Straying within the Family


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By then, their good news was overshadowed for me by a diagnosis delivered by my doctor that some recent tests revealed that I had a very aggressive form of the Big C.

I was receiving treatment in the same hospital where Kelly gave birth to another boy some 9 months later. On the day that she was due to check out with her new infant son, Kelly brought him around to my ward to show him to me. As she was leaving, she paused to whisper in my ear, "He is yours Richard, thank you for that magic night."

Part Two

Vicky's Story

I still cannot get my head around how quickly Richard became terminally ill. He had always been such a healthy guy. I should qualify that ... he wasn't a gym junkie but he did play a lot of sport through the years. We were not yet sixty, we still had some of the best years of our lives to spend together but now he's gone ... all too quickly. The realisation that he only had weeks to live hit me like a ton of bricks. And for once, the doctors were right ... dead right as it turned out.

I spent that last night -- the last night of Richard's young 59-year life -- with him, holding his hand. Our daughter Jessica was with me to maintain that all-night vigil. Not that we knew that it would necessarily be that night. I am sure we both feel comfortable that we were there by his side to see him away from this earth ... and away from the pain.

In the morning, it dawned on me that I would no longer lie with my loving husband of 38 years, feel his warm body pressed against mine, his hot hard cock fitted tightly inside me. I curled up into the foetal position and tried to sleep through the rest of this brand new day.

Jess was so concerned about me and how I was not dealing with Richard's passing that she called her brother Daniel to come over. He got away from work early and it was almost like a changing of the guard, Daniel taking over keep an eye on mum duties so that Jess could go home and cook dinner for Rob and their kids.

Daniel prepared a light dinner for he and I despite my telling him that I wasn't hungry. I promised him that I would try to eat some of it. I asked how long he could stay and he indicated that he intended to stay all night to ensure that I got some sleep. I asked him what about Kelly and the kids. With the new baby, she would have her time cut out keeping the 3 kids under control but Daniel said that it was actually Kelly who had encouraged him to not only come over but to stay the night.

I have to say that I am at long last warming to his wife. How many years has it been? I know that she and I have not always seen eye to eye but Kelly has been just marvellous right through Richard's illness.

After dinner -- and I did get to eat around half of what Daniel had served up -- I got dressed ready for bed wearing one of Richard's favourite negligees. It may not have been appropriate to wear one of my favourite nightgowns while sitting around with my son but he has seen me more exposed in bikinis at our pool parties through the years. As with Richard, I considered that I too had looked after my body and I was fortunate that there wasn't much cellulite. I believed that I still cut a good figure for a mature lady.

I came into the living room and Daniel was at one end of the couch. He patted the spot alongside him, "Come on mum, come and watch some TV and try to get your mind off dad."

I dropped down beside my son and he folded a protective arm around my shoulder and pulled my head onto his chest. It seemed like role reversal, recalling when my boy was a teenager and I would often bring him to me at night, his head to my chest ... oh alright, to my breast, but there was no funny business ... we would just curl up on the lounge together and he would vent about whatever was disturbing him at that time. A bully at school or a broken relationship with one of the many girls he seemed to attract.

As much as I had tried, I hadn't had much sleep through this long harrowing day that started with Richard's passing in the early hours before dawn. I don't think that Daniel intentionally selected this TV program but it included a really hot sex scene. Even approaching 60 and my boy being in his late 30's, it still felt embarrassing to watch hot movie sex with him, particularly while laying with my head on his chest and his protective arm around me.

I had begun to drift off but the stark reality of the TV sex scene brought me wide awake again. After Richard's cancer diagnosis and the speed with which the terminal condition overtook him, we barely had sex in the last few months. But Richard and I had been sexually active through our 50's and it was when seeing a scene like we just did on TV that really brought home to me how sexually starved I had become. I was experiencing arousing sexual thoughts ... not good given the circumstances of the past 24 hours.

"Are you okay mum?" my son's question jolted me.

"Why wouldn't I be Daniel?"

"I don't know, you just seem to be fidgeting about, I can feel your body twitching."

I wasn't even conscious that my arousal was having such an obvious outward appearance. I was so comfortable here with my son and so appreciative of having relaxed one-on-one time with him. That just never happened these days ... not since he'd been married. I tried to rationalise what I should do. Should I get up and go to my room or perhaps to the kitchen on the pretext of making a cup of tea?

I sweated it out and may have got through my discomfort except that Daniel's hand went to the front of his trousers and right in my vision, I saw him adjust what had become quite a bulge. Laying as I was with my head on my son's chest, I couldn't avoid seeing him make the adjustment. I knew that he wouldn't have done it if he wasn't really uncomfortable. I recall Richard used to do that if I had aroused him ... it was a very male thing when an erection grew and there just wasn't enough room in their underwear for the sudden change in size.

But in hindsight now I realise I shouldn't have asked, "Is that better Daniel?"

Perhaps my comment was needed. My son burst out laughing, "Ha ha, give me a break mum, this movie we're watching got a bit hot there."

"You're probably missing out too, what with the new baby taking up all of Kelly's time."

"It has been a while mum."

Who knows what motivated me? But I can assure you it wasn't a pre-conceived thought on my part ... I reached one hand down and patted the bulge which had become so much more prominent in his trousers.

"MUM!!! What do you think you're doing?"

"Sorry Daniel, please don't be angry, I just had this urge to touch ... I know I shouldn't have. Richard used to tell me yours was just like his, I guess I was curious."

"We did shower together after golf at his club a few times. I had to agree with him that they did look identical."

"That's good if you're like your dad then Daniel, you should be keeping Kelly happy because Richard sure knew how to use it ... a beautifully sculptured manhood in the hands of a master."

"Oh mum, maybe too much information."

"I am sorry if I embarrass you Daniel, I'm just saying that your dad's equipment was the perfect size and he knew what to do to make me feel so good. Damn, I am going to miss him. Sorry if I'm babbling, it must be that horny movie."

With hindsight, I know now that I shouldn't have touched his cock, even if it was confined in his trousers. I could blame Daniel for adjusting it in full view of me. But a casual touch was one thing. The trouble was that now, a full minute or two on and my hand was still draped over my son's cock bulge. It felt very hard under my casual touch and I desperately wished that it was my husband Richard that I was laying here with and not my son Daniel.

Thoughtlessly, I began to run my fingers up and down over the still clothed shaft, causing Daniel to groan quite loudly. That reaction should have been a warning to me but I didn't heed it. I continued to stroke and Daniel soon whispered, "Oh God mum, that's so nice! Don't stop!"

So I didn't ... well, he did tell me not to stop. To make matters worse, my fingers pulled on the zipper that was so close to that bulge and I drew it down, reached inside and pulled out my son's hard cock. I felt Daniel's mouth on the top of my head, planting little kisses over my hair.

Now I was getting down and dirty, tugging on his hard-on. It was completely in my line of vision with the TV now a blur in the background ... it looked so much like Richard's. I saw a clear bubble of pre-cum glistening and wished I was close enough to lick it off.

'This is your own son,' I heard my conscience proclaiming in my mind.

The hand that was now jerking my son off had been by my side protecting my right breast. But when I reached forward to stroke Daniel's cock, my whole right breast was left unprotected and I felt my son's hand shift to close over that orb, using his palm to roll over the nipple. I was wearing only a silky negligee so my nipple immediately reacted by hardening and standing out through the silky material.

I could hear my son panting as my hand stroked his hard cock and something warned me this was very wrong. But holding Daniel's cock the same way I had so often held my Richard's cock and my emotions being so raw in the first 24 hours since his passing, I simply rationalised that I should be allowed to do this.

I could sense Daniel was about to cum, he even sounded like Richard used to when he was about to blow. What was I to do? Continue with the strokes and watch cum spurt from his tip, it could stain his trousers. Cum is so hard to get out of clothing. It would be too awkward to let go of him while I went in search of tissues, plus he might lose the urge while I was gone. He sounded like he needed a release badly even if it would be incestuously at the hand of his mother.

I made a sudden decision to lift my head from his chest and shift forward to his belly, my lips apart, quickly closing over the head of the leaking erection being tugged hard by my hand. "Oh my God!" my son exclaimed.

I sucked with lips and tongue while my hand pumped and in no time, I was treated to a spray of cum blasting across my tongue and deep to the back of my throat where I allowed it to accumulate from three hard spasms before gulping it down fully.

I sucked and sucked relentlessly until I had it all, then I used my tongue to lick my son's cock clean. As I lay my head on his belly, my mouth nursing his deflating cock in what is usually the lovely moments of after-glow following consensual sex, the reality hit me. What would Daniel say to me and what should I say to him? Who should apologise, who started that or were we both equally responsible? Was it incest because I really only gave him a blow job ... his hard cock never entered my body although as I lay here now with my son, that's what I craved most in my confused befuddled mind.

Without a word between us, I began to lick his cock within my mouth once more, only this time not to clean off the remains of his jism ... now my lips and tongue were in pursuit of a fresh arousal and my fingers played with his balls. How long would this take? Could I get him up again quickly? Richard always needed some time, often an hour, if I was particularly horny and wanted more. But Daniel is only 37, isn't that the peak of virility in a man? I wanted him big again before I had to face him, before I had to justify our actions. I wanted him big so he could finish what we had started ... to quench the fires of sexual need burning in my lower body and transmitting to my brain.

I swirled my tongue around the sensitive ridge behind the head of his cock and it did seem to expand within my mouth.

I heard "Mum, what are you doing? Have you lost it, isn't it bad enough that you gave me a blow job? What do you want now?"

I ignored his plea, able to lift my hand off his regrowing cock now that it was safely under the control of my lips and tongue. His body had slumped down on the sofa and his arse was perched on the edge. My hand pushed his thighs apart. My fingers traced down under his balls and I insinuated the tip of my middle finger into the crease of his arse, forcing it under him, pushing the digit all the way until I felt his crinkly anal ring. Wet with the remnants of his cum and my saliva, my finger pushed inward, forcing past his sphincter and I began to stroke his prostate. Richard used to love that.

Boing! I felt his cock stiffening rapidly now, filing much of my mouth as I licked around the head and underside of the shaft and my finger played with his prostate gland.

I still hadn't answered his recent plea and my actions told him not to expect one ... I was not finished sexually with my son. Satisfied that his cock was sufficiently aroused once more, I withdrew my finger from his arse and released his hard-on from between my lips. I rose up alongside him, shifting my legs to straddle his thighs and went about removing his trousers completely. Freed, his erection bounced around vertically before me, so similar in appearance to Richard's.

I managed to slide his trousers away down his legs from under me and I sat back down to straddle my son's legs; he was naked from the waist down. I lifted up again to slip my own panties off and shifted my position as I lowered so that I came down with my pubis directly above his outstretched erection. I positioned my body, helped by the fingers of one hand, until I felt his tip at my vaginal opening and then I slowly lowered my lower body onto his hard cock, an inch at a time, savouring every inch gained as I felt his appendage filling me in the most delightful way.

We had skipped most of the foreplay, much as I would have loved to have had my nipples and clitoris attended to ... but I wasn't sure that Daniel would cooperate and participate. So I had taken control. I began to slowly raise my body up off him until only the head clung to my passage and then I sunk myself back down until his shaft completely filled me and his wiry pubic hairs tickled my naked pubes. My eyes were closed, I couldn't dare to look at my son at this moment, fearful that I might see anger or disgust at what I was making him do with me.

Again, I raised up and then pushed back down over him, feeling every inch of his hard-on inside me. But then my eyes jolted open when I felt his hands reaching up under my negligee and folding his firm hands over each of my breasts, massaging my nipples into responsive hardness. His eyes smiled up at me, signalling that we were on this journey into the unknown world of incest together.

My hands lifted my negligee up my body and over my head, making me naked to my son's gaze, a new confidence assuring me that my 59-year-old body was still somewhat shapely so as not to repulse him. His hands on my breasts felt so good that I stretched my upper body forward and brought one hand behind his head to lift his face closer to my chest. On cue, his lips closed over first one nipple, then the other, and my waves of pleasure doubled through my body.

I had regretted not using his erection to tune up my clitoris before uniting our bodies but as I felt the familiar sensations of pleasure waves building within my body, I knew that I would lose nothing in bypassing my clit. It was getting all the action and friction that it needed to have my body totally respond to the fucking strokes within me.

As pleasurable as Daniel's lips and tongue were on my nipples and breasts, I hauled my body upright once more as I rode my son furiously, now relishing the beginnings of an orgasm, so familiar to me from years on the end of Richard's near identical shaft.

A peak of pleasure raged through me and I had to use a hand on Daniel's chest to steady myself as my body jerked and bounced and throbbed as it slid up and down on the hard driving shaft. It was a wonderful pleasure release that seemed to justify what I was doing this night. My body slowed but my son's hard driving thrusts never lessened and I began to feel smaller intense peaks of excitement raging through my body as I pressed on in pursuit of another powerful high.

It came on quite quickly and I crested again, my body awash with intense waves that seemed to start somewhere deep in my belly and then radiate to the extremities, especially in my breasts that were all a-tingle.

More mini peaks followed as I pushed on unrelentingly, striving for the previously unattainable ... a third strong orgasm. I have never been a multiple orgasm woman ... one and occasionally two always satisfied me. But now I could sense that the third was attainable and I drove my passage up and down on my son's shaft at a rapid rate.

I heard my son's laboured breathing, looked at his face, a euphoric smile that told me he was enjoying this dark encounter as much as I was. But I could see in his face that he was close again. 'No, how could he be ... he just came? Oh, don't desert me now Daniel.'

I rode his body harder, if that was possible. My third peak hit ... this was the most intense yet. I wallowed in the waves of pleasure that erupted in me like a tsunami. I fell forward onto Daniel's chest and then I felt a new hot surge inside me, realised that it was his cum spurting from within the cock that was wedged deep in my passage, the creamy discharge firing deeper into my pulsing body.

I lay there for a time, completely satiated, awash with the sensual sensations that had overtaken my body with illicit love.

Daniel stayed with me all night, we slept together in my marital bed. We really did sleep and when I woke in the morning, Daniel had already risen and showered and was cooking me a hot breakfast.

All that I could say about what had happened the previous night was: "Thank you Daniel for being there for me. I so desperately needed what you did for me, I felt that Richard left without a proper goodbye. You did it for your dad and I will be eternally grateful to you. But rest assured it will never happen again and we should never tell another living person. Your dad knows, I'm sure ... he will know that you took care of me when I needed it most."

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

As I read through the story, I did not notice redundancy or excess verbiage.

Frankly some of anon's specifics about terms, I did not understand; however all of The Big Bopper's story was easily understood.

Oh, the story? Another of TBB's 5 stars.

The two couples swapped, somewhat like swingers do. Usually I avoid swinger stories, but I liked this story -- maybe partly because it was not a true swinger story where two couples intend a swap.

I've read impregnation of daughter-in-law stories. I've read mother-son sex stories. I do not remember one that combined the two in this interesting tit-for-tat plot.


Paul in Oklahoma

OzBushrangerOzBushrangerover 6 years ago
Another great story

Thank you, once again or another well-crafted, well-written, totally- and continually-erotic story.

I note that the anonymous troll is once again complaining that your writing doesn't suit his language sensibilities. I find it interesting that those who offer such unproductive criticism of the work of others find the need to hide behind their anonymity. Please disregard the criticism of anonymous pissants and pedants.

pwaldrippwaldripover 6 years ago
Five Star not working

I agree that these unplanned situations could happen in times of need. I enjoy you explanations of the situations leading up to the actual act as well as the act. Thank you. Please keep on writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
It was an interesting idea...a certain symmetry to the couplings...

...however, and I've chided you for this before, you tend to overwrite the scenes, using far more verbiage to express the thought than necessary. Also, there is a pronounced tendency to messy redundancy in the prose.

When you say "lips" do you mean his orbicularis oris pair or something else? When you say her "labial lips" do you refer to the labia majora or the labia menora? And why do you insist on using the edundant pair "labia" (Latin for lips) and English "lips" in the same phrase? And why don't you ever refer to a woman's vulva?

Damnit, man either be explicit and specific, or smooth it out and cut out all the extra lettuce!

Other than that pet peeve, which by the by, prevents me at time reading your offerings at all, this was a pretty interesting scenario....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Cycle of Life

Nice themes and patterns here.

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