Surrogate Wives Club Ch. 04


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"This was my first time tonight, Lauren was desperate, so I said yes, I'd help. But I don't have to do it again, Brad."

"I am about to leave for two weeks overseas ... do you expect me to believe you won't do it again while I'm away. Tell me, why did you want to, are you not happy in our marriage?"

"Oh, Brad, I wanted to have this conversation with you, I really did. But then your trip came up and I didn't want to spoil your excitement. I thought I could delay telling you until you get back"

"Telling me what, Becky, that you've become one of the surrogate wives?"

"No ... err ... well, yes, I guess. No, it's more the reason why. I was upset at first over you joining that club and having sex with three of my close friends."

"That was nearly a year ago, Becky. Yes, I had a brief fling with three wonderful wives; each was a great fuck in their own way. But I told you how I succumbed. We'd moved on, at least I thought we had ... I've been faithful to you and our marriage ever since."

"Well, after you came clean with what you did, I thought long and hard about our marriage. I asked myself why you would want to have sex with my friends, was I not good enough in bed? I came to the conclusion that our sex life was stale. You might remember me telling you about a couple of the guys hitting on me at one of Lauren's parties. Later that night, I asked myself what harm would there have been if I'd said yes, slipped away to Lauren's bed and fucked one of them? Our lives could go on ... I'd have had thirty minutes of naughty fun, richer for experiencing a casual fuck with someone else. Brad, I've changed, I am no longer that very moral monogamistic girl you married. I see no harm in me having another guy once, or for you, as you did, fucking my friends ... even three of them. We survived your dalliances. There is no reason why we can't both enjoy others while being married. I've read about open marriages. I think it can make us both happier."

"Hmm, that's an interesting revelation from you ... I must say totally unexpected. But, if you thought you'd like to go fuck some other guys, using that club as an excuse, then you could at least have waited until discussing your intentions with me before jumping into some guy's bed."

"I always intended to ... I wanted to discuss everything with you ... open marriage, the club, having sex with our friends. I expected you'd be happy to hear I'd come around to your way of thinking. I know how much you enjoyed having my friends, even getting to try anal with Juliette ... you knew I never would. I was about to tell you, but then your trip came up. I could see how excited you were and there was no opportunity to have such a serious talk."

"So, you figured no need now to tell me until I get back. You'll have two whole weeks to get started ... try out your new lifestyle. In two weeks, you could fuck every guy on the club's list."

"No, it's not like that at all, Brad, you make it sound so sleazy. I only did this guy tonight because Lauren was so desperate. She had nobody else and I'd knocked her back three times already. The timing fitted and it was on my way home. I figured what the heck if it could get Lauren off my back. I wasn't going to do any more -- really I wasn't -- not until you get back and we could talk about us both being in the club."

"Becky, it's interesting how nothing is ever your fault. You reached this decision that we should have an open marriage because I had sex with your three friends. You took on one of our neighbours tonight only because Lauren was desperate. I guess you only fucked this guy so Lauren would be happy with you. And, you would have told me all about you wanting to be in the club but it's my fault you couldn't because I got a trip to Europe. Take some fuckin' responsibility. Look at you ... you couldn't wear normal clothes like I did when I fucked your friends ... you are so into this new life that you went out dressed like the whore you've become."

That does it, Brad's words are harsh and biting and I burst into tears but there is no consoling hug from my husband. He turns and walks out, leaving me resting my hands on the wash basin, looking at myself in the mirror. The tears roll down my cheeks. 'Oh, how I have screwed up my life!'

I remain in the bathroom, sobbing for a few minutes. Taking a handful of tissues, I attempt to dry my eyes and remove my smudged and running make-up. I take off the lingerie and wrap a dressing gown over my nudity. I leave the bathroom to go find Brad, try to reason with him. He's staring at the TV in the living room. "Darling, I think we both need a nice warm cuddle. I'm going to have that shower and then let's both go to bed and have a hug."

"No way, I won't sleep tonight after seeing he way you looked when you arrived home. Don't expect you can fob me off with sloppy seconds in your whoring cunt. I'm going to watch TV."

Rejected, I take that long hot shower, using my fingers prodigiously, trying to flush the copious amount of Graham's cum from my vagina, watching the dregs of his semen on the shower floor. I go to bed alone and sob for at least an hour, unable to stop the tears, I've shattered my marriage in one night of illicit fornication.

I somehow drift off to sleep at two or three in the morning. I wake abruptly at 7.30, jump up, put my gown on and rush to find my kids having breakfast in the kitchen. "Have you seen your dad?"

My son answers, "He left last night for his trip, don't you remember driving him to the airport?"

"No, I'm not losing it. He came back, the flight was delayed until this morning. So, he wasn't here when you two got up?"

They chorus a decisive no. I rush into the living room, can see that he appears to have slept on the couch. But he's definitely gone because so is his luggage that he left by the front door.

My phone rings. I pick it up quickly, hoping it's Brad calling from the airport. But caller ID indicates it's Lauren ... the last person I want to speak to at this time. "Yes, Lauren, what is it?"

"Oh, who's Miss Grumpy this morning?"

"Fuck, Lauren, what is it? I don't have time for this, whatever you want?"

"Boy, not the reaction I expected from you this morning. You should still be floating on air after a session with Graham 'big cock.'"

"Graham 'thick cock,' not 'big cock,' Lauren."

"Only a technical difference, I'm sure, Becky. I was calling to ask how it went for you. I expected you'd be still on cloud nine, recalling every vivid moment. I'm told you came a few times."

"How do you know, have you spoken to him already?"

"Oh yes, he called me at 6.30, wanted me to have you drop by to see him again this morning. I knew you wouldn't have time before going to work. He said you were great, he loved it, told me he wished you could have stayed all night. He reckons he had a lot more cum to give you. He sounds a lot of fun, he definitely wants you again."

"That's nice, Lauren, but I'm not in a position to discuss him right now."

"Don't forget all the detail, you know I want a report from you on him, but later will do when you're not rushing off to work."

Work? Goodness me, it's approaching eight and I need to get dressed and go. Am I up to a day with kindergarten kids when my marriage is crumbling around me?

"Anyway, Becky, I'll cut to the chase. I need you again tonight."

"What, another neighbourhood guy?"

"Yes, Becky, they're coming out of the woodwork at the moment and I'm down a girl. Stephanie called me first thing this morning, my phone has been so busy. She told me she's kicked Stuart out at last. She's been complaining about what a shit he is for so long; at last, she's had enough and booted him to the curb. You'd think she'd be more available now but she says she wants a break. She's decided to rush off on a short overseas trip ... can you believe that?"

"Did she say where to, Lauren?"

"Oh, does it matter, Becky, I could care less. It makes me one wife down. Err ... um, I think she said something about Europe."

Fuck, that's the last thing I want to hear. Is it all coincidence? I can understand her kicking her husband out, she's endured a horrible marriage for a long time. But is it just terrible timing that Stephanie ends her marriage on the night that Brad and I have a major blow up? She said how impressed she was with Brad when he had his brief time in the club. Said he was considerate and loving to her when she expected he'd simply want to fuck. Brad said he had her twice, even stayed over one night. Could Brad have called Steph in the middle of last night, is it likely he's invited her to join him on his European work trip?

"Are you still there, Becky?"

"Err ... yes, I'm here, Lauren. Look, I better go get ready for work."

"So, what about tonight, Becky? Brad's away, you've got no excuse."

"Oh, I've got plenty of excuses. There's no way, I'm out, Lauren."

"No, you can't do that to me, I need you, it's so busy."

"I can do it and I am. You do whoever it is tonight, Lauren."

"Oh shit, Becky, there's no way. I'm already booked tonight and tomorrow night and I've done the last five nights straight. Will is becoming so pissed."

Chapter Twelve

I somehow get myself off to work that day. I have a shocker, have to leave the classroom twice when I burst into tears thinking of Brad ... and maybe my friend, Stephanie travelling with him. He calls twice that first week he's away, but only to talk to the kids. Once they are finished and I come on the line, he hangs up. So, he's not getting over my transgression in a hurry. I've never known him to be this angry before.

Lauren calls me every day in the first week that Brad is away, imploring me to go fuck one of the neighbourhood guys. By the middle of the week, I must say I am tempted, especially given Brad's attitude toward me. But I maintain my refusals, much to Lauren's despair.

Will calls Friday.

"What's happening, Beck?"

"Oh, Will, you don't want to know. My marriage is in the pit and I'm a total mess because of it."

"Yes, Lauren told me what happened. You can't beat bad timing, you know."

"Will, if I'd waited only a minute longer at the airport, I'd have seen the aircraft stop taxiing and I'd have waited longer to check that everything was ok and the flight was really going to leave."

"Bad timing, Becky."

"That's not all, Will. That guy and I had a really good fuck ... I mean, it was a good solid one and it should have been enough. Especially after having you the previous night. I was about to leave and I'd have been home before Brad got here in the cab from the airport. But the guy was extremely persuasive and he was still quite thick despite cumming. It wasn't like I was going to have to wait a half-hour or more for him to be ready again."

"Like us mere mortals with normal size cocks, eh, Becky?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Will, I didn't mean..."

"That's alright, Lauren did tell me this guy has quite a thick one. I understand."

"There is nothing wrong with yours, Will. You used it beautifully with me. What we did last week was wonderful, I loved that we fucked after being friends for so long."

"Thank you, Becky, but you don't have to say that."

"No, truly, Will, doing it with you was really special for me. Regrettably, I think my marriage could be over. Brad took it really badly. I think he may have even linked up with Stephanie over in Europe."

Will pauses, "Err ... so that's what you think, Becky? You don't know for sure?"

"No, I don't!"

"Honey, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but you're correct. Steph is travelling with him. I thought that Lauren would have told you."

"You mean she knows that for sure? Fuck, Will, I am discovering your wife is not such a true friend to me. She only tells me things she wants me to hear, like how many guys in the club supposedly want me."

"Welcome to reality, Beck. I'm discovering what she's really like. We haven't had sex in two weeks, she's so fuckin' busy putting out for members of her club. That's what it is now, Becky, it's her fuckin' club."

"She can keep it, Will, the damn Surrogate Wives has fucked up my marriage."

"Becky, what are you doing over the weekend? Have you any free time?"

Oh, what a good thought, Will is what I need now. "Actually, I do have a few hours on Saturday afternoon, both the kids have parties to go to. Would you like to come over?"

"Sure, what time?"

"Oh, make it around one, it would be so nice to see you again."

Saturday dawns and I feel the brightest I've been since leaving Graham's bed at midnight to find Brad sitting on our front lawn. Is it only a week since my marriage disintegrated? After my morning shower, I stand at my wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear today. Am I kidding myself, Will's not coming over for a social chat ... he's coming because he expects us to fuck again? And let's face it, I want him too, I want to feel his warm body and his Brad-like cock.

I think of how I greeted him last time in only skimpy panties and a shortie nightie -- no bra. I won't do that again, although I am sure that sex is on both our agendas. He did say he hasn't had sex with Lauren in two weeks. It was so good to have him last time that he may be the tonic I need. I have washed my black lingerie since that terrible night, not expecting to wear it again for quite some time. Dare I even think of wearing it all for him? Despite the trouble it got me into last time, I make my decision to be the woman in black for Will.

I drop my kids off at their respective parties and return home. Will's car is already on my driveway. We maintain a discrete distance upon getting out of our cars but once inside, with the front door closed, we immediately embrace fervently, ardently kissing, naturally with tongues involved.

We somehow scramble our way down the hallway, tearing clothes off each other so that by the time we manage to get through my bedroom door, I am down to the black lingerie set and he wears only his jocks.

We are both so frantic to fornicate that I dive straight into bed, rolling on my back with arms outstretched. The sight of me in my black finery seems to be what brings Will to a short stop ... he pauses, his eyes scanning my body, taking in all of me with breathless gasps. Then, he sheds his jocks and ducks his head down between the vee formed by my upper thighs. His hands pull my black panties off in a rush.

Will going down on me gets me off in near record time and then, he is above me and I feel his erection finding the opening to my pleasure passage. He plunges it inside my pleasure passage, his licking of me having created the juices to make his entry easy and fulfilling. We fuck like it's been a month and not just a week since our very first fornication. Who needs Graham's thick one? It was different and it was fun to feel so uniquely filled but Will's cock is more similar to Brad's and just the size that I miss badly.

Don't get me wrong, I am not imagining it's Brad as I lay beneath Will as he fucks me. It's just that his is the size and shape that I have been familiar with for all of my sexually active life. It helps too that I like Will - always have as a person and friend - so I can keep my eyes open to watch his face, see his warm smile and his varying facial reactions as he delights in plunging his hard rod into me. I respond by squeezing my pelvic muscles to increase the sensations for him.

It's a good one ... no, it's an exquisite fuck. We both enjoy each other immensely. We even have the time to stay in bed for a second go around before time dictates that I need to call a halt to go pick up the kids from their parties. Will comments on the time he takes to get it up again, comparing himself to Graham after I reveal how the thick cock guy was able to go for seconds quickly ... and how my staying for that second fuck has cost me my marriage.

Brad makes only one call to the kids in the second week. He's due home Sunday and I think about our original plan, which was for me to pick him up at the airport.

But on Friday, I receive this curt email from him, reading:

Forget about coming to the airport Sunday, I have arranged transport. I won't be coming home that night, nor ever again. I have arranged to sleep elsewhere and will come by to pick up all my stuff early in the week. Give my love to the kids, we'll set about arranging visits for me with them once I'm back.

It's not signed and he doesn't include his usual, 'Love always.'

I have to assume the sleeping elsewhere remark is confirmation that he now deems himself to be with Stephanie ... a former friend. How could she jump in so quickly?

I get home Tuesday afternoon after work to find most of Brad's clothes are gone. I guess that's it. I don't even get to have a discussion with him. In fact, we don't get to talk until after I am served with divorce papers. Once I have managed to explain the situation to the kids as best I can, I introduce Will into the equation, having him stay over from time to time. The four of us go out as a family on some weekends. It helps that they've known Will for six years while growing up.

So, you may ask, what has happened to the Surrogate Wives Club? I think it's still active. Having lost her marriage to Will, my other former friend, Lauren is probably full time on taking care of the sexual needs of the neighbourhood husbands. With Stephanie and myself off her books, she will have had to recruit a few more local wives. I have no idea of who is in and who's not, nor do I care.

I do miss the pool parties in summer and I miss Stephanie as a friend. We haven't said a word to each other since she coupled up, virtually overnight, on my husband. But I'm not complaining, Will and I are extremely happy together and, so he does not feel he is missing out on anything, I have overcome my aversion to swallowing.

Swallowing? Yes, you must remember that I couldn't bring myself to ever hold my position when sucking Brad's cock once he started to cum. But now, I take Will's cum happily and willingly down my throat. I've even been training my gag reaction so I can deep throat Will. I am amazed at how far down Will's shaft I can press my encircling lips. Let me say that his short and curlys are mashed against my face.

Not only that. The sex with Will is so good -- and varied, that one day I decide to pluck up my courage to walk across the road and talk to my one remaining old friend from our pool party days ... Juliette. I ask for her advice on how to go about offering my arse to Will as a surprise treat. She tells me all I need to know, so I'm planning this for him on Saturday night. It will be Brad's turn to have the kids for the weekend. Only Will and I at home in case I start squealing loudly when Will pushes his hard cock through my tight sphincter and up into my arse. But I want to do anal for him.

Oh, how I have changed!

The End

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olblueyesolblueyesabout 2 months ago

oh dam, i read all of this in one sitting,,this last chapter is so disappointing,,i feel cheated,,story is so convoluted,, did the author even write an outline? i think he made it up on the fly,,,

LoisKnight69LoisKnight692 months ago

I reread this after several months and had a realization. The model Stephanie and Brad had continued seeing each other during the time the club was supposedly inactive. She was always going to join him on his European business trip. There was no way that he phoned her after Becky went bed and she decided to dump Stuart and catch an early morning flight. Originally Brad and Stephanie were travelling separately to avoid suspicion. Now that Brad caught Becky, he had an excuse to divorce Becky. Steph and Brad could be open about seeing each other after the trip.

sbmcruisesbmcruise3 months ago

Loved the story and hoped for a happier ending.

BurnleyladBurnleylad4 months ago

Great story. Really enjoyed reading the whole thing but a sad ending as might have been expected? Was this based on an actual club?

mfj77mfj775 months ago

Okay ending but I wish the author had written a different story ;^)

One change could have been Becky inviting "the girls" over for a coming out pool party with Brad as a recipient of all the favors at once. Of course, . . . that would be a different story. Found Lauren's constant complaining about scheduling to be too whiny; maybe she should have recruited Pauline back into the club. Club seems to have warped from original design. If both members of a couple were involved, why not just work out swaps?

Seem to recall in Chapter 2 that Will admitted to being in the original club and his wife not knowing. Suddenly, in this chapter, it is all new to him. Continuity error?

Summary did not bother me. Interruption to discuss Becky having previously seen Will naked was really not needed.

Brad's reaction seemed over the top and out of character. Immediate divorce with no discussion was both hypocritical and out of character. Confrontation, fallout, and aftermath would have enhanced the story. Hard to believe Stephanie would stab her friend in the back so quickly.

Find it amusing that during all the discussions, it wasn't brought up that Becky's week long sex deprivation campaign led Brad to to his sex filled weekend.

In the end, this chapter was not as good as the others. Ending kind of tragic and a downer.

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