Stuck: with You


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Arthur decided it would be best to stay with everyone for the moment, he took a seat on the sofa, taking the arm-rest, and almost immediately the spot beside him was filled by Nicola. Strangely though his usual anxiousness around her didn't manifest itself, rather he felt safer with her beside him.

Heather and Paige waited until everyone was sat down before making their goodbyes, Heather and Brendan trading a few more insults at each other before she left. From there the party kept things quiet, trading stories while they waited for their final guests to arrive, as time went on Nicola's hand slipped into Arthur's and stayed there, neither one of them wanting to move.

Penny turned to Adam, trying hard not to focus on his eye-patch. "So Adam, David tells me you two met before when you were in the hospital?"

"Yeah, yeah must've been about 5, 6 years ago now?"

"Closer to 7." Lexi corrected her husband.

"Yeah, it was when I lost my eye David questioned me about the guy that did it."

"It's not a story I forgot, guy's father-in-law takes his eye and he doesn't press charges..."

"Hold on." Penny interrupted the reminiscing. "Your father-in-law did that?"

"Ex-Father-in-law. And trust me, I more than deserved it, I did some things I regret, made bad choices for what I thought were good reasons. It's a long, difficult and ugly story that I won't tell you today but understand I know how much of an ass I was when I was younger."

Adam turned to the four teenagers, Art, Brendan and Megan all looking confused but Nicola just shaking her head and smiling, she'd heard the story before and knew all about her father's mistakes.

"Hardest lesson you'll ever learn kids, nobody is perfect. Least of all yourself"

The solemn mood was broken by the doorbell and Nicola excitedly jumping up, nearly taking Art with her before she let go of his hand. "They're here."

Nicola rushed to the door and barely opened it when she leaped outside and wrapped her arms around her brother Kevin. They only saw each other a couple of times a year so made the most of what they could.

"I'm so glad you made it."

"Me too Nikki, happy birthday."

"Thanks. Hi Kay."

Kevin's mother Kanani walked in behind her son and bent over to kiss Nikki on the cheek. "Hello Nicola, nice to see you again. This is from us, isn't it Kevin."

"Oh yeah, here."

Kevin handed the present to Nicola, the knowing look on Kanani's face told her that she'd bought it herself but Nicola didn't mind. Through the wrapping she could tell it was some form of clothing, she'd have to try it on later.

"Thank you, both of you, everyone's through the living room. Can I take your coats?"

"I'll deal with that Nikki." Lexi walked into the conversation. "You introduce everyone. Hello Kay, Kevin."

"Hi Mrs McAllister."

"Good to see you again Lexi."

The two women hugged amicably, unless you were looking for it, you'd have miss the minor discomfort both women had for each other.

"You too Kay, I'll take your coats to the backroom, is dad with you?"

"Right here hun."

Ray Henderson walked up the pathway to the front door, he checked back one final time to make sure he parked right before turning back to his daughter.

"It's good to see you again Lexi."

"You too dad."

"And of course the birthday girl, how are you sweet pea?"

Nicola hugged her grandfather, since he lived in Hawaii with Kevin she rarely got the chance to see him but she enjoyed the moments when she could.

"I'm good grandpa, thank you for coming."

"Anytime hun.

Lexi placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Nikki, why don't you introduce everyone, I'll take their coats upstairs then we can get started on the cake."

"Sure thing mum."

Nicola led Ray, Kanani and Kevin through to meet the others, Kevin ran across the room to see his father, the two hugging after too many months of not seeing each other. Kanani introduced herself to David and Penny, silently thanking that she wasn't the only divorcee in the room, while Ray found Adam and got to catching up, eventually Nicola stole her brother to introduce him to her friends.

"Kevin, this is my neighbour Arthur, don't call him Art only I get to do that. This is his friend Brendan, you'll like him, he's into sports as well."

"Sports huh? What type?"

"Football mostly, actual football, not the rugby knock-off you lot have."

"You ever surfed?"


"We get the right weather we should hit out to the coast, catch a few waves."

"Alright, sounds good. Oh, sorry, this here is my cousin Megan."

Megan hadn't stopped staring at Kevin since he walked in the room, his golden tan, his long, flowing hair and his defined and perfected muscles all made him look like some kind of Adonis, she could see the faint outline of his six-pack under his shirt and it took all her strength not to lift and have a look.

She almost didn't hear Kevin talking to her. "Megan? Well a pleasure to meet you. I see my sister keeps good company."

Megan giggled before catching herself and stopping, she was acting like a teenage schoolgirl. Even worse, she was a teenage schoolgirl and hated the stereotype. Thankfully Kevin didn't seem to notice but Nicola had that slight smile growing on her face.

Kevin looked over to Arthur, seeing his sister holding onto his arm. "So Arthur, what's the deal between you and my sister?"

"Wha... what do you me... mean?"

"Well the two of you seem to be awfully chummy, you her boyfriend or something?"

Sensing where this was going Nicola smacked Kevin in the arm. "Enough of that ok."

"Shit Nikki, I was only messing with the man."

"Well don't, I'm serious Kev don't fuck with Art."

Kevin was surprised at Nicola's reaction, in truth so was Nicola; her protective instincts had kicked in without warning. She looked at Arthur, his face just as shocked as hers.

"I just don't want you to have another attack Art, once was bad enough but I won't have my lug-head brother ruin things any further."

"I'm sorry man, I don't get to see Nikki very often so I like to push her buttons when I can. We cool?"

Arthur nodded, knowing that Kevin really didn't mean to cause any offence. "Yeah, we're fine."

"Um, Nikki, can we head upstairs, for girl talk?" Megan asked, the tone in her voice indicting that it wasn't a question.

"Sure, be right back boys."

Nicola and Megan went upstairs leaving the guys on their own, Kevin turned to Arthur.

"If you want, I can share some embarrassing stories about Nikki you can tease her with later."

Arthur chuckled, recognising the olive branch Kevin just handed him. "Sure, let's hear them."


Upstairs, Megan basically pulled Nicola into her room and nearly slammed the door behind her.

"Easy with that, this is still my room."

"What the hell was that?"

"What was what?" Nicola tried to convey ignorance but Megan saw right through her.

"You know damn well what, you nearly ripped Kevin's head off for teasing Arthur."

"Yeah well, I know Kevin and he can step over the line at times and I didn't want Art to have another anxiety attack."

"Then you tell him to cut it out, you don't go full-on Lioness on him."

"Megan, I understand what you're trying to do and you're not wrong. I like Art, I like him a lot, and if I can find some way to look out for him I will. But that's it."

"That's it? Really?"

Nicola thought about Arthur, about the kiss he gave him, about the kisses she wanted to give him, about how scared he looked whenever she was overly affectionate with him. She knew she wanted more with him but she wasn't going to push him into anything and risk hurting him.

"For now, yes."

"Ok Nikki, I'm like you I'm protective of Arthur, he's been in my life for years and god knows he's a fragile one. Who knows, maybe someone like you is what he needs."

Nicola smiled, happy that Megan trusted her. But she wasn't about to let the conversation end there.

"To completely change the subject, what the hell were you doing with my brother?"

"I've no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh no, you don't get to bat your eyelashes at Kevin and pretend that didn't happen."

"We're not having this conversation Nikki."

Megan opened the door and dashed out the room, trying to join company before Nicola grilled her further.

"You get back here you little hussy."

Nicola gave chase but couldn't reach her in time before they were back downstairs. Finding Arthur standing at the edge of a very animate conversation between Kevin and Brendan about the cultural differences between British and American football, Nicola took her place by his side again.


"Hey, what were you two talking about?"

"Oh, just girly things; clothes, shopping, boys, the usual things."


"Art, thank you."

"For what?"

"Being here."

Art was confused but feeling Nicola placed her head on his shoulder he found himself not caring anymore. What's more, his heart attack was almost completely gone.

David and Penny watched from the sides as their son took Nicola's hand.

"That girl is gonna cause all kinds of trouble you know." David said before finishing his drink.

"I don't know, I think she'll bring out the best in him."

"Isn't that what I said?"


The months passed by, Christmas came and went, so did New Year's, and Art spent more and more of his free time with Nicola. Partly it was their families, Adam and David had bonded quickly over their shared interest in law while Lexi and Penny became fast friends following Nikki's birthday party. But mostly it was because while Nicola very quick to become popular at their school, she always preferred to spend her time with Art and their class soon came to recognise the two as an unofficial couple.

Sadly though, not everyone got the message.

Martin Allen, the school's resident rich kid asshole, became an unwelcome presence to the group after the Christmas holidays, his father had bought him a new car and Martin was letting everyone know about it, despite the fact that he was too young to drive. Most people say through his shit but Brendan was taking in by the whole thing, a fact Megan was not happy about.

"You know his brother's in jail for nearly raping Amanda right?" Megan reminded Brendan of Martin's older brother Craig, currently serving ten years for the attempted rape of his girlfriend, and Heather's best friend, Amanda Townsend. "If Heather finds out you're sucking up to him she's kick your ass."

"Ok firstly, my sister does not control who my friends are. Secondly you can't judge someone because of their family."

"Thank god, because if people judged me because of you I'd never have any friends."

Brendan grimaced at his cousin and turned his attention to Nikki and Arthur. "What about you two, you know Martin's on the level right?"

"I don't know." Nikki looked over to where Martin was trying to chat up a girl who was clearly not interested. "He's a bit up himself, he might not be Craig but he's cut from the same cloth."

Brendan shook his head in disbelief and looked at Arthur, his last and oldest friend, for support, instead Arthur just looked down, struggling to look his friend in the eye.

"I can't say, I don't really know him."

"You judgemental motherfuckers, how would you like it if we brushed off Nikki before Arthur even introduced her."

"Nikki didn't spend the last two years being a spoilt asshole." Megan retorted.

Of course in a case of 'speak of the devil', Martin arrived at their table having exhausted his futile attempts with the girl. Truth be told, Martin wasn't unattractive, he seemed to have bypassed the awkwardness that most teenage boys suffer through and had a very mature fashion with his perfectly styled hair, his smooth face - not one for the puberty beard look - and his vibrant blue eyes, on looks alone he was already very handsome and only stood to get more so once he grew into his features.

The problem was his attitude, and more importantly the vibe he gave off, Martin knew he had the looks and was a very confident young man but that confidence translated itself into big-headedness and a general smugness. So when he arrived at the table his eyes locked onto Nikki and refused to leave.

"Well hello there beautiful. I don't think we've been introduced."

"We haven't and for good reason."

Not picking up on Nikki's lack of interest, Brendan jumped in trying to impress Martin. "Martin this is Nikki, she got here a few months back."

Megan rolled her eyes. "You are such a loser."

Martin took a chair from a nearby table and sat it next to Nicola, more specifically in the space between her and Arthur, completely ignoring the man behind him.

"I definitely would've remembered seeing you a lot sooner than this, where you been hiding girl?"

For her part, Nicola refused to even look at Martin. "Evidently not well enough."

"Ha, I like a chick with humour. So Nikki..."


"Nikki, it'll be Valentine's in a couple weeks. You got anything planned?"

"Probably sitting at home trying to find an immunity to Rohypnol. Why?"

Martin moved in closer, trying to fill all of Nicola's view with nothing but himself. "I figured you'd want to go for a drive sometime, get a tour of the city."

"You mean the city I've lived in all my life. Yeah sure, sounds great."

"Well I'm sorry but Brent said you just got here."

Brendan cautiously interjected, trying not embarrass Martin. "Um, it's Brendan, Martin, just so you..."


Nicola turned, finally looking at Martin. "He said I only got HERE, to this school. If you had bothered to think or even just ask you wouldn't look like a fucking halfwit. Besides I've been here long enough to know about your brother, suffice to say I'm not interested in having anything to do with the family."

Martin's blue eyes froze the air around them as he bore into Nikki's skull, but he held his temper and left without a word, Brendan tried to get up and follow him but Megan grabbed his arm before he could.

"He's an asshole 'Brent'. Just fucking leave him."

"To hell with you all, Nicola didn't even give him a chance before she jumped down his throat."

"And for good reason, the man reeks of desperation and date-rape."

"Brendan, you're my cousin and I love you but you need to look past his rich-kid image, he'll never be your friend."

"Not when you lot keep pushing him away."

Despite her best efforts, Megan could only watch as Brendan chased after Martin, determined to be part of the cool kid clique no matter what.

Arthur scooted his chair over and placed his arm of Megan's shoulder. "I'm sorry Meg, Brendan's probably feeling a little left out, we've both sort of become enamoured with Nikki."

"I guess you're right, but why Allen of all people."

"He's rich, confident and clearly doesn't mind showing either off. Brendan's just been taken in by the glamour, he'll realise a polished turd is still a turd soon enough."

Nicole moved to the chair on the other side of Megan, finally taking her view away from her cousin. "I feel awful Megan, I can't help but feel this is my fault."

"Don't Nicola, don't blame yourself cause Brendan's being a cunt. Arthur's right, he'll come around, eventually. However long that is."


As it turned out, Megan needn't have worried so much, Brendan never did leave the group though things were noticeably tenser and he did still try to suck up to Martin whenever he got the chance, Megan never accepted her cousin's bullshit excuses for Martin's behaviour and Brendan got fed up of trying to change her mind until eventually the discussion was actively ignored by both parties.

As the weather cleared up and summer began to creep in Adam decided to take advantage of the rare sunny days and held an impromptu BBQ, inviting Arthur, David and Penny alongside some work friends.

Not really having the opportunity to spend good time on a BBQ, David revealed in being able to stand back and enjoy himself for a change, he took a spot on Adam's left side and kept him right whenever the meat entered his blind-spot.

Seeing the two fathers together, Nikki saw the chance for a little fun, she grabbed a couple empty plates and found Arthur.

"Hey Art, you mind grabbing me something to eat, ask dad if the Mephitis is ready yet?

"The what?"

"Mephitis, it's a vegetable, I'm trying a new diet type. I'll be right here with mum ok."


Nikki took a chair beside Lexi and Penny and watched Arthur approach the grill, Adam turned round as he caught Arthur in the corner of his eye.

"Good to see you Arthur, you here for some food?"

"Yes sir."

Adam smiled and shook his head. "Nah, no need for any of that sir stuff, we're casual today, that's the Barbeque rules. But I appreciate the manners: you've done a fine job with him David."

"I'm just lucky he never got into the teenage rebellion phase, couple guys down the station had their kids go off the deep end and it's not pretty."

"Guess I'm lucky the only thing my one disrespects is me. Now what can I get you Arthur?"

"Nikki sent me over to see if her vegetable is ready, the mephe, mepet...

"Mephitis?" Adam said with a knowing smile.

"That's it, yeah."

Adam laughed and put his arm around Arthur's shoulder. "Congratulations kid, Nicola's given you the seal of approval."

"What do you...?"

"Mephitis is skunk, she's playing with you. And don't be offended that's a good sign, she's played that trick before and she only does it on good friends so count yourself lucky."

Arthur smiled, he was used to Nikki's teasing by now but actively tricking him was new. He kinda liked it.

David took a swig of his beer and patted his son on the back. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right son?"

"I know dad." Arthur replied, slightly confused about where this conversation was going.

"So if you want to talk about Nicola you're free to do so."

"Don't feel nervous cause I'm here kid." Adam joined in the conversation. "Seems my daughter already has plans for you."

Arthur shuffled uncomfortably, not sure where to begin. "Well, I... I like her."

"Does she know that?" David asked with a wry smile.

"She knows I have a crush on her, everyone does."

"Is it just a crush, or is there something more?"

"What do you mean?"

Adam turned and knelt down to Arthur's level, his eyes locking onto the older man's one good eye.

"Think about you and Nikki being together, what's the first image that pops into your head, is it just sex or is it comfort?"

"What... how could you...?"

"You're a teenage boy Arthur it's natural that's on your mind. I'm asking if that's the only thing on your mind or if there's more to it than that."

Arthur felt his heart going berserk, his breath starting to catch in his throat. Why the fuck was his dad and Mr McAllister asking these overtly personal questions about him and Nikki? God he needed her right now, just to calm him down, just to...

The look on Arthur's face spoke a thousand words to Adam, no explanation was needed when it came to love.

"Arthur I've known my wife since literally the day she was born, but now I'm 46 years old and we've only officially been a couple the last 4. Take it from me, don't waste time."

Across the garden, sitting at a table under a parasol, Nicola sat beside her mother and Penny.

"Nikki that was cruel." Lexi chastised her daughter for pulling another skunk prank.

"Come off it mum, it was a bit of harmless fun, besides Art's my friend and I'm not gonna hurt him for a laugh."

"You're quite taken with my son aren't you Nikki?"

"I'd say so, I think he's sweet, I think he's adorable, I think it's great how easily he can be himself around me."

Penny laughed. "Yeah, Arthur never was one for showing off, all through primary school he shocked his teachers with how smart he was yet never showed it openly. Completely unlike his father who was a little show-off as a kid."