know about them? Are you thinking about joining them?" she added, laughing.

Daniel humored her by smiling. "Hardly. But I do know that they are operating here in the city."

Amara shrugged, the robe threatening to reveal all of her glorious splendor. "What of it? The Organization has had a base of operations in Verfall for many years now."

"They have a base of operation in a lot of different places," Daniel replied. "But they've never really operated heavily out of Verfall before."

"And what makes you think they are now?"

"A patient of mine recently had a run in with a vampire. He was saved by an agent of the Organization."

"So?" Amara asked.

Daniel narrowed his eyes. "We both know there's no such thing as coincidence in our world. She must have been patrolling for vampires to have randomly come across my patient. Why is there an agent patrolling Verfall?"

"Maybe they're bored," Amara said, smirking. "What does it matter?"

"And you just happened to show up in a city they're heavily patrolling?"

Amara sighed, the perfect picture of weary patience. She was a fantastic actress. "One random encounter with an agent is hardly 'heavy patrolling,' Daniel. I know you always tended to stay cautious, but this is bordering on paranoia."

Daniel felt a brief moment of doubt but refused to cave in so easily. "Then why are you here?"

Amara raised one delicate eyebrow. "I'm here for you, of course. Why do you doubt that?"

"Were you there for all of your 'children' during the change?"

Amara hesitated. Daniel almost grinned; he had just won his first point. "Events have taken me away from my children more than I would like, I admit. But I made absolutely sure I would be there for you when it was your time. You were always my favorite."

"You always have an agenda," Daniel pressed, convinced that she was hiding something. "Being here for my transformation was just an added bonus. Why are you really here?"

Amara didn't respond immediately. She just stared at him with no expression, her hand trailing down the edges of her robe. Daniel stared past her determinedly.

Amara finally cracked a smile, conceding a point to Daniel. "I haven't seen you this animated since...well, the good days," she purred. "You remember those, don't you?"

Daniel refused to be baited. The memory of those "good days" haunted his every waking moment, but he would be damned if he let her see that. "Yes," he said simply.

Amara continued to smile at him. "I tell you what, Daniel. Do me a favor and I will give you the answer you are looking for."

Daniel hesitated. "What favor?" he said, slowly.

"Remind me of those good days."

Daniel frowned. "I don't quite follow you."

Amara stood up, causing the robe to part briefly. "Then I suggest you really follow me."

It felt like he had lost the upper hand, but it was, so far, the best outcome he could have hoped for. So he prepared himself mentally and followed her out of the room.

He grew even more uneasy as she led him to his bedroom. She stopped by the doorway and waited for him. "I have a present for you."

Daniel felt his heart sink in his chest as he entered the bedroom. A naked woman was tied to his bed, her wrists and ankles held to the bedposts with rope. Her eyes were closed and she was writhing on top of the sheets, her chest rising and falling heavily as she moaned.

"No," Daniel whispered, as he felt the vampire stir inside of him.

Amara swayed toward the bed and turned to look at Daniel. "Feed on this woman and I will answer your question."

Amara reached down and pinched the woman's nipple. The woman moaned suddenly, her body straining against the rope as though she longed to throw her body against Amara.

Daniel couldn't tear his gaze away from the doomed woman. She had pale alabaster skin and blonde hair that fell to her shoulders in waves. Her breasts were heavy and hung down the sides of her body. Her stomach was flat, her legs muscled, her pussy neatly shaved.

"She's addicted," Daniel said, as he watched the woman continue to strain against the bonds.

Amara looked carefully at Daniel. "You know she's addicted. You've seen the signs yourself, a long time ago."

If it weren't for the fact that he was struggling to fight against the demon inside of him, horrible memories from his past would have flooded his mind. As it was, the reminder was enough to fuel his anger.

"You've killed her," Daniel accused her, his voice harsh. A vampire's blood was very similar to the most dangerous drugs in existence. It was highly addicting, powerfully magical, and immensely pleasurable for mortals. It was also very corrosive to the human body. The more blood they drank, the more damage it did. Eventually, the body broke down and died.

Amara nodded. "So you see, taking her life now makes no difference. You weren't the one that killed her. I did."

Daniel stared at her with all the hatred he possessed. "Why, damn you? Why are you making me do this?"

"I've seen incomplete transformations before," Amara said. She looked unusually somber. "You don't want that fate. The more energy you store up, the better it will be for you. At the very least, it will preserve your mind as you go through the changes."

Daniel stared down at the doomed woman. She continued to strain against the ropes as she struggled to touch Amara. He had seen a woman like that before. He had given her his blood in order to save her life, but he had doomed her instead.

Daniel walked slowly to the woman, ignoring the smile unfurling on Amara's face. He knelt down by her head and touched her forehead. The woman groaned and arched her back.

"Please," she whispered. "Give me...blood."

Daniel dropped his hand and sighed. Her mind was gone. She was simply a creature of carnal desires now. Her death was inevitable.

Daniel stared up at Amara. "You will give me the answer I desire?"

She nodded at him, still smiling. "Drink, my child, and all you desire shall be yours."

Daniel was so very tired of constantly holding back. His hunger was still strong, even after feeding the other day. His time of change was upon him and the beast was restless. Holding on was just too damn hard, too mentally exhausting.

Amara knew exactly how to manipulate him. So he gave up and let the beast take over. He felt his mind slipping away as the vampire rose up inside of him. His vision slipped into the infrared spectrum and his fangs burst from the top of his gums.

"There you are," Amara whispered, her eyes wide. "I've missed you."

Daniel grinned, feeling the blood pounding in his veins. He could hear the doomed woman's heartbeat. It was beating like a rabbit's. So fast, so very fast. Filled, no doubt, with fear and desire. It was music to his ears.

Daniel crawled on top of her, trailing his tongue up her chest. The woman shivered, her whole body tensing. Daniel smiled like he hadn't smiled in years. He had forgotten this feeling.

"Blood," the woman panted.

"Yes," Daniel agreed. He sucked a nipple in his mouth and bit down on the surrounding flesh. A small pool of blood filled his mouth.

"Noooo," the woman groaned, her struggles suddenly changing.

"Yesssss," Daniel purred, as he savored the sweet taste of her blood.

He looked up at Amara. She was a dull blue in the infrared spectrum, a complete opposite of the vibrant, glowing woman below him. Amara was breathing heavily, her eyes dilated as she stared at him.

Daniel smiled wider as he turned back to the woman. "I love how you taste," he told her.

"Blood," she moaned again. "Please!"

It sounded like a good idea to him. It had been a long time since he had feed so soon after his last meal. Normally, he would take his time and really savor it. But he was too damn hungry for that.

The woman gasped as Daniel plunged down and bit into her neck. He clamped down hard, his fangs sinking deep into her skin, and drank greedily as the blood poured out. The woman convulsed underneath him as he drank deeply. She moaned in pleasure as the toxin in his bite overloaded the pleasure center in her brain.

Daniel gripped her body tight with his arms as the warm, delicious blood flooded his mouth. He was so thirsty that it felt like drops of water dropping on parched earth. He shivered in ecstasy as he felt her heart speed up as the moment of death arrived. She gasped one last breath, her body twitching in sheer pleasure, and then fell still.

The vampire roared in satisfaction inside of him as it felt her living essence flow through her body and into its waiting jaws. Daniel dropped her body to the bed and whipped his head around, smiling at Amara.

Amara stared down at him, her eyes completely devoid of color. There was nothing but inky darkness instead of white. She smiled at him, fangs sharp and long. "I've missed watching you feed."

Daniel stood up, warm blood dripping from his chin. His hand darted out with inhuman speed and snatched her long, black hair. He jerked her head back, lifting up her chin.

She laughed at his rough treatment. "Yes," she hissed, as he brought his mouth down roughly to hers. Amara greedily sucked the woman's blood from his lips. She shivered slightly and closed her eyes. "So sweet."

Daniel pulled back suddenly and shook his head. The vampire was content at the moment, freeing him from its intense clutches. His mind was his own again. "No," he whispered, stepping back.

Amara frowned. "Why do you still fight it?"

Daniel pushed past her and left the room without looking back. The poor woman's body was quickly fading to dull blue. He didn't want to be reminded of what he had just done. He grimaced as the fangs retracted back into his gums. His vision returned back to the normal spectrum.

Amara followed him back to the living room. Her eyes were back to normal, too. "You were so close to giving in, Daniel. I understand your desire to be human, but it's simply not meant to be."

Daniel sat down on a chair and spent a few moments to collect himself. He would agonize over what he did later. Right now he needed answers. "Why are you here? You promised me answers."

Amara sighed and sat down in the chair across from him. "I did come here for you."

Daniel shook his head. "But that's not the only reason. Why else did you come here?"

Amara idly played with the belt on her robe as she stared at him. He met her stare and didn't look away. She finally nodded. "I've received some disturbing reports. I came here to verify them for myself."

"What reports?"

"There is something here...some new power we have never encountered before." Her eyes shone with eagerness as she spoke.

Daniel frowned in confusion. "New power? What do you mean?"

"There is something stalking the streets here. Something the mystics can't even locate." She hesitated, her gaze intense.

"Some type of beast more powerful than any I have ever heard of."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Good story with amazing potential but unfortunately writer has lost interest in continuing the effort "bummer".

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
It Was a Good Start

So, where's the rest of the story?

Hale1Hale1over 8 years ago
Sithon has made a good start, but

He missed the fact that the good doctor's first victim was Gab's mother, putting additional strain on their working together to catch the demon who is attempting to open a portal to Hell, maybe?

I'd love to read the finished product, I'll even volunteer to do a final edit, though it really isn't necessary!

sithonsithonover 8 years ago
Needs to be finished

Hmm what would I do to finish this?

The attacks keep getting worse.. The cop becomes the liaison for the org.. He realizes that the doc is a vamp apprises gabby about him. She attempts to kill him but stops once she has tortured him and learns of his feeding habits. The cop pleads for his release and they learn the vamps are looking for this strangely clawed killer as well. They agree to share info which leads to... A vampiric were or an ancient gone mad or any number of mythic killers from wendigo to dimensional travelers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Oh my god please tell me this isn't it

There is so much more that needs to be explained before you quit dude!

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