Straight Invaded Pt. 03: Payback

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Married Man Seeks Revenge on Home Invaders.
7.7k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/06/2017
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I copied the e-mail address that sent the picture and tried to see if I could track it somehow. After an hour of googling and searching, I gave up. I deleted the e-mail and emptied the trash bin.

I had been racking my brain all week about how they knew the house was supposed to be empty. They clearly could have gotten my name from the wallet they stole. The leader's voice sounded somewhat familiar. Where did I know that voice from...If that movie ever got out, my life would be ruined.

I thought about hiring a detective, but that would expose my situation. There had been no activity on any of my stolen credit cards. They probably took the cash and tossed the rest.

I scrolled through my e-mails and noticed a week old reminder from the travel agent about the trip...That's it! The travel agent was the same build as the Leader. That could have been him behind the ski mask! It was only 10:30 AM, so I got to their website and found out they were open until 5:00PM.

I put together a plan. I spoke to a friend of mine in law enforcement I went to school with. He is in another state, but told me most departments have a burglary task force that would be extremely interested in a potential serial burglary ring. There is no way I could have been their first robbery. I called our local police department and got the name of the lead burglary detective. My plan was coming together nicely.

I quickly showered and got dressed, checked my phone was fully charged and headed to the travel agency. I arrived about 12:15. It is a small agency with 2 desks when you walk in and an office in the back. There was a young lady at the desk on the left, no one at the other desk, and the office door was open but the light was off. Daniel Fisher was not in. The attractive young lady asked if she could help me.

I asked, "Danny's not in today?"

She replied, "He just left for lunch. He should be back in about an hour."

"Ok, I will come back in a bit. I have some errands to run...Have you had lunch yet?" I asked casually.

Her answer made my day. "No, I get to take lunch when he comes back."

I smiled looking down at her nametag, Well Beth, if I was 20 years younger, and not married, I would be all over asking you to lunch."

She smiled and I headed to the door, thinking this was going to work out perfectly. I would have the little bastard all to myself! When I returned at 1:15, Danny was at the desk on the right, and no one else was in the shop. I walked in casually, as if I knew nothing.

"Hey Danny, I am hoping you can help me out." His eyes widened as he made eye contact, but he recovered quickly, making me have a bit of doubt.

I continued, "I had to send my family ahead on our vacation last week due to problems at work. I got it worked out and already and have next week off. I am hoping I can still get there to finish out the week with them. Hopefully, without costing an arm and a leg."

He looked at me calmly with a slight fidget in his seat. "Oh yeah I recall, the family was going to the Bahama's. I think your file is in the office, come on in," he said standing up and walking toward the office.

As soon as he spoke all doubt was gone. He was the leader.

"Can I get you a cup of coffee or a coke?" he asked.

"Coffee black sounds good," I said walking into the office.

While he walked to the counter in the back of the lobby area, I entered the office. The blinds were down but half open allowing a view from the parking lot. Before sitting down I closed the blinds for privacy.

He walked in with 2 cups of coffee, handed me mine, glanced at the blinds and did a double take. He hesitated for just a second, as if he sensed something was wrong. Then he calmly turned around, closed the office door and sat behind the desk. I pulled out my phone as if checking it, turned on the audio record and sat it on my thigh, face down.

He leaned down and opened the file drawer on his desk, pulled out a file, placed it on the desk and flipped it open. He scanned it for a moment and before he could speak, I cut in.

"So how'd you like my house last Friday?"

He looked up startled and stammered, "Wh...what do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb, Danny! I know you were the one that broke in, robbed me, and made me suck your cock!" I growled.

"What are you talking about? There must be some mistake. I have never been to your house. I am going to have to ask you to leave," he said standing up.

"Sit down!" I grunted. I shuffled a little in my seat, like I might stand up and to confront him. He sat slowly back down and I smiled as I saw the fear on his face.

Giving him my meanest glare, I continued, "I am really not in the mood to play games, so let me cut to the chase. I have contacted detective Rodger Huffman from the burglary task force. He would love to hear about information, I may have, on an active burglary ring in his town. So unless you do exactly as I say, I will be heading over to see him as soon as I walk out that door! Have I got your attention?" I sat back in my seat and smiled.

He thought for a second and spoke quietly and slowly, "Mr. Thompson, I honestly don't know what you are talking about, but you are the customer and I will do whatever it takes to convince you I have not done anything wrong. I just want to provide the best customer experience I can for you. How can I help you with your travel needs?"

"Danny, you are really starting to piss me off," I growled. "Travel needs are not what you will be helping me with today. You can come over here, kneel before me and service your customer. If not, I am off to the see Detective Huffman." I picked my phone off my thigh, spread me knees and smiled.

He looked confused and afraid. He hesitated, looked around nervously, and slowly got up. My dick was stirring as he walked to the door and locked it. My smile widened as I leaned back in my seat, turned my phone to video mode and watched him walk toward me. He stopped in front of me looking down at me, still with a look of fear.

I spoke one word. "knees!"

He dropped slowly down placing his hands on my knees as he slumped down. I held the camera up and started filming..."Action!" I commanded. I know how he felt now. What power.

"First get my shoes and socks off so you can take my pants off for me," I ordered. His head dropped and he complied. After my shoes and socks were removed and set to the side. I continued, "Pants and underwear cocksucker." I liked being on this side of the camera.

My cock was at full attention as he unhooked my belt, slid my zipper down, and began to pull my pants off. I lifted my hips off the seat so he could work them under my ass. My hard cock hung up on my briefs and snapped back to my belly as it broke free. It was incredible to feel the air pass over my throbbing boner, anticipating his hot wet mouth. I slid down in the chair so my balls hung over the edge.

He was a good looking guy, maybe 30. 5'10 and 190lbs or so. As I looked at my cock, I was reminded how hairy my balls had gotten over the years.

I spoke up, "You'll need to really work my balls first, and of course you will swallow my load...Nod if you understand." My smile widened as the tables had fully turned. He nodded in compliance. "Tell me you like to lick hairy balls Danny. And you would love to swallow my cum," I continued.

"I love hairy balls Mr. Thompson and I would love to swallow your cum sir," he said looking up at my face as I continued to film.

As he leaned his head toward my ball sack, he gently pushed my knees wide apart. I moaned slightly as his outstretched tongue met my sack. His hot breath washed over me as he licked the underside of my balls. He swirled his tongue up the right side and then the left. I thought I would lose my mind when he managed to, ever so gently, take both balls into his gaping mouth. He rubbed his saliva around my balls with his tongue. I could not help but raise my ass off the chair to give him full access. I thrust my balls deeper in his mouth, then pulled away until they came free and dropped down on the seat.

"Suck me off now! Take my load bitch! I so own you!" I said panting heavily.

He bent forward with his tongue out, pointing down touching his chin. He pressed his hot tongue against my nuts and took a slow hot lick up my shaft. He did it again, and as he approached the tip, I grabbed the back of his head with my left hand, filming with my right. I shoved my 7 inch throbbing dick in his mouth and into his throat. He took it like a champ and began to work my dick from tip to base.

"Look at me while you take my cum cunt!" I grunted.

He opened his eyes and looked up at me while he thrust his head down taking my length. I could feel he lips touching my pubes and balls with my head lodged in his throat. I watched as he worked up and down. My balls contracted, releasing my shot into his throat. The second round blew into his mouth, with his saliva running down my balls. I thrust my head back breaking our stare as my ecstasy peaked.

I yelled, "Fuck yeah, take it all you little bitch. I own your ass! Suck it all and clean me up." I pumped his mouth with my cum. He kept sucking and licking taking every drop.

As my climax passed he continued to deep throat me milking me clean. He slowly slid off my cock and began licking the cum and saliva off my balls. Then he licked up and down my shaft and began to caress my balls. I was starting to feel the stiffness coming back.

"That's it baby, keep working it. When I tell you to stop I need you to get up, take off your pants and bend over the desk. Today, I am going to fuck my first ass. Nod if you understand," I said feeding his favorite line back to him. He looked at me and nodded with my cock in his mouth.

I tilted my head back, eyes closed, to enjoy the sensation. And suddenly, pain shot through my testicles like I have never felt before. My head shot forward as I screamed in pain, and dropped the phone. With lightning speed, he pulled his mouth off my cock, grabbed my clothes and cell phone, jumped up and ran to the door.

"Don't Move!" he barked. "I have your clothes, wallet, and phone. If you leave that chair, I open the door and all the blinds for the world to see." Then he stepped out with my things and closed the door.

I had no clue what just happened. One minute heaven, the next second it felt like the tip of a whip cracked on my nuts. I examined myself for a bee sting or something. There was a red welt about the diameter of a dime on my sack.

He came back holding only my cell phone and began to speak with a big smile, "Thanks for filming, it kept your phone from locking out so I had full access. I just e-mailed your contact list to my phone."

He continued, "I enjoy a good load in mouth and I felt like I owed you a favor after last week. But your little fantasy is over. I have your phone and all your e-mail contacts. I am gay and everyone knows I am gay. This video does you no good. In fact, here is your phone back. Feel free to keep your movie. You can jack off to it if you want.

By the way, there is no burglary ring. Lucky you; you were our first and last attempt at burglary. We did not get much.. but it was a very satisfying experience."

Grinning, he continued, "There is nothing on the film we made last week that indicates we were in your house without your permission. So, if you convinced the cops we robbed you, they would not find any stolen goods. They would only find a copy of a home movie of a married upstanding business man begging to eat our cum."

"You see, I have nothing to lose and you have everything to lose. Therefore, it is I who owns you...Nod if you agree," he said looking down at me in my nakedness. Once again you are our fuck toy.

The sickening smile returned to his face when I nodded in surrender. He returned to his desk sat back in the chair looking at me and pondered his next move. I slumped down in the chair, balls throbbing in pain, dick shriveled and hiding, trying to grasp the meaning of "Our fuck toy".

"I think I have a win-win scenario that will make our retirement from burglary more rewarding and give you the chance to be the cum bucket you were born to be. When I release you, you will walk down the block and check in to the La Quinta. Get a nice room with a king bed.

"Let's see," He said looking through our file, "your family is due back a week from tomorrow on Sunday. So book the room to check out next Saturday. You will probably need a day of rest before they return."

He walked closer and started in again, "For compensation for our botched robbery you will bring $5000 in cash to the Hotel by 6:30 tonight. It will be a one time only payment to compensate for our lame burglary attempt. In exchange, you will get you camera and all the movie copies back. You will be free at the end of the week."

He paused briefly and rambled on, "Also you will need to go to Victoria's secret or some such place. Get yourself at least 2 pairs of sexy lady panties, for each day you have the hotel room, including today. No 2 pair can be alike. I personally will check on you twice per day and want to see your new panties each time. Any questions so far?"

"I can't get $5000 today the bank is closed. And I would have no guarantee you didn't keep copies of the movie. Can I please get dressed now?" I asked trying to sound somewhat like I had a hope to get out of this.

"The only guarantee is that if you do not bring the money, copies will be sent to everyone in your contact list." He said angrily. "I am a reasonable man. If you can't get the money today, you can pay on Monday. With a compound interest rate of 10% per day you can pay $6050 on Monday. Ask again and its 20% per day. Nod if you understand."

I nodded in compliance.

"Here is how it will work. You will get the money, the panties and please bring your belt. I love the way it sounds snapping on you ass!' He continued as I cringed at the thought."

He bent down close to my face and spoke softly, "Rest assured, If you follow some simple rules, there should be no need for any punishment this week. Bring all the stuff back to the hotel room by 6:30 tonight. I will arrive at 6:35. Leave a message at the front desk for Danny with your room number. When I arrive you will be cleaned up and wearing nothing but your panties. You will greet me at the door and be ready to service me. Sound good Davey boy?"

I looked at him and he gave me the fatherly 'Do I make myself clear' look. I nodded reluctantly.

"Can I get dressed please," I asked longingly.

He looked at my shrunken cock and smiled. He stood in front of me. I could see his semi hard cock through his pants. I lowered my head in shame and defeat, hoping he would let me get dressed.

"Not yet, I like you like this. Don't worry, I won't open the shades. Listen Dave, this really does not have to be a bad week for you. You will get to suck this every day" he said gripping his cock through his pants. "I will not make you do anything your cock tells me you do not want to do."

"I remember you sucking me like a pro, and your cock sure was excited when I left that night. I still think about your magic tongue working my dick...and the way you swallowed my!"

He pondered and began again, "By the way, you won't be trapped in the room all week. If you need to leave the room for a little while at some point, you can text me and ask permission," He said rubbing the back of my head.

I will be looking forward to dumping my load in your mouth this evening. I gotta tell you Dave, sucking you off got me excited. I am gonna have quite a wad built up," He looked down at my cock, "Whoa I think your buddy is looking forward to it too!"

Oh shit, my cock was rising again! I wiggled in my seat as if I could hide it, but I only managed to make it wave at him.

He stepped out quickly, brought my clothes back in, and continued his orders, "Go ahead and get dressed and I will see you later. I can't wait to see your new panty collection and feel that magic tongue!"

I reached for the clothes as he practically skipped to the door, opened it and slowly peeking out. Then he slithered through the door quickly, as I covered my naked dick with my clothes, and closed the door behind him.

Through the door I heard him speaking loudly, "Hey Beth I thought I heard you come in".

I put my clothes on quickly and took a moment to compose myself. l opened the blinds back up and walked to the door. I took a deep breath and swung the door open and walked slowly but deliberately toward the front door. I looked at Beth and smiled.

She smiled back as Danny chimed in, "You have a great day Mr. Thompson. Let me know if you need anything else. Thank you for your business!" I nodded and walked out quickly.

It was about 2:30, so I had 4 hours to act. My mind was reeling, on how quickly things turned ugly. I checked into the hotel and got the room key. I decided to head straight home, regroup and decide what to do next. I arrived at home and went to our emergency cash stash. Unfortunately, I sent a good amount with my wife for the trip. I managed to scrape together $2100.

I grabbed a sandwich and downed a couple of beers. I could not think of anyway out of this in the next few hours. So, I packed a gym bag of some clothes I might need. I grabbed as much alcohol as I could find and put it the trunk of the car. It was after 4:00; I needed to head to the mall, because being late was not an option. As I started the car, I remembered the belt. I ran back in and grabbed it. Reliving the pain it caused almost made me throw up. I threw it into the car and drove to the mall.

I have been to Victoria's Secret many times over the years but this was ridiculous. I walked in and went immediately to the panty tables, shuffling through them rapidly. As usual the sales lady was there almost immediately, asking to help me. I shook my head and looked at the panties. Lost and confused, I called her back.

I told her, "I am looking at something for my wife of 24 years, she was getting older and not feeling too sexy anymore. I need something to spice things up and would like to get at least 20 pair."

Her eyes lit up and she smiled. "Whoa! I admire your spirit. I hope my husband thinks that way in 22 more years. I think we can find something for her."

She picked out several reasonable but sexy full panties with silk and lace. Then she grabbed some thong type and I shook my head, thinking my wife hates thong underwear. But as reality came back I thought what the hell, Danny would love humiliating me with a thong. I ended up with 7 pairs of thong panties of the 20.

I drove to the hotel, left the note for Danny at the front desk, and went to my room. I unpacked, downed a couple shots and hit the shower. I washed, shaved, brushed my teeth, and dabbed on deodorant and cologne. I chose a black full panty with lace trim. I put them on, and looked in the mirror, thinking about Danny telling me I would swallow his load. My cock began to grow. How the fuck did I end up here! Why the fuck am I getting a hard-on thinking about it!

Remembering his comment that they would not make me do anything my cock did not want to do, I threw on some sweats to get a bucket of ice. As the time approached, I kept a bag of ice on my lap to hopefully to keep my cock at bay. Maybe I could lessen the humiliation, if he thought I was not enjoying any of it. I tried to line up pictures in my head that could counter an erection when the knock broke the silence.

A second knock came quickly but much louder. I ran to the door and opened it slightly to make sure it was Danny. He shoved the door wide open as a couple was walking by getting full view of me in the black panties!

He stepped in closing the door slowly and in a loud voice said, "Looking good Davey boy, we are gonna have fun tonight!" I heard a giggle from the hall as the door closed.