Summer Surprise Pt. 04

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A Funeral and a Memorial are held for Monica.
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Part 4 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/29/2021
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In this chapter, our protagonists attend a funeral and a Memorial for Monica. This chapter contains group sex, oral sex, and lesbian sex. My thanks to JohnnyGalt, who makes this chapter so much better. Any remaining errors are mine.

Summer Surprise, Part 4

Chloe was still in her room when Matt and Dianne got up to eat. There was still some stew left plus leftover KFC chicken. Dianne rapped on Chloe's door.

"We're reheating stew and eating the last of the chicken. Do you want any?"

"Sure. I'll be out in a few."

Dianne told Matt to heat up enough for Chloe. He nodded and got enough to go around for everyone. Chloe came out three minutes later, clad only in a light t-shirt and panties, not dissimilar to what Dianne was wearing. Matt had added a pair of athletic shorts to his attire, all of them comfortable with various states of dress or undress, with each other.

"You two were sure noisy in there. My God, you fucked all afternoon," Chloe said.

"Our chances to be intimate decreased the last few days. Seemed like a good time to take advantage of the quiet," Dianne replied. "How's your work going?"

"I'm getting there. Does this mean you don't want me in your bed tonight? More time for kissy face?"

"No," Dianne said, "we had sex all afternoon so it wouldn't be necessary to go again tonight. You're still welcome."

"I probably have put a crimp in your usual activities," Chloe said.

"Not so much we want to kick you out," Matt answered. "We both understand the need for the closeness you crave and we're good with it."

Chloe hugged each of them. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. Are you packed up and ready to go tomorrow?" Matt asked.

"No, next item on the agenda. Are you?"

"Next on ours too, since more immediate kissy face needs have been taken care of in addition to food," Dianne said.

"Please don't call it kissy face anymore, ever," Matt said. "Eww! Stew is ready."

Both women gave him an impish grin. Matt dished up three large bowls of stew and a piece of chicken for the two women and two for himself.

"This takes care of the last of the food Mom and Ethel made. Someone, who shall remain nameless, ate the last of the chili this morning."

"Chili over omelets with extra cheese," Chloe said. "Mmm, mmm, good."

"It was tasty," Dianne said. "They made a dynamite chili. I should get the recipe."

They made small talk for the rest of the meal, an easy companionship among close friends. They helped wash and put away all the dishes, threw out any expiring food as they'd be gone the next three days. Matt threw the garbage into the apartment dumpsters. Everyone picked out their clothes for the next several days, using one large suitcase and a hanging garment bag.

They'd be flying in their funeral clothes as they'd be going straight to the funeral home for the services. Chloe had professional clothes for her meeting with the Camp Randall stadium people on Sunday afternoon, but she didn't have anything for the Memorial but a light raincoat.

"Where's your Monday clothes?" Dianne asked.

"I'll be wearing something I get in Madison," Chloe said. "You'll see."

After brushing teeth, they all undressed in Dianne's room. Matt's cock was half hard when he removed his jockeys.

"I can give you a few minutes alone to take care of that before coming back," Chloe said. "I'm not that sleepy yet."

"It's okay," Matt said. "It's more of a leftover from earlier than a sign of things to come."

"Ah, cum being the operative word there," Chloe said.

Matt and Dianne laughed. Matt got into bed and waited for the two women to join him. Matt watched as Dianne looked at Chloe. Dianne was considering the naked Chloe as a potential sex partner, which caused her to look at her differently than normal. Chloe was slim, dark haired, C cupped, high, firm breasts with perky nipples which kind of begged to be sucked. She was neatly trimmed around her pussy to better accommodate oral sex.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Chloe asked, feeling Dianne's heated gaze.

"I'm considering you as a possible fuck buddy. You look incredible."

Chloe looked at Matt. "What the fuck is going on here?"

"I told Dianne that if she wanted to see what it was like to be with a woman, I'd have no objection if she did so with you. She wanted to think about it. I don't know if she's made up her mind or not, but she is thinking about it."

"What? Are you planning on staying here to watch?"

"No. If Dianne decides to move forward, you can either go to your room or I will."

"Is this a pity fuck like I tried to give you?"

"Would you like to field this one, Dianne?"

"I won't lie and tell you sympathy doesn't play a part," Dianne said, "but as you learned this morning, I was curious before Monica was killed. I wouldn't have acted if Matt had any problem with it, but he says he doesn't. You know I'm committed to him and I'm not looking for anything other than what I - what we - have. In a way, it's similar to you coming to bed with us. We know you don't want to sleep alone and the reasons for it and we're willing to allow you naked in our bed.

"This would be an extension of that, but along the same lines. I think after the death of someone close, we feel the need to be alive, to feel something. Matt and I had sex on Monday evening for that very reason. It's to counteract death, to rage and fight against it, to seek life. It's not uncommon. My primary worry is instead of feeling grateful for feeling alive again, you'd feel you were cheating on Monica, not respecting her memory, and become more depressed. I don't want to make you feel worse. I want you to feel better, hopefully while I'm enjoying it too."

"Would this be a one time thing?"

"If I didn't enjoy it, it probably would be one time, but Matt was open to it going on longer if I wasn't averse to it."

"Why, Matt? I know how much I hurt you. Isn't this a little like finding me having sex with someone else except now I'm doing it with your current girlfriend and not some stranger?"

"I don't think so. For one thing, I knew I was more emotionally invested in our relationship than you were. I thought it was a matter of time before you loved me as much as I loved you. As it turned out, you couldn't love me as much as I loved you. You loved women. I've been dating Dianne for almost a year and I'm as certain of her feelings for me as I am of my own. I don't expect this to have negative consequences for me. Dianne isn't cheating on me. She's not doing this behind my back. I don't consider what you and she would be doing as the same thing you did."

"Let's say we do this and Dianne enjoys it. She's my roommate. You aren't around all the time, even though you are here a lot. If we're both feeling a bit randy and decide to have another go, does she let you know ahead of time we're going to fuck or do we just fuck and tell you about it later. What if we're doing it five days a week? What if our sex interferes with your sex? What if we want to spend the night together or fall asleep after sex?

"What about tonight? We go into my bedroom and have sex. Is she going to come running back here to be with you, leaving me alone for the rest of the night or stay with me, leaving you alone? Or are we both to come back here to you and climb into the sack with you as if we haven't just had sex with each other? And if we come back and want a cuddle, are you going to be okay with us cuddling and leave you out of it? What if we leave you here and go to my room and start having sex together and ten minutes from now, you change your mind because it feels worse than you thought it would. Do you scream stop and expect us to quit, or bust into the room to make us stop. You say you're okay with it now. Are you going to feel as benevolent under any of those conditions?"

Dianne turned to Matt. "I think she's making valid points. I do see the potential for problems under those circumstances. I don't anticipate feeling differently for you regardless, but I think it would be very easy for us to do something which would make you feel differently about me and by inference, Chloe. She values your friendship a great deal and I don't think she wants to jeopardize it any more than I do."

Matt was silent. He could see the same potential difficulties now as they could.

"The worst thing is, I'm going to feel weird now sleeping in your bed," Chloe said. "When Dianne puts her arms around me, is she thinking about sex with me? Are you going to be thinking of her thinking about having sex with me? This whole thing just got really strange. I'm not sure I can spend the night anymore."

"Please, Chloe, I don't think it's risen to that level of weirdness yet, but I can see I didn't think this through as much as I needed to," Matt said.

Chloe sat on the edge of the bed, unsure if she wanted to stay or go. Dianne racked her brain trying to think of something which might make it better.

She came up with a possible solution. The question was, would the others agree.

"May I suggest something for your consideration?" Dianne asked. "What if it was never Chloe and I pairing off alone? If Chloe wanted to have sex with me, it would be with Matt present. A threesome without Chloe having sex with Matt. No one leaves, everyone stays. When the sex is over, we cuddle together, we sleep together. Chloe and I wouldn't have sex at all unless all of us were present. Matt doesn't necessarily have to participate, but we're not doing anything behind his back. If Matt and I are having sex and Chloe wants to join in, she can, as much or as little as she wants. Any sex we women would have together wouldn't interfere with Matt's sex or vice versa, and might even enhance it."

Chloe turned to face Dianne, a quizzical smile on her face.

"A lot of the issues you just talked about wouldn't be there. Granted, we'd be having quasi public, group sex without any privacy between the three of us, but you've both had sex together before. Matt and I have had sex. The only ones not to have sex are Chloe and me, and that can be remedied tonight with Matt watching. I've enjoyed sleeping nude with you, so I'm looking forward to seeing if I enjoy the rest. If it bothers Matt, he can ask us to stop and I would. If it doesn't bother him, as I expect it won't, since he's already said he enjoys lesbian porn, I can take care of any problems which might crop up. I can think of some interesting sex we might all have together over time. Chloe and I in a sixty-nine while Matt fucks me. Matt fucks me while I lick you. We all get something out of it."

"And if you don't like lesbian sex?" Chloe asked.

"It's a possibility, but I don't think a strong one because of my curiosity about it. If I thought it would be offensive, I doubt I'd be so interested in it, but if I don't, then we're back to where we were this morning before any of this came out. You come to bed with us like you would have anyway. I certainly don't have any problems with that, and haven't any of the last several nights. I've cleaned Matt's cock after he's fucked me, so I certainly know what I taste like, at least. I doubt if you taste much different, except with less male sperm attached to it.

"The question then becomes, can you have sex with me in front of Matt and satisfy his perverted cravings to watch two women get it on. Not as bad as Marty, but I'm relatively certain he'll have an erection which needs taming before we're done. You get tired of participating or find another girlfriend, it's fine. We won't get our noses bent out of shape if that happens. You said the sex with Matt wasn't bad. Maybe you can enjoy his cock once in a while while dining on pussy. I think it's doable. Do both of you?"

Matt and Chloe looked at one another. "What do you think, Matt? Dianne is right. Your friendship is more important to me than sex. I never want to lose that. Can we do this and remain friends?"

"I think it could even enhance it. None of us would have a reason to get jealous. We're close now and get along well together. I'm not sure adding the physical can harm us if we're honest with one another."

Dianne giggled.

"What's so funny?" Chloe asked.

"Maybe we should go on another camping trip with Marty and Yolanda and the three of us share a tent. Wouldn't that get Marty's goat. We could keep him up all night."

Matt and Chloe laughed. "That would be pretty funny," Matt said.

"Chloe, if we're going to do this, you'll need to show me what to do, because I'd only be guessing at how to please a woman."

"Go ahead, Chloe, show her a good time. If you want, I can turn off the light. Just because I'm in the room doesn't mean I have to watch."

Chloe turned to Dianne who said, "I don't care if he watches."

"This is going to be strange, having sex with another person in the room," Chloe said.

"Think of it as a love scene for a movie role," Dianne said.

She lay down on the bed as Matt moved over to give them room.

"Before we do anything else, we need to kiss. The few chaste friend kisses you've given me have made me want more," Chloe said, sliding into bed beside her.

"Whatever you want," Dianne said, welcoming Chloe into her arms.

They just kissed for several minutes. Dianne noticed how much softer a woman's kisses were. Less hurried too, it seemed. Like men had someplace they needed to go, but Chloe was perfectly content to kiss as long as she wanted. Matt was a good kisser. She'd always thought of him as a ten on a scale of ten, but if Matt was a ten, Chloe was a twelve. Dianne wondered if all women kissed better. She was also conscious of their breasts rubbing together, soft pillows as opposed to the hard planes of Matt's chest. Chloe's hand began on her waist, but moved down until she was holding her ass, pulling their lower bodies closer.

Eventually, Chloe's hand began to wander, lightly tracing the lines of her body, feathery touches that were just firm enough not to tickle. Her nipples engorged, becoming stiff points poking into Chloe's soft globes. Chloe's nipples had done the same thing. Dianne could feel them like soft buttons. Dianne could feel herself get wet. If someone were to touch her there, they'd find her soaking. Still nothing more than kissing, some soft, light touches on her lips, others demanding entry until their tongues could touch, dance and play together. Other than the hand holding them together at their hips, nothing more than kisses for long minutes.

When Chloe broke the kiss, it was to slide along her jawline to her ear where Chloe lightly nibbled the lobe or kiss below the ear, warm breath against her neck. Flicking tongue tracing the tendons of her neck down to her shoulder where a light nibble became a soft suck. Chloe still hadn't touched her breasts or pussy and Dianne was already panting.

Eventually, Dianne felt the warm breath and soft lips on her breast flesh, tracing wide circles around her taut buds, spiraling in, getting closer and closer to the almost painfully hard nubbins. When she felt the moist lips encircle the puckered flesh, she gasped, then moaned as Chloe gently sucked, flicking her tongue over the surface.

There was no question anymore whether or not Dianne would enjoy sex with a woman, the only question would be how much. Chloe spent as much time with Dianne's breasts as she'd spent with her lips. She hadn't thought it possible for her nipples to become any harder, but Chloe made the lie out of that statement. They ached as if they knew only an orgasmic release would end the tension she felt there.

"Please, Chloe, I need to cum," Dianne panted.

Dianne felt Chloe smile as she laved her breasts. "You only think you do," Chloe whispered, warm breath caressing a wet bud.

Dianne moaned. She wanted to rub her pussy against something, but there was nothing to rub it against as Chloe adroitly avoided contact.

"You wanted to learn how to make love to a woman," Chloe said. "I'm showing you."

Dianne moaned again. Finally, Chloe made as if she was going to go lower, and she did, but it was a tease, as she kissed her way down to Dianne's fluttering stomach, circling her navel, then back up to her breasts. More suckling of the stiff points, then down again. As soon as Chloe reached her belly button, Dianne spread her legs, inviting Chloe to go lower. Chloe kissed down over her flat stomach to the edge of her pubic hair, then kissed her way back up to her breasts again. Dianne groaned. Why wouldn't she go lower, attack the bundle of nerves at the top of her slit, let her cum. Dianne knew her clitoris was a hard spike poking from her folds, throbbing as fiercely as her nipples were. She could feel every beat of her heart as a pulsing in her pussy.

The next time Chloe descended to the promised land, she went farther, though she still skipped her clitoris, going instead to the hot mess of her pubic lips. Still, it was closer. Dianne moaned long and deep when she felt Chloe's tongue slither through the dampness of her slit. Dianne couldn't imagine the size of the orgasm she'd have when she climaxed. It would rival anything she'd ever felt before, of that she was sure.

Chloe spent several more minutes exploring every nook and cranny of her slick folds, all save for her clit. Despite Chloe lapping at the fluids escaping her sheath, Dianne still felt drops of fluid flow down to her anal pucker. When the licking suddenly stopped, Dianne opened her eyes and saw Chloe on her hands and knees between her legs. Chloe's lower face glistened from the liquids exuded by Dianne's aroused pussy.

"Don't stop, Chloe! Please don't stop."

"Do you want to cum now?"

"God, yes!"

"Get ready."

Dianne was already clutching the sheets in two balled fists. What more did she need to do to get ready? Chloe's head dipped towards her folds again and she finally touched her clit, just the tip of her tongue. Dianne gasped. She released the sheet on Matt's side of the bed and reached for him. He took her hand and squeezed it. Dianne clung to it.

Chloe sucked and licked the demanding spike of her pleasure and Dianne felt the orgasm well up from the soles of her feet, past her pussy and straight into her brain like she'd been electrocuted. Dianne screamed, arched off the bed, forcing her groin against Chloe's face. Every nerve in her body was shredding, tearing itself apart and reforming. As soon as it seemed it might wane, Chloe thrust three fingers into her throbbing pussy and finger fucked her to another plane entirely.

"Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!" Dianne stuttered, her body shaking like she was shivering. Finally, Dianne felt the orgasm ebbing. Her body relaxed and collapsed back on the bed. Chloe looked up from between her legs and it seemed her face was twice as wet as it had been before. She had a Cheshire Cat grin in the middle of all the wetness.

"You want to release my hand now, Dianne. You're crushing it," a masculine voice said.

Dianne looked over and saw Matt with a huge smile on his face. She let go, almost embarrassed.

"I don't suppose there's any point in asking if you liked it," Matt said. "That was self-evident."

Dianne blushed. She looked down at Chloe who was starting to move in her direction, her face looming closer and closer until Chloe kissed her and Dianne tasted herself on Chloe's lips; a lot of herself. Chloe embraced her.

"What was that?" Dianne asked.

"You remember when you heard Matt's mom scream and I asked Ethel how she made Georgina scream like that so I could do the same to Monica. She said she tied Matt's mom to the bed and teased her. Monica and I tried it, but we discovered it wasn't necessary to be tied. What was important was the teasing, delaying the pleasure release until you thought you were ready to explode. That's all I did; tease you to higher levels of arousal before pushing you over the crest."