Suresh's Office Seniors CFNM Ch. 03

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Suresh's life as a naked slave to his seniors.
4.5k words

Part 3 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/30/2022
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Both Parimala and Sneha tormented him since that day he agreed to be their naked slave. Both their boyfriends were in the US and were expected back in few months. So, they had nothing distracting them from their slave. Parimala moved all her stuff in to his house. The ladies moved the wardrobes and furniture but Suresh was the one who moved all the utensils, additional clothes and so on while they happily sipped beer watching his TV. Parimala of course took the only bedroom while he slept on the floor. On the first night of her moving in, she told him he would lick her ass for two hours. While it was humiliating to hear, he was joyed thinking he would see her naked. Parimala smiled and deliberately kept the blindfold away until the last moment. She did a small striptease for him until she got down to her bikini. When she tossed the blindfold at him, the expression on his face was a treat to watch. Parimala smiled evilly. She was daring him to ask her. Ask her permission to see her naked. If he did it, she would expose him to the the other girl downstairs as well. As it is, Parimala was planning to involve her as well. If she could somehow swing it, Suresh would be a naked slave for the rest of his life.

Suresh eventually put the blindfold on nearly in tears. The unfairness of being naked while they always wore clothes grated him. But, he couldn't bring up the courage to refuse them. Parimala scared him very badly. He heard the undergarments fall to the floor and nearly removed his blindfold. His hands twitched. But, Parimala still had one more surprise. She was a farter. Multiple boyfriends had told her she farted in her sleep. She had promptly forced them all to sniff her farts the whole day so that when she again let it rip at night, it wouldn't trouble their sleep at night. Her current boyfriend was the only one who passed that test and still stuck to her despite the treatment. Suresh was licking her ass. Parimala waited until his tongue was near her crack and then squeezed it. Suresh was caught and then, she let it rip. Suresh fell back retching and coughing. Parimala warned him he had ten seconds before his tongue was back in her ass failing which he would be spanked the next morning. Suresh quickly felt his way back to her. He was at it for two hours during which she let it rip at least 4 more times. Suresh felt the tears starting up as he couldn't stand the smell.

He had to say this for them, though. They never disturbed his sleep. They let him sleep for as long as he wanted in the mornings. As a consequence, breakfast duty fell to them which they didn't mind. On his own, Suresh set an alarm for 7 AM. He knew that, he shouldn't take too much advantage of their generosity or they would stop it otherwise. Also, Parimala would prance around in a thin negligee in the mornings and he did not want to miss that. However, there were also days, especially weekends when Parimala would sleep well into the day. These days were the worst for Suresh.

Parimala slept naked. When she woke up, she would pull on her negligee and she had threatened Suresh that, if he saw her naked, even accidentally, she would drag him, completely naked and offer his slave services to the downstairs neighbour Shreeja. Shreeja was about the same age as himself and he had a crush on her. She was decently pretty although not outright gorgeous. If she saw him like this! The weekdays were easy to avoid since he woke up later. Weekends, however, were a torture. There was only one toilet in the apartment and that was in his bedroom. He couldn't just walk in there because then he would risk seeing her naked. And so, he had to wait until Parimala came out. He could wait. His bladder and sphincter couldn't. Sneha would waltz into his apartment, he would make her coffee and she would sit on a chair with her legs crossed watching her slave. Suresh would beg Sneha for help but to no avail. Very soon, he would be fit to burst and Sneha was thoroughly entertained. He walked up and down and curled up on the floor as he felt the pressure down south of his body. He cried and pleaded with her but she showed no mercy. Pretty soon, he was fully hard again and his motions as he tried to control himself was causing his thing to twitch and bob in all directions. Sneha laughed and laughed as he clutched his tallywacker to avoid bursting. Eventually, he clutched her feet and begged for her help after which she would calmly enter the bedroom. If Parimala was exposed, she would cover her with a blanket and then signal Suresh and he would rush into the toilet. When he would come out, he would kiss Sneha's feet repeatedly to thank her.

Sometimes, when he would go through this torment, Parimal would calmly walk out. Suresh stared as he understood the significance. While he was begging and pleading for mercy from Sneha, Parimala was awake in the bedroom and listening to him. Suresh, however, hardly had time to react to the injustice since he had to rush to the toilet. When he came back, fully ashamed and humiliated, they would just order him to continue with his chores and he had no courage to disobey

He had to refer to the apartment as Parimala's house. But, after two weeks, he slipped up and said let's go back to my apartment and had regretted it immediately. Parimala told him he was in for it that evening. He was fully nervous as they drove him back home. Once they reached, he promptly stripped off, as usual. He had earlier noted that Parimal was doing even more exercises during her workout that day. He now knew why.

He was massaging her legs. Obviously, not for the first time. He had licked and massaged their feet at least once a day. It was mostly after dinner but they ordered him some other times as well. However, he was finding it difficult today because Parimala's feet was quite sweaty. Her exercises had made her feet smell and while massaging them, he was treated to the pungent odour. Parimala noted him frowning repeatedly and smiled with anticipation. When he least expected it, she moved suddenly. Suresh was treated to a blur. One second, he was massaging her. The next second, she had kicked him down and pressed her feet hard in his nose. Suresh was finding it difficult to stand the stink of her feet from arm's length. Now, they were directly inside his nose. Suresh screamed in agony as Parimala laughed.

"Ma'am" cough, cough, crowwwgh. "Please, please stop. This is smelly."

"I am sorry, are you calling me smelly?"

"No, I-"

"So, you did not call me smelly? Are you calling me a liar?"

"Please, ma'am. I am sorry"

Parimala was enjoying this. She loved watching him tear up and increased the pressure. Suresh groaned, retched and coughed as he was treated to the full blast of her pungent sweaty feet. Parimala stood majestically over her prey pressing down on his face and nose and watching him suffer her feet. She took her foot off and before even Suresh could took a single breath, she put her other foot in. She kept this up for some time and Suresh was crying. He knew that, him crying only made Parimala want to extend his punishment but he could not help himself. He begged and pleaded for mercy and she finally stopped after well over half an hour as she made her way to the bathroom. He continued snivelling until she came back and when she stood in front of him, he automatically kissed her feet and thanked her for stopping. Parimala ordered him to massage her for some more time and he complied. Now with the sweat washed away, he massaged her freely as Parimala continued talking to Sneha.

Sneha was no less in this regard either. Earlier, he was cleaning her house every monday since the maid wouldn't come on that day. Now, however, he was her full time naked maid. He cleaned her house, dusted her furniture, polished her shoes, cleaned her utensils and cleaned her toilets and Sneha saved heavily on the maid. Sometimes, she would tell him to clean her shoes with his tongue. He would kneel, get on all fours, still obviously fully naked and lick each shoe clean. In that position, his butt was up in the air and she was free with her hands. Sometimes, it would be a casual smack as she walked around. However, some times, she would order him to get the skipping rope.

Not only was she going to thwack him on his naked butt while being fully clothed herself, she was making him fetch the rope as well. The amount of domination rankled him seriously but he had no choice. He knew his punishments only extended when he protested and the best thing to do was to surrender meekly and do what they said. That still did nothing to reduce his pain and humiliation. However, he had to say this for her. She was very careful not to expose him accidentally. If Shreeja was in the vicinity, she would help him by distracting her as he crawled from her place to his. Once, Shreeja was taking a long time in the corridor talking to her friends and Sneha generously allowed him to sleep on the floor of her bed. Evidently, she slept with some clothes on and she allowed him to sleep using one of her shoes - a particularly smelly one - as a pillow. Suresh was still thankful as this meant he would have no problems using the toilet the next morning.

In office, he was their full-time bitch boy. They had him get their lunch orders. They had him serve their evening snacks. They wanted something, they just barked him to do it and he complied immediately. The other employees - 7 women and two men - sneered at him but he paid no heed. However, they wouldn't let him spend one penny for them. They always paid for themselves and had repeatedly told him that, while they tormented him, they would never take one penny from him.

At home, they were free with their hands.

"This chair is still dusty!" Parimala announced. Suresh had to triple check to find a small speck of dust in one of the chair joints.

"Come on, ma'am." Suresh groaned.

"What did you say?" Parimala remarked.

Suresh groaned. He fell to her feet and begged for mercy. Parimala sat on the chair and pointed to her knees. Suresh groaned as he got on it.


Hand, hair brush, Table Tennis racket, the implement changed from time to time. But the pain never did. And, invariably, she would have started out facing Suresh away from the mirror. Suresh did not know whether she did it deliberately or not. But, he could not blame her. It was his responsibility to remind her. After around 20 smacks, she would "suddenly realise" this, turn him to face the mirror and start over. It was humiliating to watch himself spanked naked like this and Parimala would relish it. She would deliberately delay starting until she watched the shame come into his eyes and then launch herself on his buttocks.

"The bath water was not hot enough." 27 smacks.

"The drinking water was not the right temperature." 32 smacks.

The number never went below 20 and Suresh quickly understood why. His ass had to be red-hot for them. As red as it could get. With her hands imprinted on both cheeks. He found he could not sit for a while after that. This wasn't a problem anyway as he was hardly allowed to sit. They would constantly bombard him with tasks or, just for the sake of it, tell him he was supposed to kneel or stand or get on all fours.

Parimala, however, had met her match here. Suresh quickly started becoming perfect. She could not find even a speck of dust or a small piece of paper on the floor. Sometimes, she searched and searched only to turn around and see a smug smirk on his face. With anyone else, she would have spanked him just for the smirk. But, she couldn't bring herself to do it with Suresh. Throw him a bone! She frequently told herself. And so, invariably, in these situations, she generously avoided spanking him and he thanked her for it by kissing her feet. However, he had to continue with footstool duties nevertheless.

Sneha, on the other hand, had no such trouble as she always had a readymade excuse to spank him. He had to come to her apartment to do her chores. He couldn't wear clothes. It took exactly six seconds to walk the corridor to her apartment. But, how on Earth could she allow him to walk? He had to crawl so it took longer. And, she had to stop all her work and come stand guard for him for this. She could not tell him enough how much that inconvenienced her. And, he had to pay for that.

"I have to stop all my work and stand guard for you. Then, I have to start the stopwatch and find out how long it takes for you to get in. It should not take more than 6 seconds, so every second after that is a spank. In addition, since I have to wait on you for that time, it is an additional 5." She had told him.

He normally took 12-14 seconds for this. So, ideally he should get only 10-13 spanks. But, Sneha never stopped with less than 20. He once pointed out that she could just do 20 all the time and be done with it. His reward was that he was once again introduced to the toothbrush. Instead of a duster, he cleaned all her chairs that day with a toothbrush and her shoes with his tongue. She scanned the shoes to find a speck but Suresh smiled smugly as he licked her feet knowing she would not find anything.

"Naked boy!" Parimala bellowed as he was just about to scrub the toilet. He knew she was doing this on purpose. He knew that, she somehow knew he had sprayed all the cleaning elements and yet he had to run to her. Of course, he was still naked. Not a stitch on! And, they had recently shaved him downstairs so he did not have a hair to hide behind. He sprinted to her and knelt in front of her. Parimala smiled. She had never told him he had to kneel every time she called out to him. He had started that on his own. Showed how submissive he was to her and she revelled in it. She had already decided that there would be no respite to him even after the 6 months time.

"Start massaging my legs." Suresh groaned. He knew that, by the time she would let him go back, the foam would have dissipated and he would have to start over again. However, he did not dare protest.

He almost started but remembered one of his spankings. She had told him that, when she asked him to massage her legs, he kissed the feet first. Kiss both feet for some time and then ask permission to start using his hands. Since he had not kissed even once, she had given him 30 spanks and so, he kissed each feet 7 times before going down on all fours and asking if he could use his hands. Parimala smiled and nodded. While relieved he had avoided spanking, he still had no respite. Parimala had not showered yet and her feet stank and he was treated to the full blast with every kiss. He tried to maintain a distance but Parimala reeled him in by his hair and he was treated to the stink as he sniffed and sniffed to Parimala's satisfaction. The smell was nauseating. So, why was he fully hard? He had no idea.

Parimala kept him at it for half hour.

"Start on the dishes." She ordered him.

"But, ma'am, I have to clean the toilet."

"You still haven't cleaned it?" Parimala asked, faking outrage knowing full well that she had ensured he wouldn't. Suresh looked into her eyes and quailed. He did not dare point out anything.

"SOrry, ma'am". He responded meekly.

"No sorry." Parimala replied firmly and pointed to her knees. Suresh, tearing up got on top of her.


She started. After exactly 7 spanks, she "suddenly realised" he was not facing the mirror. She turned around and started over, smiling evilly as Suresh started weeping.

Sneha loved reading books. She would normally do this while Parimala took her evening shower. Now, she came to Parimala's apartment for this. She would have Suresh massage her feet most of the time. But, sometimes, she switched it up. She would tell him to stand behind her while she sat on a chair. These times, she would generally position herself in front of the mirror. The power differential as she stood on a chair, fully dressed and legs crossed while her slave stood behind her, butt-naked, arms folded waiting for her commands caused her a sexual thrill. Suresh, too, while internally feeling very humiliated, however, kept having an arousal as he saw himself in the mirror in such a submissive position. As she read, she suddenly reached out. She would cup his balls in her hand and squeeze. The suddenness would cause him to bellow in pain while she grinded him. Since one of her hands was busy, everytime she wanted the page changed, she would tell him. Suresh would have to change the page in the book while the cupping caused more and more pain. Sneha wouldn't let go until Parimala was back. The sight of her in a towel would cause Suresh to grow further. However, the pain of the cupping would intensify and he could only weep while the women went about their things.

Sneha called him up at 6 AM. "Get your ass in here, now! Door is unlocked. Just run inside. Don't care if anyone is there, this is urgent." She had bellowed. The urgency in her tone made him run out without thinking. It was not until he reached her door that he became aware of his nudity. Thankfully, Shreeja was not out. He entered, closed the door and was shocked to see a huge pool of water. Sneha was standing near the washing machine. It was easy to see that the machine had overflowed water. Sneha pointed to it, informed him that she had called the technician but it was up to him to mop up the water and clean it up. Suresh hoped that, since there was so much water, she would help him at it. But, as it turned out, Sneha was far more unkind than he had thought. He kept adding clothes and squeezing water but it seemed that it would not even reduce. Parimala had woken up and walked here in her negligee. She squealed in delight as she saw her slave get additional work which they had not even planned.

However, 15 minutes in to the task, he slipped. The body resisted the slip due to inertia and this caused his legs to stretch at a bad angle. Both women rushed out to him. They lifted him up like he was a rag doll. His thighs felt like they were on fire. Sneha carried him to her bed and apologised to him. She moved his legs up and down repeatedly and also gave him a short massage to reduce the pain while Parimala continued with the mopping. Sneha waited until his pain had reduced enough, set a bottle of water next to him and ran back. He was better after some time and he came out to clean the chairs. Sneha firmly sent him back.

"Just get back in and relax, naked boy." She said firmly, but lovingly.

Parimala came in and hugged him. And, for the first time, she kissed him fully on the mouth. She ruffled her hair and said "Just take rest, naked boy. You won't do any chore today. We will take care of everything. But, of course, no clothes."

Suresh still bent down, kissed their feet and thanked them for their generosity. True to their word, they did not let him do anything for that day. The next morning, he had to do 25 naked sit-ups as payment. This was quite normal too. They loved watching his cock bob up and down as he did his sit-ups. Today, however, was different. They were making him do it to ensure there were no muscle sprains. Thankfully, there weren't and they resumed their domination.

"Come get your dinner, naked boy!" Parimala called out. Parimala and Sneha made dinner most of the time. Of course, it was his job to cut up the vegetables, pre-soak, pre-boil wherever necessary. But, it was still they who made dinner and if he did not acknowledge that, there was trouble. Parimala once wanted to make him lick shoes for half hour before dinner. Not only would it be humiliating, the taste of the shoe would still be strong and it would mix with the food. Sneha, however, shot it down fiercely. Parimala eventually saw reason. Food and sleep should never be disturbed for any human. Suresh ate the food happily, sitting on the floor of course. Since he was naked, she had told him earlier, he should not sit on any furniture as he would shed his pubic hair. He once made the mistake of pointing out that his pubic hair was shaved so he wouldn't shed any. She promptly made him understand he should not argue with her logic with 27 spanks.