Succubus Office Pt. 04

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The intrepid protagonist ventures into the world of humans!
5.2k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/05/2021
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Whew! Finally got some time and motivation to put together a decent story. This one has a lot more meat than the previous Succubus Office stories, but never fear, it's still mostly smut.

This story includes: penis growth, excessive cum, a ridiculous premise, and some mild dom/sub situations.


I fell in to a routine at the office pretty quickly. Every morning, I would get up, resist the urge to touch myself, and head in to work. Margaret and I would share an hour or so of mindblowing sex and cuddling, then I'd go off to tend to the computers while she went off to call donors, pay bills, that kind of thing. I tried to do a couple hours of work every day, but when you're dealing with such a small office and such a low budget, there's only so much you can do. I found myself with nothing to do besides more "extracurricular" activies, especially towards the end of the day when everyone was tired and horny.

Sex happened in the office at the thinnest pretense, and sometimes no pretense at all. Oh, you just got off a stressful call? Better come to me for some stress relief. I fixed your spreadsheet? Better reward me by shoving your tits in my face. Lunchtime? That means two succubi take turns sucking me off while I eat a sandwich. You have nothing better to do? Might as well fuck. The -allys especially liked it when I just grabbed them with no warning and started pounding. Sometimes I walked around the office with no pants on.

As you might expect, when you have sex several times a day with a gaggle of truly unbelievably hot women, it can get exhausting. Even a complete sex maniac like me wants to sit down and talk to a woman without putting his dick in her every once in a while. I found respite from the skimpy outfits and spread legs of my other coworkers by sitting with Beatrice in the front room. The amazonian succubus was already in a committed relationship, so she never once came on to me or tried to arouse me. We would play cards sometimes, or even just sit there and talk. Bea turned out to be a friendly, easygoing person; the tough-girl act was just her role as the strongest succubus around.

Her role was definitely necessary though. I never witnessed it, but the other succubi talked about times Beatrice had repelled gangsters, religious fanatics, even some corrupt cops. Margaret sank a significant portion of the budget in to a law firm that ensured they could never legally mess with the organization, but any extralegal threats were handled, quite effectively, by Beatrice.

The situation with Cindy improved slowly but steadily. She didn't seem to actively avoid me any more, although she always left as soon as anything started to heat up with another succubus. We would exchange awkward working-hard-or-hardly-working jokes, comments about the weather, and nervous laughs. She was still incredibly shy, but I found it cute, especially when I managed to make her smile. She reminded me of my high school girlfriend in a way, except that she was a 11/10 knockout and also a demon.

I drank quite a lot of the Milk of Lilith while at work, and it had some interesting effects on me. I always felt like I had an excess of energy. I started to exercise much more than I had previously (more than nothing, that is) to try and tire myself out, so I was starting to get in to the best shape of my life. I actually had discernible biceps! Of course, one of the biggest physical changes was in my penis. I'll spare you the details, I stopped keeping track of them myself, but suffice to say that my cock was probably over a foot long and almost as thick as my (admittedly unimpressive) wrist. My testicles were like lemons dangling in an overgrown ballsack. It was pretty inconvenient, especially with how much cum would build up in my balls after just a few hours, but I found all kinds of clever ways to avoid unfortunate incidents like sitting on my junk or having an outlandishly large bulge in public.

The girls at work, of course, loved my new endowments, and honestly I did too. People throw around the word "cocksleeve" a lot in certain fetish circles, but you can't really appreciate what it means until you can see the bulge of your cock nearly touching a woman's ribcage while you pump her full of more sperm than most men can produce in a year. The -allys in particular were all my cocksleeves in the truest sense of the word. With Monique I felt like I was a beast being goaded by a seductress into fucking her senseless and with Margaret, well, the situation was more complicated, but in the sack I was more of her human dildo if anything.


I was having a fairly humdrum Wednesday. It was mid-morning, I'd just finished unpacking a big box of office supplies, and I was relaxing a bit at my desk. Kally was impaled on my cock facing me, leaning back on my desk for support while she swivelled her hips around in a tantalizing circular motion. I knew it was Kally because, at my request, the -allys had started wearing little black chokers with their names on them. Her sheer grey blouse had been removed and I was lazily fondling her supple red breasts. The -allys that day had chosen to wear crotchless panty hose and the aforementioned blouse and nothing else, a combination that I was definitely enjoying.

My phone buzzed on the table, and I nonchalantly reached over to pick it up. Kally never paused, in fact she sped up a little and moaned.

It was from my old friend Dan.

>Hey Jimbo, I'm gonna be in town for the next few days. Wanna grab a beer?

Kally leaned forward more to give me a better view of her breasts jiggling while she gyrated on my lap. She might have heard of that saying "bros before hoes" and worried that she might lose my attention. She had little to worry about, though; if anything, I was getting more aroused while typing out my response.

<Yeah, for sure. You free tonight at 5:30? I'll text u the address of my favorite spot

Kally leaned over to support herself on my shoulders. Her nipples actually hit my nose every time she forced herself up and down on my giant, rock-hard pole. It twitched in anticipation, and she sucked in her breath.

"Oh fuck, Jim, your dick feels so good in me! Mm p-please fill me with your cum," she whispered huskily.

When I finished typing, one of my hands left my phone and found its way onto her shapely ass, giving the smooth, soft flesh a squeeze and pulling her harder onto my raging cock. I continued to focus primarily on my phone, although I could feel myself getting very close to release. Kally humped my cock hungrily and moaned loudly, clearly trying her hardest to get me to erupt inside her.

>I'll be there!

I came. I'd been well drained that day, so it was nothing special. However, Kally howled with pleasure and fell down so her head was over my shoulder as soon as the first torrent of cum entered her. I kept a firm grip on her smooth, supple back and fucked into her as hard as I could from my seated position while I texted the address to Dan. The familiar feeling of conquering Kally's pussy was complemented in this case by the novelty of being completely focused on a normal conversation while I was doing it. I made a mental note to do try this kind of thing again.

It took an unusually long time for Kally to recover herself, but she did eventually slide off my dick and thank me for the meal. I declined an offer for yet more milk and decided to go in for some coffee, feeling refreshed, clear-headed, and optimistic about meeting up with Dan later that day.

That disappeared when I came across Cindy, boiling some water in the electric kettle. What's more, she was quite clearly rubbing one of her nipples through the fabric of her relatively chaste flower-print sundress. I apparently didn't make enough noise to rouse her from her little reverie, so I coughed softly at the doorway.

Cindy instantly snapped her hand down to her side and turned towards me, staring bug-eyed at my face like a deer in the headlights. My god, she was so beautiful. Her dress didn't exaggerate her inhumanly sexy figure, but it certainly couldn't hide it either. It wasn't just her nubile body and impossibly symmetrical face that made her beautiful though, it was also her innocence. Unlike the other succubi, she seemed delicate. I couldn't dream of treating her like I treated the -allys.

Her nostrils flared a little and her hands clenched. "Uhm -- hi Jim. You, uh, you need the kettle?" I would bet that if her skin wasn't already bright red she would have been blushing intensely.

I found myself getting nervous as well. The more I interacted with Cindy, the more it became clear what monumental self-control she had to exercise constantly to avoid jumping my bones. I could probably just walk up and kiss her and that would be that, some part of me said... but I couldn't take advantage of her like that. It just wouldn't be fair.

"Nah, I was just gonna use the coffee maker," I said, trying to act casual despite the erection reasserting itself in my pants, unrestrained by underwear. I motioned to the kettle, which was now clearly boiling. "Why are you making hot water? I thought succubi couldn't eat or drink."

She seemed relieved to turn away from me and talk about something. "Oh, well, we *can* eat and drink, we just don't get anything out of it. Food doesn't even taste good and it makes us feel nauseous. But I've been trying to drink different teas recently to see if I can actually learn to like the taste. Peppermint didn't taste too bad, and I liked how the hot water felt going down my throat. Now I'm trying hibiscus." She showed me a small pile of random herbal teas she had collected from the tea drawer. I smiled. Clearly she was really excited about this little project.

"Well that's awesome Cindy! Let me know how that project turns out, I'm interested to know which tea tastes the best to you..."

I trailed off as I stepped closer to her to use the coffee maker. We were side by side, inches apart, and the sexual tension was palpable. I swear I could smell her arousal faintly in the air. I struggled for a few seconds to go through the motions of making coffee. Cindy had an easier time of it, having to just pour some hot water in a cup, and quickly whisked away, leaving me alone. I shook off the mind fuzz and made my coffee.

Nothing else very interesting happened that day except a short orgy in the afternoon. Monique liked to instigate these by feeding me larger than normal doses of her milk, in an attempt to "make the stud's wunderschwanzer even bigger!" (her words). It never seemed to lead to a bigger dick or a hangover, thankfully, but it did reliably lead to a rutting frenzy once I'd fucked her plump ass into oblivion and needed another hole to use.

But by 4:30 we had all wound down, and everyone was back in their clothes. The -allys all went off to take care of some actual work, leaving me chatting in the break room with Monique and Margaret. Monique's pendulous breasts rested on the table to my right, even though she was sitting with her back straight. The only thing keeping them from popping out of her elegant wrap dress was the fact that her nipples pressed against the fabric and held it up. This situation lead to a fantastically deep valley of cleavage presenting itself to me, which I periodically glanced at. Every once in a while she would "catch" me staring and smile at me, clearly enjoying her effect on me.

Margaret's breasts were pretty damn big too, but they couldn't compete with Monique's. Instead of being plopped down on the table they were sealed up in a low-cut red blazer. She actually wore a tie, too, although it was a lot more loose and flowey than mine.

At some point, Monique decided to ask me a tough question. "So Jimothy, do you have a girlfriend?" My gaze lifted from her chesticular display and to her demonic grin. Damn, those pointy teeth can be scary.

"Well, uh, I haven't really been on the market lately. You are all my girlfriends, in a way," I responded, trying to be as diplomatic as possible. I'd been in this kind of 'what kind of relationship are we' talk before, just never with five succubi at the same time, and I knew my answer was Important.

Monique laughed. "No, silly, this is your job. I mean you can like your job and your coworkers. I certainly do," she grinned mischeivously again, "but that's different from having a girlfriend. You don't just see your girlfriend from 9 to 5 on workdays."

This allayed my suspicion somewhat. And she was right, once I clocked off work all I had was my hands to keep me company. I still had some kind of instinctive feeling like my answer was Important, though. I decided to answer honestly.

"I guess if you put it that way then I'm kind of single, at the moment, then."

Monique giggled and turned to Margaret. "Can you believe it? Even Jim is single! He should have women lining up for him! Humans are so weird." Margaret chuckled a little, and the converation continued from that slightly tense point.

Apparently Monique had read some article that day about the vastly increasing numbers of permanently single young men. According to the article, this wasn't at all fuelled by a lack of interest from women. If anything, women were more desperate than ever to get with the opposite sex, but young men were simply less interested in sex. The article featured dozens of interviews with experts and everyday people, and the consensus seemed to be: succubus porn was at fault.

This lead to some heated discussion. Monique and Margaret, of course, thoroughly rejected the idea that succubi could be held accountable for this problem, and instead criticised the porn industry and poor sexual education and human sexual mores in general. They insisted that succubi were always blamed for being too sexy when it was really the humans that had problems with sex, that this article was little more than anti-succubus propaganda and part of a smear campaign that attacked their hard work.

I was a little scared to voice my opinion, since they were more vociferous and obviously more educated on the topic than I was, but to me the basic conclusion *did* resonate. Before I had gotten a job I hadn't had sex in over a year, but it wasn't because I didn't want it, it was because I could satisfy my needs by just opening up my laptop and watching some super-hot demons have mindblowing sex. It wasn't just that the succubi were sexier than humans, it was also that they clearly loved their jobs and weren't faking anything. Human women were confusing and terrifying to talk to, and honestly sex with them just didn't live up to my fantasies. I had always thought that it was just because I was an awkward computer nerd that I could never seem to connect with women, but according to the article, it was a lot more widespread than that. It got me thinking about societal trends and such, something I was never the best at.

I sort of lost the thread of what they were talking about, but the debate continued vigorously until past quitting time. Finally, Margaret declared the conversation finished, and Monique sauntered off to go pack her things and go home. Margaret turned her back to me and went about cleaning up some of the overturned chairs from our recent orgy.

I stood up and said, "Well, see you tomorrow boss--MPH!"

She had turned around quickly, grabbed my face, and kissed me before I had time to react. Usually with Margaret I felt like she had the upper hand when she kissed me, and this was no exception, but there was a kind of passion in this kiss that felt totally out of place. She seemed to really, really want me, but she didn't reach down to pull out my dick or anything, just kissed. We made out for not very long, maybe half a minute, before she finally released me from the lip lock.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow," she said flatly, and left for her office. Her expression was too difficult for me to read. I just stared openmouthed, with a growing erection in my pants and a million different thoughts and feelings jumbled around my head. That had clearly meant *something*, but what it meant, and what I should do about it, I could not fathom. I quietly went to get my things and head out to the bar.


Seeing Dan was just what I needed to get my mind off Margaret's confusing behavior. He was one of the only people I'd kept in touch with from high school, but he was a lot more successful than me and moved far away from home to be a bigshot programmer at a fortune 500 company, so we didn't see each other often. In this case he was in town for a conference.

We had a long period of "How ya been?" type conversation, where I told Dan I loved my new job but didn't quite reveal what exactly it was. I just said I worked for a local nonprofit providing homeless services, and that seemed to be enough for him.

A couple pints in, we started to get into the more serious discussion.

"So, are any of your coworkers cute? I've heard lots of em are at nonprofits looking for a boyfriend," Dan asked cheerfully. He'd always been the suave one with girls, and he was one of the only people I knew who was actually married at my age. He always took an interest in my romantic life, and even tried to be my 'wingman' when he got drunk, which meant he chatted up cute girls and introduced them to me. Usually we'd go on one or two dates and things would fizzle out. I highly suspected that that would be the outcome of this night.

"Well, yeah, actually a lot of them, but I don't want to fish off the company pier, you know?"

He snickered. "Yeahhhh, that's probably smart. Still though, maybe one of them is crazy for you. You never know. Chicks have a hard time getting it these days."

"Yeah, I read about that!" I sorta-lied and sipped my beer, "Fucking crazy. I really would never guess, with how hard it is to talk to girls!"

Dan shook his head. "It's not that hard to talk to girls, man. Just be pleasant enough and show them you're willing and they'll take you home. I've seen lots of girls checking us out tonight. The thing is they want you to come talk to them."

"Tsch," I said, and took a bigger swig of beer to wash down the embarassment of being a coward, "You say that, but you don't have to do it. You've got Gabby."

"Seriously man? How do you think I met Gabby? Do I have to do the wingman shit again?"

I groaned and begged him not to, but Dan was insistent. He got up and started talking to a cute pale brunette with horn-rimmed glasses and a polka dot minidress who I had been stealing glances at all night. Earlier she had been looking at her phone, but she seemed pleased that he started talking to her. Through some arcane trickery that baffled me, he quickly got her to come over and join us at our small table.

"Jimbo, this is Violet. She was bored as hell and alone so I asked if she'd like to join us."

"Jimbo?" Violet giggled. Oh jesus, she was really cute. "How'd you get such a silly nickname?"

"Well, uh, my name is Jimothy, which was already silly, so my nickname had to be really silly to outdo it." This was my lame canned joke about my name and nickname, and usually it worked in the sense that people found my name funny. This time was no exception and Violet laughed melodically again. I gulped. This is what always happened, Dan would introduce me to some girl way out of my league, the three of us would have a pretty good night together, but once the two of us were alone and sober it would fizzle out without Dan's charm.

Oh well, I thought, might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

Truth be told, it wasn't just a pretty good night, it was a *great* night. Dan got stumbling drunk, much to the amusement of Violet and I. I actually found myself getting pretty confident with Violet, even being overtly flirtatious. I guess some combination of alcohol, recent sexual activity, and hormones raging like a teenager's made me more adventurous than I'd usually be. Violet, for her part, never once gave me a sign of discouragement. I learned a lot about her: she was a grad student studying biochemistry, she'd had a short non-speaking role in a famous movie that I'd never seen, and she watched way too much anime. I almost forgot about how strange the past month or so had been for me, I felt like everything was completely normal. It felt really good to be normal, and for normal-me to be this lucky.