Summer 1971: Second Slice

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He has breakfast with Angela and Dom.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/19/2004
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Your enthusiastic and overwhelmingly positive response is greatly appreciated. To those 'anons' I am unable to thank personally, please accept my gratitude for helping to make the writing experience such fun.

The second installment....

I woke up in a strange bed will a dull ache that extended from head to toe. The smell of bacon filled the air and the aroma was intoxicating, but I felt like at least a brief shower was a necessity before going out to face the world.

As my body relaxed under the soothing feel of the warm spray, my mind tried to sort out everything that had taken place. The thing that I was most concerned about was how the events of last night would affect my relationship with Dom and Angela. Would they treat me differently and would it affect my job? Could I actually work with these people after all this?

After I got out of the shower I quickly toweled off and after putting on my robe from the night before, went out to join my employers. Angela was cooking breakfast and I greeted her warmly while hoping for the best.

Angela was also in her robe and smiled wide when she saw me. It was just like being home, except I couldn't ever remember Mom skipping over and giving me a good morning kiss that involved a tonsil check, or a quick honk of my horn through the robe for that matter. Good morning to you too.

Angela sent me out to the patio, where Dom was already enjoying the beautiful morning by taking a swim, sans trunks as was the custom here. I sat in a patio chair and looked out at the lake below through the trees. Small power boats were flying past and just coming up the middle of the water was the Minnie-ha-ha, a big cruise boat that took tourists up and down the lake all summer.

Judging by the position of the sun it was likely after ten or so, but it was getting warm already. It being Tuesday, A Slice of Italy was closed, and I was planning to go home and say hello to my folks, as well as do my laundry for free.

Angela came out with a tray of breakfast for me which included everything you could possibly ask for; bacon, eggs, toast coffee and juice delivered poolside by Angela. Angela was looking incredible even at this early hour, and without make-up besides. She looked even better when she shed her robe and plopped into a patio chair across from me. She reclined the chair a bit, put on a pair of shades and laid there stark naked soaking up the morning sun.

I usually read the paper with breakfast but that was out of the question with this view in front of me. Lake George was beautiful but came in second place this morning. Life can be such a pain much of the time, but then there are moments like this that make it all worthwhile.

"Hey David, I gonna go down to the shop in a little bit so if you want a lift... " Dominic said as he climbed out of the pool and provided me a rather graphic view that I chose to avoid.

"Thanks Dom, I gotta go down visit my folks this afternoon" I answered while Dominic padded into the kitchen."

I was finishing up my breakfast as Angela sighed and put her hands behind her neck and pushed further back down into the chair. My eyes devoured those gorgeous eggplant shaped breasts with the massive dark crimson aureola. Those incredibly contoured underarms swirling with dense hair so astonishingly black it was almost a new color all it's own. A stomach so flat that it...

"Davy, you gonna eat or stare at me all morning. Your breakfast is getting cold" Angela scolded without even looking over at me. Was she peeking or did she know that she was so unbelievably drop dead gorgeous that I couldn't NOT look?

"Uh, can I do both?" I suggested, finishing up the last of my toast and washing it down with juice.

"Well, if you keep looking at me like that you gonna make me horny" Angela said matter-of-factly. "If you didn't have enough to eat, then come over and eat my pussy."


"You heard me all right Davy" Angela announced loudly. "All last night nobody even go down on me once. What's the matter, are you one of those macho guys that don't go down on women?"

"Um... er... no, I eat every thing that gets put in front of me." This I said with a great deal of confusion which had to be obvious in the tone of my voice. "But uh... Dominic, he's not..."

"He don't care Davy, because he's not much of a pussy eater anyway" Angela said, and then yelled "Hey Dominic! Davy wants to know if it's alright if he goes down on me!"

"Sheez! I didn't say..." was all I could manage to get out before Dom chimed in.

"What the hell do I care?" Dom yelled out from the kitchen window. I'm just getting my coffee. After all, I didn't get waited on like some people" he teased.

"See? It's okay with him and it's okay with me!" Angela declared, and she promptly put her heels on the edge of her seat and spread her legs wide, giving me a gynocologists view that made me light-headed.

The total absurdity of the situation was overwhelmed by my lust for Angela, so I set my plate aside and went over to her. I knelt between her legs and ran my hand through the rich forest surrounding her womanhood, and my hand stirred up the intoxicating aroma of a woman in heat.

"Please be sure and tell me if I do anything wrong," I said, "because I don't have much experience at this."

Twice before, to be exact, but I was more than eager to learn. Angela made it easy for me to get started by yanking the robe off my shoulders, grabbing me by the hair and pulling me toward her. My tongue found the opening already moist and I began swirling around. In the daylight it was much easier, I discovered.

Angela started breathing heavier and began moaning softly while her hands ran through my hair and ground me into her.

"That's nice... so very nice" Angela said. "Now this is how a man really takes care of his woman" and I sensed that Dominic had joined the party. A glance up and to the right confirmed his presence. He was sporting some morning wood of his own and was jerking himself off next to Angela while watching attentively as I licked the wife from stem to stern.

When Angela started ripping my hair out of my head, I figured that I was on the right track. When she screamed out, I was sure. They had neighbors, and they weren't that far away either, but that was not going to keep these two from letting it all hang out.

I kept my nose to the grindstone, which must have been buried deep in her pussy, and just kept flailing away with my tongue. It had long passed wet and we were into the dripping phase in that furry grotto when Angela began grabbing for my scalp again. She came quieter this time, but no less violently, and she clamped her legs around my neck this time as she bucked beneath me.

As her body began to stop shaking I heard Dominic yell to his wife "Here Angelina here!"

I looked up to see Dom ejaculating all over Angela's face, as he apparently tried and failed to stick it in her mouth before he came. All over his wife's face he shot his load, and Angela yelled as Dom got her square in the eye.

"You son of a bitch! That burns!" Angela screamed as she clawed at her eyes to try and get the goo out. I buried my face back in the safety of her pussy and fought to try not to laugh, in case she was really pissed.

Holy shit! This wasn't exactly Ward and June Cleaver, or even Rob and Laura Petrie playing out above my head. It was hilarious though, and even funnier when Angela threw a plastic cup at Dominic's laughing ass as he ran for the safety of the house. It was fortunate that Angela was laughing too, or else she might have snapped my neck with her calves.

Mmmm... and what great calves they were, I thought to myself. My hands went lightly up and down their silky smoothness before I slowly pulled them from around my neck. Curvy and solid, maybe even a little muscular too, and wasn't this woman an absolute goddess even in broad daylight?

Angela rubbed my head affectionately as I got up from between her legs. My cock was standing straight up and Angela grabbed it before I could get away.

"I'm gonna take care of Davy like he take care of me Dominic!" Angela yelled, and with that I became immersed in the warmth of Angela's mouth. I looked down and watched Angela's lush full lips slide down over half the length of my cock before pulling back ever so slowly, letting her tongue do a darting dance on the tender opening before plunging down again.

Dominic had come back to the patio door and was watching, actually giving me the thumbs up sign as his wife tried to inhale me whole. Angela pulled my leg up so I could rest my foot onto the arm of her chair. This gave her great access to my balls which were now left dangling free. Her hand milked them with a slow and churning motion, and I knew that I was not going to last long at this rate.

I wanted to reach down and grab Angela's breasts but I found it awkward to reach that far so I contented myself by rubbing Angela's shoulders. I was in the hands and mouth of an expert and as I felt my cock tense and tingle, Angela knew what was about to happen and so she took me out of her mouth long enough to say "Look at me Davy."

I looked down as Angela began stroking my cock slow and hard using both her hands, her fingers running roughly over the head and pointing it just inches from her face. Her eyes closed and I watched in amazement as she let my cock spurt crazily all over her beautiful face. Jets of cum spraying all over those magnificent cheekbones, drenching her eyelids and covering her chin as I let out a guttural groan, all the time trying to keep my quivering legs under me.

She pointed my cock downward as my last load squirted around her collarbone and drooled lazily down between her breasts. All the time Angela's head was tilted up toward me and rolling lazily around on her shoulders as if in a trance.

She smiled as Dominic yelled approval from the kitchen, and looking a little over her shoulder, took her index finger and swiped her dripping chin. Being as subtle as possible she bowed her head and put her cum drenched finger in her mouth and licked it clean, before looking back up to me and shyly smiling like the bad girl she knew she was being.

"I'm gonna take a shower and then we go, okay David?" Dominic called out from the house, as Angela finally released me from her grip. I waved in acknowledgement and staggerred back to my chair after grabbing my robe. Angela tried to wipe her semen drenched face and body with a towel and then gave up in disgust.

"Looks like another shower for me" Angela said and then hollered at Dom to save her some hot water. "You having fun with us Davy?" she asked smiling.

"Uh yeah, of course" I said. "It's been incredible."

"Good, I'm glad" Angela said. "We have fun too, me especially."

I didn't know what to say so I just sat and stared at Angela as she spun her chair around to face me.

"Last night was very very special for me" she said softly and looked over her shoulder toward the house. "Nobody ever make love to me like that, ever. I swear to you."

I was speechless and I tried to explain to her that it was pretty much an accident owing to my nervousness and just dumb luck, but Angela just shook her head.

"No, you were very special. You just were, I can't explain. You just cared so much and tried to please me so hard, and you did too Davy."

"Uh, I'm glad. I loved it too" was all I could manage.

"Dominic and I we have, I don't know what you call it, a very open marriage" Angela said while struggling for the words.

"Oh yeah, Dominic told me about his prostate and everything" I explained to Angela, who rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Ah, that's just something he tells people so that they don't think we're strange or something" Angela said. "He had a little trouble with that once but that's long over. You see I'm very... I don't know the right words, but I really like to have sex. A lot. That's the way I always have been. And Dominic, he likes sex too but, he... likes to watch me have sex too. With other people, you know Davy? I think he like it better to watch than to do sometimes, you know?"

Nod and act wise. Well, yeah I guess of course I knew, I think. Maybe. Just keep nodding.

"I hope you don't think we are weird or anything, that's all" Angela said.

"No, I guess you guys are like swingers or something" I offered after clearing my throat. "I think it's cool and all that, it's just that if I was married to someone as beautiful as you I couldn't watch someone else have sex with you the way Dom does."

"You're sweet Davy" Angela said. "You know just what to say to make me happy. I guess that it's just what he likes and it's what I like too. I can't have children so this is pretty much what we do for fun."

I felt awkward listening to this and I think Angela sensed that, so she lightened up the conversation.

"That thing you do last night, as soon as we started, the kissing and everything under my arms? Where you learn something like that?" Angela asked.

"I dunno" I said while blushing with humilation. "I did it to the first girl I was ever intimate with and she really liked it. I think it's just really a sensitive and neglected spot."

"Nobody ever do that before to me, not even Dominic" Angela said. "All the American guys are probably scared of all the fur! And you know what? When you do that to me last night, you know you make me have an orgasm" she said with a giggle. "First of so many last night that I lose count!"

Bingo! I thought so. This was something I was going to keep in my repetoire.

"When we first come to America everybody told me 'Oh you gotta shave under there Angela' and so I did" Angela explained. "I did and Dominic, he hated it. I hated it, and after I shave it looks right away like I gotta do it again. So I said the hell with it and just cover it up."

"Everybody's doing their own thing these days" I suggested. "It's really up to the individual and whatever you feel comfortable with. Women are beautiful no matter what."

"Just seems stupid to me" Angela said. "Anyway, you want to stay around here with me today? I think we could find some things to do while Dominic is at the shop."

That thought was very appealing but there was just something about the way Angela said it that made me a litle wary so I begged off. Angela seemed a little hurt when I did.

"Ah, I don't blame you Davy" Angela said. "I guess you probably want to be with people your own age."

"No, I'm going to see my folks and wash my clothes' I said.

"I could wash them for you if ..." Angela offered before stopping abruptly. "You still want to be with your parents though, I understand. You don't have a girl down home Davy?"

"No, that's what I hoped I would find up here" I said before adding, "and I guess I did." I smiled at Angela who seemed to lighten up a little at that remark, much to my relief.

Dominic had finished his shower and called out that he was almost ready.

"Because if you do have a girl, and you wanted to bring her up to have fun with us, or just with me, that would be alright too" Angela said as we got up and walked toward the house. "I am very... open minded about that also, do you know what I mean?"

There was no chill in the air that made me shudder. I certainly did know what Angela meant, and the thought of seeing Angela with a girl would no doubt provide me even more future erections as I played out that scenario in my mind.

Dom took me down to the shop and I hustled upstairs to get my dirty clothes before going to get my car, which was parked near the outskirts of town. Parking in town was tough to find and parking tickets were very expensive, as it seemed to be a major source of town revenue.

My car miraculously made it up and down the Northway and I had a message waiting for me down there. My best friend Kenny, who was going to college in Colorado, was coming home for a week and was going to come up and stay with me for a few days. Party time!

When I saw Dom the next day I asked him if I could have a day off next week. The Who were going to be playing down at the nearby Saratoga Performing Arts Center and we wanted to go see them.

"Who the who?" Dom asked. Dominic was throughly confused with rock music and had often expresed concern with how jazzed up Jerry Vale had been sounding lately.

"The Who, Dom. They're a musical group that are playing at SPAC, so I wanted to take off the day off and go down with my friend Kenny and see them" I said. He twisted his face and looked like he was trying to figure out a way to say no.

"I could stick around through lunch and then go" I offered, and to that plan he lightened up. Apparently the thought of my only working 80 hours instead of 90 that week was something he could live with.

So the combination of that night and the day off meant that I would get to spend some time with Kenny before he headed back to school. We had a lot of catching up to do.

thanks for reading this far

the next installment will be following soon.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
always a fun read

Hope this continues. Love the way you are able to combine humor and erotic together

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Underarm Forest

Absolutely the best! So subtle so loving and add the forest in her underarms the potion is just magic. Thanks

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