Strip Poker


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I wasn't so lucky.

In my desperation to strip Lynette whose long blonde tresses and full round breasts now had my full attention, I had allowed myself to be tricked by her and had my three Jacks beaten by her full house. My face began to redden as the girls began to cheer at my predicament as the realization of my downfall hit home.

"Time to Drop Trou big Brother!" Monica and Brandy began to chant as they again snuck their feet over to my lap and began to pull at the fabric with their toes. My mind racing, and without thinking it through, I blurted out that I would rather submit to the one hour penalty than face the naked humiliation. It was a snap decision, but when five pairs of smoky lusty eyes stared at my package, I chickened out at the last minute.

The evil grin that began to form on Lynette's face began to make me wonder if perhaps I had chosen unwisely as the other girls began to nervously giggle, not knowing exactly WHAT was going to happen now. Sending me out to the kitchen to get more beer, clad only in my now very inadequate shorts, I was instructed to stay in there while they discussed my fate. After a few minutes consultation, the girls called me back into the room and with a sheepish grin and red face I came back inside, feeling quite nude already in my wildly tenting boxer briefs. Telling me to sit down, Brandy spoke for the group.

"Tyler we have given this a lot of thought, and I know Monica and I have the perfect and most appropriate penalty for you of all times. As punishment for losing you will be tied down and tickled non-stop by all of us for one solid hour as your penalty."

Seeing my face grow pale and my mouth begin to open in protest she held her hand up and interrupted the beginning of my protest as she continued.

"You must not remember what you used to do to us when we first moved in here." Turning to the other girls, she added. "When we were just kids and suddenly discovering we had just gotten a new handsome big step-brother it was great. Smart, funny, kind of sexy, we thought it was fantastic. He being obviously much stronger than us, used to play wrestle one or even both of us at once and tickle us for hours. It was a nightmare as he would not stop until we peed, and we both vowed that one day we would get our revenge. Well that day has obviously come! And the fact that now dear old brother is all grown up and a half naked super stud under our power makes the timing of our revenge beyond sweet!'

Grinning as she crooked her finger she had me stand up. What she was saying was absolutely true. We did used to play wrestle when they first moved in, and until she mentioned it, I had honestly almost forgotten all about it.

When my Dad got married to their Mom I had just turned fifteen. As a goofy testosterone filled teenager, and being chocked full of overactive hormones and having no suave moves yet, I did roughhouse with them quite often. She was absolutely correct in her memory as I did used to hold them down and tickle them until they peed their pants, thinking it funny (and kind of sexy) but certainly I did not do it out of malice. Not thinking about it at the time, or since, I had just thought it was good natured fun not understanding how it affected them. Not knowing yet how to deal with girls at the time, my obvious attraction for them manifested itself in this childish tickle game and I honestly had thought they liked it.

Now that I was in this situation and essentially at their mercy, the memories of those wrestling matches came flooding into my mind and I realized I was in big trouble. The laughing and pleading, the begging me to stop my relentless assault as I attacked their underarms and of course their feet was all coming back. It was pretty mean in hindsight as I was so much stronger than them and they were powerless to stop me, but I had honestly forgotten about it until she brought it back up. Looking at the gleam in their eyes though, it was painfully obvious that they had not forgotten.

My heart sank as the full extent of my predicament was processed by my brain. "What had I agreed to!"

Ever since I had been a child I had always been extremely ticklish, which was part of the reason I used to tickle them. We always inflict on others that which we most dread for ourselves. Now as it sunk in that I was going to be tormented in my just my shorts, and with most of my bare flesh exposed to 10 pairs of feminine nails tormenting every inch of my body, I gulped. Feeling my cock strain harder against the fabric of my briefs, I gulped even harder as I knew that there would be no way to hide my erection from them now.

"Hey Brandy, I mean, come on. We were just kids back then. I I I am sorry for tickling you but, hey, you can't be serious. I mean an HOUR! JESUS I..."

Seeing my stuttering and obvious discomfort, Maria, grinned as she scooted across the floor and began to run her feet up my legs. Feeling her soles on my flesh I jerked and when she reached the waistband of my briefs and gripped the fabric to try and pull it down. I quickly held tight.

"Well Tyler, you could avoid that if you want by taking THESE off right now. So, what's it going to be? An hour of tickling or the full Monty? It's your choice."

Samantha, seeing me blush stood up and walked over to me. Running her nails down my chest she grinned as her finger reached my waistband and she pulled the elastic out straight. "Frankly I hope he chooses to strip as I can't wait to see all this canned meat popped out its tiny container."

Monica, seeing her friends pawing me laughed. "Well either way is fine by me, but". As she spoke she wiggled her fingers menacingly in the air. " I probably am partial to exacting some revenge on all that delicious exposed man flesh."

My brain boiled at my options as neither were good. Either I was going to be forced to go completely starkers in front of this crowd of hotties or I would have to be tickled non-stop for an hour in just my shorts and with a raging hard-on. It was not an easy choice, but wishing to save some vestige of modesty I meekly nodded my agreement to the tickling and waited to see what would happen next.

Brandy and Monica looked at each other and grinned, and as the rest of the girls all stood up and took me by the hands as I felt my pulse quicken. Leading me up the stairs to my parents master bedroom I could already feel little Tyler creating quite a ruckus in my shorts and knew that he was going to be a problem. I had hoped to somehow get them all into bed, but this was not exactly what I had I mind.

Patting the bed Brandy winked. "UP UP UP Tyler, time for your punishment."

They had chosen well as my parent's bed was enormous and was one of those old fashioned four posters. Shyly I climbed up, still cupping my bulge to prevent my obvious arousal from being TOO prominent and laid down, waiting for them to begin.

With a false sense of bravado I glared at them. "OK, let's get this over with!"

Before I knew what was happening they all had grabbed a limb and tied me spread-eagle to the four posters. They had taken several of my Dad's silk ties to use for my binding and within seconds they were done, the knots tied very effectively so that escape was impossible. Now my mouth went dry as I realized just how much trouble I truly was in. Bound nearly naked and completely helpless to the bed, they had me in the perfect position to tickle me to death and they knew it.

Slowly at first two girls began to slowly stroke the soles of my feet while another two worked on my stomach and rib-cage. Not to feel left out Brandy attacked my neck. Instantly I exploded in laughter as the sensations coming from every part of my body short circuited my poor beer soaked and overly horny brain. Continuing for what seemed like an hour, but was in reality only just a few minutes, I laughed so hard and so long I almost passed out! Begging pitifully I cried and screamed out, pleading for them to stop.

"Jesus Tyler, we just got started!" Brandy whispered into my ear. "If you don't buck up you aren't going to make it the whole hour."

Continuing their assault, despite my protests, after what seemed like an eternity all hands stopped. All of the girls then began giggling uncontrollably and as I looked down my chest I saw the object of their ridicule.

Not only did I have the most intense erection I had ever had, but the thin fabric of my grey boxer briefs were dark and sticky as the flood of pre-cum I was leaking had completely soaked the fabric. Lynette, barely being able to speak through her snickering, lounged at the foot of the bed and looked up at my wet tent. Reaching out with her foot, she walked her toes up my leg and scratched her toenail over my crotch as she laughed.

"Well Girls, it seems like we miscalculated. Tyler here is obviously ENJOYING this punishment, so it really does not seem like much of a penalty now does it?"

Her comment caused the room to erupt in laughter as soon her toes were joined by all of the others on my body, my secret fetish now turned against me. With my eyes crushed closed I could not look at them as I was so ashamed at my body's uncontrollable reactions. Despite trying to put up a brave front, the feel of their sexy silky soles on my body, coupled with the erotic events of the night, the beer and of course the tickling all had me moaning and whimpering uncontrollably as I dry humped the air. As I moaned, the giggling got much louder and my curiosity grew.

Keeping my eyes closed during this assault so far, I could not help but look now. As I popped open my eyes and stared down my sweat covered body towards my cock I could see my boxer briefs wildly tented and looking like they were about to explode from the pressure that was building behind the material. This display greatly amused them all, and Maria seemed especially engaged as she ran her toe over the top of my crotch.

I said nothing since I was so ashamed and I could not look at them, but I was relieved that at least the tickling had stopped. As Maria, Samantha and Lynnette continued to rub their feet all over my body, laughing as they watched my reactions with increasing intense curiosity I could not stop whimpering. Samantha cooed especially loud when I lightly kissed her big toe that was dangling in front of my lips, not meaning too but compelled by an unstoppable urge. We were both surprised by this as my action was so automatic it was truly out of my control. Whatever else I was going to learn that night, I did learn that I can be made so horny as to lose control of my bodily actions if a gorgeous foot is waved in my face.

Lifting her other foot up onto the top of my head, she began playing with my hair with her toes and sighed as I now sucked her big toe like a wild man.

"Such a good good boy!"

I was so distracted and obviously enjoying the attentions of these three, I had not noticed that my two stepsisters had left the room. As Samantha and Maria both probed and teased my aching balls through the shorts, and I moaned and writhed on the bed, with Lynette's toes planted firmly in my mouth, Brandy and Monica came back into the room.

"BROTHER!!" they both cried out in mock anger. "What a shocking and disgusting pervy display this is!"

Their words seemed to snap everyone to attention and for the first time in almost fifteen minutes my body could rest as they all pulled their feet off of me at once. With all of them now staring straight at my wet sticky bulge, the laughter of the girls was deafening. Closing my eyes in complete humiliation I heard the snickering grow louder as they obviously were whispering something. Despite not wanting to face them, with my pervy shame now exposed and my hard-on on full display, I could not help but peek.

When I opened them Brandy was standing over me with a pair of scissors in her hand. Before I could ask her what she intended on doing, her actions cleared up any doubt of her plans. With two snips of the scissors my boxers were cut from my body and lifted away.

Frantic struggling immediately ensued as I tried to get my hands loose to cover myself. This had the opposite effect I wanted as all it did was cause my erect cock to wildly bounce back and forth which only amused the girls more as they watched me wriggle in naked bondage.


Now I was furious. This was NOT part of the deal at all. I was supposed to be able to keep my shorts on if I agreed to the penalty, but now I had the worst of both worlds. Feeling as if I had been double crossed, my face glowed in rage.

"GOD DAMN IT BRANDY!!" I screamed, my face now even redder as anger mixed with humiliation. "This is NOT fucking fair!! You said if I agreed to the tickling penalty I could keep my shorts. UNTIE ME RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!! IF YOU DON'T LET ME LOOSE IMMEDIATELY THERE IS GOING TO BE HELL TO PAY!!"

My furious outburst had no affect on the girls as they continued to laugh at my package bouncing wildly in the air. Lounging also at the end of the bed was Monica, who throughout my outburst said nothing but kept a wry smirk on her face as she watched me struggle. I kept thrashing harder as I hoped to tear one of the ties loose, and thought it might work until I felt Brandy's toes grip the tip of my cock. This had the immediate effect of causing me to twitch and instantly go still.

"Now Now brother!" she joked. "Don't get your panties in a bind, well, if you were wearing panties!" she laughed as she snaked her toes up and down my shaft. "You chose the penalty, and as is obvious by THIS, it has been no penalty." As she said THIS she waved my cock in the air with her toes.

I was about to really let loose with a stream of obscenities but stopped when I saw her reach from behind her and take out her cellphone. My eyes grew wide in disbelief and my pupils dilated from the flashes that now blinded me. My mouth went dry as I tried to think of what to say, but before I could respond she spoke.

"And off to the cloud for safekeeping, check!" Grinning she put her phone down and looked me dead in the eye. "Now, what was all this about 'hell to pay' nonsense? It seems to me that if I were in your place I would be nice, as you are really in no position to make threats!"

I was speechless as I knew she had the tool for my destruction now on her phone and even worse, in the cloud. Trying to think of what to say to try to sweet talk her into letting me go, and deleting the picture, she grinned.

"Now, I don't want you to think I am a bitch. If you cooperate, that little charming photo will stay safely tucked away in my own personal folder, never to be seen by anyone. If you give me trouble though, well, I bet I will have the most popular facebook post of all times in about five minutes!"

Realizing I was fucked, I quieted my tone down considerably and sheepishly grinned. She had me by the short hairs and I knew it, and she knew it, so whatever game she was planning, I had no choice but to go along. With as nice a voice as I could muster I spoke.

"What do you want Brandy?"

"Much nicer!" she smiled as she coaxed a moan out of me as her teasing toes continued to run up and down my shaft. "Now, like I said, I am not a bitch. I know we had a deal, but YOU broke the deal by enjoying your penalty. So, the NEW penalty is you have to be our naked slave all weekend, completely at our beck and call until Mom and Dad come back on Wednesday."

The girls erupted in applause now. Maria especially was giddy as she added. "WOW, four whole days of your own naked slave-boy. I think I may have to extend my sleepover!!"

Her words were agreed to by Samantha and Lynette and my cock got even harder as I realized that now I would be naked in front of them for days and subjected to GOD knows what other humiliations. Thinking fast, I spoke.

"Hey, that hardly seems fair. The del was just for an HOUR penalty, not FOUR days. In all fairness girls, I think you should untie me now and let me go. My arms are starting to hurt and you can't keep me bound up all weekend. I promise to make you all breakfast in the morning, but really, I think this joke has gone on long enough."

Monica smirked but seemed moved by my argument as this really was a joke. They did not MEAN to hurt me, but when Brandy made her next suggestion whatever sympathy may have been building for me evaporated.

"OK Tyler, tell you what. I will make you a new deal. I don't want it ever to be said that I made you do anything you did not agree to willingly. You are right, the bet was for an hour, so let's make it an hour. IF in the next hour you do not WILLINGLY agree to be the naked houseboy for the next few days, then your debt has been paid. However, if you beg us to make you our slave, well, we will have to comply with your wishes."

My face frozen, I thought about what she was saying. Given that I was tied naked on the bed with a raging hard-on, I was not in the best bargaining position.

"So let me get this straight, if I put up with whatever you are going to do to me for the next hour, without begging you to make me your slave, you will willingly let me go and I can get dressed?"

Nodding she said "YUP!"

"And you aren't going to hurt me or anything right?"

Monica spoke up now. "Come on Tyler!" she grinned as she ran her toe over my nipples. "We aren't monsters!!"

Brandy added. "No, we don't want an unwilling slave. If we lose our contest we will let you go and I will delete the picture and you can get dressed. The whole ordeal for you will be over. If however we WIN, we will hold you to any and everything you beg us for! That seems like a win/win doesn't it? You won't have to do ANYTHING you don't beg us for now how can that be unfair?" Giggling she continued. "Now, if we do win, I will keep the picture in the cloud, just for insurance purposes, to keep you more uh, compliant during your naked servitude." she winked.

Realizing I had no choice, I nodded and stiffened my body. The tickling had been horrible and I knew the next hour would suck, but then at least it would be over and this humiliating evening would end. I was convinced though that I would never willingly agree to traipsing around the house naked for their amusement, so I stiffened my will as I tensed my body and waited for their assault.

Ten minutes in I realized I had seriously miscalculated both how determined they were to win and how exposed and helpless I was. The girls were even more relentless now and as two girls worked my feet and another two worked my ribs and armpits, Brandy resumed her position over my head tickling my neck. Without being able to protect myself at all, every inch of my body completely exposed to their teasing fingers, I was a goner. I had really thought I would be able to hold out and I certainly could not have seen myself BEGGING to be made into a naked slave for nearly a week, but as I screamed and howled I began to break. Finally as the ten minute mark was hit I could stand no more and shrieked.


Monica, her face beaming in delight smirked once again.

"You know how to get us to stop. All you have to do is beg us nicely." As she spoke she and her cohorts in torment amped up their assault as I desperately tried to escape their fingers.

My face red and eyes filled with tears, the laughs were booming out of my mouth in a constant stream. "YES YES, PLEASE PLEASE, LET ME BE YOUR SLAVE!!"

Brandy could not help herself as she was loving this, savoring her victory like a delicious bar of chocolate. "Our slave or our NAKED slave?"


"Girls, does he seem sincere?" Brandy asked the room, and through their insane squeals they nodded and everyone stopped.