Special Circumstances


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"That is no good, the fabric is still in the way." I sighed, and pulled the bra off, covering my nipples with one arm. "There we go," she said, and attached the second electrode. I glanced up at the projection, and saw myself in just panties next to my son, standing there awkwardly. The second ECG line showed my heartbeat, noticeably quicker than Julian's, who was very intensely not looking at me.

Dr. Sorensen attached a second little plastic knob on my arm, and moments later the second bar graph displayed my data. At least the demonstration would be over soon, and we could go home, and never talk about it again.

"Alright, now that we have established a baseline, we can begin with the demonstration." What? That hadn't already been the whole thing? "If you all remember my speech about the release of chemicals, we will hopefully be able to see it in action with Mr. Weaver's cooperation. Mr. Weaver, if you would be so kind as to remove your pants."

I couldn't believe she was asking him to take off his pants. Julian seemed to hesitate, too, until Dr. Sorensen began tapping her feet impatiently. Reluctantly, he unbuttoned his slacks, and they dropped to the ground. He had to take off his shoes as well before he was able to step out of them, and stood there in just boxers. According to the ECG, his heart was beating noticeably faster, too.

"Underwear too, please," instructed Dr. Sorensen. Seemingly resigned to his fate, Julian pulled down the boxers as well. I felt trapped between doing what I knew in the back of my head I should be doing, and the fact that if I didn't go along, I could potentially lose my job, a lot of money, and ruin both Julian's and my own life.

A few people in the first rows gasped, and I couldn't help but stare at my son's penis. Even though it was flaccid at the moment, it was still big, almost as big as his father's had been erect. It was quite beautiful, and uncircumcised. He didn't shave, but his pubic hair was very neatly trimmed, which helped put his cock and balls on display. It had been years since I saw him naked, not since puberty, and I had no idea he'd turned out to be so incredibly well endowed. No wonder he wasn't trying to hide it, he had nothing to be ashamed about.

Seconds later, I chastised myself for thinking that way about his cock. He was my own son, and this was supposed to be a professional medical lecture. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but stare at it.

"Mrs. Weaver?" Dr. Sorensen's words broke me out of my reverie.

"Uh, yeah, what?"

"Would you kindly please also remove your underwear."

Shit. How did I once again not see that coming? I knew if I hesitated, Dr. Sorensen would just stand there, and ask me what was wrong. I already knew I couldn't tell her Julian was my son, especially not now, when he was already standing there naked. If people found out now, I might lose a lot more than just my job. I definitely wouldn't be able to show my face at St. John's anymore, or anywhere else in Boston.

I took a deep breath, and tried removing my panties with one hand, using the other to still cover my breasts. It was no good. I wouldn't be able to pull down my panties as well as cover my crotch and breasts at the same time. I'd have to make a choice, and after all they were just tits. Julian had probably seen thousands of them on the internet already.

I let go of my breasts, and used one hand to cover my crotch. Since I was actively dating, I regularly got waxed. Of course, I had never expected I'd be showing off my pussy to hundreds of strangers. It felt weird to be touching my labia in such a public setting, and against all my expectations, felt a slight wetness. That was probably just from nervousness.

With my free hand, I slid down my panties to my knees, and then tried to twist and turn my legs to get them down all the way. It didn't work. I bent down, still trying to get them to slide on their own, and with one hand clamped down firmly on my vagina. The whole thing was rather awkward, and I felt myself slowly tip over backwards. I ripped my arms free, gesticulating wildly in an attempt to steady myself, but it was too late.

With a high pitched yell, I crashed into the wooden stage. Fortunately, I managed to land on my butt. Unfortunately, my arms were still outstretched, and in an attempt to steady myself, my legs had spread wide. I was sitting there, in front of hundreds of people, with my legs apart, giving everyone, and the camera, a full view of my bald pussy.

"Are you alright?" asked a concerned Dr. Sorensen. She offered me a hand, and I accepted it gratefully, pulling myself upright.

"Yeah," I mumbled. I was embarassed to the core, and my heart was pounding in my chest. At first, I attempted to cover myself up again, but that ship had clearly sailed. I took a few deep breaths to steady myself, and dropped my arms to my sides. It's not that I was embarrassed about my body, I considered myself pretty fit for a forty-four year old, but I had never expected so many people to see my in such a vulnerable position. Hopefully the gossip at St. John's wouldn't be too brutal.

"Excellent," commented Dr. Sorensen, looking at Julian. "Quickly, I want everyone to observe Mr. Weaver's current levels of chemicals."

I had been so concerned with my own mishap, I hadn't paid attention to what Julian was doing. Looking over at him, I gasped. The previously flaccid cock was now fully erect. It curved upwards slightly in a banana shape, but it was definitely bigger than one. The bulbous head peaked out of the foreskin, and veins protruded from the shaft.

Why was he erect? Had he gotten an erection because I was naked, or had Dr. Sorensen done something? She seemed just as surprised as I was, so it couldn't have been her. I gulped. On the big screen, his dopamine and testosterone levels had gone up significantly. Additionally, his already large cock was even more larger than life on the wall. While I was looking at it, my own levels seemed to rise in accordance with my increasing wetness. If it hadn't been me up on the stage, I would considered the data fascinating.

Since Dr. Sorensen clearly had the results she wanted, this whole ordeal would finally be over. I had no idea how I would ever be able to look Julian in the eyes again. We'd avoided discussion of our relationships and sex for so many years, it seemed surreal that in the span of only a few minutes, we were naked next to each other, and he had gotten a good look at my pussy. Hopefully Dr. Sorensen would hurry up, and give us the ok to put our clothes back on.

"Mrs. Weaver, would you please lie down on the examination table?"

What could she possibly want now? Maybe my heart was beating too fast, and this was her way of asking me to calm down. I put the purse on the ground, and laid down flat on my back, staring at the ceiling. The leather felt cool against my skin at first, but warmed up quickly. I could make out the projected image on the wall behind me, although it was upside down. I wasn't in the shot anymore, but I could see Julian was staring in my direction, his cock still hard.

All of a sudden, the image jerked, and moved. Dr. Sorensen must have picked up the tripod. She placed it down again, and the soles of my feet were visible on the wall. I wiggled my toes, and almost giggled. This was too weird.

"Mr. Weaver, could you please assist me for a moment?" Dr. Sorensen asked, and Julian moved to my side. From my current vantage point, I could see his cock clearly. It was practically hovering right in front of my face.

Hands grabbed my ankles, and I was pulled forward, sliding easily on the leather, until my ass was at the edge of the table. And Julian's cock was now just inches away from my face. I don't know what came over me, but I raised my head, and wrapped my lips around the bulbous head of his cock. A drop of precum leaked out, and Julian groaned audibly. It tasted salty, but good. I dropped my head back on the table, savoring the taste and feel in my mind for a few moments, until I realized where I was.

I had just put the tip of my son's cock on my mouth. Shame washed over me, but before I had too much time to ponder what had just happened, Dr. Sorensen continued.

"Spread your legs apart, please, Mrs. Weaver." I was too stunned to object, and complied with her instruction. Above me, the camera's video feed was focused right on me, giving the entire crowd an up close view of my now wet pussy. "I want to collect multiple data points, and in my experience the most reliable results have been yielded through oral stimulation. Mr. Weaver, if you would be so kind as to help out."

Julian stepped between my legs, and knelt down, leaving only his head in my view. He wasn't looking at me, though. His view was transfixed on my clean shaven labia. I gasped, and closed my eyes, when I felt his rough tongue run along the outside of my pussy.

"Excellent," commented Dr. Sorensen. "I want everyone to pay attention as Mrs. Weaver's levels rise."

Julian's tongue ran up the length of my slit, up over my clit, and back down. Apparently he had some experience in the matter, and his probing and teasing intensified. It was hard to believe hundreds of people were watching as my son ate me out, and the craziness of it all only added to my excitement. I couldn't help but moan every time his tongue brushed over my clit.

It seemed to go on for countless of hours, although I knew it couldn't have been that long. The start of an orgasm formed, deep inside me, and I knew it wouldn't be long before my sweet release. Julian seemed to sense it, and focused more and more on my button.

"Observe the spikes in oxytocin and vasopressin levels as we are nearing orgasm," commentated Dr. Sorensen in a calm and objective manner.

My own body, on the other hand, was anything but calm. Julian's hand wrapped around one of my breasts, and he squeezed gently, before rolling my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

The last word I heard was Dr. Sorensen saying, "Now." Then the orgasm washed over my body. Wave after wave after wave of euphoria rolled from the tips of my toes to the top of my head, and I was lost to the world.

When I came to again, I opened my eyes, and looked around. I couldn't see my son, but Dr. Sorensen was paying attention to the big screen. I looked at it, and saw my own pussy, drenched in juices, still slightly quivering. Had I seriously just orgasmed in front of all these people? I suddenly felt so vulnerable, like I was on display. No, I actually was on display.

"Excellent," said Dr. Sorensen. "That will give us a lot of data to research."

Finally this whole thing was over. How the hell had I let it get this far, anyway? I tried retracing the events step by step, but on a small scale everything had seemed to make sense. Chained together, it resulted in my own son bringing me to an orgasm in front of a crowd of strangers.

At least we could finally get out of there. I'd have to make sure not to forget my money, we had earned that much. Then we could start processing what had happened.

However, instead of telling us we could put our clothes back on, Dr. Sorensen simply said, "Stand up, Mr. Weaver." Julian appeared back in my view, an oddly content look on his face. Had he enjoyed this? Surely not. He was just doing it because he knew I could lose my job. "At this point," Dr. Sorensen continued, "we would normally provide a condom, but fortunately we managed to find Mr. Weaver and his wife. It will give us much more accurate results without the use of an inhibitor to stimulation."

Condom? Inhibitor? What was she talking about. Then it hit me. Julian was standing between my legs, and his massive cock pointed directly at my pussy. Was Dr. Sorensen serious?

"Mr. Weaver, if you would be so kind," she said, and Julian didn't need to be told twice. Dr. Sorensen removed the video camera from the tripod, and trained it directly on my crotch.

I gasped when the tip of Julian's cock parted my still sensitive lips. He was so big, I was surprised it managed to fit. He worked his massive girth in me, stretching me. Feeling the veins on his cock sliding along my labia felt incredibly good. His hands gripped my thighs, and he started thrusting his cock in and out. Holy shit, it felt good. I've dated guys with what I considered big dicks, but none of them had ever made me feel this way.

Dr. Sorensen was saying something, but the sensation of Julian fucking me was too intense for me to make out her words. Every thrust of Julian's hard cock reignited the embers of my previous orgasm, rapidly building up another peak.

I looked up and behind me. On the big screen, Julian's cock was sliding in and out of my wet lips in full, close up detail, missing only the wet squelching accompanying each thrust. Hundreds of people were watching my own son's cock buried deep inside my throbbing cunt. I closed my eyes, and surrendered myself to the pleasure. Dr. Sorensen kept commentating, but her words were lost on me. I was dimly aware of Julian's cock twitching and pulsating, his seed shooting deep into my pussy, while my own orgasm rocked my senses.

Julian pulled out, and I was left with a gaping hole I desperately wanted to be filled again.

I opened my eyes again, and the first thing I saw was Julian, smiling down at me. I smiled back, still on a post orgasmic high.

"Excellent," came Dr. Sorensen's cheerful voice. "This is fantastic data." She inserted the camera back into the tripod. I looked up at the wall, and was treated to a clear view of my red, raw labia, with my son's cum slowly dribbling out. "Everyone please show your appreciation for our volunteers, they have performed admirably." Dr. Sorensen started clapping, and the rest of the crowd joined in. It seemed incredibly loud, and just kept going, and going.

Dr. Sorensen stepped close to me, covered the microphone with her hand, and said over the roaring noise of the crowd, "If you would like to get cleaned up, Mr. Price will show you where." I nodded, and she signaled him.

I sat up, and gathered my clothes and purse off the floor. Taking my first step, I almost fell down, and had to use the examination table to prop myself up, while my legs recovered from the orgasms. Mr. Price led us through the door they had brought the machine in, and pointed at a door on the left side of the tiled hallway. "You can clean up in there," he said.


It turned out to be a small locker room, with just one bench, and a sink. Julian followed me in, and closed the door behind him.

"Is there, uh, a separate room for men?" asked Julian, looking around.

"I think we're way past that now."

"I suppose you're right."

I dumped my things on the bench, turned on the tap, and splashed water on my face. My entire body felt sticky with sweat, and I wished the locker room had a shower. Oh, well. I wiped my pussy and thighs with my panties. The amount of cum I wiped off seemed almost too much. Not bothering with the soiled underwear, or the bra, I just pulled on my dress, stuffing the rest into my purse.

Julian was just pulling on his shirt, and with a pang of regret, I was sad to see his cock already hidden behind jeans.

"How are you doing?" I asked him, concerned, after what we had just gone through.

"I'm not sure. That was incredible...but..."

"I know."

"I mean it was all for a good thing, right? We helped Dr. Sorensen gather data. And you still have a job."

"Yeah, absolutely."

"We only did it for demonstration, right?"


"You're my mother."


"It can't happen again."

"It can't."

"Special circumstances."

"Special circumstances," I echoed his words. He was right, of course. "We should get out of here, I guess."

"Yeah, let's go."

Mr. Price was waiting for us behind the door. Wordlessly, he handed me a slip of paper. It was a check, for the sum of two thousand dollars. I had almost forgotten about that.

"Thank you," I said, putting it into my purse.

"As agreed upon."

We went back into the lecture hall. Dr. Sorensen was in the middle of a sentence, explaining the effect of rising serotonin levels on the human body. After sitting back down in our empty seats, the woman to my left leaned over, and said, "Wow, Mrs. Weaver, you're a lucky woman." I had no idea how to respond to that, and fortunately I didn't have to.

"Thank you all for listening," Dr. Sorensen's voice boomed through the speakers, wrapping up her speech, "and once again I would like to thank our volunteers. I hope you have learned something useful today, and if you are interested in finding out more about Life-Monitor Systems, or the Center for Lectures and Illness Therapy, Mr. Price will remain to answer any of your questions. Thank you."

Everyone broke out in applause, including myself.

"So, that's it?" asked Julian.

"I guess so. Unless you want to buy one of those machines," I replied.

"Do we just go, then?"


Everyone else seemed to be leaving, too, and we just followed the throng of people outside. The fresh air was good, even if it was cold, and I breathed in deeply. We had almost made it to the car, when a voice behind us shouted, "Mr. and Mrs. Weaver!"

I turned around, and Dr. Sorensen was making her way through the crowd of people.

"What's up?"

"I am so glad I have caught the two of you. I have to say you have been our most promising volunteers yet, and I would like to offer the two of you a deal."

"And what would that be?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"I have a number of lectures coming up, and I would like to hire both of you as the performers in the practical demonstration. You would of course be compensated at the same rate for your troubles."

I looked at Julian, and didn't even have to see his vigorous nodding, before I replied, "Yes, absolutely. We'll do it."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Realistic? Hmmm maybe not.

Erotic, fun, hot? Oh yesssssssss

More please!

a_reader_from_germanya_reader_from_germanyover 2 years ago

My first comment has not actually been cleared while I'm typing this, so I can't verify, but I might have mixed up the names of the protagonists, if so please accept my apologies. I was referring to "Dr. Sorensen" , of course.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Research requires volunteers sign agreements before the process begins,

Asking two volunteers who DON'T know each other, basically ORDERING them to have sex without consent is flat out nonsense.

Nope. you need a better approach than this. That cost you four stars.

Even five years later.

GrandEagle53GrandEagle53over 2 years ago

One of you BEST pieces. Truly amazing. Loved the ending. Worth more than JUST 5 stars.

dikupinyadikupinyaabout 5 years ago
chapter 2?

please continue

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