Strange wonderful things do happen

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A workplace crush.
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I would like to take time out to say.

Thank you to Randi, not just for the editing... Amazing as always. It is also the guidance, and assistance.


"Andrea, could you come into my office for a moment please?"

As I walked in, she said, "Close the door please."

Pulling the glass door shut behind me, I asked, "How can I help, Miss Jacobs?"

"Could you book us two rooms in Sydney for the fourteenth through to the eighteenth? We will need flights for the same days, business class please."

"You want me to go with you?" I asked incredulously

She glanced up from behind her laptop with a hint of irritation."Yes, that is what I said. You are available to travel next week, I take it?"

"Yes, of course, you merely caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting you to require me."

"You are familiar with all the presentations, and we may need to change some items once we get through the initial meetings."

"What times would you like for the flights? Do I assume late afternoon of the thirteenth, and same again for the eighteenth?"

She nodded. "Perfect."

"Should I book a taxi for both days?"

"Yes, that would be excellent."

I walked back to my desk feeling a little deflated. The short notice made it difficult, and made me feel like an added extra.

Travel was one of the main reasons I applied for this position. It was secondary to my desire to work with Kiara Jacobs. I had followed her career for several years; she was such a dynamic presence in the world of New Zealand business. She sat on the board of a lot of companies.

When she started this small online marketing company, I was surprised. For ten years or more, she had been the boss, as in CEO on two of New Zealand's biggest companies. To walk away from such prestigious positions took a lot of bravery, in my opinion at least.

To dive into a small (by her standards) start up business shocked me. The upside came weeks after the announcement was made. She advertised for a personal assistant. At the time, I worked for a recruiting company, which is how I found out about the position.

I never in a million years expected to actually even get an interview, let alone win the position. All I hoped for was a chance to meet her in person.

When the email arrived into my inbox that the position was mine, I almost danced in the aisle by my desk.

I was stunned, meeting her in person. She was like a human tornado: the small office was in a constant state of upheaval as she worked her team hard. Attractive doesn't really paint a true reflection of her. Petite, yes, very. Gorgeous auburn hair that glistened under the right light. The fact she always wore it in a very tight austere bun, hid most of it.

Her eyes, gee, they were like magnets of light. Liquid pools of rainbow coloured light. Don't get me started on her skin, golly, it was like poured elastic porcelain.

Okay, I will begrudgingly admit to a girl crush. I knew so much about her, I was a little overawed. Still, two months later and I had a little snitch on. The position suggested, no implied, there would be lots of travel.

No, not once... She travelled a lot, every week in fact, but it seemed like she didn't need me. This was the first time, and the short notice irked. Now I was going to have to cancel girls night. When I spoke to Gloria, she sighed. "Bugger, Andrea. I wanted to catch up."

"Sorry babes, work, you know."

"Yeah, I know. Where are you going?"

"Aussie, Sydney."

She giggled sexily. "You might get to make good on your dirty little fan girl crush."

"No, you've seen all those articles in magazines. She's always on the arm of some male celebrity. I've hardly ever seen her with a woman."

"Yeah, methinks you are doomed to be nothing more than her bag carrying assistant."

"Yes, yes, yes. I get that, okay? I just worry that she doesn't see me as valuable. I mean why else would she leave me behind?"

"Come on, Andrea, she doesn't take you because you'd be in the way. If she's bedding all these hot guys and she wants to keep it private, then the last thing she wants is a busybody hanging around watching her every move."

"You think she doesn't trust me?"

"Finally, you got it. You said your self she doesn't let you get involved in any of the important deals. Why have a PA if you don't share the workload? Sorry babe, but she obviously doesn't trust you."

"Damn it, but I always do the right thing. I never leave until my desk is clear."

"Andrea, I think it's probably more about whether she likes you. Looking in from the outside, If she won't bring you into her inner sanctum, she clearly doesn't like or trust you. Think about it, babes, does she get you involved in those important meetings?"

"Nah, never. That's why I don't get it, why now?"

She sniggered softly. "Maybe she's got the hots for you?"

"Piss off, girl. She's straight."

"I was joking, Andrea, sheeze girl, chill."

"You can be a snarky bitch sometimes, you know."

"I know, sorry darl. Looks like we girls are gonna have to get through girls night without your sexy arse."

"Yeah, god knows how much trouble you lot'll get into without me there to look after you'ze."

"Oh fuck off. If anything, it's you who cause all the shit. Remember the strip club."

I laughed snidely. "What did they think was gonna happen? Fancy those idiots swinging their willies round up in our faces."

She laughed loudly. "Girl, that was funny as shit. The look on that guys face. Holy shit, poor bugger."

"Sorry I gotta go, just letting you know I'm not gonna be there this week."

"Sweet, babes, all good. Have fun in Sydney."

Kiara looked sensational as I peered out of the taxi side window. Even in a suit, she looked elegant and so sexy, the wide-legged trousers hiding what I just knew would be very sexy legs. I had never seen them because a business suit with pants was her go to style. Always fashionable, and businesslike, she still managed to look sexy as hell.

"Hello Andrea," she said softly as she slid in the back seat beside me..

"Hi, Miss Jacobs."

She glanced at me with an appraising sweep of her eyes. "You look very nice, Andrea."

Imitation is the highest form of flattery. I usually preferred skirts or dresses. I like to think my legs are sexy, and probably my best feature. I have to say though, the pants were comfortable, and it was nice not to have to think about how much leg I had on show.

I hated those leering looks men gave me, like I was nothing more than fresh meat at a market.

"Thanks, Miss Jacobs."

"Have you ensured we have the full raft of presentations?"

I nodded. "Yes, I have a full electronic copy of everything."

"Excellent, this trip is a big strep forward for us, Andrea. If we pick up only two of the companies we will be presenting to. We could almost double our annual turn over."

"Sounds exciting when you say it like that."

"Oh it's going to be exciting, that is for sure."

"Miss Jacobs, would you mind if I asked a personal question?"

She squinted through her hazel eyes, her huge narrow-framed glasses sliding down her nose. "That sounds a little ominous, but go ahead."

"I was wondering why you needed my presence on this particular trip. It seems like a big change. You've never needed my assistance before."

She nodded slowly, her eyes showing a smirk. "Let's just say That recently you have begun to show some real potential. If you want honesty, previously, I was less than impressed with some of your work."

My face burned; embarrassment flooded my senses. "Oh god, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Andrea, calm down. Your performance wasn't terrible, simply erratic. I sensed you were more interested in parties. You are always texting, often seem disinterested."

"Why didn't you say something?"

"I was going to, but recently you have stepped up. I don't know what's changed in your life, but now you seem focused, alert and very aware. I like what I see. This trip is your opportunity to impress. From my perspective, I hope you take it."

"Wow, I'm sorry if I gave that impression. I am going to prove myself to you."

"Good, let's not focus on the negatives. We should get into Sydney about six. Once we get booked in, we should go over the presentation for Woolston's. Make sure we have everything ready for that first meeting. In my experience, the first one sets the tone for the day."

"Certainly, we could go over them on the plane as well," I suggested, trying to sound business savvy.

"We can; however, I have found in the past that planes are not the best for discussion. Too much background noise. Too many distractions, I prefer to watch a movie and relax."

"Of course. I understand," I muttered. She was probably right. In the past, travelling in cattle class, there were a lot of things happening. This trip was my first in business class.

What a bloody difference: good food, nice wine, comfy seats and space. God, business class was the way to go. Yay me...

The hotel was posh as hell. I'd seen some of the photos, but they didn't do the place justice. The rooms were palatial, modern with panoramic views of the harbour and city.

As we arrived at our rooms, Kiara said, "Get changed, and come over to my room. We will go over the presentations, make sure we have everything at our finger tips."

She ordered in some snacks and we started going over and over the presentations. Three hours later, I think I knew them better than she did. Okay, we missed out on dinner, but it seemed a small price to pay. I felt Kiara opening up to me a little. She included some of my suggestions, listened to my ideas, and for the first time, I actually felt like I was part of the team.

It was a breakthrough, and to top it off, I got to watch Kiara close up. She was something else, that's for sure: focused, intent, and her oratory skills were remarkable. That was the bit that got me. She went over her part of the presentation, practising her speech. As I listened, I dreamt up questions I thought the representatives might throw at us. When I found some she hadn't thought of, she showed real excitement. I even got a couple of well done, Andrea's.

That night lying in bed, I couldn't sleep. On one hand, I kept going over the planned meetings for the next day. On the other was Kiara's admission she thought my performance lacked in certain areas. It angered me, because I thought I was pretty good.

It angered me in other ways as well though. I knew she was right. I walked into that job with high hopes, wanting to set the world on fire. When it didn't happen, I let things burn away inside, got a little bitter and stopped trying.

It was my own blasted fault. The upside was, at least I knew and I had a chance to put things right.

It was all bloody Roxanne's fault. Everything had been going so well between us. I thought she was the one. Shit, I introduced her to my parents, I came out for her. Then she gets a job offer and she's gone. Just like that. I meant so little to her, she just walked away.

Yeah, she said she did love me, and that I was welcome to go with her. That was a terrible week, which just happened to coincide with me starting with Kiara. Bugger, I had let my sorrow get in the way. Let her live in my head rent free while I tried to figure out a plan to get us back together...

I was a bloody idiot. I knew that now, Roxie never really loved me, and truth be told, I didn't love her either. She was my first serious relationship, and it went to my head. I had been dying to hold somebody in my arms and tell them I loved them...

I had dreamed about it for years; it was like a recurring fantasy. My flowing white wedding gown, the longest train in history.

I liked Roxie, but I didn't love her. I knew now that if it was love, I would never let her go, I would have followed her to the ends of the earth, dived in front of a speeding car to save her...

No, it wasn't love, and it took me months to figure it out. Meanwhile, I was sabotaging my job.

Sleep did finally sneak up on me. My dreams, full of Kiara, her eyes, those sexy hazel eyes, I wondered what her lips would taste like, what they would feel like pressed on mine.

The screaming alarm woke me from the deepest sleep, my body warm and feverish, my thighs sticky and moist. I needed a shower... Badly...

Kiara was already at breakfast when I arrived in the dining room. She smiled as I sat across from her.

"Ready for the day?" she said brightly.

"Absolutely, I have everything ready."

As we ate breakfast, Kiara asked, "Do you have anybody special in your life?"

"No, not at the moment. I guess it would be fair to say my love life has been a disaster zone."

"Really, why so?"

With a casual shrug, I mumbled. "Not really sure, I can't explain it. Maybe I haven't met the right person."

Kiara nodded, looking thoughtful. "It is hard, relationships I mean."

"What about you, is there somebody in your life?"

She glanced at me across the lip of her coffee cup. "Yes, although I must say, it's far from settled. We seem to struggle, and yes. It's mostly my fault. I spend so much time travelling, away from home."

"You live together?" I asked.

"Yes." Her curtness to that question seemed to end our little bonding moment.

It was back to the room to collect my laptop and purse. This was it.

It was a different world. Overawed and struggling to keep up, I watched on like a spectator as Kiara wowed them. My sole role was to run the overhead slides as she spoke to them, laying out our processes and methods. I clicked away, and then as instructed, handed out the leaflets.

My admiration only grew as the day progressed. i swear, within ten minutes she had memorised everybody's name, engaged them in meaningful conversation. laughed at their ridiculous jokes.

During breaks, she quickly managed to get even the most stand-offish clients to open up. She worked the room like I have never seen in my life.

As we walked into the hotel lobby, I let an awkward sigh escape. "I don't know why you brought me along. You were incredible today. You certainly didn't need me."

"Nonsense, you were wonderful, professional and you played your part perfectly. I was able to focus on the clients only because you ran the presentations so well. When the clients spoke to you, I noticed you were comfortable with the data. You supported me perfectly."

"Thanks, Miss Jacobs."

"Andrea, this is silly. My name is Kiara."

"Are you sure?"

"Completely. I am comfortable with that."

During dinner, we enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine. God, Kiara spoke fluent French, and her knowledge of wine seemed to impress even the waiter. It certainly impressed me, and her accent. Honestly, it was so sexy, her voice oozed sensuality, it dripped off her tongue like hot melted toffee. Liquid velvet, smooth and creamy. Butterflies fluttered in my tummy, small tremulous signals reverberated.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare, your French is beautiful."

She sniggered. "I dated somebody from France for like a year."

"It sounds sexy." I giggled.

"Yes, there is something about the fluidity, it's erotic, although not as sexy as Italian."

"Holy shit. Don't tell me you speak Italian as well?"

She shrugged casually. "A little."

We followed up the wine with a couple of cocktails, and she opened up a little more. We joked and giggled through some gossipy stories from the office.

When we got back to our rooms, she said wistfully, "Would you like to come in for a drink?"

"Hell yeah. I'm up for that."

She raided her mini-fridge, and we made up some drinks. As we were about to sit, the phone buzzed.

"Hello sweets," she whispered warmly into the phone. "Sorry, I have to take this." She apologised.

Her face exuded happiness as she wandered out onto the small balcony. I watched as she slid the sliding door closed for privacy. I wandered off to the ladies room to give her more privacy. I was jealous. My life was empty at the moment. No intimacy, no love. The closest I got was girls' night. Which I was missing. Kiara was lucky to have somebody.

When I walked back out, though, things had changed; their conversation had gone up a notch. Kiara waved her arms angrily as she yelled into the phone. "Fuck you, bitch," I heard her scream. "Fuck you. Go on then, leave. I hope the bitch makes you happy."

Not knowing whether I should stay or go, I stood rooted to the spot. Kiara sagged, her body flopped against the railing, shuddering, clearly sobbing. I was torn. Did I go out and comfort her, or would that embarrass her?

I waited. Twenty minutes later she walked in, her face red and blotchy, her perfect makeup ruined by the flood of tears.

Her eyes met mine. "Sorry you had to hear that."

I walked towards her, not knowing what to say. "Hey, it's fine. I'm sorry, if you wanna talk, I'm here you know."

She scowled painfully. "Over the fucking phone. The bitch waited for me to be here, and she dumps me over the phone. How low is that? Over the fucking phone." She turned and threw her phone against the wall. Shards of broken glass and phone scattered like shrapnel.

The flood of tears returned, and she visibly sagged, her hands coming up to cover her face. I moved quickly, my arms circling her waist, her face buried into the side of my neck.

My shoulder was becoming damp and sticky. My hand rubbed in small circles up and down her back. "I'm sorry, Kiara. That was very mean."

"Over the phone. God, she didn't have the decency to talk to me before I left. She could have waited even, but no. She took the coward's way out. I suppose I should be grateful she didn't do it by text."

"She sounds awful," I said comfortingly. The words stuck in my throat... "She..."

I felt her tense up. "Shocked, are you. Yes, I said she."

"I wasn't judging, Kiara. I understand."

"Oh shut up," she snarled, her hands clutching my arms, holding tightly. "I'm gay, all right? Yes, me, I'm a lesbian. Big fucking surprise, huh."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's not a crime, we love who we love."

"Easy for you to say. The world judges us. Do you think I would have been this successful if everybody knew the truth? No, I damned well wouldn't. Sanctimonious arses would have mocked me, I can hear their cries already. Dyke... Lezzy... Do you remember all the shit poor Helen Clarke went through? People judged her, never gave her a chance."

"Yeah, people can be arseholes." I sighed pulling her tightly against me. God she felt good. Her taut body, warm, supple, her hands released mine and she hugged me back.

"What a damn mess. I'm sorry, Andrea."

I kissed her cheek and guided her to the sofa. We sat side by side before I passed her the drinks we made earlier. "This might help," I said softly.

"I think we should order more. That damn fridge isn't big enough. What do you like to drink, Andrea?"

"Vodka for me."

"Sounds wonderful. Could you ring down and get room service please. I don't think my phone is going to work."

I giggled with her, and walked over to the wall to use the hotel phone.

It didn't take long, and we were experimenting. Vodka and orange, lemon wedges, lime. A side I had never seen of Kiara emerged. We giggled crazily as we screwed up our faces in disgust at some of the weird concoctions we managed to make.

Drunk, oh my god. I hadn't been that pissed in ages.

"How long have you known you were gay?" I asked inquisitively.

"Always," she replied without hesitation, the vodka opening the door to her innermost self. "Right from college, really. Boys never did it for me; there was something missing."

"You did date some guys then?"

She sniggered disbelievingly. "Of course. I had to try just to prove it to myself. It simply wasn't right. The moment I had his dick in my hand. I knew there and then I didn't want it."