Summer 1971: Third Slice

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See me, feel me.
5.8k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/19/2004
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Well, that was a surprise. To those who may have clicked on what was supposed to be this story early Tuesday and were confused, well so was I. A little mix-up occurred which is all fixed now, hopefully. Many thanks to the fine folks at Literotica for their work in getting it all straightened out.

The third installment of Summer 1971 features the reuniting of David and his best friend Kenny, home from college and visiting at Lake George for a few days before heading back out west to school.

1. I get excitement at your feet

Monday morning found me at work extra early, trying to make sure that my departure wouldn't screw up things at A Slice of Italy. By the time Dom and Angela came in we were all prepped and ready to go. Dom, as was his custom said nothing, but I could tell how pleased he was.

Angela thanked me in her very special way. Since our escapades last week Angela had become far more warm and affectionate toward me when the customers weren't around. A squeeze here and a grope there, just to remind me she was around. I certainly needed no reminders, but enjoyed it and returned the affection when possible.

When the store was open she was pretty much the same old Angela. Very quiet and business-like, although giving me the occasional wink from behind the register. As for me, well now that I knew what was under that bland uniform, I had no trouble spending time mentally undressing her to help kill the time.

Dom was not much help, as he would throw in little asides to me from time to time. If Angela would bend over for something and present that lush posterior toward our direction he would say something like "Oh mama, we could do a number on her when she's like that, couldn't we David?"

That morning, with much of the work already done, we found ourselves with time to chat so Dom grilled me on when I would leave for the concert. I told him I would stick around until two and then leave. The Saratoga Performing Arts Center had a sizeable lawn, but it was going to be a mob scene so we wanted to stake out some turf.

"So this friend of yours, this Kenny, you know him a long time?" Dom asked.

"Pretty much my whole life" I told him. "I don't remember ever not knowing him. Now that he goes to school out in Colorado we haven't seen each other since the holidays."

"You and Kenny, you like to chase the girls together I bet" Dom said with relish.

"Kenny doesn't have to chase girls, they chase him" I informed Dom.

"Oh, he's a real ladies man, this Kenny?"

"Dom, if I told you some of the stories you wouldn't believe me" I said, which perked up Dominic considerably.

"Oh, you try me" Dom said. "Tell me some stories David, while it's still quiet" Dom said as he leaned back against the counter.

So I gave Dominic a few tales of Kenny and his conquests, and Dom got more and more excited, beginning to reach under the apron and adjust himself as he often did whenever sex was being discussed.

"Oh mama!" Dom exclaimed as I finished off the story about Kenny and our school librarian. "Why you never tell me these things before, David? You know I love to hear stuff like this."

"Gee Dom, it's not like the stories are about me or anything" I told him. "It's him getting laid, not me."

"Still good to hear it" Dom said.'"You and Kenny, do you two ever... you know, do stuff?"

"Do stuff?" I asked while very confused for a second. "Oh! Hey Dom, geez no! At least nothing like what I think you're talking about."

"Eh, how do I know?" Dom asked while shrugging his shoulders. "Boys in this country are different I guess. Back at home, you know, guys do things and then it's all forgot about. You know, no big thing."

No, that would have been something I would have remembered, I assured Dominic. I did proceed to tell him the story of how I watched from the closet when Kenny screwed our neighbor.

This really got Dominic's attention as I began telling him the story of Mrs. R--- and what I was doing in the closet while they performed on his bed just a few feet away from me. Dominic was extremely agitated at this. His face was turning crimson and he was grinning like a loon while bouncing from foot to foot in excitement.

I noticed Angela was walking toward us and so I stopped telling the tale and smiled innocently when she joined us.

"You two must be talking dirty down here" Angela quipped. "You got Dominic hopping around like a monkey. I know damn well what that means."

"You gotta hear this Angelina!" Dom said excitedly. "David, he tell me about the time he watch his friend slip it to the neighbor woman while he was in the closet doing this!" Dom exclaimed, making the famous jerking motion with his hand.

"You do that Davy?" Angela cooed at me while rubbing up next to me, while my face turned way beyond beet red and I looked for a hole to crawl into. "Mmmm... I think I like to watch Davy do that to himself" Angela chose to add as she squeezed my shoulder.

"C'mon, keep telling me the story David" Dom insisted. "We gotta open the door in a few minutes.

Angela suddenly slipped her hand under my apron and felt my cock through my jeans, finding it in its seemingly perpetual state of readiness. She squeezed with a sense of urgency and looked over at her husband. They exchanged some sort of nod and the next thing I knew, Angela was kneeling down in front of me and unbuckling my jeans while Dom stood by like a proud papa.

The front counter where we made the pizzas might have blocked Angela's head from the passersby, supposed, but the top of her head had to be visible. It didn't bother her any, as my apron got spun around and my underwear came down. Angela's full red lips were wrapped around my prick in a second.

I leaned back and tried to get out of sight as Angela began slowly sliding her mouth down the shaft. Dominic, on the other hand, wanted the show and the story too!

"So your friend Kenny, you say that now he has his dick between this woman's breasts right?" Dom asked as I tried my best to look out the window with a facial expression that didn't divulge that I was getting my cock sucked under the counter. A couple tried the locked door and I shook my head when the guy looked my way.

"Uhhhh... yeah" was all I could manage as Angela ran her tongue up and down the underside of my prick before plunging down once more.

"Your friend Kenny, he gotta big dick like you David?" Dom asked, his hand working under his apron. A fleeting thought of what the board of health would think about this scene passed through my mind as Angela lovingly took first my left nut and then my right one into her mouth.

"I don't have a big dick Dom" I grunted in response. "Kenny... Kenny, now that's different."

"Your friend, he gotta big one?" Dom said, sweat rolling down his face, his gaze never leaving the sight of his wife's head bobbing up and down my cock.

"Big? Kenny's cock is as long as both you and me put together" I told Dom while desperately trying not to come.

"Angelina, you hear that? Hear about David's friend?" Dom said almost yelling now. "David's friend, he gotta really big one. He's the one that comes to see David today! What you think about that Angelina?"

"I like this one the best" Angela said curtly after pulling back off of my cock momentarily, before eagerly resuming her task.

"Angela... Dom... Ang..., I'm going to come any minute if you don't stop..." I said as I felt the unmistakable feeling begin to well up inside of me.

Angela got up quickly and told Dominic to stand in front of the window. I saw that Angela's panties had been down around her ankles while she was working me over. Just before she hopped up on the countertop beside the stove she rubbed her wet fingers under my nose, and I inhaled the unforgettable aroma that told me exactly where they had just been.

"Hard and fast Davy!" Angela insisted huskily in my ear as I leaned forward and slid right into her already prepped and wet pussy. Dominic stood with his back to the window, blocking about as much area as you would expect a five foot six inch skinny man would.

There was only one chance I had of not being seen by anyone looking through the window. That would be if they were so distracted by watching the little guy with his back to the window with his hand doing double time in his pants, that they would not pay much attention to the kid with his apron on backwards thrusting madly into the woman on the countertop behind the oven.

Angela was the only one with any degree of anonymity as only her legs were visible from her perch. Anyway, it didn't last more than a minute as I was so aroused and nervous there was no way for me to hold back.

As I felt myself blasting my seed into Angela, I kept pounding away. She was so close to coming herself that I kept pumping away with my slowly diminishing tool. Finally she groaned loudly and I watched her come, her head flying backwards into the cabinet behind her as she howled, the loud jarring impact not fazing her a bit.

I pulled out immediately afterward and hurriedly yanked my pants back up while looking over toward the window, expecting to see a crowd gazing inside. All was calm, however, and I watched with amusement as Dominic took Angela by the hand and ran around the counter.

I thought for a minute they were going to ask to use my place, but instead they ran into the storeroom and pulled the curtain behind them. I gave the countertop a thorough scrubbing down and then decided to go over and take a peek, figuring it would be fun to turn the tables and watch Dominic pound away.

I grabbed the fabric of the curtain and pulled it aside a bit. I was expecting to see Dom humping away but instead was treated to a very different sight.

Angela was sitting on a stack of canned Contandina crushed tomato cases with her uniform pulled up to her waist. Dominic was down between her legs with his face buried in her delightfully hairy womanhood. The guy that wasn't supposed to be much of a pussy eater was doing quite a number down there. His pants were down and he was stroking himself with intensity as he tongued away.

I backed way from the curtain and decided to give them their privacy. I couldn't help thinking that I had just blasted what felt like a gallon of cum into that pussy that Dom was now devouring happily. I hoped that he didn't mind the mess, although I assumed that he had to know what to expect, since he had been standing there all the time.

2. I get my back into my living

Kenny made his grand entrance at high noon, with A Slice of Italy jammed to the gills. I waved at him over the sea of humanity looking for service NOW! I busted my ass to get rid of the herd and flew around the counter to greet him.

His hair was a lot longer than I remembered but outside of that he was the same old Kenny. Still looked fifteen, still had dimples and still had girls watching him all the time. When I ran back behind the counter, I watched a girl glide up to him and start a conversation out of the blue. Some things never change.

"That your friend?" Dom asked as we tried to feed an exceptionally ornery mob as fast as we could. "He look like a little kid, kinda like a girl with that long hair" Dom suggested.

"He's my age Dom" I told him. "He just looks young."

"That his girl friend?" Dom asked as he dropped a hot slice of mushroom pizza on my sneaker, the price I apparently had to pay for his inattention.

"No, I think she just now came up to him" I explained to Dom as the girl flirted away with Kenny. "It happens all the time."

"No shit!" Dom exclaimed as he kept one eye on Kenny and tried to wait on people at the same time. "They just come up to him?"

"All the time Dom" I said and leaned over toward him so the customers couldn't hear. "I call him the Pied Piper of Pussy, because he pulls out the old flute and they follow him anywhere."

Dom got a kick out of that, and managed to get back to business so we could get rid of some of the crowd. Meanwhile Kenny was up by the register talking to Angela, who was breaking in a new girl that had just started today.

I sensed that he was going to be taking this new girl into the storeroom any minute the way things were going, so I grabbed a couple of slices and a soda and brought them down to Kenny, which I hoped would keep his mouth occupied for a few minutes.

The rush finally ended and I got the opportunity to introduce Kenny to Dom and Angela. Dom seemed to warm up to Kenny right away, as Kenny really had a way with people, even guys. I really expected Angela to swoon around Kenny but while she was friendly, she stayed very reserved.

After we had gotten caught up, I saw my chance to break away so I ran upstairs to my place with Kenny and did a quick splash bath and changed my shirt. Kenny surveyed the little apartment and asked how much it cost me.

"Nada, it's a fringe benefit of the job" I told him and his jaw dropped open.

"Holy shit! Do you know what this place would go for up here during the summer? This is fantastic!" Kenny proclaimed as we went back down the stairs, and I ducked back in to say goodbye.

"Thanks for letting me out Dom" I said while patting him on the back.

"No problem David" Dom said and then whispered toward me, "You think you and your friend like to come up to our place tomorrow afternoon for a picnic and... you know... the other" he said while nodding toward Angela. What you think David?"

"Uh, gee I guess we could Dom" I said, while trying to figure out exactly what I should be asking Kenny. "What should I say to him about this, Dom? I don't want to tell him..., you know, our stuff."

"He's your best friend David?" Dom said. "You can tell best friend everything, right? Then that's what it's okay to say."

Dazed at that, I nodded that I understood and started toward the door with Kenny. Dom suddenly yelled out to me and ran to us out in front of the store. Dom took a card and pressed it into my hand.

"Here, this I almost forget David" Dom said. "Give this to the guy at the will call window. I know a guy there that'll get you guys in the place free."

We thanked him profusely but Dom waved it off and headed back inside. I looked at what Dom had given me, which was just one of our business cards. On the back, Dom had written some guy's name along with "He's my boy" and signed his scribble of a signature.

"That's really cool" Kenny said. "We'll save the four bucks, or whatever it is for the lawn these days."

"We better take your car Kenny" I suggested, realizing the long walk to my car. "Where did you park?"

"All the way down near Gaslight Village" Kenny complained. "This place is a frigging zoo."

We walked down the main drag and waited forever for the cop that directed traffic at the major intersection to let us cross. We walked along the lake front in the direction of Kenny's car and when we finally got there, saw a parking ticket under Kenny's windshield wiper.

"Fuck!" Kenny said as he grabbed it and looked at his with disdain before crumpling it up and throwing it in a garbage can.

"It's the main revenue source up here" I explained, having gotten one early in the summer and had vowed to make it my last. Kenny had his mother's car which had air conditioning, which would come in handy today, and a great stereo with an eight track player. As Kenny threw in Jimi and Otis Live at Monterey and cranked it up, his nose crinkled.

"What the...?" Kenny said and looked at me with an evil smile. "I smell something, and I know it ain't coming from me, because I haven't gotten laid in forty eight hours."

I tried not to smile but failed miserably.

"Who's the lucky girl? Kenny asked. "Was it the cashier back there?"

"Sort of" I said as Kenny headed south toward Saratoga. "Kenny my man, we've got a helluva lot to talk about."

3. I call that a bargain

We stopped at a grocery store on the way and got a couple of six packs of Carling Black Label and a bag of ice. Black Label had a couple of things going for it, it was wet and it was cheap. If you got it cold enough and drank it fast enough, you could hardly taste the metallic aftertaste.

When we got near the venue, it was already getting incredibly congested. We managed to get into the back of the parking lot and drank a couple before going up to the window. When you're on the lawn it's every man and woman for themselves, but since the place wouldn't let anybody in for well over an hour, at least we could get the passes now and save that hassle.

We waded through the humanity and slowly worked our way in line until we reached the girl at the window. I handed her Dom's business card and she looked at it like it was a turd before taking it and walking toward the back of the ticket office.

"If this is Dom's idea of a joke I'll kill him" I told Kenny, thinking that right now Dom might be rolling on the floor laughing at the thought of me handing somebody his business card and expecting to get in for free.

The girl soon reappeared with a guy in a suit. He looked down at me over his glasses and asked me for identification, and after he checked my name handed me an envelope. We walked away from the window and I peeked into the envelope to make sure there were two tickets in there, which there were.

I spun around after giving the contents a glance, did a double take, and then sprinted back to the ticket office with a confused Kenny following closely behind.

"What's wrong Dave?" Kenny yelled as I fought my way toward the seating chart on the side of the office. I kept looking at the tickets clutched tightly in my hand while my finger traced along the chart. Kenny kept asking me what I was doing, and all I could do was hold the tickets up so he could see them.

"Hey, those aren't lawn tickets" Kenny said as I started jumping around like a lunatic. Kenny saw what I had just discovered and joined in the insanity, screaming and giving each other high fives after I put the tickets safely into my pocket.

"Fucking Dom" was all I could say, as I felt my eyes well up with emotion. "Fucking Dom."

"This is unbelievable Dave! Far fucking out!" Kenny kept yelling as we romped back to the car. No need to rush into the place with the rest of the mob, because Dom had somehow managed to get us two seats, Section 4, fifth row from the stage. A little to the right of center, but I guessed we could live with it. Fucking Dom!

4. Do you think its alright...

We got back to the car and relaxed with a couple of beers while keeping a eye out for the state park police that were known to take a dim view of the kind of party we were having.

"This guy you work for is awesome!" Kenny said while were still in a euphoric state. "I'm gonna kiss him when I see him!"

"He might like that for all I know" I mumbled before downing the brew.

"Huh?" Kenny said, but I ignored him. "Anyway, I know you must have just got laid Dave. You reek of it! Tell me, who was it? The cashier, the one I was talking to? She was kind of cute."

"No, not the cashier, I never saw her before this morning" I said. "I introduced you to Dominic and Angela right?"

"Yeah, and she was hot too" Kenny said. "Man, how did he end up with her? I'd love to see her without the prim and proper look."

"You think she's attractive?" I asked Kenny coyly.

"Hell yeah!" Kenny said. "She looks like Sophia Loren, and I'll bet she's got a pair on her too, underneath that uniform."

"Oh, she does alright, even more than you can imagine" I assured Kenny, and as he looked at me, I saw the light bulb go on over his head.

"Oh shit! Are you kidding me?" Kenny said almost in awe, and all I could do was smile a little.

Kenny shook in head in disbelief. "How the..., I mean, do you think her husband knows?"

"Knows?" I said while laughing. "Dom was standing next to us when we were doing it!"