Susan Came Knocking


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As they were finishing dinner Elizabeth spoke up, "I had a call from Susan. Guess what? She's coming back to live in this area. She's bought a house about three miles from here."

Nathan perked up. "That's good news. I think?" he was not quite sure where this would take them.

"Of course, it is darling. You know it is. She's a good friend and we can probably have some fun together." Elizabeth raised and lowered her eyebrows several times in the style of Groucho Marx.

"You horny cow. Still holding a flame for her? I better cool you off with an early night. I'll definitely do the dishes in the morning. Let's go." He grabbed his wife's hands and pulled her up to bed.

Later in bed, with both sated, Elizabeth dreamily started up the conversation, "You didn't let me finish downstairs."

"What the washing up? I told you I'd finish it in the morning."

"No. You dolt. What Susan told me. She's coming this way next weekend to close on a place her father has bought for her. She asked to stay with us, with the girls along. I said yes, naturally."

"Next weekend. Sweetie, can she delay it a week? I set up my final presentation of the report I have been doing for almost the last year at a retreat with the company's executive board next weekend. I'll be away. I also hope to be bringing home a nice big fat cheque."

"Oh, poor baby. That's a shame. But it's her house closing, and I wouldn't ask her to mess around with that. There'll be plenty of other chances to catch up with her. This means we can have a girls' weekend. With the twins along I don't think you'll miss out on any action." Elizabeth could not resist a small tease, "But you never know."

"Anything else you haven't told me."

"Actually yes, come to think of it. She wants some advice on how to upgrade her new place, and introductions to the builder we used. She told me she has a substantial chunk of change as a budget so she should be fine. I think that's about it."

"Okay. Tell her to get a comprehensive scope of work. Change orders, as we discovered, are charged at about three times they would be if they were in the original contract."

"Yes, my lord. You still sore about that? Sometimes a gal changes her mind. Get over it. But I will pass on your wisdom on this matter."

"Good. A deal. Talking about soreness, are you? If not, can I make you that way?" Nathan's fingers moved across Elizabeth's hips to start playing in his favourite playground between her legs. Elizabeth purred and opened her legs. He added, "Well Susan, did Charles ever do this to you?"

"Oh, Nathan, he never did that. Try it a bit harder with two more fingers." Matters progressed from there. With what Nathan had in mind, as he thought about Susan, it was probable they would both be sore in the morning.


Elizabeth put Nathan into a tight hug and gave him a long kiss as he entered the door on Sunday night. "I have a cup of tea waiting in the kitchen."

"Susan and the girls still here?" Nathan removed his coat and started to the kitchen.

"No. They had to leave. The girls have school in the morning. Need any food?" Nathan waved his hand as a no. "You start as I pour the tea. How did it go?"

"Perfect. They loved it. It's going to make the company a bundle of money. And I have the confirmation of the transfer of final tranche of the payments in my pocket of two-hundred thousand and change. How do you like them apples? Although now it's over I've decided never to take on a contract of that size again. Too stressful and exhausting."

"Poor baby Too exhausted. So, no nookie tonight?"

"I didn't say that. We'll just have to see. Okay, your turn. From the beginning, of course."

Elizabeth collected her thought, "Susan and the two girls arrived at about ten on Saturday morning in her new Alfa Romeo. Later I learned it was another present from her father apart from the house we would soon see. He must be stinking rich. We settled the girls in the spare room with the single beds and Susan in Veronica's room. We then all went to lunch in the village. At one o'clock, Susan moved on to the Real estate office to sign the papers to take possession of her new house and get the keys. I took the twins shoe shopping and then on to a nursery where we looked at plants for the garden. Following me?"

"All very proper. Got it."

"Susan came out from the Real Estate office beaming. She declared that she not only had a new home, but she also had secured a probationary job in the real estate office, a new career direction she had been studying for online. She drove us to her new place. Not unlike ours but a bit smaller. She then pulled out a note pad and quizzed me as to what changes I would make or projects I would suggest. She took notes. We poked around and talked about contractors and the possibilities for over an hour until the girls rebelled. Incidentally, they loved the acre garden the cottage sat on. We had dinner at the pub and came here. The twins got into their PJ's, and we played a game of monopoly before they went to bed around eight-thirty."

"Good reporting. Do we get to the good bits soon?"

Elizabeth teased, "What makes you think there are any good bits?"

"Instinct and I know you and your determination to achieve what you want to achieve. Nuff said."

"We shared a bottle of wine and Susan loosened up much as she has ever done with me before. We talked further about the house, and I asked to why she wanted to come back to this area, but I was very good and never even hinted that it might be because of the cunnilingus you offer." Elizabeth giggled at her own joke.

"I am shocked you would even think of such a thing!" Nathan also grinned.

"It was interesting. There were two things apparently: there was her mother, who is lovely, but controlling and has yet to figure out her daughter is an adult. The second factor was that the girls never settled in the school. They were shut out of most of the school cliques that were long established, there was a raid at the school by the police for drugs, they endured some mild bullying and the girl's marks took a nose drive. All these factors added up to the need to change schools. She knew she had to get out of the family home and the area. Apart from Manchester where she took her sociology and economics degree, the only place she knows is around here."

"Makes perfect sense to me."

"I agree. Also, through the winter she took an online real estate course that she sailed through. She knows this area from the roving support work she did for her husband. So being familiar with the area would let her get a leg up on understanding the local real estate market. It all worked out perfectly. Further, she thought her father fronted up the money for the new house because he was getting tired of the disruption of having four females in the house. He was only too happy to support an escape plan for her. QED."

"When do we get to the interesting bits?"

"My god, you're becoming a dirty old man. Okay. We started talking about our Uni experiences. I told her about getting under the thrall of a lesbian. And she told me about how she found a more than lively interest in a course that studied what was termed deviant behaviours. Not sure what they'd call nowadays. Getting closer?"

"Yep. You must share more details with me about your subjugation to a lesbian. How come I've not heard about this before? Maybe some other time."

"She asked me what my lesbian, Kristen, did and how it felt. I told her and, yes, I'll share with you sometime. I always thought you'd be bored with my sordid past. She explained that she was already going out with Charles and any of the practices she heard about in the deviance course were not conversation material for her boyfriend, a candidate for a DD. Nevertheless, she squirreled the knowledge away and often wondered what it would be like to go with a woman, be fucked anally, get into orgies, be an exhibitionist and voyeur. She felt as though she missed out, particularly the girl-on-girl encounters, and for a while masturbated to her fantasies before her twins' pregnancy came along. At this point she was concerned it was harmful and then she got out of the way of pleasuring herself."

"She was certainly in a sharing mood."

"Three quarters of a bottle of wine got her that way. We were more detailed in our descriptions, as you can imagine. I am paraphrasing somewhat. Then not entirely out of the blue, she asked me if I would kiss her. I'd been with this attractive beauty all day and had a permanent dampness about me. When we got talking about the sex stuff, and she was heating up, such that she loosened a couple of buttons on her blouse, my dampness increased to a slow trickle of juices. We were off to the races. I moved down the sofa to her, pulled her head to me and lay a sensuous soft kiss full on her lips. Something I had wanted to do all day was but scared that I would frighten her off. She shuddered and gave a deep throated oh. Her hands came up behind my head and pulled me towards her. She led the second kiss. It was firmer. I disengaged and quietly told her to keep it soft and sensual at first. She responded in kind. We started necking with building pressure and passion. I could feel my nipples harden and ache. Gradually we used our tongues, open mouthed exploring each other's teeth and inner surfaces, dualling with our tongues. We stood so our bodies could press together. I could feel her breasts press against my ribcage and no doubt she could feel mine near her shoulders such is the discrepancy in our heights."

"Were you wet?"

"Oh, yes. Flowing by this point. I love you dearly and we have our own way of kissing, and we move on to the next stages quickly these days. This was a long lip engagement. It was lovely. We must try it sometime if we can hold back. Next, I felt her hand reach up for my breasts outside of my dress. She lightly massaged them and rolled my nipples. I suppose it was the circumstance, but it was exquisite. I reciprocated the gesture and in the short time I felt her whimpering, she threw her head back and gave an animalistic throaty groan. Her knees gave out and I found myself supporting her as she sank towards the floor. I whispered, did you come? She nodded and closed her eyes. I pinched her nipple quite firmly and her eyes fluttered. I had to catch her once more. She now panted for a good minute as she was obviously in the grip of a sustained orgasm."

"She got off on just that. Wow. I'd have love to see her coming that way."

"We sat down. She was still beathing heavily. I was reaching for the buttons on her blouse when the hall light came on and shone into the lounge. Fortunately, we only had the side table light on low in the lounge so the sudden increase in illumination was obvious. We both instinctively straightened up and sat away from each other. A bleary-eyed Beatrice came into the room telling us she could not get to sleep and could she sleep with her mother. Of course, Susan could not say no. I hope Beatrice was sufficiently sleepy to not notice how flushed both of us must have been. That was the end of our evening adventure. I guess you'd say we'd just got to first base. Three more to go?"

"I'm just in the mood to score a home run. Ready to play ball?" Nathan was a baseball fan and had been sitting on the edge of his chair in a fully primed condition.

"Let's get to the diamond." Elizabeth also knew about baseball.

The encounter surrendered two home runs, not back-to-back. More like front-to-back and front-to-front.

In the morning Nathan realized he's not heard what happened before he arrived home the previous day. "What happened on Sunday before I came home?"

"Sorry to disappoint honey, but nothing. The twins helped me in the garden and Susan took off to take a solitary look at her new home and visit a close friend to let her know about her move back into the area. When we parted, she gave me a long warm hug and a soft kiss on the lips. Her thank-you carried the unstated weight of the previous evening's activities. She expressed her anticipation of getting together again as soon as she was moved in.

"She's got cold feet?"

"I don't think so. We'll just have to wait and see when she's all moved in."

"Bummer. I was looking forward to our next encounter." Nathan was more excited about getting close to Susan than he had let on to Elizabeth.

"You just have a dirty mind and a wife who is very forgiving. Get over it." Elizabeth knew she had let her more prurient side open a pandora's box.


Elizabeth learned from her regular phone or text contact with Susan that the contractor had a project cancelled and had time to immediately undertake a basic set of house modifications that Susan had identified as essential. The builder was also able to complete some cosmetic improvements before she moved in. The rest of Susan's wish list was kicked down the road. With some furniture from her parents' home, and some quick new purchases supplemented with visits to boot sales and antique stores Susan outfitted the place to her broad satisfaction. She moved in a week before schools closed for the summer.

Because of the year-end scramble and paperwork, it was nearly two weeks before Elizabeth had time to drop in on Susan. Whilst Elizabeth was visiting, Susan was called out for a house sale, the first with her new job with the Real Estate company. The twins conducted the tour of the house and gardens. What she also learned was that the two girls were flying out to see their father in Nigeria two days later. They were eager to see their dad and at the prospect of experiencing a whole new cultural environment.

Nathan was initially excited to hear of Elizabeth's visit to see the Susan's new house. But his focus immediately turned to the twins' trip to Nigeria. "Susan's going to be alone? Without the girls? That's promising."

"There you go again. But I'm already ahead of you. I tried for this coming weekend, but she has some sort of office strategy session on both Saturday and Sunday."

"Oh. That's bad planning."

"Hold your horses. I asked her over for the following Friday evening with the possibility of staying over. She pencilled in subject to your availability. Are you free?"

Nathan almost shouted, "Free. Dammit, I'd cancel a visit to the Palace for that."

"Okay. I'll confirm for say six o'clock. Let's get an early start."

Faced with the reality of having finally Susan to themselves Nathan wondered about an idea he had been playing with but wondered if Elizabeth would think it to be a step too far. He decided to be a bit duplicitous. Not his usual style with his loving wife. "Honey, I've been wondering. Er, how can I put this..." Nathan reached to get the right words. "If we do get intimate with Susan, how do we know she won't have a #metoo moments later, or even in a few years?"

"That's very unlikely. I can guarantee she'll be all in."

"But do you really know? May she'll revert to type. By that I mean the Vicar's wife. Okay, ex-wife."

"Honey. You're worrying about nothing. She'll be fine. What do you want to do? Have tape recorders everywhere?"

"That's so nineteen-eighties. I was thinking of a set of security cameras around the house to catch her words. I any event I was thinking about having the security anyway. There's been a spate of break-ins in the village." This was not entirely true as there had only been two burglaries and they caught the kids. Nathan continued, "This will kill two birds with one stone. With some calculated prompts we would have a record of her acquiescence to whatever goes on."

"We already have perimeter security on all the doors and windows, why do we need internal cameras?"

Elizabeth paused and laughed. As usual, she saw right through her husband's strategy. "Oh, my. You never stop, once a dirty old man always a dirty old man. Right. You just want to have a permanent recording of the events that take place. Add voyeur to the list of your sins."

Nathan was not quite ready to total concede his intent, "Well, yes, that would be nice too. So, you're really okay with it?"

She shook her head and rolled her eyes up in her head, "Yes. Go ahead. But I insist the cameras are not on when we are alone in the house or when Veronica is here. Agreed?"

"That's a deal then. One other thing. Will you dress up and ask Susan to dress in a similar fashion to you? I mean with a skirt and blouse, stockings, high heels, and sexy underwear?"

"If that's your kink, sure. Business attire. But why?"

Nathan went on to describe a scenario he's like to see.

"I can work with that. In fact, I quite like it. We'll see if Susan will be forthcoming without being drunk first. If that doesn't work, we'll have the booze solution to fall back on with some improvisation."

Two days later a security company arrived with five top-of-the-line cameras "They come in packages of five, sir." And set them up looking at the inside of the front and back doors, the lounge, and the master bedroom "Where the jewellery is kept."

The cameras were all connected to the Wi-Fi and the data stored in a whole new set of files in the mega-gigabits of cloud storage. Nathan was walked through the software and discovered as he learned to operate the five-magnification zoom cameras that they gave sharp, clear images, ranging from a wide angle of view to close-ups, and the sound definition was crisp. He was impressed how well it worked even in the low light space by the front door.

After the technician had left, Nathan concealed the fifth spare camera in a vent in the master bedroom catching the bed from an angle one-hundred and eighty degrees from the one previously installed by the technician. He also pointed both the bedroom camera positions to a most advantageous position for looking at the bed. He thought to himself, "Got you, my sweetie."

Despite his promise, Nathan had the cameras activated when he and Elizabeth shared a passionate time on their marital bed that night. The next day Nathan coaxed Elizabeth onto the sofa in the lounge after her workout session. He presented what he described as a test run of the security system, surrounded by apologies, onto their smart high-definition TV. After a frown as the show began and a loud, "You didn't!", Elizabeth's expression transitioned into a wide grin as she sat transfixed at the scene she was being shown.

Ten minutes later, at the end of their mutual satisfaction, Nathan paused the picture and looked at Elizabeth with a questioning look. He was not sure what to expect. It was relief to hear a semi-breathless, "Oh, my. I didn't realize I was so noisy, and you grunt a bit. Wow the picture is sharp. I better get my hair done on Friday." She paused as she thought. Nathan did not speak fearing she may change her mind. "I guess I've some latent voyeuristic streak in me too. Kiss me. Then let's finish it." Nathan's apprehension faded away as he hit play button to resume and as Elizabeth snuggled up to him on the couch with one hand on his hardening member and the other down the front of her own sweatpants.


Nathan looked at Elizabeth, dressed as if going to work, as they heard a quiet knock on their front door. "Here we go. Stay with the plot if possible. You get first dibs." He winked before Elizabeth stepped forward to open the door. Nathan retired to his study and looked at his pair of large computer monitors usually devoted to figures different from those he expected to see that night.

Susan carried a small overnight bag and was dressed in a professional looking skirt, jacket, white blouse, and high heeled shoes. She had taken her cue from Elizabeth's instructions. Nathan thought "Game on".

Elizabeth open with, "I only arrived moments ago. The owner let me in and then took off."

Susan looked totally mystified and frowned, "I'm not too early, am I?" She thought she must have mis-remembered the time they discussed.