Suburban Sweetheart Adventures Ch. 01


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A few minutes later Emma walked out the bathroom in her underwear, a swirl of steam following her and stood staring at me, looking a bit concerned. I was only wearing my underwear, so I stood and pulled them down and there was a small smile from her. She reached around and unhooked her bra and let it drop and my eyes went down instantly, taking in the beautiful sight of her nipples, hardening and turning darker. My eyes went lower, following her hands and they took her knickers in them and pushed them over her hips and they fell around her ankles, my eyes going with them for a moment, but then rising to the dark strip of curls and the succulent labia below. I licked my lips and my mouth opened as I breathed in deeply. I looked up and Emma's eyes were shining brighter, the smile wider and she opened her arms and I walked into them and held her close.

"Birthday wobbles?" I whispered as I brushed my lips over her neck.

"Yes, sorry." she sighed and I squeezed her naked body to mine and then she turned, taking my hand to lead me into the bathroom.

"I need to go." I giggled and Emma held me as I urinated and then she stepped into the bath and began to vanish in the foam.

I lay with my legs open, Emma sitting between them, leaning back as I gently stroked her breasts, cupping water over them and running my palm over her hard nipples as she pressed back to me and sighed. We caressed each other, holding off from actually having sex, just kissing and touching, her hands on every part of me and mine on her. We would top up the water with more hot now and then as we relaxed and our words just became soft murmurs.

Emma kissed up my chest until her lips nudged onto mine softly, her breath tickling my mouth as she took my lower lip into her mouth. I pulled her closer and she moved her knees either side of my body and moved down, giggling as my hard cock knocked onto her bottom and then she lifted up a little and reached down to move me so she could grind onto my cock, trapping it between her body and mine and her eyes shone into mine.

"Will you stay with me tomorrow night?" she whispered and I saw a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes.

"Of course." I replied and she smiled.

"Emma?" I said, my voice cracking a little as nerves kicked in.

"Yes, darling." she whispered as her lips brushed over my cheek and her nose nudged mine.

"I was wondering... Maybe, something to think about, I mean, I was just thinking..."

She looked into my eyes and smiled. "Are you trying to ask me out again?" she giggled.

"Well, I mean, sort of..." She moved her head back and tilted it. "I was thinking... Maybe you don't have to ask me to stay," My brain suddenly stopped working and I was unsure how to continue. Emma shook her head slightly and then went back to looking puzzled.

"Why?" she said and I had flashbacks to when I did ask her on a date.

"Well... we could..." I tried to look away and think, her dark eyes were fixed on me. "Maybe just stay together."

Emma blinked and I think I did too.

"Stay together?" Her head went straight, then tilted again.

"Permanently." I said very quietly with a cracking voice and we both blinked at each other.

"As in?" she said it slowly as if her brain was triple checking everything before she spoke.

"No more walk of shame." I said, swallowing hard.

"Together?" She said, her face moving closer, the whispered word caressing my cheek.

I nodded and Emma's head shook a little as if stunned by what I had said. Which was reasonable as I was too.

"Together, together?" She said, slightly louder, but only just above a whisper.

I nodded again and tried to think of something sensible to say to justify my proposal.

Emma's eyes were fixed on mine and neither of us were blinking. She took a deep breath. "This may be the best birthday ever." she whispered and her face nestled on mine and I felt the cool liquid run from her eye down my cheek, joining with mine. "Yes, more than anything." she whispered and her lips caressed my face as they found my open mouth and locked on me, tongues running to greet the other.

She took me inside easily. I had softened as we spoke, but her 'yes' had roused me and her kissing did what Emma's kisses always did and her hips started to move to rub her wet body on my hard one until she lifted and then lowered and we both groaned into each other. We moved slowly, even by our standards. The water barely rippled as Emma moved her hips around, sitting up and looking at me, my hands holding her breasts as she arched her body to get them pressed to my palms. She pressed down hard and I pushed up, staying deep, her body hotter than the steaming water around us.

Small waves ran from us as Emma moved faster, her high groans shooting to the ceiling as her head went back, her arms behind her, on my legs as I held her breasts and she shuddered as she ground her hips and pulsed around me, the sweet, hot liquid running down my shaft as her cervix gripped the head of my cock and her body convulsed until it was just the aftershocks that moved her and she moved forward and I held her against my chest as she gasped.

We turned in the water and just Emma's head was above it as I moved my hips slowly, trying not to make waves as we resumed kissing and gasping against each other. We moved around in the water, Emma lifting up to sit on the edge of the tub as I knelt between her open legs, grinding into her as she reclined, her arms out sideways on the ample edge of the bath, my hands pressed to her breasts as her legs closed, feet locking around my back. Even by our standards, this was languid, slow, small movements with lots of body contact, the bathroom now full of steam and groans.

Emma unhooked her feet and I moved back, sliding from her body, the cooler air of the steamy room wafting over my cock and she turned and slid her legs down into the water, bent over the side of the tub and I moved back and into her without words, her body opening and welcoming me as I pressed my groin to her behind and she let out a long groan. I bent to her form, my chest on her back, my hands stroking down her arms to hold her hands, fingers entwined as I stirred my cock deep inside her body. She turned her head to the side and I kissed her cheek and she smiled, her eyes flickering with each push over her cervix.

"So fucking lovely." she mumbled and I had to agree with her. I held her hips and moved her back until Emma's arms were resting on the side, her body now in the water as I moved against her, undulations rippling over the water from us. I tucked my legs under Emma and she lifted up, her back horizontal as my hands ran up and down it, fingers moving the water, the bubbles fizzing as they were brushed away.

I pulled out again as Emma turned and her legs wrapped around me as we became one again, easily and smoothly, her arms now stretched out along the rim of the tub as she arched her body, breasts pushed high as I knelt and moved my hips against her. The groans were getting higher as I pushed up and I knew I wouldn't last much longer now as our hips danced faster together.

"Oh god" Emma gasped and then she growled as she pressed down to me and I felt her gripping tight and her vaginal walls pulsed. I was gritting my teeth, trying to hold on, but I knew I wouldn't survive a second orgasm from her and our movements sped up as we pushed each other on. "Oh Jesus yes." Emma mumbled and then her body arched more, nipples dark red and hard against my wet palms as her breasts trembled and the shudders began. My hips were reacting to her now, going faster to press against her quickening movements as we both filled the room with groans.

"Don't stop." she muttered, sensing my nearing climax and I grunted my reply as my hands curled around her breasts as she pressed them into my palms. Emma's body bucked into me and her groans went high as she shook onto me. "Oh god god god, oh god." she said as her face screwed up and I felt a warmth wash over my crotch and I looked down to her spread vulva that was enveloping me as the liquid ran across my skin and I jerked into her and cried out my own offerings to a deity as I let my own stream loose inside Emma, thrusting to get my semen deep with each shot until I just shuddered, totally spent between her wide and clamped legs.

The steam swirled and settled now, our movements stopped, just our breathing creating any circulation. Emma opened her eyes and lifted her head, her face red for a variety of reasons. I slid my hands from her breasts up to her shoulders and then down her arms as I moved forward and her body relaxed and she lowered herself down into the water as our lips met in a breathy kiss.

"Ummmm." she giggled and went another shade of red. "I think I peed."

"I know." I said quietly and her eyes went wide.

"Really?" she gasped. "Oh fuck. Really?"

"Yeah. Well, I felt something, but only a little bit, Hard to tell as we are in a bath." I said, trying to downplay it.

"I felt the orgasm and then..." she went even redder. "I should have gone to the loo earlier!" she giggled and put her face to my chest. "See, I am an old woman." she mumbled.

"You're not old." I said as I held her to me. "These things happen. A full bladder, lots of prodding and a relaxed body." and I felt her exhale deeply. "Anyway, it might have been a squirt." and I felt her head move and looked down into her dark, shining eyes.

"Yeah, right." she mumbled. "What colour was it?"

"Don't know, it was just liquid and only a little bit. I felt the warmth mainly."

"We should get out of this water." she giggled.

"I think, after what we have just done, the water wants us to get out of it." and we laughed together and then sat in the tub cuddling and kissing.

We let the water go and then rinsed off in the shower, washing each other's body and hair and then we put our robes on and pulled the chairs to face each other and sat close as we ate the cake Julie had given us.

"Are you serious about together together?" Emma said quietly and her dark eyes lifted to look at me through her lashes, her head down, uncertainty washing over her.

"Yes. I mean, we have spent every night together, pretty much. But, I realise it might be rushing."

"No rush for me. It seems natural. We'd really need somewhere a bit bigger though, just to give us a bit of space." and I agreed. Emma took a deep breath and then looked up fully, "You could move some stuff in next week and I will get keys cut, just for now, you know... save you going home so often." I could see the way her eyes moved she was nervous, so I smiled at her lovely suggestion and the glow came back to her.

"That would be wonderful." I said quietly and the tears glowed in her eyes.

We moved to the bed, shedding the robes, just lying naked, holding, caressing and kissing each other.

"I'm a bit nervous now, in case I pee again." Emma chuckled as my fingers stroked over her opening body and circled her clitoris.

"Like I care." I laughed and she gave me a gentle slap and then pulled my head down to kiss me.

"Abi-normal." she said as looked into my eyes and pressed herself to me as her body opened wider to my touch.

"Thank you, darling." Emma murmured seconds before she drifted away, her hair strewn over my chest, an arm draped across me where she had turned to hold me and got no further, too spent to move fully. I lifted the finger to my mouth and licked it, tasting her sweet nectar. It was only her juice, nothing else this time, her worries unfounded. I held her to me and her soft breathing carried me away with her.

Our train was in the afternoon. We woke early, still tangled from the night before. It was light, but not enough to worry about oversleeping. Emma mumbled and stretched and then sat up and my bleary eyes widened to stare at her breasts and she giggled.

"You are crazy." she said and jiggled her boobs at me and I smiled. Her eyes were warm and she leaned to me and placed a hand on my cheek. "Thank you." she whispered and then gave me a beautifully soft kiss that woke every part of me in an instant. "I love the way you look at me, even though you have seen it all before. It makes me feel very special." she said softly, her eyes slightly damp and I pulled her to me and her mouth was as wide as mine when they met.

Emma's lips opened easily to me and I slipped inside as we kissed, her legs rising and wrapping around me. I lifted my head and brushed my nose on hers as she blushed slightly. "I am always wet for you." she whispered as I pushed to get deep and her legs rose to get me there.

The heat was rising now, a few days had made all the difference in the weather. We pulled apart and I moved down, but Emma put her hand on my head and lifted it. "No, darling, it's fine. I want you to stay inside me." she said and her eyes sparkled. We showered and packed, then headed for breakfast before doing the final panic that comes with leaving a hotel. We checked out, but left our bigger bags so we could go for a walk and wandered off the birdsongs now ringing around the sky blue sky.

"This may not have been a great idea." Emma giggled as we sat by a small stream and watched the bubbling water. "My knickers are a bit uncomfortable." she said and blushed.

"I love your shy sexy look." I said and she pouted her lips and stared at me.

"I'm not very sexy, sorry." She mumbled.

"You are wonderfully sexy." I said and her eyes sparked, "Your naughty bashfulness is a massive turn on." I added and she shook her head.

"Abi-normal." she laughed and then she looked into my eyes. "I feel sexy with you. How you react makes me feel sexy. Last night I felt shit and you looked at me and I saw the desire in your eyes and pussy just purred like crazy." she giggled, then looked around to check the donkeys hadn't heard and blushed again.

"I love when pussy purrs." I said and put my arm around her and held her tight.

"And I love when you get hard just looking at me." came a small voice from against my chest. "Also..." there was a cute giggle, "No one has made me pee before." and I looked down to see her bright red as she put her hands over her face.

"Well, I hope I can do it again." I replied and she slapped my chest and laughed.


We walked back and got our bags then walked into the town and were shocked to see lots of people walking around. We headed to the cafe and stood, looking around to see it full. We looked at each other and pouted and were about to walk away when Julie called to us.

"Hey, your table is ready." Emma and I looked at each other and then to Julie as she pointed to the 'usual' spot and Emma stepped forward and then waved to me to follow. There was a piece of paper folded on it and the word 'reserved' was scribbled on it. We looked over and Julie gave us the thumbs up and we laughed and sat down, trying to decide what to eat as we needed lunch before the train home. Julie bounded over, laughing at us. "Yeah, it got kinda busy, so I took no chances." she said and we thanked her for her kind act. We ordered some sandwiches and cake as well as coffee, then relaxed as the hubbub swirled around us.

The cafe had quietened when we were ready to leave and Julie came over to chat for a while. She gave us some cake for the journey home and we all hugged when we left and Emma gave her a little kiss on the cheek and they both blushed.

The train was quite busy, but emptied out after a few stops and we cuddled up as it rattled along and my hand moved up Emma;'s fleece to hold a breast. She had worn the lace bra, so I could feel her nipple hardening and I flicked my thumb over it and she groaned.

"Behave." she giggled and then looked around and quickly pulled the top up so I could kiss her breast and she went red.

"How are the knickers?" I asked quietly and there was a giggle.

"A bit soggy." she said and then looked up into my eyes. "But I love having you inside me, feeling your warmth trickle out." I tried to breathe, but failed for a few seconds. Emma put her head to my chest and sighed. "Thank you darling." she whispered. "I don't tell you how much you mean to me, how much you turn me on, how you make me feel." She said and then lifted her head and kissed me. "I love you." she said and blushed, "And you're a very lovely and handsome man and I don't tell you that enough. I feel very special with you."

I didn't know what to say, so just held Emma as she rested on me It seemed the birthday wobbles had gone now and we spent the rest of the journey cuddling up and kissing. As the train neared London, Emma moved to the seat opposite and leaned forward, looking around to make sure no one could hear.

"Hello handsome man, Would you like to come back to mine and lick my pussy?" She said as she blushed.

"I cannot think of anything better." I replied.

"And stay the night and maybe tomorrow, you can bring some clothes and just never leave." she said, sitting up and looking straight into my eyes.

"I cannot think of anything better." I said and she moved forward, her knees straddling my legs as she held my face and her open lips pressed hard to mine as I held her as we prepared to embark on the next part of our journey together.

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MalevolentMollyMalevolentMolly2 days ago

I really enjoyed the story, it was sweet, playful, sexy. I'll be sure to check out more of the series.

Paulo1000Paulo10002 months ago

A lovely very believable story. Now one of my favorites. I hope orangecurious is writing a lot of this from personal experience, and has had as much pleasure in his own life.

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