Susie Ch. 03


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"A what place?"

"A 'trysting place'. A meeting place for sexual encounters."

"Oh. Thatis what we need, a 'trysting place'."

"Let's think about it. We still have a week and we can always use my room or get a hotel room."

I went back to Kaitlyn's room and we talked girl talk until it was time for me to leave.

That evening my period started. I was not pregnant! I rushed to tell my Mommy and Daddy and I called Corey to tell him. That also meant my period would be over just in time for my appointment with Dr Jacobs.

Dr Jacobs

I was nervous on the way to Dr. Jacobs. "Mommy what do I say? I am embarrassed to talk to Dr Jacobs about my having sex."

"Well dear, if you wish I can do the talking, except when he asks you a direct question. But you sure have had no trouble talking to me, your dad and even your little sister about your sexual experiences. I doubt you will have any trouble with Dr. Jacobs. I am sure he has talked to many young girls about such things."

"You are right. I am a big girl and should be able to talk myself. Will you be coming in with me?"

"Yes, dear. Dr. Jacobs receptionist made it clear that I must be with you the whole time. They don't want any possibility of sexual misbehavior charges being made. She said it's unfortunate but their insurance requires it."

"I think I would like you there with me anyway, Mommy."

In the waiting room I felt like everyone knew why I was there and started feeling embarrassed even though I knew there was no way they could tell I wasn't there just for my regular checkup.

Dr Jacobs' nurse, Jennifer, took us back. "What are you here for today?" she looked at the chart and said. "Oh a pelvic exam and consultation. Well then, please undress completely and put on a gown." She pointed to the closet where there were several gowns of the kind with no back.

"Mommy, these are really embarrassing. Why do I need to get all undressed?"

"Dr Jacobs will be looking at your vagina and cervix. That's what a pelvic exam is."

"Mommy, that's really embarrassing."

"All big girls and women do it once in a while. I have done it many times. It's not that embarrassing. The doctor has seen many vaginas and he will only be looking inside. He won't be looking at you sexually."

I got undressed and put on the gown and waited.

Dr Jacobs knocked and asked with his 'kind' voice, "Are we ready in there?"

"Yes," I said, "come in."

He looked at the chart and said, what are we here for today, Susie."

In my most nervous voice I said, "I've been having sex, Dr, Jacobs and I don't want to get pregnant."

"I'm sure we can take care of you. Is there any possibility that you are pregnant now?"

"I was worried that I might be but I just finished my period. We haven't had sex for a couple of weeks."

"Well that's good. Do you have any pains or discomfort of any kind when you have sex?"

"No doctor it all feels fabulously wonderful."

"Well that's the way it should be. Does your boyfriend always use a condom?"

"Usually, once he didn't."

"OK, it's best he does even if you are using some other kind of birth control. Have either of you had other sexual partners."

"He hasn't but I had sex with several other boys." I could see my mom wanted to say something. "What do you want to say mom?"

"I just wanted to tell the doctor that these other boys was just one time in a group of other girls."

"Yes, well we had, like, four sex parties with one guy for each of us five girls. That was before I met Corey."

"Corey is your current boyfriend?"

"Yes, and I had sex several times with one of the boys I met at one of the sex parties."

"And is that all?"


"Well, Susie, you have been quite active for a girl your age. Does your boyfriend know about this?"

"Yes, he knows all about it."

"You should definitely be sure he uses a condom and contact me if you have any pain or discomfort in your genitals. You know what your genitals are don't you?"

"Yes, my sex parts."

"Also look for any unusual discharges or sores or rashes even if they don't hurt or itch."

"OK, doctor."

"You should also have a blood test for STD's, that's 'Sexually Transmitted Disease' if you don't know. Well, lets take a quick look. Lay back on the table and put your feet up here. Bend your knees and spread them."

He indicated two metal things at the end of the table. I had seen them when I came before and wondered what they were. With my feet in them I could tell my twat was hanging out for the whole world to see.

The doctor put on some rubber gloves, took an 'L' shaped thing and went between my legs. I felt him spread my twat and then put something inside. "does that feel OK?" he asked.

"Yes, even kind of good but a little cold."

"You will feel some pressure. Let me know if it's uncomfortable."

I had a feeling like a cock being inside me and then it stopped. The doctor spent a little time and then I felt him put something inside. It hurt just a bit. "Ow, that hurt, but not much."

"OK, we're done."

"Doctor, my boyfriend, Corey said that you can put a thing in my vagina so you can see inside."

"Yes, it's called a 'speculum'. That's what I just did."

"Oh, I thought it would push more. That's not even as much as Corey's cock."

"Really, how big is his penis?"

"Well I can't quite get my fingers around it." I held up my hand with fingers curled to show him the size. "And it's this long." I showed him with my hands"

"Well, that is a big one. How far in does it go."

"Oh, all the way!" I said, "it really fills me up."

"I bet it does!" he said. "With a penis that size, I should perhaps take a closer look."

He spent a little more time and said, "I don't see any tears or problems. Susie, you're good to go."

Mommy asked, "Can a big penis like that cause problems?"

"Well vaginas are made to stretch, after all a baby's head is bigger than any penis but not all of them stretch that much. Susie I think you should have no problem but your boyfriend's big penis makes it all the more important you should be aware of any pain or discomfort anywhere in your abdomen. Things have to move out of the way for a large penis to fit in. They can do that but if you feel anything wrong or see unusual amounts of blood in your urine or stool you should stop having sex and contact me."

Before he could do anything else, I asked, "Doctor, can I see my cervix?"

"That's not as unusual a request as you might think. Jennifer, could you come in."

When she came in he asked her to raise the back of the table. "Susie wants to see her cervix so let's get her into a comfortable position."

When I was sitting up, with my legs still spread, Doctor Jacobs handed me a mirror and said, "position it so you can see up you vagina." He helped me move it down and shone his little light inside. "Can you see all the way in?"

"Yes I think so, doctor."

"Your cervix is that raised area with a depression in the middle. It's a bit awkward for me to point it out but I can try."

"I think I see it. It's kind of like a tiny volcano at the very end."

"Yes that's it." he said, "a tiny volcano."

Surprisingly, mommy asked, "Could I see too, doctor?"

"Elaine, I think that's something you should ask your daughter, not me," the doctor said. "Susie, is it okay if your mother takes a look at your cervix?"

"Sure," I said with a smile.

Mommy came over to look in the mirror and the doctor told her, "Elaine, you can look at it directly," and she went between my legs and bent down.

"Doctor, what's this swelling here, is that normal?" she asked.

The doctor laughed. "Elaine, that's your daughter's clitoris and yes, that's very normal." Mommy turned pink.

"Thank you doctor. I was just curious," she said.

"Can I see the 'speculum'?" I asked.

"Certainly, Susie. In the mirror you can see the two sides of the speculum holding your vagina walls apart. Here, I will remove it."

He took out the 'L' shaped thing I had seen him with before. He demonstrated how it pushed apart and released.

"Can I have this?" I asked. "I think Corey would like to see my cervix too."

"You should have a sterile one." He reached into a drawer and took out one all wrapped in plastic. "Here, Susie, you may have this, I think we have more, don't we Jennifer?"

"Yes, we do doctor."

Dr Jacobs told me to be very careful using it. "Put some lubricant on it and insert it very slowly and carefully. Don't remove it from it's protective cover until you use it and don't use it more than once, these are disposable and can't be properly resterilized."

Then he said, "You have been a very good patient, Susan. Very few girls your age would be as open about the subject of sex. You made things much easier and more comfortable for me. In fact, Susan, very few women of any age, married or unmarried are as open and candid as you have been. Thank you. Is there anything else?"

"The pill, Doctor Jacobs," I said.

"Of course, contraceptives. I should not have forgotten that!"

He took out his prescription pad. "Before I give you a prescription I need to be sure you aren't taking any medications or have any conditions which might be a problem." He spent some time leafing through my records folder.

"OK, I see no problem. Before I give you the prescription I need to let you know that there are many other means of contraception. Here is a booklet which describes them. You and your mom should look through this and call me with any questions. If you find one you think you might like to use then set up an appointment and we will discuss it and arrange to provide it. If you want you can set up an appointment in a couple of weeks to discuss alternatives."

I thought a bit and said, "No, I'll look at it and decide if I like another one. I have friend who is on the pill and she thinks it is fine."

He said, "That's OK, but some methods are much simpler to use than the pill. An IUD, Intrauterine Device, fits inside and you don't need to worry about missing a day with the pill. If you miss even one day taking the pill then it can be ineffective and you could get pregnant. If you miss even one day."

"Oh," I said. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Here is the prescription. When was your last period?"

"It ended just two days ago."

"Good, you should get the prescription filled immediately and start taking them tonight. Take one every night, every night, without exception. Here is a booklet describing the details and possible side effects. If you have any side effects, stop taking the pills, stop having intercourse and contact me. I recommend that you review this booklet every couple of months because it's easy to forget some of the details. And, of course, call me if you have any questions."

"OK, thank you, doctor."

Before leaving, the doctor pointed at the tissue box on the counter and said, "use the tissues to wipe off before you dress. When you are dressed have Jennifer draw blood for your STD tests." He gave me a paper labeled "Laboratory Tests".

My mom told him "Thank you," too.

"You are both welcome. Be sure to review those other contraceptive measures."

After he left I felt my crotch. It was slippery from the lubricant he had used and my fingers slipped easily inside. I imagined Corey's beast slipping inside and felt a tingle fill my abdomen. I slid my fingers out, stroked against my clit and a shock jumped into my vagina. I imagined that I would have an orgasm as soon as the tip of Corey's cock touched me.

"Susan, could you please do that in private," my mother awoke me from my daydream. I took some tissue, wiped off the lubricant and got dressed.

On the way out I told my mom, "That wasn't so bad, except for the blood test part."

"No it wasn't. You made me very proud, Susie. No one could have handled it better. The doctor could have been talking about me when he said grown, married women aren't as open and honest about sex with him as you were."

We stopped at the drug store to fill the prescription. "Mommy, this is embarrassing, could you get it for me?"

"No, dear, this is your choice," she told me, "and you will need to keep refilling the prescription. Your father and I also expect you to pay for these pills. If you will give us the receipts we will submit it to our insurance company and pay you whatever portion they pay."

We went in and I presented the prescription at the pharmacy window. "This will take about 15 minutes," she told me.

As I waited my eyes were drawn to the condom display. I had never really looked at them but I thought that since I was getting birth control pills there would be little additional embarrassment in looking at the condoms. I was surprised at the variety. "For her pleasure, thin for extra sensation, extra sensitive, tighter, larger, lubricated, not lubricated, desensitizing (why would anyone want that?), warming, ..." they said. I motioned to Mommy and when she came over said, "How do you decide which to use?"

"I never use them, dear, so I wouldn't know," she returned to her seat.

I took a package of the "larger" ones and noticed the lubricants below the condoms. There was also a variety of those. I took a tube of the kind the doctor had, "if that's what he used it must be okay," I thought. It was also one of the least expensive.

As we got in the car I said, "Oh. Mommy, please drop me off at Corey's."

"Of course, dear."

When we arrived, I took out the overnight bag I had brought along. I don't think she or daddy had noticed me carrying it. They certainly didn't say anything about it. As I got out I gave her a quick kiss and said, "don't expect me back tonight. Corey will take me to work tomorrow. I love you and thank you."

She looked at me sadly and said, quietly, "I love you too. Have a good evening."

I held back what I wanted to say: "Oh I will have avery good evening." and just waved goodbye. It was good not having to lie to her or cover up what I was doing.

A Night with Corey

I rang the doorbell and Corey answered. "You are later than I expected," he said.

"Couldn't he at least greet me first," I thought to myself but I didn't want anything to ruin the evening so I explained, "I needed to stop by the drug store." I showed him the birth control pill container.

Finally he greeted me properly, "I'm so glad you're finally here," he said and grabbed me. "I've been waiting anxiously." He planted a huge kiss on my lips and inserted his tongue.

I responded, feeling the beast rising against my stomach. When we broke apart I asked, "can you tell me what we are doing tonight?"

"Well, I could but I'd rather you just see."

He took my bag and yelled, "Mom, Susan is here so we're off! See you tomorrow."

"Just a minute," came the reply from the back and Mrs. Daniels came in.

"I want to give you a proper goodbye," she said and gave Corey a big hug. "Take care of this lovely young woman," she said and gave me a hug too.

"I will," Corey said.

"I bet you will!" I replied.

"Have a good time," she said as we went out.

"We will," Corey and I said in unison. I added, "a better than good time!"

In the car I told him, "I can't wait to see what you have planned." I stroked 'the beast' through his jeans and said, "I hope it involves sex soon. I almost gave myself an orgasm in the doctor's office in front of my mother thinking about it."

"It involves sex almost as soon as you want it," he told me and turned the car into the parking lot of The Courtyard hotel.

He opened the door for me and took my bag saying, "I have already checked us in."

He led me to the door of a room I recognized. "The room where we spent our first night together!" I exclaimed and gave him a tight hug.

I had my blouse off before he had the door open and my bra was off before he had it closed. By the time he had the door latched and had turned around my skirt and panties were at my ankles and by the time he reached me I was naked except for my shoes and socks. As he kissed me our tongues entwined and he lifted me onto the bed. Then he stood up and began removing his clothes.

I took off my shoes and socks. I had fished a condom and the lubricant I bought at the drug store from my handbag as we walked down the hall and kept them in my hand. Now I opened the condom and put it over the beast as soon as Corey released it from its lair inside his shorts. I put some lubricant on it and then reached down to put some in my vagina but I was already wet and slipperier than the lubricant. My whole body tingled in expectation as I touched my clit with my lubricant covered finger. I licked the lubricant off as Corey, naked, and his fully engorged beast lay down next to me.

He began to kiss my neck and fondle my breasts with one hand as the other lightly stoked my abdomen.

"Corey," I said, "I feel like I have had two weeks of foreplay. My cave is ready for the beast to enter now and I don't want to delay."

"The desire of my princess is my command," he said and moved between my legs. I spread them and felt tremors of anticipation growing through my body. I raised my hips and pushed a pillow underneath as he spread my labia with his fingers and brought the head of the beast in contact with my opening. As I had anticipated, a tremor shot through my vagina.

"Aahh!" I exclaimed and curled my toes, threw back my head, and tightened my abdominal muscles in an attempt to hold back the orgasm.

The beast pushed harder against the opening but didn't slide in. The tingling grew almost unbearable. I tried harder to keep it back.

"You're too tight," Corey said.

I decided not to fight it. I released my muscles and the beast entered suddenly and almost entirely because Corey had been pushing to get it inside me. The spasm of orgasm came simultaneously with the entry and pulled the beast completely inside. I relaxed mentally, though my body was anything but relaxed. I luxuriated in the throes of my vagina and abdomen as they tightened around Corey's throbbing cock. As if from a distance I heard my voice, "Aahh," with each jolt of pleasure.

As the spasms eased I began to move my hips and implored Corey to "fuck me, my love!"

He thrust the beast in and out, slowly at first and then with more speed. I moved my hips in rhythm with his thrusts and could see that I increased his pleasure by tightening my abdominal muscles as I had done when I was trying to hold back my climax. As his breathing became more rapid and he began to moan each time his 'beast' moved further into my 'cave' I turned us over so I was on top with my legs bent and my feet under my butt. I began moving up and down, side to side until I felt the beast jerk hard inside me. The thrill of semen swooshing through its body and into the condom let me know my efforts had succeeded. Corey moaned loudly as I continued to rock on his thighs and move my hips up and down. When his moans subsided and the beast had quieted inside me I stopped my movement, lay on his chest and savored the feel of his hair against my cheek, the beast in my belly and his hands stroking my back from neck to butt.

After what seemed like hours, I stirred. I wanted to lie with him like that forever but the needs of the body must be met. I asked "Corey, what are we doing for dinner?"

He was running his fingers through my hair and said, "Whatever you want. We can go out, or eat here in the room."

"Here in the room," I said without hesitation. "We could go get something like we did before."

"Or, maybe they have room service," Corey said.

"Let's get chicken," I said, "with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob."

"And maybe some salad or coleslaw?" Corey added.

That decided it. I reluctantly allowed the beast to leave the place where I liked it best and we got dressed after I had a chance to play with the beast and direct Corey's pee before using the toilet myself.