Special Delivery

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Courier makes a memorable final delivery.
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Author's note- Contains incest themes


I looked down at the delivery schedule on my tablet and then into the mirror to see the near empty rear of the van. The end of my day, the week; and only one stop left to make, the large package shifting as I rounded a bend in the road. The rain hadn't let up all day and driving was becoming a chore, especially upon roads I was totally unused to this far from the city. The GPS told me to take the next left and when I pulled off onto the gravel road, I winced at what confronted me.

A ford. Underwater. I checked again the address of my last delivery and sure enough, directly across and miles further. Lifting the hood of my jacket I stepped out into the weather and approached the crossing, looking to judge the actual depth of the water. Closer, and it didn't look so overwhelming. Knowing it took only inches of water to float a vehicle I looked back at the wheel base of my van and gauged I had the clearance to take it on.

With caution I put the van in gear, edged out into the stream and found the crossing easier than I expected, coming out on the other side and heading off along the wooded road. Late in the afternoon, the rain becoming heavier, the only reprieve was the cover provided by the fir trees as their limbs reached out across the unmade road as I wound my way further into the forest.

I couldn't miss the address, the road ending at the entrance of a large estate. Through a stone wall, (the letters I.L.F. upon a bronze plaque) and its foreboding iron gates, I drove slowly up the drive and with the GPS declaring I'd reached my destination, stopped before an imposing turn of the last century building. Once more raising my hood, I stepped out into the storm and opened the rear of the van, withdrawing the large cardboard box and headed up the stairs.

After ringing the doorbell, I looked further down the drive to the left, a parking lot among the trees holding at least fifteen cars though no sound of a gathering from inside the building. Finally, I could hear the click of a woman's heels approaching from the other side and the large oak door opened up before me.

The woman was elegantly dressed in a black pencil skirt over sheer stockings. A cream satin blouse was buttoned up high on her throat and I could make out the lines of her bra beneath. Her blonde hair flecked with grey was pulled back in a messy bun and she surveyed me through black rimmed glasses.

"Oh finally," she exhaled, whispering. "I was worried it wouldn't arrive in time."

"We always deliver," I repeated the company's motto for the umpteenth time that day and placed the box at her feet before tapping the confirmation of delivery into my tablet and asking her name for verification.

"Madeline Faine," she responded. "I'm the manager here."

Asking her to sign, I made sure she was able to handle the box before wishing her the best and heading back into the rain. My day done.

Or so I thought.


I stopped at the ford to see the water level had dramatically risen. The rain just as heavy, if not more so, I looked across to see the flashing lights of a police car at the turnoff of the main road. Through the windscreen wipers I could make out an officer in a raincoat setting up what looked to be a road block and I stepped out into the downpour to better see what was happening.

I was right about the water level, the flow of the stream now a strong current, debris floating along its course. It was clear I couldn't cross and I waved to the policeman to get his attention. In the time it took him to walk the fifty or so yards to the river, the water level had risen and I needed to step back as it lapped at my feet.

"Road's closed," he called out across the waters, stating the freaking obvious.

"How long until I can cross?" I yelled back over the rain and rushing water to see him shrug.

"Could be hours. Could be days if it keeps rain'n upstream," he discouragingly responded and I couldn't help but slump. Knowing I was on a dead-end road I didn't bother asking if there was another way around. "Looks like y'all just have ta wait it out," he waved a hand in departure and headed back to the protection of his vehicle. I took another step away from the ever-rising water before turning and heading back to the shelter of my van myself.

"Fuck," I slammed my hands onto the steering wheel when safely back inside the cabin. Taking out my phone I checked my weather app and saw no letup in the rain, even the radar looking menacingly red over much of the state. Turning off the ignition I relaxed for a moment and listened to the soothing sound of the droplets upon the roof and windscreen, taking off my water-logged jacket and settling into the seat. It wasn't uncomfortable. The relaxing sound of the rain would have the ability to lull me to sleep if I allowed it. Could I sleep it out I wondered? How long though?

Again, I took out my phone and called my boss to explain the problem to which I received little sympathy and hung up more frustrated than before. The I.L.F. I thought. What was that place? I Googled the name and found their website, offering little detail as to what they indeed were. The Institute of Liberating Femininity. What the fuck did that mean? From their site it looked like a conference center; photos of a meeting room, an indoor swimming pool, a bar! Could I get a room? There were clearly other people there at present, all in the same boat (if only) as me, with the road out blocked. They'd ultimately all have to stay overnight if the rain didn't let up.

I watched white caps begin to appear on the water before me and sighing, turned the ignition and headed back up the forest road.


Again, there was a wait before I heard the familiar clicking of the previous woman's heels on the wooden floorboards, the opening of the large oak door.

"That was quick," she seemed unsurprised at my arrival. "I only just placed the return request!"

Confused, I asked what she meant?

"The package. It was damaged," she explained. "You're here to pick it up, aren't you?"

"Ah, no," I divulged, shaking the water from my jacket to emphasize the rain. "I've got a problem actually," I began and she furrowed her brow at my admission. "The road's blocked. The ford. It's under water," and a look of recognition came to her face.

"Yes. That sometimes happens."

"Yeah. Well, the police said it could be hours if not days," I looked back at the weather and the darkened sky, the sun barely showing over the trees. "I was wondering if I could get a room? Just for the night."

She noticeably grimaced and it didn't fill me with much promise.

"Well. We have a function on you see. It's, well it's rather exclusive," she momentarily looked over her shoulder before back at me with contemplation.

"You won't even know I'm here," I pleaded my case and it seemed to go some way to swaying her.

"Actually," she looked me up and down. "Come into my office. We may be able to help each other out."

Inside the entranceway she paused and gestured to a rack where I could hang my jacket and again, she eyed my appearance and I began to feel almost uncomfortable.

"This way," she said as the sound of someone crying out in pain? Pleasure? Was heard coming from a room across the hallway. "We have a session just finishing up," she explained the noise and again gestured me to follow.

Once inside her elegantly furnished office, walls lined with shelves containing volumes of books and ornate figurines (many phallic or sexual in their appearance I noted) it was her desk, namely what was atop it where much of my attention was drawn.

"You see the problem," Madeline stated as we both looked at the latex male torso laying upon the dark wooden surface. Clearly a sex doll, the 'problem' she pointed out was obvious. The erection... wasn't. Erect, that is. The attached life-like cock was clearly snapped at the base and feebly sagged down upon the nubs of thigh at the pelvis.

"I...I don't know what this has to do..." I began before realizing. "Oh, this was your delivery!"

"Yes. And it's necessary for one of our sessions."

"Oh," I had no idea what 'sessions' she could have been alluding to and she seemed to perceive my confusion.

"Look, take a seat, um...I didn't get your name?"


"Aaron, please," she gestured to a leather chair and I sat. "As I said earlier, I'm the manager here at the I.L.F. The Institute of Liberating Femininity. We're an exclusive foundation aimed at providing women with an outlet for their libidinous creativity, in whatever form."

I was still thinking of the acronym, Madeline the manager of the I.L.F. That would make her the M.I.L.F I mused but kept the joke to myself.

"We have a symposium this weekend for mature ladies with varied seminars and workshops. This fellow," she pointed at our friend upon the desk. "Was for one of those sessions."

"Oh," I again stated.

"So, you see we have a problem. These women have paid well for this weekend and they expect satisfaction. And I as manager intend to meet their expectations."

"Okay," I nodded, unsure of where she was headed.

"And this is where you come in," she leaned forward in her chair awaiting my response.

"Wait, what?" I swallowed.

"Well, it was your company that delivered the faulty merchandise," she stated. "Is it not only right that you stand in for such?"

Again, I questioned. "I'm sorry?"

To this she took out a journal and lifted a pen from a holder.

"How old are you, Aaron?"

"Twenty-two. I don't see..."

"And are you single?"

"Yes, but..."

"Any venereal diseases or history of?"

"No!" I stood. "What is this? You expect me to somehow fill in for a sex doll?"

"Good, while you're up can you remove your clothes for me?" She matter-of-factly proposed.

"What the fuck?"

"Well obviously I'd need to inspect you," she responded, incredulous.

"Ah, can we just take a step back here?" I asked.

"Is one thousand dollars adequate?"

"What?" I felt myself calm down somewhat at the figure. "You're serious?"

"Well, of course, you have to be paid for your trouble," she smiled. "Would fifteen hundred be more suitable?"

I began to remove my shirt.


Madeline Faine walked around the desk and stopping before me rested her ass back upon its edge, crossing her legs at the ankles. She lowered her glasses down on her nose and leaned forward somewhat to closer inspect my penis. "Shaved. That's good," she commented. "You're a 'grower' I assume?" She looked back up into my eyes and I felt myself blush at her appraisal of my size when flaccid.

"I'm just over average," I heard myself defend my cock, amazed at how surreal the day had become. Once more she gazed downwards before dropping to her haunches.

"May I?" She looked up into my face as she raised a hand and I dumbly nodded.

Her touch was light and warm as she cupped my shaved balls, massaging each individually before moving on to my cock. This she lifted to a vertical position and in doing so, I began to harden.

"Ooh, here we go," she let out a giggle and it was the first time her demeanor had been anything less than professional from the moment we met. Frustratingly she let go of my cock just when things were getting good and rose up before me. She was at least thirty years my senior, in her heels, slightly taller than me and naked as I was, totally in control of the situation. It actually felt hot as hell.

Once more she leaned back upon the desk and I noticed she in turn had begun to show a red hue around her exposed neck. I could still smell her perfume and with her breasts jutting out suggestively, my cock continued its ascension. "We've never had a man here," she admitted, her eyes glancing down to see how my erection was doing. "I'm not sure how some of our clients will take it. Many lesbians you see," she elaborated. "But a cock's a cock," she smiled and moved back around the desk. "And if they're happy using a dildo, then they can't complain if I offer them the real thing now, can they?"

I didn't know how to answer that but instantly felt some trepidation as to what I was heading into. "Um, Madeline. What exactly is it I'm meant to do?"

Her smile remained. "Mm, I probably should have explained a little more shouldn't I've!? You, my dear. To put it bluntly, will be a prop. The early evening session, where our little limp friend here would've played a starring role, you'll now be expected to be the demonstration 'dummy,' so to speak."

I took it to mean I'd be something like a life model in an art class, with the possibility of sex. It sounded pretty good to me and my cock was equally as enthusiastic, standing proud, pointing directly at Madeline.

"I take it you're not a virgin?" She asked, to which I shook my head. "And how are you for stamina?"

It was a good question. Living with my mother at present, quick masturbation sessions in the bathroom had been my recent modus operandi, the quicker the orgasm the better. It had been a few months since I'd last had actual sex and I wondered how long I'd actually last. Madeline must have seen the doubt on my face and made a dismissing motion with her hand. "Don't worry, I'll check our dispensary for a dulling cream. Well..." She paused before rising once more. "Let's get you started."

I made to pick up my clothes from the chair behind me but she stopped my progress. "What are you doing?" She laughed. "You won't be needing them again!"


I walked naked beside her as we left the office, my cock steadily softening as we entered the foyer and made our way toward the grand staircase. Madeline gestured to slowly opening double sliding doors opposite as we bypassed the stairs and I caught sight of flesh in the room. The image taking my breath away as I saw what may have been more than ten women in various stages of undress. "The 'meditative masturbation' class has just ended," Madeline said. "It's why I was whispering earlier."

"Is that everyone?" I asked as we turned a corridor below the staircase and headed further into the house.

"Oh, heavens no!" Madeline laughed. "Barely a third show up for that. The others will be around. There's plenty to occupy oneself here Darling."

We entered through an archway and around another corner, my head spinning at the enormity of the building, finally coming to a door marked 'staff.' Inside was a changing room that wouldn't look out of place at a gym or a high school locker room. Steel lockers either side with a bench between, communal shower at the other end. "If you could take a shower, I just need to go and make some arrangements," Madeline stated before leaving via another connecting door.

Alone and I wondered what the hell I'd gotten myself into? I entered the shower and using attached pumps of soap and shampoo, lathered my body beneath the water. It was as I was rinsing away the suds, the door we'd entered opened and I had company. And it wasn't Madeline.

"Oh," the first of four identically dressed girls exclaimed as they all entered the change rooms proper and looked upon my nudity. "Um, are you supposed to be here?"

I turned off the water and not having thought about what I was going to dry myself with, stepped from the shower dripping, running my hands though my shoulder length hair to remove the water. Roughly my age, possibly younger, they wore white pleated skirts so short they exposed their vaginas, only one of which I noticed had a modicum of pubic hair. Not at all covering their breasts, were sheer white nylon tops, nipples clearly visible. Each in the highest of red heels, their 'uniform' was completed with red ribbons tying pigtails in their hair.

Their presence intimidating under the circumstances, I was surprised when I began to harden and watched their combined eyes drop to my groin, smirks appearing. Saved from explaining myself, Madeline re-entered the room and defended my attendance. "Oh good, girls, you've met Aaron."

I waved a hand and gladly accepted a towel when Madeline offered, drying my face and surreptitiously covering my nudity. "He's here to help."

"But I didn't think we had men..." the girl with the covering of pubic hair challenged.

"Well exceptional circumstances call for...oh, you get the drift," Madeline dismissed the debate and instead inspected the girls, pulling the skirt of one up higher on her hips to expose more pussy and buttock. "Good. Okay. I've spoken with the chef and canapés are ready to be served in the library. So, you girls hop to it."

There was a giggle as they exited the second door, with Madeline playfully patting each on the ass as they departed, one (pubic hair girl) waving to me as she left. I was again rock hard and Madeline noted when she lay her eyes back upon me. "Well, that looks to be in working order," she smiled and took the towel when I'd completed drying. "But just in case," she opened a locker and hung the towel before holding up a plastic container she pulled from a small toiletries bag slung from her wrist, the blue pills inside not needing any explanation. "And also," she added, withdrawing a toothpaste-like tube. "De-sensitizing cream. This," she emphasized. "I strongly suggest you use."

These she placed inside the locker with the towel and indicated the toiletries bag was mine and I'd find all I needed inside for the weekend. My clothing and phone, left in her office, she'd fetch shortly. Taking a deep breath, Madeline seemed to be taking a moment to steady herself before she reached out with both hands and clutched my bare arms. "Right. I know this is a lot to take in right now, your head's probably spinning. Am I right?" She smiled warmly and I felt the urge to kiss her. I would've legitimately been happy just to have sex with her and be on my way, despite the possibility of what was to come.

"You said it," I admitted as she studied my face, looking up at my towel dried hair.

"That's okay. I know I've been all formal since we met but understand I'm just a normal person," she soothed as she moved in closer, her breast almost pressing my chest, my hard-on definitely poking her stomach. "I've a strong work ethic but I like to have fun too," her hands sliding up into my hair and gathering my locks into what I could feel was a top knot, tying it with a hair tie from around her wrist. "What I'm saying is, you should too. Be positive, be polite, be professional. But above all, enjoy yourself. The women will see it and they'll appreciate it. We're all friends here, okay?" She finished tying back my hair and with her warm breath exciting me no end, leaned in and kissed me upon the cheek.

It was the pep talk I needed and I could actually feel myself relax. I had no idea what was in stall for me, but whatever it was, I was horny, I was hard, and I was ready.


"Wait out here," Madeline commanded as we stood outside doors beside the entrance. The walk from the change room hadn't been uneventful, striding past what I realized was the earlier referred to library and seeing two of the pleated skirt girls serving champagne to elegantly dressed women. Madeline explained there was an erotic literature reading and I didn't escape without some curious glances from the ladies within. "I'll go in and explain the situation and then introduce you, okay?"

She made to slide open the door and I stopped her.

"Wait," my erection softening with sudden nerves. "What is this? What am I going to do in there?"

"Oh, Darling," she giggled, touching my arm once more. "I forgot to tell you, didn't I? It's a fellatio workshop!"

She slid open the door enough to slip through and I found myself alone. From my vantage I could see inside without being observed from within and what I spied had me once again hardening. There were more than ten women that I could see. Most clothed conservatively, skirts, dresses, pantyhose. A couple were down to their undergarments, lingerie, sitting upon a couch together, their legs entwined. Both wearing thigh high stockings, one with garters. They shared a kiss and with cheeks touching turned to look at Madeline as she strode into the room.