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"Okay," she replied, as she put her glass down on the counter and sidled up to me. "I understand."

Sure she did. She responded by stepping in front of me and taking my glass out of my hand and putting it next to hers. She was much taller in her heels, and it allowed her to put her hand on my neck and pull me toward her for a kiss.

It was a gently, careful kiss - soulful. Taken out of context it was a most innocent kiss. Her lips were moist, silky and pliable. The silence in the house only intensified the soft little moans that escaped us both. An observer would have thought it a kiss borne of a lovely date at a restaurant - a semi-platonic thank you kiss.

Unfortunately, that is not the way my penis responded. The kiss may have continued as a tongue-less 'thank you for a lovely evening' buss, if my erection had stayed under control. But once she pressed her slender body against mine, I was literally hard as a rock within seconds. This did not go unnoticed.

"Hmmm," she whispered in the softest voice imaginable. "Someone else seems to like the idea of a naked swim."

"He may. But he doesn't make the decisions around here," I valiantly tried to counter. "He's just a little riled up from the conversation tonight."

"Mmmm. So am I." Our kiss deepened and I figured a little making out was fine. Damn, this young lady was one fine kisser. It was when I felt her tongue emerge, followed by my own, that I knew I might be in trouble. The sound of her gentle whimper as we began to French kiss in earnest made me realize where we were headed.

I wanted this - worse than anything. But I had to think clearly. I knew myself. If we continued down this path, we would be up all night and I would either miss the interview in the morning or be a total basket case if I was able to scrape myself into Manhattan. I broke the kiss, both of breathing heavy and red in the face.

"Stella. Please. I want to...but I can't," I gasped. "Tomorrow. Please."

She smiled in an understanding way and pulled back.

"It's okay. I do understand," she smiled. "But what are we going to do with this?" she asked, looking down at the thick protrusion arcing my slacks off to the left. "I know you're going to have to take care of it...tonight. Allow me. I'll be quick. Then you can get a good night's sleep."

As she talked she was unbuckling my belt and unsnapping my pants. I was helpless and I could tell that she was not going to be denied. She was right; I would have had to have cum before sleeping. She was only going to check an item off my list before bedtime. I was half undone before she paused, looked over her shoulder, then quickly grabbed a cushion off a nearby chair. She smiled as she threw it on the floor at my feet and continued her unbuckling procedure.

Young Stella had been around her share of belts and zippers; that was clear. Within seconds she had my slacks in a crumpled bundle at my feet. I had taken my shoes off when we'd arrived back at the house, so I stepped out of them gingerly as she folded my trousers neatly and reached up to place them on the counter. She then reached up to unbutton my shirt. She didn't remove it; just pushed it aside.

I was wearing tight white boxer briefs and the thick bulge of my enormous erection was pushed off to my left side. She knelt in her lovely little summer dress and placed her hands on my thighs and her face inches from my rock hard cock.

"Oh my, Jake. Look at what we have here," she said in the sweetest little voice. Her small hand gently squeezed the long thick mass in my briefs. "I think we need to address this situation before you go to sleep. My parents did tell me to take care of you, you know."

I wanted to say something, but I was speechless. The feel of her feathery touch only made me harder. My erection wasn't just lying there placidly; it was clearly pressing out the stretchy fabric of my underwear. With a devilish smile, Stella grabbed the elastic band at the waist and slowly pulled down. It pulled my erection with it, until it hit the breaking point. I sprung up like a well-used diving board that had just propelled a diver into the air. It was long, thick and as hard as I had ever been. As I was released, my erection bounced forward and struck her cheek. I heard Stella gasp as she watched it waiver and meet a point of equilibrium.

"Oh, Jake. What a beautiful cock," she whispered. She pulled my briefs down and off. My cock stood forth between the tails of my blue Brooks Brothers shirt, cantilevered over Stella's pretty young face below. She moved up slightly so my length was now resting on her pretty face. It was an incredible sight.

I felt her engage the bottom of the shaft with her tongue and she began to move below - licking the lower ridge and flicking her tongue so effectively. As she got toward the tip, she righted herself, looked up at me with puppy dog eyes and pursed her lips on the underside of the head of my cock. She sucked softly and I felt the tip of her tongue grazing that magical spot. There was no way I could not respond to her efforts.

"Oh, That's so good. You are taking care of me, aren't you," I declared.

"Mmhmm," she moaned. She disengaged to reply. "I am, Jake. I always do what my parents say."

With that pronouncement, she opened her mouth while maintaining eye contact. Her lips slowly closed around the tip of my shaft and I heard a muffled moan escape from her core. I know my eyes must have been wide as saucers as I leaned against the kitchen counter and realized the enormity of what was happening. My best friends' daughter was sucking my cock in their kitchen - and this was just the beginning.

She curled her left hand up under my ball sac and cradled my tightened testicles gently. Her right forefinger and thumb encircled the lower half of my shaft and slid up and down slowly as she slowly tended to the tip. Her lips stretched beautifully around the girth of the top couple inches of my erection as she used her hands and mouth to pleasure me. I groaned in appreciation.

"Oh my God, Stella. That feels so good. Oh man..."

I rested my hand on her head and felt her slowly bobbing on my cock. The sight, the sensation, the sounds, were out of this world. The house was completely silent except for the soft whimpers and subtle sucking sounds emanating from Stella. God, how I love to hear those intimate sounds of a hungry female mouth and the hard male penis. It's music to my ears and arouses me no end.

And Stella wasn't shy about putting her blowjob skills on display right out of the gate. Her sugar daddy had taught her well, I could see. She kept looking up at me as I gazed down at her mastery of the subject. She spit on my cock several times - huge gobs of saliva that were soon trailing between her lips and the tip of my cock when she would disengage for a breath of air. This wasn't your everyday blowjob. She was pulling out all the stops and, knowing I had to get to bed, was doing her best to make me cum - and soon.

Who was I to complain? I hadn't expected this, but I wasn't going to say no. I thought how hot tomorrow was going to be when I returned back to Mount Kisco and had the whole evening to spend with Stella. This was just a precursor...a very sloppy appetizer.

I looked down at Stella as she began her final assault - gearing up for what I knew was going to be a huge load of cum. With my balls in her left hand and the root of my hard cock in her right, she bobbed on my erect penis with a gentle determined suck and our eyes locked for the finish.

It came, so to speak, rather quickly as I felt my climax almost erupt with a pulsing flood of semen spurting into Stella's mouth. She moaned as she sucked it all down and gulped in an attempt to corral every last drop. My body shivered with the release and I stared at her with delight as she licked me clean and smiled up at me with cum dripping out of her mouth and down her chin. She had tried to claim it all, but it had been hard and powerful. She had done her best. In fact, I liked to see the residue on her pretty chin.

"Stella...that was above and beyond the call," I groaned.

"Well, my parents brought me up to be a good hostess. I'm only doing my job," she laughed.

"Well, you excelled at it, I must say. I'd tell your parents how wonderful you were, but, well, I guess I better not," I smiled.

"No, I agree. I think I would leave out certain details," she giggled. "Dinner was great. Just tell them that we had an engaging conversation."

I pulled her up from knees and offered to play with her in kind. But she insisted that I should go to bed and get ready for tomorrow. She'd be fine, she said, and I could return the favor the next night. I knew she was right - and though I felt a bit guilty leaving her without out a return gesture, I also knew I had tomorrow night to make it up to her. We parted company in the kitchen after I had pulled my trousers back on, and we said goodnight. We agreed that the next night would be a private pool party for two and I headed downstairs - feeling both guilty and charged up. What would tomorrow night bring?


I was up early and out the door the next morning and figured Stella was still in bed, asleep. I knew I had to keep thoughts of her out of my head as I got into interview mode, but I also knew that was going to be difficult to do. Images of Stella flashed through my head on the train ride south. But once I was in the city and with my team getting ready for the meeting, I was able to keep thoughts of her at bay. The interview, in the end, went extremely well and our team felt confident in our performance. If we didn't get the project, at least we had put our best foot forward. We would know in a week. We all headed to a local restaurant for lunch and a replay of the interview.

Once lunch was behind me and I had stayed the requisite time with my colleagues, I said my goodbyes, took my leave and my thoughts rapidly turned to what lay in wait for me up in Mouth Kisco. I scurried back to Grand Central and hopped on the first Metro North train headed that way. I settled into my seat for the hour's journey and my mind went back to last night. I replayed our dinner in my head - all the incredible information we had shared - and then closed my eyes and relived the scene in the kitchen before going to bed.

My daydreams lasted most of the trip north and my heartbeat raced as the announcer called out "Next stop, Mount Kisco. Mind the gap between the train and the platform." I was ready to mind a gap, but it wasn't the one at the station. I hopped in my rental car and was punching the code into the keypad at the house within ten minutes of arrival.

It was close to 4pm by the time I pulled into the driveway and pulled myself out of my vehicle. I had received a few teasing texts from Stella during the day and knew she'd be out by the pool. This was her second to last full day at home and she had said she was going to veg out the entire day by the pool - reading and sunning her exquisite body.

I entered my downstairs lair by the private side door and shed my clothes. I put on one of the two bathing suits I had brought and readied myself for whatever was about to unfold. With towel in hand I opened the sliding glass door and headed out to the pool. It was late afternoon, a warm summer day and the sun was slanted over the trees on the west side of the pool. As I headed for the far end of the pool, I saw Stella on one of the chaises up against the stone retaining wall; bathing in the late afternoon glow of the setting sun. She was wearing a tiny red bikini and had on large sunglasses and the baseball cap she had worn the previous night. I smiled, gave a subtle wave, and proceeded to the far end of the pool.

I could feel her eyes upon me as I shed my tee shirt, threw my towel onto a chair and stood at the edge of the pool. I shook my hands, took a deep breath - doing my best Olympic swimmer impersonation - and dove smoothly into the deep end of the pool. I swam underwater the length of the pool, emerged at the far end and walked up the steps.

"Hi, Stella." I stood up in the shallow water and gracefully exited the pool up the steps - straight toward where Stella was gracefully reclining. My wet suit clung closely to my hips and lower extremities and I could feel her eyes on me through her sunglasses.

"Hi Jake. How was the interview?"

"Excellent," I replied. "But I'm happy to be back here, I must say." I stood before her and let her survey my body. At 6-2 and 175 pounds I had a slender physique that benefited from regular exercise and occasional weight training. My short gray hair and beard required no care after a brief dip. Stella's lips were curved in a smile that was a very good sign.

"I thought I'd read something in today's schedule about topless martinis at happy hour. What can you tell me about that?" I inquired.

She smiled and picked up an errant piece of paper and pretended she was checking her schedule. "Hmmm, it appears you're correct. But according to this the patron has to be naked before any martinis are forthcoming." She threw the paper down on a side table with an expectant look. I decided to play along and dropped trou immediately. I kicked my suit away in a wet heap and stood naked in front of my young friend - my friends' young daughter.

I had never been embarrassed to be naked - in front of women or my teammates in the locker room in days gone by. My flaccid cock hung heavily between my legs. I had shaved that morning and I knew she'd be pleased. I stood and watched her as she scanned my body and smiled.

"Very well, then. Have a seat and a waitress will be with you shortly."

I sat down on the chaise lounge and got comfortable. I put my legs out in front of me and lifted my cock and balls up to rest lazily on my upper thigh. She eyed me as she stood and walked off toward the outdoor kitchen just around the corner. I watched her cute little butt twitch sinfully as she walked - the red bottom of her bikini tucked up tightly between her small delicious cheeks.

I put my hands behind my head and felt the warm late afternoon sun warming my body as I waited. I could hear ice being swirled by hand in a metal mixer and waited patiently. A few minutes later Stella came walking back with a tray balancing two martini glasses. She had removed her top and I grinned at the sight of her lovely breasts, bouncing ever so subtly, as she walked toward me in only her tiny red bottom.

One thing that caught my eye was the tight rise of her mound under the small bikini bottom. It's an area that always draws my attention, especially if the pubis forms a subtle bulge in the material. It was impossible to hide under such skimpy material - Stella had a very lovely little mound.

"Given the specials you run here, I'm surprised the pool isn't packed with patrons," I suggested.

"Oh this is a very private resort, sir. Only a chosen few get to partake."

"Well, I'm glad to have made the cut," I replied as she walked up between the two chaises and lowered the tray down onto the table between - her small perfect breasts hanging deliciously from her torso. I detected no tan lines, but then, she'd been poolside for the entire day. She arranged the two martini glasses just so and stood up before me.

"I'm not sure I made the martini to your liking. May I check?" she asked innocently. I wasn't sure what she was driving at exactly, but I nodded and smiled.

She leaned forward, put her hands on either side of the low table and lowered her torso toward the glasses. It was then I noticed that she had placed them about 12 inches apart. I watched in amazement as she dipped her nipples into both glasses and then stood. Her areolae glistened with gin as she came over to my chaise, straddled my body in one motion and offered her tips to my mouth.

I was stunned, to say the least, but played along with this wonderful surprise - tasting each pink nipple as she offered one to me, then the other. My tongue swirled around each stiffened tip and she moaned softly as my tongue slathered her hard nipples with attention.

"Well?" she asked excitedly. "Do the martinis meet with your approval?"

"Mmhmm - they do, thank you very much."

Stella leaned against the back of my chaise with both hands as she offered me her lovely young breasts to play with. They were such a perfect shape - a generous B cup, but with such a distinct size and shape. They hung pertly on her slender frame and projected forward and upward with authority. Her hard pink nipples sat high on her breasts and seemed to be aching for attention.

I marveled at her bust and used my hands to explore her flesh and my lips and tongue to taste the residue of gin. As I fondled her loveliness, I felt her hand reach behind her and palm the rigid shaft of my penis. Her small hand wrapped around the meaty girth and slid up and down; urging me to attain a fully erect status.

Once she had me at attention, she moved up and above me; still straddling me, but now standing and leaning forward against the stone wall directly behind my chaise. It was clear that she was now offering her lower body to me as I came face to face with the tiny triangle of her red bikini bottom. My hands wrapped up between her legs and cupped her perfectly tiny butt in my palms. I kissed her red clad pubis and felt the soft flesh of her sex on my lips. As she reached down to her side, I saw that the bottom was attached at each hip with a bow. She untied the left one, quickly switched hands to untie the right one, and her bottom fell onto my chest.

I was now face to face with one of the most beautiful young pussies I had ever seen. She was shaved or waxed smooth and her outer lips formed two thin fleshy ridges that tucked tightly between her slender thighs. Her inner lips were pink and wet and slightly projecting from within. I felt like I was being offered a rare and exquisite delicacy, so I was quick to accept the gesture.

My hands were still cupped on her little bubble cheeks as I gently pulled her to my mouth. As the point of my extended tongue found her clit, just under its glistening hood, I heard a moan from above. What this might have looked like to an outsider - a beautiful naked woman standing on a chaise pressing her pussy into a seated man's face - flashed through my brain as I focused on exploring her juicy pink flesh.

As my tongue swirled through her wet lips and found her tiny erect clit, my mind raced with the enormity of what was taking place. I extended my thumbs between her legs and spread her lips as I dined. My flattened tongue began to lick her length and now it was my moans that joined the fray. She arched her hips forward, inviting me to lick her depths and kiss her in full. As I looked up into her lust-filled eyes, my tongue lashed her clit and flicked it with ever increasing intensity.

While the position was fun and unique, it was also a bit awkward. So after several minutes of hungrily dining on her dripping wet flesh, she moved back to straddle my hips, placing her knees on either side of my mid-section. She sat down directly on my hard penis, pressing it down against my stomach. She leaned down to kiss me and could surely taste herself on my lips. She sat up and we both looked down at where our bodies connected.

"You like the taste of your juices on my lips, Stella?" I asked.

She giggled conspiratorially. "Mmmm, you know I do, Jake."

She was sitting on my erection and it was fully pressed against my stomach. From this angle a couple inches protruded from under her pussy. Her outer labia were splayed across the underside of my cock and she began to rock back and forth, sliding her pussy along my length and leaving me glistening with her juices.

She looked at me as she slid my length - back and forth - then palmed my face lovingly and looked me in the eyes. We kissed, more passionately now, as she cradled my shaft between her wet lips and used it to anchor her humping slide. I could tell she was getting some nice friction on her clit as she controlled the grind. She leaned into my ear and whispered.
