Starcrossed Ch. 01


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"Really?" Erina paused in the hallway, challenging the crown prince with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh yes. Gave me a look like she wanted to suck my cock in the middle of the ballroom. I was tempted too," he turned to Erina, brushing her chin with his thumb. "She had a delicious set of lips."

"Hm," she replied evenly as they continued on their way. "The Lady Drusis seemed to make an impression."

"Yes-as a conniving, manipulative bitch. See what you can do to keep her away from me the rest of her time here," Alex said sharply. He understood that the competition would be fierce this week, but he hated to see someone trying to advance by tearing other people down. "The Lady Altia impressed me, however."

"I think you just want the rumors about Unpauans to be true for your own sake," Erina laughed as they reached his quarters, pausing at the door. "And the Lady Deena?"

"I wasn't very subtle there, was I?"

"Not in the slightest. That little performance at the line and then you go and give her the first dance too? What's the matter, couldn't squeeze in a grope as well?"

Alex's eyes turned hard at that, and Erina offered a raised hand in apology.

"I can try to spin it as a more of a friendly thing, talk up how she's a family friend..."

Alex shook his head, dismissing the suggestion.

"I didn't even realize she was coming until she was announced," he said wistfully, leaning against the doorframe. "And she's certainly grown up to be quite a beauty."

"Indeed," Erina said, frowning slightly, "talk about beautiful lips, hm? Among other things..."

Alex nodded, looking into Erina's grey eyes.

"She does have very large... tracts of land. I've seen the plantations of Ashnan, they're endless."

Erina groaned at his attempted wit, returning to her datapad.

"Hardly," Erina said quickly, blocking his advance with the edge of her pad. "I can't tonight. I have to meet with Horace and review reports from the party," she said softly, regret in her voice. It quickly passed, her usual demeanor returning. "Now you have a full day tomorrow. I've sent you a complete itinerary, and you will review it by morning. You wouldn't want any more surprises this week, would you?"

"No, I suppose not. I'll see you in the morning, Erina. Good night."
"Good night, milord," she said, giving a quick bow as she moved off down the corridor.

This whole thing must be bothering her more than she's letting on. He nodded to the guard at his door as he entered his quarters, closing the door and locking himself in.

He'd asked her repeatedly if she was bothered by the idea of him selecting his bride in such an open and grotesque spectacle, but she'd insisted that it was the way it had to be.

"Well, that's Erina for you," Alex muttered as he stripped off his uniform, "won't tell you how she's fucking feeling." Once he had stripped off his uniform and tossed it across the room, he glanced down at his cock, throbbing and hard in his underwear. "No question how you feel, huh?"

It was true. All those women, knowing they'd all jump at the chance if he'd asked them to join him in a cloakroom. Even the loathsome Drusis... he'd have bent her over a balcony railing in a moment if he could.

It was with that image in his head that he noticed a lump under his bed covers. He was about to dive for his saber when he heard it giggle. With a quick yank he pulled the covers off the bed.

"Laen... and what brings you here tonight?" Alex asked, his mood improving.

"Lady Erina said you would need my company this evening," Laen said, her eyes slightly downcast. Her dark eyes rose to meet his, a wry smile on her lips. "If it would please you?"

"It would please me greatly," Alex said as he practically leapt onto the bed, pulling the giggling nude girl into his arms. "So tell me, my dear, what have you heard about the party?"

"Well, I heard that you danced with the Lady Deena first... actually, there was a lot of talk that you were quite smitten with her," she giggled, tracing his muscular chest with her fingers.

"Smitten? Really?" Alex had to wonder at that. Was he smitten? Or had a beautiful woman merely caught his eye? An old friend become a potential love? As his kisses trailed down Laen's collarbone, he pushed such thoughts to the back of his mind. There would be time enough to think on the troubles of selecting his queen.

"The elder Princess, Jalea, apparently got so drunk she had to be escorted from the hall back to her shuttle. I also heard two of the women nearly came to blows." She trailed off for a moment as Alex's mouth descended to her full breasts. "The Lady Altia confronted the Lady Drusis over spreading rumors... ooh... they actually had to be separated by a footman. He was almost struck for his troubles!" Laen laughed, fading into a gasp as Alex moved to her gumdrop sized nipples. "Oh, milord, you know I love that..."

"I do," Alex whispered, pausing to kiss her soft lips, "and I know you like this even more." His kisses trailed down, past her heaving breasts, down her soft stomach to the light blonde curls and her slit. Laen groaned, but suddenly pulled Alex's head up to her lips, kissing him hotly, only to shove him off of her and onto his back.

"Not tonight, my lord," she said, quickly jumping on top of him. "I always come to you with grand plans to seduce you, and every time I find myself screaming your name as you pleasure me. Tonight," she slid down his body, her hard nipples dragging down his stomach, "allow me to finish what those noble women started."

Alex didn't say anything as she drew his underwear down his thighs, his hard cock flopping back against his belly. She pulled it back to her face, licking up the shaft to the head, her tiny tongue flicking around it before pulling it into her mouth. As she descended down his shaft, he groaned quietly, her hot mouth enveloping him. Laen pulled him from her mouth, looking up at him with her dark, mysterious eyes.

"I think..." she whispered, her tongue still flicking at his cock, "I think I'd like to finish you quickly, at first. You feel so hard tonight..." she punctuated this with a strong squeeze on his shaft. "Did those noble ladies get you going, my lord? Did seeing them in all their finery get you this hard?"

"Seeing you got me this hard, Lae," Alex whispered, loving this assertiveness. She smiled at the compliment, only to pounce on his cock hungrily, swallowing him deep down her throat and practically fucking him with her mouth. Alex could only groan and hang on tight.


"And did you see the looks on their faces when he took you to dance? You could have landed a bulk hauler in their mouths!" Sophie downed her third after-party drink, quickly pouring another. "Oh, I can't wait to call your father with the news."

"What news? You have nothing to tell him!" Deena shouted, exasperated. "And I saw the jealousy in their eyes, but I also saw the daggers," Deena said, pulling her shoes off her feet, moving so Winifred could help her take the gown off. Deena was exhilarated, but at the same time anxious, near terrified. She refused to get her hopes up. "Alex was just happy to see me... I don't think he-"

"Oh come now! Did you see the way he looked at you? I know lust when I see it, darling." She finished off her drink with a gulp. "I bet he couldn't even think of those other girls after having all that in his face," she said, indicating Deena's décolletage.
"Mother!" Deena gasped, shocked. "I... I'm tired, mother. I just want to take a shower and get to bed. I have a full day ahead of me tomorrow, so..." Deena took her mother's hand, handing her off to Winifred. Sophie, nearly drunk as she was, cooperated as they guided her from the common room into her bedroom. They had been put in a large suite in the guest quarters, another sign of their esteem with the royal family. Many of the Prince's suitors were staying in their ships or nearby hotels.

"Oh Mitra, thank you Win," Deena said as they extricated her from the gown. As Winifred hung it in a closet, Deena peeled off her corset and underwear, stripping down for the shower. "So have you heard anything?"

"Well... the Lady Drusis doesn't appear to have made herself any friends, that much is clear. I suppose what flies on Ix isn't as acceptable here in the core. And... there is a lot of buzz about you, my lady. You've surprised everyone."

Deena groaned, stomping off to the bathroom.

"Deena, honey, this is good news!" Winifred shouted after the nude girl as she slammed the door behind her.

Alone in the bathroom, Deena stewed for a moment in thought. She had seen the look in his eyes. But perhaps mother was right, and that was just lust? He was surrounded by eligible women, which would get any man's blood boiling. But after what he said...

She also knew Alex's responsibilities: he wouldn't be picking a girl he liked, wouldn't be picking the most attractive girl or the girl he lusted after. He'd be picking the woman who would make the best queen. The woman with the most connections at court. With the most influential family. With a father that could be a useful ally. And that probably wasn't her.

But then again... Deena had been so focused on not getting her hopes up for this ridiculous spectacle that she hadn't allowed herself to consider that she might actually be chosen. Now that she was here, and it seemed to actually be happening, she could scarcely believe it.

It was more than just lust when he looked at me. I mean it was lust too, but there was more. Happiness. Longing.

She activated the shower cubicle, several showerheads bursting to life and spraying the enclosure with streaming water. As the tiled stall heated up, Deena considered herself in the mirror. Her large breasts sat high on her chest, her large nipples hard, even in the warm room. Deena played with them absently, tracing down her gently rounded belly to the juncture of her thighs. She had taken to shaving some years ago, as it was currently the fashion. She gently stroked her smooth lips, felt her hard little clit. Dipping a finger in her folds, she wasn't surprised to find herself quite wet.

"Oh hell," she muttered as she stepped into the shower. "Perhaps Alex isn't the only one having lustful thoughts..." She stepped under the hot water, the multiple sprays pelting her from all angles. She noticed that her hand had yet to leave her wet pussy, and smiled at herself. While still a virgin at twenty-five, in this age of the Cortex and adult-only starcast channels, she was not naïve about sex or what she liked. As her fingers spread her pussy lips and traced a finger along her clit, she imagined that it was Alex in the shower with her right now, his large hand exploring her folds.

She slumped against the shower wall, filling her other hand with gel and lathering up her tits and belly. Her other hand stayed busy, rubbing her clit firmly, letting the feelings blossom. In her mind, Alex was on his knees before her, his face buried in her cunt, his fingers thrusting deeply inside as he sucked her clit. Noticing a series of hip-high nozzles, she turned to expose her clit to the pulsing spray. A shuddering moan escaped her as the hot water slammed into her, her fingers pulling her hard nipples, the slick nubs slipping in and out of her grasp.

Moaning quietly, she slid a hand around behind her to the full cheeks of her ass. Reaching between them, she rubbed soapy fingers against her asshole, loving the deliciously dirty feelings it gave her. In her mind it was Alex's finger that forced it's way inside, Alex's tongue relentless on her clit.

Her moans filled the bathroom as her fantasy began to run away with her. Alex would kiss up her belly to her tits, sucking her nipples on his way to her mouth. His kisses would light a fire in her as his thick cock -and Deena just knew he had to have a nice, big thick one- would slip into her pussy and force her open, pushing to her core in one hard, brutal thrust. He'd fuck her like a savage, his hands filled with her big ass as he pounded her against the shower wall.

Her orgasm hit her quickly, surprising her. Her ass clamped down on her fingers, pulsing as the waves went through her. She slumped down a little, sliding to the floor of the steamy shower, her fingers still thrusting into her ass and rubbing her clit, bringing herself down slowly. Leaning her head back, she opened her eyes, nibbling her bottom lip.

"Fucking hell. Can I actually pull this off?" she asked the empty room.


"Oh Laen... you delicious girl you," Alex groaned, his voice weak.

"Mmmm," she hummed, pulling his softening cock from her mouth, "I think you're pretty tasty as well, highness."

She had indeed finished him off quickly, bringing him to a gasping, thrashing orgasm in minutes and swallowing every drop as her hands pumped furiously at his shaft. She continued to play with his half-hard cock, licking and nibbling him as he panted, drained.

"I don't think any of those noble ladies could have done that, do you?"

Alex laughed aloud, still gasping. "I doubt it, Lae, I really do. By the gods, I feel like I came a gallon."

This earned him a snort from Laen, causing the two lovers to laugh. Alex pulled the giggling maid to his lips and kissed her, tasting hints of his cum on her tongue, not caring. They kissed softly for some time, when suddenly Alex grabbed her, pulling her hips up to his face, parking her plump ass above him as he devoured her pussy. He hungrily lapped at her, big broad licks from her tight hole to her clit. He would linger there, teasing her as she gasped, gripping the headboard.

Alex slipped two thick fingers into Laen's grasping cunt, gently fucking her as he kept up his lapping tongue. She tensed above him, his fingers stretching her open as they sawed in and out of her, teasing her g-spot with each thrust. She relaxed against the headboard, moaning quietly. Laen always got a perverse thrill from having the Crown Prince pleasure her, having the most powerful man in the system kneeling between her thighs. This time was no different, even though he lay beneath her.

Pulling a finger free, he pulled her hard clit into his mouth while he slipped the slick digit back to toy with her asshole. Laen went crazy from all the stimulation, gushing her orgasm all over his face as she gasped his name. While still in the midst of her orgasm, Alex flipped the young girl onto her back, bringing his awakened cock to her clenching pussy, firmly pushing his way in.

"Oh! Oh Alex, ah, I, your highness," Laen gasped, wrapping her slim arms and legs around him and pulling him close. He fucked her deeply through her orgasm, the waves crashing over her again as he pounded her pussy mercilessly. Laen dug her nails into his back hard, the pleasure almost turning into pain as she just kept cumming on his thrusting cock. Alex pushed up to look her in the eyes, saw the frenzy there and slowed his thrusts, just stirring his cock in her clenching pussy. They stayed like that for some time, gently grinding into each other as Laen's heart calmed.

"Oh my lord... That was beautiful," she gasped, her eyes wide. They kissed, her soft lips cool under his. She squeezed him inside of her. "You haven't cum? My lord, I don't know if I can take much, oh, oh my lord," she trailed off into a groan as Alex slowly resumed his pumping, chasing his own pleasure now.

"You are so wet tonight, Laen."

"I'm sorry my lord," Laen gasped, "I can't help it... It's all those women, those noble ladies... they all want you, want to have you, but tonight you're here, fucking me, making me yours, oh, making me cuuuum..."

"Is that it?" Alex asked, intrigued. He took her hands in his, pinning her arms above her head as he picked up the pace, pounding her into the mattress, pumping his cock all the way in, pulling back to just the head, only to thrust back with all his might. He could feel his orgasm coming, wanted her to finish with him.

"Mh-hm," Laen nodded between moans, tears leaking from her eyes.

"I wonder how many of those noble ladies would trade places with you right now..." Alex whispered, gently kissing her throat, "to feel me deep inside them, fucking them..."

Alex groaned, pulling Laen close as he exploded inside her, the two lovers shivering, clutching the other close until they collapsed back on the sweaty sheets, desperate for breath. Alex rolled to the side, pulling Laen to his chest. They both lay there for some time, just savoring the calm.

"You know, your highness, I think I would actually trade places with one of the noble women tonight," Laen said suddenly, her hand tracing along his chest.

"Oh? Who?"

"The Lady Deena."

Alex moved to look her in the eye.

"You've never looked at me the way you looked at her tonight. Good night, highness," she whispered, turning over and cuddling her ass against him.

Alex was suddenly wide-awake. He lay back on the pillows and stared at the ceiling as Laen's comment echoed in his mind. As Laen's breaths turned regular, Alex slipped from the bed and padded to the balcony, looking out over the palace gardens and the suburbs of the Capital City beyond them. Looking up, he could see the moon Ghedora in the sky, its own cities glittering even from a quarter million kilometers away.

He had been dreading this, having to choose his bride. He already had a woman he loved, and he couldn't stand that he was being forced to push her aside because of rules laid down a thousand years before he was born. Rules he hadn't any say in and never asked for, rules seemingly designed to get between him and what he wanted.

What the hell do I want? This had been the thought tearing him up every day leading up to this charade. He was happy enough with things the way they were: he was already the de facto monarch, in everything but title. He had a woman he loved by his side, even if he couldn't do so publicly. What more could a man want?

A family. He knew it so thoroughly that it was impossible to ignore. Of all his memories of his father, the most vivid were of the four of them together. He and Donald would play in the gardens while his parents would watch over them, laughing at their antics, taking part themselves.

One time, maybe a few weeks before the accident, he and Donald were sparring under Horace's guidance. Donald was older, and a better swordsman besides, but Alex managed to disarm Donald, sending his older brother sprawling to the ground. Alex had whooped in triumph, turning to ask if his parents had seen him. He caught them in their own little world, Beatrice leaning back against Philip's chest. They were laughing at something, and looked as happy as two people could be.

I want that. That happiness. To be whole.

He couldn't get that with the way things were now. He may have all the power of king, but he wouldn't be able to have a family outside of marriage. So a family meant a wife. And a wife meant picking one of his potential suitors, his feelings for Erina notwithstanding.

His mind turned to the events of the evening. So if he was to pick a bride, who was it to be? As he thought over the various noble ladies parading past him, he knew that there was only one of them he could imagine spending any more time with, let alone the rest of his life. He released a breath he didn't even realize he was holding.

"Well I guess that's that then." He shook his head. "Great Maker I hope you know what you're doing."


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With the decision made a sense of calm came over him, and he took one last look over his kingdom before returning to his bed.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Reading your story makes it almost like you are there.

bornwildnfreebornwildnfreeabout 8 years ago

Well written I can't wait to see what happens next!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago


Scurvydog44035Scurvydog44035about 13 years ago
Brand new to this story.

I just finished this chapter because part 3 came out and it seamed interesting. I began with this chapter and I didnt want it to end. I liked the political intrigue, childhood friend angle, assistant that is loved and in love. I cant wait to read chapter 2.

Good job and I just know it will get better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Very Nice

Great start. Beautifully done. I like where it seems to be going. I hope there are many more chapters to this story.

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