Summer BBQ Turns into an Orgy


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"I see."

"Did anyone penetrate your anus with a penis or finger?"

"Are you crazy?" he answered angrily. "I'm one hundred percent hetero. No guy has ever put his cock in my ass, and no one ever will."

"How about a finger? Did any of the women massage your prostate for your pleasure or to help you get an erection."

Gary calmed down and said, "That's different. After cumming three times, a woman massaged my prostate so I could get another erection."

"Please get undress. I'll do a quick exam, take some blood, and I need to swab your throat, penis, and rectum."

The powerfully built man took off his shirt. He had broad shoulders, a muscular chest, and defined abs. As he took off the rest of his clothes, he asked, "Are you planning to stick a swab in my peehole?"

"Yes. They make a thin swab for going in your urethra. It's uncomfortable, but not as painful as you fear."

Gary stood naked. He was big and muscular man. His soft cock was impressive, long and thick and slightly curved. It resembled a kielbasa.

Ulysses got the numbers he needed for blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, etc. He listened to his heart and lungs. The man appeared healthy. The oral, penile, and anal swabs came off without a hitch. He used an anoscope to dilate his ass and get the sample from Gary's rectum.

For Gary, the worst part was drawing blood; he fainted.

"Woah, big fella," Ulysses said as he saw Gary sway and lose consciousness. He grabbed him and kept him from falling on the floor. "Good thing he was sitting on the bed," Ulysses said out loud.

Ulysses used smelling salt to revive him. Gary woke, coughed, and said, "I'm not good around blood."

"No worries. We're done. You can get dressed and leave. I'll notify you of the results."

Vince was Ulysses' next patient. He was nervous and fidgeted.

Ulysses got the info and numbers he needed. And the blood sample.

He took the oral swab quickly. Vince was shaking as Ulysses guided a very thin, cotton-tipped swab gently into the opening at the tip of his penis.

"Fuck! This is weird," Vince said.

"Does it hurt?"

"No. It's fucking weird," he said.

"We're done," Ulysses said as he extracted the swab.

Vince dressed and left.

Sue came in and shyly said, "Hello." She sat on the bed and told him about her medical history. It was unremarkable except for her irregular periods. She had no symptoms of gonorrhea and had never had an STD.

She removed her clothes for the exam. The thirty-two-year-old woman was a pretty blonde, with bright blue eyes, and she had a nice figure. Her breasts were firm and of average size. Her small nipples drifted outward.

As he touched her breasts, she blushed and said, "I understand you need to do swabs. You'll need three for me. I ate pussy, sucked cock, and had vaginal and anal intercourse."


"I'm glad for Valeria's sake that you're back in town," Valeria said. "She's had a rough go of it lately." She laughed and said, "Actually, for the last decade, getting pregnant, dropping out of college, and marrying three dipshits. You know they all grabbed my butt, touched my breasts, and suggested we have sex!

"This last divorce has been hard on her, the cost, dealing with his outrageous claims and accusations, and the possibility of losing Abigail. I'm glad you're here. She needs a shoulder to cry on and someone to stand by her side."

Ulysses finished her breast exam, checked, and swabbed her throat. He had her recline on the bed, and he examined her vagina. He touched her vulva and slid a finger into her pussy. Her fluid flowed freely, and he smelled her pussy juice. So did she.

She laughed and said, "Don't think I'm hot for you. Not that you're not good-looking. I'm one of those women whose pussy is always wet. I know you can smell my scent. I do too. My vag is wet and ready for sex even when I'm not aroused. It's how I am. All-day; every-day."

"I see. That's certainly better than the alternative. A dry vagina can be uncomfortable and even painful, and intercourse could be off the table."

"Yes. That would be awful. I can deal with my situation with a big box of panty liners."

"Shall we do the other swabs? I have a vaginal speculum. Normally, I'd apply lube, but you seemed to be providing enough."

"I probably am. Go ahead."

Ulysses slowly inserted the speculum and asked. "Is this okay?"


"It's in. I'll open it up."

"Ha. I feel you spreading me."

He inspected her vagina and got the samples he needed. He removed, discarded the device, and took off his gloves. He said, "That went well. I'll give you a break before the next one."

"Thanks," she said. She closed her legs and eyes and did some deep breathing.

He made some notes and labeled her sample bag. He turned back to her and saw that she was resting peacefully. He took the opportunity to check out the furry blonde triangle on her belly and her breasts. Her tits weren't spectacular, but boobs are boobs.

"Do you find meditation helpful?" he asked.

She opened her eyes, smiled, and said, "Yes. My mind races, and I imagine all sorts of horrible things. I try to meditate a couple of times a day. Is it time for the next swab?" She spread her legs.

The action drew his eyes to her sex. He looked at her pretty pussy and said, "Yes. I have a special speculum for your bum. Please get on your hands and knees."

She got into position; her nether region was exposed. She looked at him. Her face was red. She gave him a sheepish grin and said, "It is because of times like this that I need to meditate."

"Sorry. I'll be as quick and gentle as I can."

"Thanks." She faced forward, dropped her head, and took a deep breath.

Ulysses ran a gloved hand across her puckered anus. He pressed on the brown circle.

He lubed his finger and slowly inserted it. Her sphincter gripped it tightly. Hw withdrew his finger, picked up the anoscope, applied lube, and inserted the instrument.

Her asshole opened. He inserted a swab, got the sample, bagged it, and removed the device.

"All I need is some blood, and we're done," he said.

She sat on the edge of the bed with her feet dangling off and offered him her right arm. He filled a vial with her blood, and said, "You can get dressed now."

She dressed, and he wrote her name on the blood sample.

She said, "This wasn't as bad as I'd imagine. I had anxiety about the exam and test. It was kicked up a notch because the little brother of a friend of mine was going to see me naked."

"You know this wasn't my idea," he said and smiled. "When I was a teenager, I was star-struck by you, Ginger, and my sister. The three of you were older and so pretty. I dreamed about scenarios where I could see you naked, like a wave causing your top to come off at the beach or walking in on you changing your clothes.

"I'm sure about the circumstances, but today is fulfilling my teenage fantasy."

Sue laughed, and Ulysses joined in.

She hugged him and said, "I know the real reason you agreed to do this. You're a good brother."

Sue left the room, and a few minutes later, her husband, Steve, entered.

Steve removed his shirt as Ulysses got his medical information. The doctor took his temperature and blood pressure, listened to his heart and lungs, and shined a light in his ears, eyes, and throat. He got the throat sample and also took some of his blood.

Ulysses said, "Your numbers are good. Have you had any symptoms of gonorrhea? Fever? Sore throat? Pain when urinating. Discharge from your penis?"

"I haven't noticed a fever. This morning I felt a burning sensation when I peed, and my penis has been dripping, which it never did before. It's a pus-like substance."

"That's not good. Please get undressed," Ulysses said. "I need to check your genitals."

Steve stripped to his socks.

Ulysses looked at his junk and said, "I don't see any sores". He softly squeezed his scrotum, and Steve screamed, "Owe!"

The doctor released the boys and grabbed his penis. He pressed his thumb and index finger together on Steve's shaft and slid his hand down it. Gunk came out. Ulysses quickly grabbed a swab and wet the cotton tip with the stuff.

"Dude, this isn't good. I'll run the tests, but the discharge, pain when peeing, and tender scrotums are classic signs of gonorrhea."

"Fuck! Can you tell how long I've had it?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"I may not have gotten it at the party. I've been having an affair for four months with a woman at work. She's young and fun. A free-spirit. I know I'm not the only guy having sex with her. God! I feel so stupid." He slapped his forehead with an open hand.

Ulysses gave him a hard look and said, "I'll run the tests. We're done for today." He labeled the sample and wrote his notes.

Steve dressed and asked, "Are you going to tell Sue about my affair?"

"No. That's not my business. When I have the test results, I'll report back and provide treatment for those that need it."


Two days later, Ulysses called everyone with their test results. He invited those that needed treatment to meet at Valeria's house. Sue, Steve, Ginger, Gary, and Valeria were waiting in the backyard when Ulysses arrived.

They had the house to themselves. The grandparents and Abigail were at a movie.

When Ginger saw the doctor, she asked, "Where's Vince?"

"I only invited people who need treatment," Ulysses said.

"What?" Sue screeched. "Are you saying Vince didn't infect us?"

"He couldn't have. He has no STDs," Ulysses said. "And neither does Gary."

"Only us girls have it?" Valeria asked.

Ulysses sighed and explained, "Gonorrhea is an STD that is transmitted by a bacterium in vaginal secretions and semen. By the nature of the male/female sex act, a woman is at greater risk of contracting the disease.

"After one episode of sex with an infected partner, a female has a 60% to 90% chance of being infected by a male, while a male's risk of being infected by a female is only 20%."

"Ain't it always that way!" Ginger complained. "Women get the short end of the stick."

Sue's face was pale. She looked at her husband and said, "It was you! You gave Valeria, Ginger, and me the disease. Where did you get it? From all the nights you've been 'working late'?" She used her hands to make air quotes when she said the two words.

He reached out to her and said, "Honey, I'm sorry."

"DON'T touch me!" she yelled as tears ran down her face. She ran into the house. Val and Ginger followed.

The guys stood there; it was awkward. Gary frowned. Steve looked lost. His mouth gaped open.

Ulysses broke the silence and said, "Gonorrhea is treatable. Usually, a shot in the butt and a pill do the job. Do you want it?"

"Yes," Steve said softly. He sounded exhausted and defeated.

Ulysses handed him a pill. Steve took it with a swig of beer. He dropped his drawers and leaned against the back of a lawn chair, and got the shot. He looked around, started to say something, stopped, and left.

"Stupid bastard," Gary said as he shook his head. "He had it all. A great woman loved him."

Ulysses grabbed his backpack, went into the house, knocked on his sister's bedroom door. She opened it. Sue was lying was on the bed. Ginger sat beside her, consoling her. All of them were crying.

"Steve has left. Ginger, Sue, I need to give you a shot and a pill." He got the pills out and gave one to each woman. Valeria brought them a glass of water.

Ginger put her pill on the nightstand. She helped Sue to sit. She took the glass of water from Valeria and gave some to Sue as she took the medicine.

"Good girl," Ginger said. "Doc, how do you want her for the shot?"

"It goes in her butt."

Ginger had Sue recline, rolled her friend onto her stomach, pulled her skirt up and her panties down. Ulysses rubbed a cheek with an alcohol wipe and gave her the injection. Sue flinched; there was no bleeding.

"Are you ready for your shot, Ginger?" Ulysses asked.

The redhead went to him and led him to a corner of the room. She said in a hushed tone, "I'm not ready. If I postpone treatment for a week, will there be dire consequences?"

"Left untreated women frequently suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease. This condition occurs when the infection spreads throughout the reproductive organs. It's painful and can lead to sterilization. Why would you delay treatment?"

"I'm not ready. I'll come to you in a week."

"I don't recommend you wait a day. PID can permanently scar and damage your fallopian tubes, causing blockage of the tubes. About 12% of women suffer enough tubal damage from one episode of PID to become infertile. After three episodes of PID, the infertility rate reaches 50%." His expression and tone showed he was exasperated with her.

"One week. I promise I'll see you in a week." She left him standing and looking bewildered as she went to her friend, Sue.

Ulysses walked out of the room, returned to the backyard, and said, "Gary, you need to talk to your girlfriend. She's postponing getting treated." Ulysses left and drove to his apartment.

^^ G99

"Hey, beautiful," Ulysses said to Abigail as she opened the front door to let him in. "How's my favorite niece?"

She frowned and said, "You need to come up with a new line. I'm your only niece."

Valeria came to the door, overheard the conversation, laughed, and said, "Brother, welcome to the club. Abigail also reminds me that she's no longer a kid and that I need to up my game."

"Noted," he said. "Val, can we make this quick. I'm heading into work."

"Sure." She headed to her bedroom. He followed, closed the door, and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Fine," she said as she kicked off her shoes.

"No fever, discharge, or pain when urinating?"

"Nope. None," she answered. She faced him as she pulled her top over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra, and her breasts fell out of her shirt and bounced and jiggled.

Ulysses grinned and said, "Nice boob drop."

"What? Oh. Another male chauvinistic term. Breast do bounce around," she said without rancor. She took off her jeans and underwear. Her brother stood and watched.

Ulysses got out his supplies and said, "I'll do an exam and swab test today, no urine or blood since we're only concerned about gonorrhea." He turned and looked at her and asked, "Have you been with anyone?"

She appeared comfortable being nude in front of him. She laughed and said, "Are you kidding? I'm so traumatized by this STD and my divorce that I may never have sex again!"

"Is your ex being a dick?"

"He was, but my lawyer says that he's no longer fighting me. I think he's run out of money. My divorce should be final soon."

Ulysses put on gloves and did his thing. He took measurements and used his light to check her throat. He placed a hand on her breast and squeezed. She sighed because his touch was gentle. Her nipple grew hard. She wondered why touching her boobs was necessary but didn't say anything.

"I'm officially a pervert," Ulysses said to himself. "I'm taking advantage of my sister. I could get my swabs and go, but I want to be with her, see her naked, and touch her body."

He took his time and felt both breasts. His dick was as hard as a rock.

"Would you recline on the bed for me?" he asked.

Valeria lay on the bed and spread her legs. She giggled, ran her hand over her vagina, and said, "It's weird showing you my pussy."

"I wouldn't be seeing your vagina if you hadn't insisted that I be your doctor."

"I remember. It was my idea. Do what you have to do."

He used his light and put his face so close to her sex that he could smell her scent. The hairs down there were longer. He ran his fingers over them and asked, "Growing your hair out?"

"Yes. Shaving is a pain, and it's not like I'll be having sex anytime soon. I'm not dating, and my days of participating in wild orgies are over."

"I think you should let it grow into a magnificence 70s-style bush."

"Really. Do you like the big full bushes?" She chuckled.

"I do."

"I'm learning things a sister shouldn't know," she said and giggled.

Her snicker was cut short when his lubed gloved finger penetrated her. She gulped and moaned, "Oh."

His face was hidden behind her leg, and she couldn't see that the cheeky bastard was smiling as he asked, "Any tenderness or pain?"


He stroked his finger in and out of her, pretending to do a medically necessary check.

She squirmed, her breathing became audible, and she tried to stifle her moans and mews.

He withdrew his finger and stuck it in her butt.

"OH! Hey! How about a heads up before you shove a finger in my ass?" she said, sounding annoyed.

"Why should I be any different than any other man?"

She burst out laughing. He joined in as she said, "You're right about that. When I was a teenager, no one did anything anal. Now I'm an anal slut, and I hear from women that men think nothing of shoving a finger up their bum without asking. Even on the first date!"

Ulysses fingered her ass.

She stopped laughed, and groaned. He added a second finger.

"Fuck," she cried out, not in anger or pain. It was more of a gasp. She asked, "What are you doing?"

"Getting you ready for the swab. I brought an anal and vaginal speculum, so we won't need your butt plugs."


Ulysses inserted the devices and got his samples. He also swabbed her throat.

As he was bagging and labeling the samples, they heard their mother scream, "Charles. CHARLES! What's wrong? Kids, help me. Something has happened to your father!"

Val threw on a robe, and they ran to the family room. Their mother knelt on the floor by her husband. He was unconscious and bleeding from where he hit his head when he fell.

Ulysses asked, "What happened?"

"He went to the kitchen to get us coffee. As he was coming back, his voice changed. It sounded odd, and he dropped one of the mugs. His right arm drifted down, and a side of his face drooped. He put the other mug down."

She looked scared and said, "It looked like his right leg gave out, and he fell to the floor. He hit his head on the table. Is he going to be all right?"

Ulysses knelt and began checking his vitals. He shouted, "Call 911! Dad's had a stroke, and he's stopped breathing."

Ulysses administered CPR. The ambulance came and took Charles to the hospital. Ulysses and Mom followed. Valeria stayed home and hugged Abigail. They cried.

Charles died en route to the hospital.

Mother was devastated. She stopped eating and lost the will to live. She died a week later.

A joint life celebration was held. People consoled the family, saying things like: "They loved each other so", "She didn't want to be without him" and "Her job was done."

Valeria cried and told them, "Mother told me she couldn't go on without him."

Ulysses took time off from work and moved back home. He slept on the couch.

No one entered the master bedroom.

Val, Ulysses, and Abigail grieved.


Seven days after Ginger told Ulysses that she wanted to postpone her treatment, she called him and said, "Can I meet you today for the medicine? Any time and any place will work for me."

"I'm at the hospital. My shift ends soon. Meet me at my apartment around noon."

"Text me the address, and I'm meet you there."

Ulysses was packing a suitcase with clean clothes when the doorbell to his apartment rang. He answered the door. Ginger said, "Hello." She looked weak and walked in as if she had a cramp.

"Are you okay?"

"My stomach hurts, but not that badly."

He went to her side and helped her to the sofa. He put a hand on her forehead and said, "You have a fever. Whatever possessed you to delay treatment?"

She smiled weakly and said, "I was trying to turn a lemon into lemonade."


"The law is a cutthroat profession. Being smart and a hard worker isn't enough to get to the top. I saw a way to use my illness to my advantage."