Stuck-Up Bitch


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The only lavatory at Action Body Shop was outside and around back. Anna decided to forego the experience, so she cleaned herself up as best she could with a paper towel. She missed a spot-and didn't realize until she got home the big stain on the back of her skirt where she'd sat on cum-juice. Her white blouse was smudged and dirty. She tidied up her hair as best she could.

The truck wasn't fixed yet. She took a seat in the waiting room. The receptionist smirked and stared at her, and even started to giggle. Anna tried to ignore her. Shop employees traipsed through the waiting room on frivolous excuses, casting furtive glances in her direction. Anna turned as red as a baboon's cock. The twenty minutes until the truck was ready took half a lifetime.

Chapter Nine

Monday morning brought an e-mail from the President's Office.

We regret to inform you that Dr. Ellen Riggens has resigned as Faculty Chairperson, effective immediately.

Anna suspected her dalliance with Mr. Washington as the cause. Perhaps Dr. Heppner had asked for her resignation?

Predictably, Anna was last to know the truth. She found out only during lunch, when she was joined by David Peprin. They now regularly shared lunch together in her office.

"You sure did a number on Ellen Riggens," David remarked.

"Why? What have you heard?"

"Apparently you messed with her husband. The whole campus is talking about it. Ellen is so humiliated that she barely comes out of her office."

"Todd Travers is probably happy about that! No more pink aprons for him."

"Can't say I'm upset, either," continued David. "But what are you trying to do to these ladies? First you embarrass my bitch of a wife, and now you've screwed over Ellen. What gives?" He paused. "Is it true that you fucked her husband?"

"Yes," Anna admitted. "That's true. How did you find out?"

"It's the talk of the town! There are at least a dozen people who claim they saw you trudging home from Action Auto, your blouse all covered with oily paw prints, your make-up all smudged, and your hair totally mussed!"

"That's not true," interjected Anna, emphatically. "I drove Todd's pickup back home. Nobody saw me after I left the shop."

"I figured there was some exaggeration. Actually, it wouldn't have surprised me if the whole story was false. But you really did go to the Body Shop and fucked Darryl What's-his-face?"

"Yeah. That part is true."

"Why? What the hell you do that for?"

"There are some people on this campus who really, really hate Ellen Riggens."

"Everybody hates that hypocritical, no-good, ugly whore. But why did you take your own reputation down with her? I mean, it makes no sense."

"I was put up to it."

"Put up to it? Who did that? And why'd you go along with them? What's going on here?"

Anna wondered if the time had finally come to tell the truth. She'd learned to trust David. Still...twenty years in jail? The risks were pretty high.

"Can you promise on a thousand Bibles that you won't act on anything I tell you without my consent?" She looked him straight in the eye.

"Yes," came the unequivocal answer.

"I'm being blackmailed."

With that the whole story came out in a flood of words and tears. An hour later they were both bawling and hugging uncontrollably.

"I think you should go to the police."

"No, no-that would never do. Maybe I wouldn't get twenty years, but I don't even want to go to jail for a week. Besides, Dr. Heppner is going to retire at the end of the academic year. Once he leaves campus I think this will all tail off. Though I'll probably still have to send him money."

"So you're going to let them get away with this? I ain't no feminist, but you've been treated like a sex slave. You've been raped! You're just gonna let it go?"

"By the end of the semester I'll have tenure. Now is not the time to rock the boat. And besides, it hasn't been as bad as you're making it sound."

"What's so good about it?" David cast a skeptical eye.

"Lots of things." She mentally started to compile a list. "First, I learned how to make myself attractive. I wouldn't have done that on my own. I told others that I didn't want to waste my youth-as an excuse-but it's true. I have reclaimed some of my youth, and for that I'm grateful. I won't be sexy forever.

"And then I've learned who my real friends are. I used to think Mary-Jean was a friend! Can you believe that? Instead, she's just a little, manipulating psychopath. She's worse than Todd or Earl any day.

"Third, the sex hasn't been all bad. Todd is a great lay. Mr. Washington is a good-looking dude. The only time I really felt violated was when Earl spent the night at my apartment-uninvited. That crossed the line. But it only happened once.

"And finally..." She stammered. Tears came to her eyes. She gazed into David's. "I've fallen in love."

When the embrace, long kiss, and passion had cleared, they again sat down to discuss how to organize their lives.

Chapter Ten

It was dusk in late April. Anna walked toward the address on Poplar Street on instructions from Dr. Heppner. She was to arrive at 6:15 pm sharp. He'd meet her there. A few minutes after her arrival-for the sake of plausible deniability-he'd leave, and then... Well, she didn't want to think about what happened after that-at least not yet.

She'd dressed for the occasion. Dr. Heppner had given her a full-length kimono. It zipped down the front, rather like a bathrobe. But it looked formal-she wore it with heels-and was more modest than her usual attire. At least it covered her knees. Only she and Dr. Heppner knew she wore no underwear beneath-only one zipper away from being stark, raving naked.

The address was in the "student" part of town, where many houses had been split into apartments to accommodate students who wanted to live off campus. Fortunately her assigned door had only one mailbox and one doorbell-no possibility for confusion. At the appointed minute she rang, and the door opened to reveal Josh Packard.

"Dr. Greten!" he said, with genuine surprise. "Please come in. We weren't expecting you."

Josh, who'd graduate in a few weeks, was a "jock," i.e., the kind of guy the anti-masculinists always tried to reform. He'd been in Anna's Victorian Lit class last year. Anna liked him-a friendly, smart, handsome, all-American kid. But to hear Mary-Jean or Ellen talk about him, he was the devil warmed over.

Within were four other boys, graduating seniors all. Anna recognized Mike and James. Dan and Timothy were introduced to her for the first time. They were all surprised and very happy to see her.

Dr. Heppner emerged from the corridor. "Dr. Greten," he said, smiling. "How nice of you to come. It's not often our group gets a visit from the faculty, much less the female faculty."

"So what group is this?" inquired Anna.

"It's a secret fraternity," answered Dr. Heppner. "Obviously, with the anti-masculinism rage on campus, it's impossible to go public. But our male student population is falling fast, and we need to do something to get more men on campus. So this group is really important."

"We're the Sigma Pi's," explained Josh. "Our mission is to Do Well; Do Good; Have Fun.

"Tonight we're having fun," added James. "Would you like a beer or a glass of wine?"

"I'll have a glass of red wine." That was quickly delivered. "So how do you do good?" she asked in a skeptical tone, reverting to scold mode.

"We help maintain the soccer fields," said Mike. "Earl hasn't been able to get permission from the faculty to pay for that. We pick up trash and occasionally spray for weeds. The girls use the field more than we do, and they don't like thistles."

"We really appreciate you coming, Dr. Greten," offered Timothy. "The faculty don't appreciate us much. Except for Brother Todd-he's our faculty advisor. He couldn't make it today, so Brother Earl came in his place." He smiled at the president. "Thanks, Earl."

"Do you want some food?" Josh asked. "There's a whole spread in the kitchen."

Despite her nervousness, Anna realized she was hungry. The kitchen offered an array of tasty comfort food-she settled on fried chicken and french fries. Something different.

Her wine glass got refilled. She drained it.

"Gentlemen, I need to get going," said Dr. Heppner. "Dr. Greten can represent the faculty. Thanks for the food, drink, and invitation. Let me know what happens." Brother Mike showed him to the door.

Now it all depended on her. They obviously didn't know what Dr. Heppner had asked her to do. They'd be perfectly happy if all she did was drink wine and eat fried chicken. But there'd be hell to pay if she didn't follow through. He'd certainly hear about it, one way or the other. And he still had to sign off on her tenure.

"Could I get another glass of wine, please?"

She didn't chug this one. But no point in putting it off-might as well get it over with. So she drank it with deliberate speed. She slipped off her shoes.

All five students were seated, wining, dining, and staring at her. It's as if they'd never seen a woman before. Well, they'd certainly see one now.

Tipsy, she stood up and staggered barefoot to the middle of the room. "Have you guysh never sheen a ladhy before?"

Nobody answered. They all stared at her.

"Well I'll showw yuu aladhy noww. Can I get 'nother glassh a' wine?"

She didn't plan on drinking it, but she wanted to keep the buzz on. Just in case.

Her hand reached to the zipper at her collar and started pulling it down. Maybe if she'd spread the flaps some cleavage would show.

"There! Ish that goodenuff? You havin' fun yeth?" She took a sip of wine-just for the buzz.

"Hey, Dr. Greten. Our mission commands us to Have Fun, so we know what fun is. This isn't fun yet.

"Yeah. It's actually kinda boring. But it could be fun if you keep working at it."

Anna pulled the zipper down to her navel. "There. Ish that betther?" She obviously wasn't wearing a bra-that much they could see. Still-she showed nothing indecent.

"I think I had more fun yesterday," Josh remarked to Mike. The growing bulge in Josh's pants belied his words.

Mike nodded. "Me, too. We went to the grocery store."

Anna took another sip of wine, and reduced the zipper to her crotch. "If this is boring I can goh home now."

"No, no," said Mike. "You're too drunk for that. We'll get you a ride later. Dr Greten-don't you think it's kinda warm in here?"

"You better keep going with that zipper," suggested Timothy.

"I want you fellash shtoo have fun." The zipper went all the way to the bottom of the kimono. The flaps spread open showing her pussy, though her breasts were still covered. The guys stared at her transfixed. None of them could plausibly claim to be bored.

Mike stood up-all 6'2" of him. "Dr. Greten, can I help you with your coat? I'll hang it up so it doesn't get wrinkled."

She fell for the ruse, letting him slip the kimono off her shoulders as if it were a coat. He walked it to the front hallway to hang it up as promised. The others were confronted with a completely naked woman. They were speechless.

"Do you like to dance?" asked Brother Mike, returning from the cloakroom. He turned up the music-it was his good fortune that Frank Sinatra played on Pandora. He took the naked woman's arm and swung his left hand around her waist. She grabbed another swallow of wine before leaning on his shoulder.

He swirled her around once or twice. Anna realized Mike knew how to dance. She tried to keep up with him but her legs had turned to rubber. He held her more tightly, soon almost carrying her around the floor. She felt his hard cock against her crotch. Soon the dance floor extended into the neighboring bedroom and the music faded behind the closing door. Anna found herself lying naked, spread eagle on the bed.

Even more handsome than Dr. Travers, Brother Mike had the practiced moves of a dancer. Anna remembers little, but the orgasm she can't forget. She has only vague memories of entertaining the other young men, but she's heard tell that she did.

Chapter Eleven

The following week Anna got tenure. She became an associate professor. Her promotion was nearly Dr. Heppner's final act as president-he retired to Florida at the end of the semester. Her only obligation to him was the monthly check, to pay back the money she owed.

Dr. Travers announced his engagement to Julie Roberts. She was the beautiful daughter of John and Darlene Roberts. They were friends of David Quinn (he'd taken his "maiden" name again after his divorce), and through him Darlene and Anna had become close.

About a year later Anna received the following campus-wide e-mail.

We regret to inform you that Dr. Earl Heppner, President of Horace College for 15 years, passed away yesterday at his home in Florida. He was 68 years old. Funeral arrangements are pending. A Memorial Service will be held on campus in his honor.

Later that afternoon she got an e-mail from the dean's office. Under the new president, Todd had been promoted to Dean of Faculty. It read,

Dear Dr. Greten,

I need to speak with you privately in my office for a few minutes. Please come by at 3pm.

Dean Travers

Anna hadn't spoken to Dr. Travers in months. Since his engagement he'd been avoiding her. She wasn't sure what to expect from this meeting, but she hoped it wouldn't be a pantie inspection. She approached his door with trepidation.

"Have a seat, Dr. Greten," Todd said, pointing to a chair in front of his desk. He moved around behind the desk and sat in the big chair. Anna noted that he addressed her by name.

"I have your original documents here. I will now return them to you." He handed her Dr. Heppner's accounts, along with the longhand notes. "Of course I've kept a copy, just for my own protection. But I will not use it for anything unless I have to. As far as I'm concerned, your debt is paid. You are under no further obligations."

"So I don't need to send money anymore?"


"Thank you," she said softly.

"I have nothing more to say. Have a good afternoon."

What does one do with freedom? She should be happy-and of course she was. But it was bittersweet. The experience had changed her life, mostly for the better. Today, for example, she had somebody to share her good fortune with. She called David and asked him over for dinner at her house.

She wondered what she should wear?

Whatever she wore, it must have been the right thing. Because from that day forward David and Anna lived happily ever after.

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Gym52Gym52almost 3 years ago

An EXCELLENT entertaining story,

A well written story, with only a modicum of overt sex, which is primarily in the later chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Excellent entertainment

Lots of drama, sex, fun & games. And a nc story with a positive, romantic end. Much better than nice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

She should've got pregnant.


Happy ever after

šŸ˜ šŸ™€

ssubramaniam122ssubramaniam122over 9 years ago
Very very very nice

good flow, nice ending! Keep it up!

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