Support from a Friend

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Kenny finds solace in the arms of his best friend Taylor.
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Saturday nights had always been some of the best times for Kenny, ever since he was a kid he'd always spend them with his best friend, Taylor. Though over the last several months every Saturday was devoted to spending time with his girlfriend, Rachel. This Saturday was different; it was the first Saturday since Rachel broke up with Kenny. It was five days ago that Rachel decided that she and Kenny were over, they had their ride, and it was time for it to end. Rachel was so sure of this that she didn't even give Kenny a chance to try and salvage the relationship, she told him it was over and walked away.

Kenny, obviously heartbroken, turned to the only person that had always been there in his life, Taylor. Taylor wasn't technically Kenny's neighbor, but she had lived just five house down the street from him since they were born. The redheaded girl became Kenny's shadow almost instantly, never straying too far from him as children, this stayed the same as they entered schooling and continued all the way until they graduated high school. Even then the two stuck to each other like glue; both decided to take one year off before going to college, that way they could live it up in the real world for awhile.

Kenny knew his friend was more than likely not going to return to school; she never had much interest in college which he understood, considering she never had much interest in high school either. He accepted this and never attempted to push her; instead, he did what the two had always talked about, live it up for a year. They both got part-time jobs and on their days off did whatever they wanted, whether that be going to a concert or staying inside watching movies.

It wasn't until the third month of that year that things abruptly changed. Kenny met Rachel, they hit it off quickly enough, and by the end of the second week, they were dating. Taylor was obviously overjoyed for her friend, but she couldn't lie, it started to hurt when he began to cancel their plans to spend time with Rachel. Soon her friend began to fade away, every day being devoted to Rachel, even then Taylor couldn't bring herself to tell Kenny to set aside time for her, he was in a relationship, and she just had to accept that.

So that's what Taylor did, for nearly four months she got used to the new routine of seeing her friend maybe only once or twice a week. Sometimes she lucked out and got invited out with Kenny and Rachel to a concert or party, but she never got any one on one with her old friend. That was until Kenny called her one day nearly in tears, telling her how Rachel had broken up with him. Her heart ached as she heard the pain in his voice while trying to explain what happened.

Not knowing what else to do, Taylor quickly ran to Kenny's house and talked with him, trying her best to support him through his first break up. A few days after that she called him and said that they should try and get his mind off things by doing what they used to on Saturdays, which Kenny reluctantly agreed to do. And so Saturday night came around and just like many times before Taylor headed over to Kenny's house, to spend some time watching movies together.

Kenny heard a knock on the door just around nine at night, "It's open, Taylor!" Kenny called out from his room. A few moments later his door creaked open, and Taylor poked her head around it, smiling at him, "Hey." Kenny said with a little smile,

"Hi," Taylor sang back as she dropped her pack on the floor, "So I got us the usual, drinks, snacks, candy. I wasn't exactly sure how long I was staying tonight, so I may have gotten a little too much."

Kenny let out a little chuckle and sat up in his bed, "No worries, my folks are spending the night at my aunts, it's her birthday know."

"Ah, this is the aunt who loves a party right?" Taylor asked with a little smirk,

"Oh yeah, honestly I think my parents like her birthday more than she does. They get to drink however much they want and then can crash right in the guest room." Kenny replied as he got off his bed, "So what were you thinking of watching first?"

"I don't know, maybe something a little light, or something scary." Taylor answered with a shrug before quickly holding up a finger, "But nothing too scary, I mean like cheesy scary."

Kenny couldn't help but laugh at her response, "You know Taylor one day you are going to have to face your fears of horror movies."

"Yeah, one day but not today." Taylor retorted,

Kenny playfully rolled his eyes, "Okay, okay, so let's go with...a classic." Kenny hummed as he searched through his movie stacks for an old eighties horror that they loved. They had watched it a thousand times, but it never got old, "Ah, here we go, good?" He asked as he flashed the case to her,

"Perfect choice Ken, pop it in." Taylor agreed as she picked up her bag, tossing it on Kenny's bed before hopping on it as well. She slid back and let her back lean against the wall as Kenny got his remote and joined her. Taylor hit the lights and reached into her bag handing Kenny a soda. "Your favorite." She said with a short glance,

Kenny let out a warm smile and took the soda, "Thanks," He said in a low voice that instantly made Taylor uneasy,

"You okay?" She asked looking over at him fully,

"Yeah," Kenny nodded, "I just...don't worry about it, I'm good." Kenny dismissed while shaking his head,

"Ken," Taylor said with a sigh, "Telling me not to worry is just gonna make me worry."

"Right," Kenny acknowledged as he shook his head slowly, "I was just thinking about everything that's been happening the last few months,"

"With you and Rachel?" Taylor guessed,

"No, with you and me." Kenny replied, "Things have been different."

Taylor expression turned from worry to sympathy, "Kenny, it's-you don't have to worry about us. We're good."

"Are we?" Kenny asked not believing her words, "I turned into a shitty friend when I was with Rachel. In almost four months this is the first time we've hung out like this." Kenny replied sounding truly ashamed,

"Kenny, you were in a relationship!" Taylor exclaimed while sliding a little closer towards him, "You were supposed to be spending time with your girlfriend. I wasn't sitting there every day thinking that you were a bad friend, I realized that things like that happen as people grow up and find other people. " Taylor tried to explain, hoping that Kenny would understand,

"Taylor, can you honestly tell me that over these last few months, while I was basically ignoring you, you never once thought that I was an ass," Kenny asked with a scoff,

"Kenny stop it," Taylor snapped out, "Stop trying to make me mad at you, or make me say something to hurt you."

"I'm not, I'm trying to make you tell me the truth," Kenny said in an almost pained voice,

"You want the truth?" Taylor asked as she cocked her head, "The truth is, you are hurting right now, and you think that you're to blame because of it." Taylor hardly replied, "But I'll be the first to tell you, that you weren't at fault Kenny. You're the nicest guy I've ever fucking known, and Rachel let go of you for no reason."

Kenny slowly let his eyes drift closed and brought his hand up to them, rubbing them slowly, "Taylor, I'm sorry."

Taylor's face softened, and she moved closer to Kenny once again, "It's okay Ken, I-you're going through a lot right now. Just know, I'm here for you."

"As always, right?" Kenny asked as he lowered his hand and weakly smiled at her,

"Of course," Taylor replied while letting her head lay on his shoulder.

The two went silent for a few minutes, watching the movie and trying to forget about the conversation that just happened. Suddenly Kenny spoke up again, "Taylor, you know I love you right?"

Taylor lifted her head from his shoulder and looking him in the eyes, "Yeah, and I love you too. You're my best friend, Kenny. I mean, why else would I watch these movies a million times with you?" She asked with a joking smirk,

It was in a sudden fashion that Taylor felt Kenny's hand move to the back of her head, taking a light hold on her red hair. She felt him pull her towards him; her body just let go of control. Kenny softly pressed his lips against hers, Taylor closed her eyes and lightly kissed him back. Her mind wasn't thinking about anything other than the feeling of his lips on hers.

Then just as fast as it happened Kenny pulled back from her, both of them let out a short panting breath, "I-I'm sorry," Kenny murmured out, "I don't know why I did that."

"It's-It's okay..." Taylor whispered back, as she blinked a few times as if she was trying to wake up from a daydream,

The two went silent once more, Kenny's hand still holding the back of Taylor's head. Their eyes slowly ran down one another's bodies, Kenny's mind raced with questions or why but most prominently fear, what if he did that just to try and forget about Rachel? Taylor, however, had a sudden feeling of contentment, her eyes looking at Kenny with want.

"Taylor, maybe-" Kenny began to say only to have Taylor press forward, locking lips with him again. Kenny let out a slightly surprised hum while he turned his body to face hers. Kenny brought his free hand back and supported his body with the bed as Taylor continued to kiss him passionately. After another moment he weakly pushed her back, "Taylor w-wait," He breathed out, "I don't know if we should do this."

"Why?" Taylor asked as she lightly gripped his shirt,

"Because I don't-I don't know why I even just kissed you." Kenny replied, "I don't want to do something that we might end up regretting."

"Kenny," Taylor whispered out, "I'm not going to regret anything." She assured him, "I just want you to feel better and get back to the way you used to be."

"We didn't use to do this." Kenny pointed out with a small smile,

"No, I guess we didn't." Taylor agreed as she leaned a little closer to Kenny, "Can you honestly tell me you don't want this, though?"

Kenny shut his eyes, taking in Taylor's scent, it was nearly intoxicating, "No, I do want this." Kenny softly conceded,

"Then...just," Taylor whispered back while continually moving closer to his lips, "Relax." She finished while pushing her lips back against his. This time Kenny didn't have any resistance, in fact, he began to kiss back.

Kenny let his body fall back onto his bed, allowing Taylor to lay down on his chest. Taylor had her curled legs curled up as her body was horizontal on Kenny's, her hands tentatively moved up off Kenny's chest, one resting on his face and the other fiddling with his hair. She began to press her tongue lightly into Kenny's mouth, allowing them to snake around each other.

Taylor's mind started to run a little wild as it finally hit her, what she was actually doing with Kenny. For the first time in nineteen years, Taylor felt something other than friendship for Kenny. It had happened in an instant too; she questioned if that was normal, to suddenly shift so quickly. Maybe Taylor had always felt this way; perhaps it was just sitting under the surface, waiting to reveal itself at the right moment. Regardless of the questions in her mind, she wasn't going to let herself stop.

Kenny carefully wrapped an arm around Taylor's waist and began to slide his hand up and down, the tender touch sent a small shiver down Taylor's spine. She pulled herself up a bit more, letting her ample breasts press against Kenny's chest. Kenny let out a slow exhale through his nose, enjoying the feeling of the soft flesh that rested against him.

His hand trailed further down Taylor's back until it finally rested on one of her plump cheeks, causing a soft moan to escape Taylor's mouth. Their kiss finally broke, leaving a small string of saliva still connecting them. Taylor let her head rest against Kenny's while she gave her lips a little lick, before following him in taking short panting breaths.

"Do you-do you feel better yet?" Taylor softly moaned as she nuzzled into him,

"A little," Kenny weakly responded as he pressed back against her, "I think we need to keep going, just for a little longer."

"Okay," Taylor agreed, smiling sweetly, "Just let me know when you think you've had enough."

Kenny pressed his lips back against Taylor's in response, as he took hold of her waist, pulling her onto him entirely. Taylor moved her legs on either side of Kenny's waist, straddling him as she roughly forced her tongue back into his mouth. There was no more dancing around the subject anymore, Taylor was getting turned on by Kenny and wasn't going to stop. The little game they were playing each time they stopped kissing was only serving to heighten her want.

Taylor began to grind herself against Kenny slowly, shaking slightly each time she felt the bulge in his pants push against her crotch. Another few minutes past as she worked herself on Kenny, suddenly she felt Kenny take hold of her waist once more, this time he rolled them both over so he was now firmly planted between her legs. Kenny broke off the kiss and looked down at Taylor for a long moment, "Why didn't we ever do this before?" He asked as his hand ran up her waist,

"I don't-we never wanted to," Taylor replied as she cocked her head, enjoying the sensation of Kenny's hands running over her body, "I wish we did though."

Kenny began to push Taylor's black tee shirt up, slowly revealing her flat stomach inch by inch. Taylor wasted no time in sitting up and reaching down, pulling her shirt off in a smooth motion. Kenny merely sat back and watched as she reached back, unclasping her bra and letting it fall off. Taylor nibbled on her bottom lip as Kenny reached out, taking a breast in each hand, almost inspecting them.

She breathed out a small moan as he began to squeeze them lightly. Kenny then slowly leaned forward bringing one of her breasts to his mouth, sucking on it lovingly causing her to let out a gasp. Taylor brought a hand up and rested it on Kenny's head, playing with his hair as he sucked on her. Kenny broke off his hold after a minute and pushed her back down on the bed. Taylor locked her eyes on his, and she waited, she let him take his time as he looked her over again, each second making her lust for him increase.

"What do you want to do, Ken?" Taylor finally asked, snapping him out of his trance,

"I want..." Kenny said more back to himself as he blinked a few times, "I want you Taylor, no more teasing, I want to be inside you." He whispered back while hovering over her face,

Taylor slowly raised her brow, "Then what are you waiting for?"

The short phrase sent a firey impulse through Kenny's body, he grabbed hold of the waistband of Taylor's pants and swiftly yanked them down. Taylor began to smile as she watched Kenny unbutton his pants and push them down along with his boxers. She brought a finger up to her mouth and lightly bit on it as she saw Kenny's stiff cock come into view. His thick member slightly twitched while he grabbed his clothes and tossed them away.

Taylor took in a sharp inhale as she felt Kenny's hand grab the crotch of her panties, tearing them to the side revealing her small pretty pussy lips. Kenny's breath picked up as he noticed them lightly glistening in the dim light. If Kenny was in another mind frame, he might have had the urge to taste her, but at the moment all he could think about was sinking his cock into Taylor. Kenny grabbed hold of his member and put it to her slick entrance; he started to push in before suddenly stopping, "What?" Taylor quickly asked as the pressure of his pushing head subsided, "What's wrong?"

"You're-" Kenny panted back, "Taylor, you're still a virgin right?" He asked looking up at her. After a moment, that felt like an hour for Kenny, she slowly nodded. Kenny lowered his head, looking back down at his cock that still rested against her, "Are you sure you want me to do this?" He asked for a final reassurance,

Taylor rolled in her bottom lip, biting down on it and thought for a mere second before nodding back to him. Kenny let out a relieved sigh and started to push into her once again. Her pussy resisted him at first, trying to keep out his invading cock but her wetness combined with his precum, he began to slip into her. Taylor's hand shot out and grabbed onto Kenny's arm, "S-slow Ken, J-just go slow." She begged as she felt his head stretching her out.

Kenny, who eyes were shut, nodded slowly as intense pleasure washed over him. He very carefully started to push his whole head into Taylor, she let out a whimpering moan but didn't tell him to stop. Kenny's jaw locked as the heat from inside her felt nearly burning on his head, despite having casual sex with Rachel many times, nothing was comparing to this moment. Taylor let out a short breaking breath as she tried to adjust herself, the foreign feeling being slightly uncomfortable, "Y-you okay?" Kenny softly asked,

"Y-yeah," Taylor said with a rapid nod of her head, "Keep going."

Kenny took in a deep inhale and began to push in once more, sinking about a third of length into her. The tightness that now squeezed him was almost to the point of being too much, if not for the pleasure Kenny might have even felt sore. Again Kenny waited for Taylor's okay to continue, which she gave slightly quicker this time. Kenny pressed in, this time sliding the rest of his length into her until he finally felt his mound push against Taylor's body.

The air escaped Kenny's lungs while a long gasping moan let Taylor's mouth. Her slender arms reached out, wrapping around Kenny's back and pulling him down towards her chest. She pushed her face into his shoulder and started to let out short rapid breaths as Kenny began to pump his cock. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," Taylor repeated as she felt the heat from his cock spread through her while it continued to stretch her out in the most pleasurable of ways.

Kenny started to let out his own low moan of pleasure, matching Taylors. The walls of Taylor's pussy squeezed his shaft each time he pushed and pulled, a small spasm followed, massaging his whole length rapidly. Soon he felt Taylor started to thrust up against him, meeting him with each push, a wet slapping sound filled the room as their flesh collided quickly. Beads of sweat began to form on their worked bodies, causing Kenny's shirt to stick to him while Taylor's hair clung to her flesh.

Taylor's hold on Kenny grew tighter, her hands locked together and she refused to let Kenny go. Her legs slowly started to wrap around Kenny's as well, embracing him as her body shuddered wildly. "K-Kenny," Taylor whimpered out as the sound of his husky breath filled her ears, "Kenny!" She called out again, this time needfully,

"Oh fucking god, Taylor!" Kenny exclaimed as he felt her walls suddenly lock around him, squeezing his cock tighter than ever before. An intense orgasm shot through her body, sending lightning bolts to all her limbs. She was tingling from head to toe as her cunt tightened and loosed in rapid succession. Kenny moaned out deeply as his cock was being nearly milked involuntarily. "Fuck Taylor, fucking hell." Kenny hissed into her neck,

Taylor bit down on Kenny's shoulder and letting out a high pitched whine as he orgasm peaked, she had never experienced anything more amazing in her life. This thought immediately was overtaken when she felt an extreme heat start to fill her. Taylor's eyes widened as she instantly realized what was happening, Kenny was cumming. "Kenny!" She screamed out in ecstasy,

"Oh god, Taylor." Kenny weakly whispered as he lightly pumped his spewing cock in and out of Taylor's pussy. A mixture of his cum and Taylor's essence flowed down his shaft and out onto the bed. Multiple streams of Kenny's spunk continued to fire, a full filling overtaking Taylor's womb. Still, having full knowledge of what was happening, Taylor felt no fear, just contentment.