Study Buddy Slut

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Their study break turns into a ticklefest and then much more.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/02/2019
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Spring 1996

"My how you've changed!" A flushed faced Marie remarked.

Darterrius looked Marie up and down, she was his tutor and former babysitter from years ago. She had the same ash brown hair styled in a layered bob. Her breasts looked bigger, but he wasn't going to say that out loud.

"Uh... thanks, I play football now and box on the side. If I can keep my marks up I'll get a scholarship." He remarked.

Marie smiled brightly at his words, she seemed very proud of him, although he noted her eyes wandering up and down his muscled body.

"Where are you off too this summer?" He asked.

"Frobisher Bay." She said proudly. "Each summer I go somewhere different to help out in communities."

Darterrius nodded as he listened to her. When he saw her eyes wander again, he flexed his arms as he spoke.

"I'm off to a football camp this summer, the coach for my college team is running it!" He stated pumping his bicep to twice it's size front of him.

Marie seemed to fight through her flusteredness as she spoke. "Oh? Very good... I guess we better get down to work?"

With that they sat in Marie's TV room and buckled down to study. Darterrius felt very comfortable being next to Marie, although she showed no mercy in tutoring, she always found an excuse to pat his arm, or hold his hand. This caused goosebumps to flare up uncontrollably! If he hadn't jerked off earlier in the day, Darterrius was certain he'd have an aching chub!

"Ugh, I'm bored!" Marie declared giving Darterrius a shove.

"I'd say we've studied enough, so let's watch TV?" Darterrius suggested.

"TV is so lame." The petite blue eyed Marie replied.

At six foot tall Darterrius towered over the five foot one Marie, in addition to his height he was also a few shades of skin tone darker.

He was dressed in a loose tank top and sports shorts, whereas Marie wore faded blue jeans with a black burnout blouse that was so faded that her black brassiere was visible underneath.

She was hired on the tutor him before he wrote his final exams. Darterrius' boyhood crush had only intensified over the years now that she had blossomed into a grown woman. Although she was an exacting taskmaster when they studied, when they stopped for breaks she was all smiles and laughs.

Marie grabbed the remote from the table and turned on the TV.

"PBS?" Darterrius cried out. "Let's watch MTV! I wanna see that Bone Thugs in Harmony video."

Darterrius reached for the remote, but Marie pulled it away laughing.

"I don't even know what that means!" She declared grinning. "Besides this show is about Brigham Young!"

"Ugh!" Darterrius said acting disgusted. "You changed! You used to be cool!"

"I didn't change!" Marie said feigning insult with a giggle. "I'm also very cool!"

"Prove it!" Darterrius declared reaching towards her. "Give me the remote!"

Marie leaned back denying him the controller. Although possessing an entire foot over her and close to 100 lbs of athletic muscle, Darterrius was determined to get the remote through cunning rather than strength.

Darterrius' hands came down from interlocking with Marie's to under her arms to her armpits.

"What are you... Ahhhhh!!" She cried out laughing and shaking uncontrollably.

"Give me the remote!" Darterrius demanded.

"Ha ha, NO!" She said trying to squirm away without success.

Darterrius couldn't stop laughing with her, even though she wasn't tickling him back. Her laughter always had that effect upon him.

He thought he'd smelt something, sniffing the air, he knew it was more than just her fruity perfume, it was sweet and musky, he couldn't identify it, but it caused him to pause for a moment. That was all she needed to escape his assault! Marie shimmed up and out from his probing fingers.

In one quick leap she landed on her stomach on the floor. Darterrius jumped after her, making sure not to press his chub against her.

"Give me that remote and I'll stop tickling you!" He declared amid his own giggles.

Marie forced her tiny arm as far as she could, hoping to avoid his out stretched limb. Darterrius tickled her sides with one hand, and reached with the other.

"NEVER!!" She cried out boldly as she gasped to catch her breath.

Lost in their silly fun, Marie didn't notice that Darterrius was lying between her legs when she had rolled over. His body pressed against her, somehow his hand never quite reaching hers. He however noticed that he was basically dry humping his former caretaker.

Darterrius could see by her giant smile, radish face and flushed chest, that deep down she yearned for the same thing he did, and it wasn't watching MTV. Like a boxer who knows instinctively when a properly laid punch will take down an opponent, he knew it was time to strike!

"I'll pee my pants if you don't stop!" Marie screamed between laughs.

In one swift movement he untangled himself from between her legs, before moving up and over her large and firm breasts. He finally settled straddling her shoulders, pinning one arm to her side and the other above her head.

"Ah! Get off me!" She said laughing without the tickles. "What are you up too?"

Darterrius had no clue as to what to do next, he looked her in the eyes while he thought quickly!

"Um... give me the remote!" He said weakly.

"No! Ha ha!" Marie replied. "Now get off me!"

His mind finally kicked in, he put his hand to her side to unleash a merciless tickle assault upon Marie. She bucked, reared, struggled and wiggled to no effect! Her laughter and screams filled the empty house. Darterrius could feel her big boobs pressing against his ass.

"Stop... Ha ha... tickling... ha ha ha me!". She begged.

Stopping for a moment he looked into her blue tear filled eyes to speak. "I'll stop, but you have to close your eyes and open your mouth!"

"No!" She laughed out as she tried in vain to toss him off!

Darterrius unleashed a rain of tickles on her ribs that eventually included her tits as she swayed back at forth screaming and giggling. If this were the boxing ring, he knew he had his opponent in the corner and he was opening up to the end game!

"Ok! Ha ha ha ok ha ha ha!" Marie shouted out. "You win!!"

"Close those eyes!" He commanded boldly. "And open your mouth."

Defeated Marie did as he directed. Darterrius pulled his shorts and underwear down to produce his semi erect penis. It was lucky that he was more of a shower than a grower, his chestnut brown cock fell out and landed on Marie's face.

"What is that? Ha ha!" Marie teased.

Darterrius didn't reply, but instead let his growing oak do the talking for him. He leaned forward to put the head into her wide open mouth.

"Ah!" She gurgled with a mouth full of cock.

"What are you trying to do!" She managed to say as he eased his manhood in and out.

There was no reply he could make, the blood required to make speech possible was elsewhere in his body. Marie finally forgot the remote and moved her free hand to stroke his growing caramel coloured cock.

Darterrius couldn't maintain the angle any longer! He put his hands out to the floor, moving into a modified push-up position.

As if his penis were the key to unlocking her inner little slut, she slurped away with gusto that Darterrius had never seen or experienced before! He looked down to see her head moving in sync with her hand. Marie's pinned arm had come unglued from her body to grasp his calf.

He found her mouth wet as she slurped away, the grasp of her hand was firm. The feel of her breasts against his legs was... overwhelming.

Like a kettle full of water done boiling, he was ready to whistle and blow his steam.

"I... uh... I... uh..." He stammered like an idiot.

"I'm going to cum Marie!" He shouted out over the TV narrator who was describing the Mormon Church.

Most chicks Darterrius knew would scream and run! Others would swallow, or consider spitting. Marie... she was a different sort of slut!

With his eyes closed, he couldn't see what she was doing, but he did feel ten thousand different sensations all at once! Like a boxer punched in the headed repeatedly he was senseless and ready to go down!

At his signal Marie pulled out his massive log of a phallus from her mouth, to aim it above her nose. She stroked faster than before whilst licking the soft underside of his penis. His moans and groans increased in volume, drowning out the monotone of the nearby TV.

"Aaaaaahhhhhh Fffffffuuuuuucccccckkkkk!!" Roared Darterrius as loud as a lion.

Under him Marie had but a moment to shut her eyes as she controlled the spray of African-American DNA from his penis slit out to her face! She had always craved a facial, having seen them in dirty magazines she had spotted in the rooms of boyfriends she had in university, now her dream was coming true!

With her eyes closed she felt warm drops almost like water land on her face. When the first glob touched her face she couldn't help but cum along with him! It was an orgasm unlike any other for her! She orgasmed several times wrestling with Darterrius, but now he wasn't touching her and yet she came!

She however did not forget the light-brown man above her, she didn't slacken in jerking his ebony rod. She pumped faster and faster! Marie was determined to get it all!

When no more spurts fired forth Marie pulled his rigid rod to place it back in her mouth. She stroked the last of his man-honey into her mouth savouring the taste.

Spent and drained Darterrius wanted a nap more than anything else. When he went to climb off Marie, however she refused to let go of his cock! She kept jerking him, in hopes of getting him hard again!

"Marie!" He said. "You can have the remote!"

She let go of him laughing as she spoke. "Fair enough!"

Looking down at her he saw what she had done to herself. A large glob of cum rested on her forehead, and seemed ready to ooze into her ash brown hair. Another was on a cheek and a third oddly enough on her chin! All over her face like freckles on a redhead were drops of jizz.

"Don't move!" Darterrius said climbing off Marie.

"That's easy, my eyes are covered in cum!" Marie joked.

To Marie it seemed like Darterrius was rummaging around, and not helping her clean up.

"Get me a face cloth! Make sure it's wet!" Marie demanded.

"Hold on!" Darterrius declared. "I ain't done yet!"

Marie opened her mouth to reply, but soon discovered what he was up to, Darterrius was trying to remove her brassiere!

"Ah! What are you doing?" Marie said unsure whether to wipe the semen from her eyes, or just to roll with things.

"You're a sexy lady, I wanna see what you look like." Darterrius said seductively.

"Thank-you dear," She said blushing under a faceful of cum. "But my bra doesn't unlatch that way!"

Darterrius huffed in frustration before pulling up her faded sweater and lifting her bra to release her twins. The cool air on her sweaty tits were a welcome surprise to Marie. Feeling blindfolded by the sperm, she was overwhelmed by the unexpected sensations she was feeling!

Darterrius looked at her big white tits and felt the same exhilaration he experienced the first time he knocked out another man in the ring! He dove down onto the first nipple sucking away at it, with both hands holding the wobbling breast in place.

"We are sorry to interrupt your scheduled program." The TV chimed. "After yesterday's deadly attack on an East Jerusalem check-point a Palestinian group claims to have kidnapped an American citizen working for the Israeli military."

Darterrius was not in any sort of mood to hear such news, he also feared that it would prove a terrible distraction for Marie. Without moving his face, he probed aimlessly with a free hand for it.

"The State Department in a press release confirm that there are no un-accounted for US citizens in the region." The man said. "The Israel military has stated that they will and I quote 'destroy the hooligans making these false claims'."

Darterrius fearing the worst stood up and jumped at the remote, then fumbling he found the off button. He then returned to Marie's other breast to nibble with his teeth and tongue. She moaned deeply, it seemed as if she had heard nothing.

Feeling brave he moved a hand between her legs, she didn't fight him, but rather moaned deeper as he felt her intense heat. He wanted to tear her pants off and fuck her, but he wanted to take it slow.

"That feels so Gooooood..." Moaned Marie. "But I still don't have sex with you!"

Darterrius had heard that from many a woman, but it didn't stop him. He lifted up his hand to place it inside her pants, causing her to purr, he knew he'd have to be swift on his feet to anticipate her defences. His best tactic in the ring was always throwing your opponent off balance.

"Date me Marie!" Darterrius said taking his mouth off her breast. "Be my boyfriend!"

"Wha? ha ha!" Marie stammered.

"Oh yeah, be my girlfriend." Darterrius said sliding his hand inside her pants, she didn't stop him.

Her pussy was wet from clit to anus, or so he assumed. He pushed down on where he thought her hard little nib was and rotated his digit. She groaned in ecstasy!

"I can't... Oh!" She said between orgasms, it was like earlier with the tickles, she had to fight to get words out. "I can't... you're..."

Darterrius put his tick finger into her moist opening and rammed it in an out of her pussy quickly. Everything was going according to his plan.

"Is it cus I'm black?" He said pulling his hand out depriving her of another orgasm.

Like a woman trying unsuccessfully to tread water, Marie gasped for breath. She was flustered and fighting to think clearly.

"Yes... I mean no..." She tried to say. "I don't know... it wouldn't matter if you were a Morm... ah!"

Marie cried out as he grabbed the clothing at the top of her hips and pulled. She lifted her hips as he got her pants off one leg and let it bunch around the other ankle.

"I belong to the Zion Bethlehem Pentecostal Church." He stated proudly as if that answered her question.

Darterrius knew she was a total bitch in heat, ready to be fucked on the floor. To be absolutely certain was going to use his proverbial secret weapon. Against another boxer it's be an uppercut that even Iron Mike would be jealous of! Here in Marie's living room he had something even more powerful and devious in store for her!

"Huh?" She said baffled. "That's not even close... Oh!!"

Marie shook in pre-orgasmic delight as he blew a kiss an eighth of an inch away from her vagina. He savoured the moment before proceeding, first he jammed his thumb into her lubricating it liberally. Secondly he placed it on her clitoris moving it back and forth.

"Ooooohhhhhh yesssss!" Moaned Marie, completely under his spell.

Darterrius had his second hand on his cock, fisting it vigorously back to life. He had done too good of a job, he was ready to blow at any moment.

Bringing his face down to her moistened entrance his created a perfect seal with his lips against hers. Truth be told, he had no idea what to do next, he figured he'd stick his tongue out until she came, then he'd follow up with his penis.

Neither of them heard the door opening, but they did hear her father.

"Marie! Hello Marie!" He bellowed are you home.

Darterrius was lost in the moment, he didn't care if it was Michael Buffer calling him into the ring to square off against Cassius Clay himself at his prime! He was going to fuck Marie with an audience if he had too!

"Marie, come help me, I'm bringing in groceries." The voice said before trailing off.

Forgetting what he was going to do next Darterrius started a fresh, he decided that he had some time before the father came looking for them. Instead of sticking out his tongue, Darterrius put his lips to hers then exhaled deeply!

Darterrius blew into Marie's vagina as if it were a balloon. He just knew she'd let him do her after that.

"What are you doing?!?!" Hissed Marie harshly, as she suddenly came to her senses. "We have to get dressed!"

Panicking Darterrius was shocked to hear that she wasn't won over with his match winning moves! This was the ultimate worst case scenario, the urge to cum was powerful, if it wasn't going to be in her...

"Aaaaahhhhhh!!" He grunted as he came.

The next few moments were chaos as they tried in vain to dress, and come up with a believable story.

"What am I going to do with all this on my face!" Marie asked. "I can't even see!"

"I got an idea!" Darterrius said wiping his DNA from her eyelids.

"Good! Cus I'm clueless!" The Petite woman said. "Aaaahhhh! What are you doing? That's my hair!"

"Don't worry, I saw this in a movie! It'll act as styling gel!" He said using as much as he could get from her face to put in her hair.

"This is stupid!" Marie said. "I need to get dressed!"

Darterrius turned red at her words, changing subjects quickly he reached into his school bag to get a handkerchief he used after practice. He moistened it with his water bottle before handing it to her.

"Jeeeeeezzzzz!!" Exclaimed Marie. "Why didn't you do that first!"

"Uh yeah, oops." Darterrius said sheepishly. "I'm going to help your father, come join us when you're ready."

Marie nodded in agreement. Darterrius stood up and grabbing the TV remote he turned it onto MTV and cranked the volume then ran from the room while she dressed.

"Hello sir, can I give you a hand with that?" Darterrius said to the older gentleman with two shopping bags full of groceries.

"Darterrius?" The man said handing the bags over to him. "I saw your game last week, you did very well!"

"Thank-you, we got a great team this year." He replied with a smile.

Darterrius helped the older gentleman bring in the groceries, by which time Marie had joined them. She looked flushed and disheveled. Darterrius couldn't meet her eye as she adjusted, then re-adjusted her jeans.

"Marie!" The man chided. "What is wrong with you? Why do you look like that?"

Marie was shocked, lying didn't come easily to her so her mouth hung open, and her face was very red.

"Uh Sir," The tall young blackman said stammering as he wove his tale. "She uh opened a can of pop... it was... um... shaken before hand..."

"Pop in my household?" The older man roared loudly. "Marie! Explain this!"

"Sir," Darterrius said lying smoothly now. "It was mine, she was going to pour it out when it exploded in her face."

"Thank-you Darterrius for being honest with me, I value you that." The older man said putting his arm around Darterrius. "Marie! Next time please just throw the thing out! You look like... a mess!"

"Father, I was going to have a shower before dinner to clean up." Marie said taking an exaggerated step forward to adjust her blue jeans, without touching herself.

Darterrius grinned widely, then looked at the floor when Marie shot him a dirty look.

"Marie!" Her father scolded as he shook a finger at her. "You had one this morning! Do you think water is free?"

"I... uh..." Marie stammered, she was embarrassed and flustered all at once.

"Please just cut the vegetables while I show young Darterrius my BYU football trophies." He said putting an arm around Darterrius.

The two men walked out of the kitchen, Darterrius looked over his shoulder as Marie stuck her tongue out at him.

Later when they sat down for dinner a most un-lady like noise came from Marie. She was going to run from the room when her mother spoke up.

"Are you alright dear?" Her mother asked.

Marie nodded her head and when no further noises came from between her legs, she assumed she was safe. Darterrius almost burst out laughing! He knew it was her womb he'd inflated earlier that was the villain behind the sound.

"What have you done with your hair?" Her mother asked after prayers.

Marie was again at a loss of words. Usually she engaged with her family at dinner. She was after all highly educated and motivated woman, the silence was frustrating for her. Tonight however with black sperm worked into her scalp she knew not what to say.