Swapping for a Good Cause

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Friends swap for down payment on a home.
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This is a sequel to two previous stories How We Became a Webcam Couple and Holly and Keith. It can be a standalone story but it is recommended that you read the previous stories before this one.


Rob Tinney (EB, Encyclopedia Brown)

Katie Tinney (Snoop)

Keith Barber (Bruce)

Holly Barber (Wendy)

Holly Barber was trying very hard not to be a bitch. However, spending an evening with her husband, Keith's co-workers for a holiday party and being unable to drink did not sound pleasant. She had met Keith's work buddy, Katie Tinney a few times over the last couple of years and did not particularly like her. Katie and Keith were the two youngest physical therapists at the hospital and they worked closely together and got along well, although she knew that was the extent on their relationship.

The party was on a dinner cruise and they were seated with the Physical Therapists that Keith worked with. The drinking was plentiful and Holly felt even more like outsider since she was not drinking. She was making one of her frequent rest room visits when she ran into Katie. Katie had been unusually quiet this evening and it actually was not the first time that were in the restroom at the same time.

While they were washing their hands, Katie suddenly said,

"I am going to take a guess that you have the same thing going on as me. I am due on June 24th."

At first Holly was taken back by how forward Katie was. Holly was still in her first trimester and no one other than Keith knew. However, she more surprised by the coincidence so she smiled and said.

"We really do have the same thing. I am also due on June 24th."

While most the the other party guests spent the rest of the evening drinking and being rowdy, Holly and Katie bonded over their pregnancies

This would be the start of a close friendship. Neither had a good female friend in Wilmington and it was nice having a close friend especially since they both going through the same big changes in their lives. Once they got to know each they were surprised how well they got along. Holly had previously thought Katie was prissy and Katie assumed that Holly was unfriendly because she was uncomfortable with Keith working closely with Katie. However, all of that was now forgotten.

Holly and Katie started talking on at least a daily basis and had a regular lunch date on Tuesdays before Holly's shift would start at the restaurant. In addition, they would frequently get together with Keith and Rob. The four of them would meet for dinner on virtually every Sunday. The main difference between the couples is that the Barber's were financially strapped with student loans while the Tinney's had no such worries.

In January both couples had found out they were having girls. The Tinney's had picked out Jessica, Jessie for short for their daughter's name and the Barber's chose Bella. Holly and Katie had already decided that the two girls were not going to have any choice but to be best friends.

While Katie and Rob had stopped webcamming when they found out Katie was pregnant she was still obsessed with the website and was planning to return in the future. Sometimes she would be a moderator to help new couples who had potential, but were clueless about how to be successful at webcamming. Several times Katie would send these couples a private message offering her help. Katie would send a link to her profile showing that she and Rob had over 25,000 followers and a 99% satisfaction rating. Katie would say that there was no catch that she wanted other couples to enjoy webcamming as much as they did and that she could see that they needed help getting started. One person responded and said she would welcome any help.

Katie has seen this couple who were brand new and immediately went to a paid ticket show for 50 tokens. Katie had never seen a new couple start like this. They were able to pull this off because the girl, who was 19, was so gorgeous and a decent number of people bought tickets. However, they had problems with the camera (no sound) and the boyfriend had performance issues. The guy blamed his problems on having too much to drink and promised to do better the next time. They were back the next night with the sound fixed and again went straight to a paid ticket show. Only half as many people bought tickets and the show was even more of a disaster. The guy still could not get it up and the girl was shy about showing her cooch.

The girl was Melanie and her husband was Dwight and they decided to webcam because a friend said they make a lot of money. The friend told them to do the paid ticket show. Katie told Melanie that they should take a step back. Before she went on again, Katie summarized how the website worked. New performers should focus on adding followers and being nervous at first is fine. However, for the paid ticket shows, viewers expected hardcore sex. The Tinney's had cammed for six months before their first paid ticket show. Katie and Melanie watched other performers and she pointed out the good and the bad. When Melanie went back on camera again by herself with Katie as the moderator it went much better. Rob called Katie a webcam coach and found it very amusing.

Besides Keith and his mother, the others were not close with their family and as time went on and the due date became closer they became more like family. The Barber's had Easter dinner at the Tinney's place and discussed the Easter eggs hunts that Bella and Jessie would have in a few years.

Bella was born first on June 26th. The delivery was uneventful. The Tinney's came to visit the next day. Katie was pretty miserable by this time and was envious that Holly was done. The next day as Holly, Keith and Bella were leaving the hospital, Katie went into delivery. Jessie was born on June 28th. Rob predicted that Bella would be bragging to Jessie about being older their whole lives.

After a couple weeks Keith, Holly and Bella came over the Tinney's' house for the day. It was good to see them and the baby. However, at this point Katie was breastfeeding Jessie a lot and it was annoying to have to cover up. Eventually she had enough.

"I love you guys, but I can't do this. I am not really shy."

She got up and removed her t shirt.

"Keith These are my tits. If you are going to be around the next few months, get used to seeing them."

Keith was shocked and tried not to stare. However, it became normal for Katie not to cover up when they were around and eventually Holly stopped worrying about covering up as well.

The next few months were challenging for both couples as they got adjusted to being parents and the babies were demanding. Katie spent no time on the webcamming website other than helping Melanie.

Melanie turned out to be very nice and had become a friend. She even sent a baby gift. Melanie had come from a difficult background and Katie wanted to help her beyond just webcamming. Melanie's camming had really turned the corner with Katie's help and she was making decent money as a solo performer. When Melanie had decided to leave Dwight, he started to get abusive. Katie decided to invite Melanie to visit them until things settled down. Melanie ended up staying for four months and Katie thought of her as the little sister that she never had. For Holly and Keith they said that Melanie was Katie's niece.

Katie had decided to go back to work three days a week starting in October. The benefits of Rob's flexible hours were especially nice when Katie worked and Rob was able to work when Jessie napped so that they never had to use daycare.

It was more of a struggle for the Barber's. The pregnancy had not been planned and they were struggling to make ends meet. Keith made decent money but his student loans were large and Holly had never been able to get a writing job. They found that it made little sense for Holly to work during the day because she was not making that much more than they would pay for daycare. If she works in the evening than she barely sees Keith. The Tinney's had frequently tried to help, but the Barber's always refused their offers to help.

After Katie went back to work, Rob and Holly started hanging out with the babies. Previously they had not spent much time together without their spouses. It was completely platonic but they became good friends. Rob also came from a small town in the south where his family were powerful and like Holly he spoke to them as little as possible,.They understood each other and Holly found that she liked talking to Rob who was a good listener.

When the babies were about six months old, they became easier to take care off. Both Jessie and Bella were consistently sleeping through the night. Katie was increasingly thinking of starting to webcam again. She was determined to be in such good shape that no one would suspect that she had a kid, .Katie was working out as hard as she had when she was training for the triathlon. Holly had worked out with Katie once before discovering that Katie's idea of exercise was a lot different than hers.

In February the Tinney's webcammed for the first time since their Halloween show more than a year and a half ago. The old excitement about being on camera returned. Some of there fans were back as well and happy to see them again. They did not provide an explanation for why they were gone for so long and not many people asked.

When Rob and Katie had first started camming they were a fairly new couple and there was some concern that the webcamming could hurt their relationship. However,they had now been together for four years and had survived the stresses of parenthood and were closer than ever. They were confident that nothing was going impact their relationship. As a result there were no ground rules when they started webcamming again. They started a twitter account to interact with their fans and to announce when they would be coming on camera. In addition, Katie became more daring especially with her ass. They started using toys. Katie used a butt plug a couple times while on camera and liked it. Eventually they had a paid show where they had anal sex for the first time. While it was somewhat painful and scary she enjoyed it and the show was a big success.

The Barber's were just barely getting by when their problems got worse. Since Holly had moved to Wilmington she had been living in a house that her friend Emily had inherited. Since they were friends, Emily had given Holly a very good deal on the rent. The house was ideal for the three of them and they did not want to move. However, Emily was in the process of buying her own home and needed to sell the Wilmington house. Emily offered to sell the home to Holly and Keith but they would need to get approved for a mortgage. There were some special programs for first time buyers that they qualified for but they were about $10,000 short of the down payment. They had a few months to come up with the money before Emily would put the home on the market.

Around the time the babies first birthday, Holly and Katie decided that they deserved a girls night out. With Rob and Keith watching the babies, the girls went to a chick flick and then to a bar where they were getting quite hammered. Holly was lamenting their financial situation and trying to come up with a way of obtaining the money that they needed.

Katie said "We love you guys and want to help. I don't understand why you won't let us."

"Honestly I would consider it but Keith won't hear of it. He has too much pride. It is not something that he is going to change his mind about."

"That is too bad. I don't know, do you have anything you can sell on eBay?"

"Nothing that will bring the type of money we need."

Katie was silent for a awhile as she drank her long island ice tea before finally speaking. "How about webcamming?"

Holly laughed and said "I think I am too old for that. I am a mother now."

"You are Keith are still an attractive couple. I happen to know something about webcamming and think you guys would be good at it."

"You used to webcam?"

"It is not something we advertise, but yes."

Holly smiled and told Katie about how she made a porn when she was in college. She asked if Rob knew about her webcamming.

"Yes. We do it together."

This shocked Holly. "You stopped when you got pregnant right?"

"Yes. But we started camming again a few months ago. We were on this past Tuesday." Since the cat was out of the bag, Katie figured there was no reason to hold anything back. She got out her her phone and showed Holly their twitter account.

Holly was shocked to see how casual Katie was about showing this twitter account which included a picture of her topless best friend deep throating Rob, the guy that Holly hung out with while their spouses were at work. Holly was silent for a moment taking this in but then she asked how much money they made.

"We do it more for the fun than the money. The money varies greatly depending upon how popular you are, how daring you are and how frequently you go on. Since we came back we have been going on about three times a month and we probably average $500 a month."

"That kind of money would be helpful. I will talk to Keith."

"Well I would be happy to help get you set up." Katie told Holly about Melanie's real identity and how she had helped Melanie start camming.

Holly woke up the next day with a bad hangover and was busy taking care of Bella when she recalled Katie's revelation from the previous evening. She smiled when she thought about the Tinney's. Who would of thought that her friends were secret pornstars. Holly was intrigued by the idea of webcamming as a couple but assumed Keith would not do it despite the potential of making some desperately needed money. However, when she talked to Keith that evening he surprised Holly by being interested in trying to webcam. He thought they could make some money and that if the Tinney's could do it, they could as well.

When Holly told Katie that they were going to try to webcam, Katie assumed that they would want her help and advice. However, besides borrowing a spare camera and getting technical advise, the Barber's felt weird having Katie being too involved. Since they banned access in their own state, neither couple could see the other couple while they were webcamming.

The Barber's first attempted to webcam one night shortly after Bella had gone to sleep. They had already gotten validated so they could receive tips right away. They decided to call themselves Wendy and Bruce because Born to Run was their song and Holly thought Keith looked like a young Springsteen. However, when they went on, their room was quiet. They were not getting any tips. For about a half hour they did very little but look awkward. The only comments were from people encouraging them to have sex without giving them any tips. Holly did not have the stage presence that Katie had and Keith was not nearly as comfortable on camera as Rob. Eventually Holly gave Keith a blowjob despite hardly getting any tips. It was a very discouraging first show.

Before going back on the webcam they did get some advice from Katie. However, it was challenging because she was not able to watch them on cam. The obvious solution was to be in the room but that would have too weird. Therefore, Katie was unable to help them as much as she helped Melanie.

The Barber's cammed two more times. They did a little better than the first time and got a lot more comfortable about being on camera. They agreed that webcamming would be fun if they did not have to worry about tips. However, they made less than $100 and decided that webcamming was not going to help with their money problems. Holly starting bartending in the evenings so that she did not start until Keith came home to avoid putting Bella in daycare. However, the money was not great.

About a month later Emily told Holly that she was going to have to put the house on the market. They were well short of the downpayment that they needed and started to resign themselves to losing the house. Holly was increasingly upset that Keith would not consider letting the Tinney's help them out and combined with the fact that since she was working evenings they often barely saw each other, it was putting a strain on their marriage.

Meanwhile, Katie had another webcamming idea. She had seen a fairly new couple who were attractive. They previously only had a couple thousand followers. Apparently they were at party and after drinking too much the couple had talked about webcamming and found that a girl at the party also webcammed. The girl agreed to come on the couples webcam and have a threesome. They did it early on a weekday evening. Katie was shocked by how many tips they got. She estimated that between the tips and the paid ticket show that they made more than $2,000 in one evening.

The Tinney's had become increasing adventurous since returning to webcamming so when Katie discussed her proposal with Rob he was not surprised. She thought that they could make more than $5,000 for the Barber's if they did a series of shows with the four of them together where they took baby steps ending in a full swap. They discussed it and agreed that doing a one time swap with their friends on camera would be all right because it was a good cause. What was unsaid was that they were both excited about having sex with their friends. However, they were unsure of what the Barber's reaction would be.

The next time Katie and Holly met was when Katie and Jessie went over Holly's house for lunch. Holly had resigned herself to losing the house and was saying that they were probably going to have to live in an apartment complex in a sketchy neighborhood when Katie told her about her idea. Holly was doubtful that they would make that much money after their first attempt to webcamming and she did not think Keith would go for it. However, she said that she discuss it with Keith. She was so focused on the opportunity to make money and that Keith would not agree to it that she did not really focus on the part about having sex with the Tinney's. Katie asked whether she was bi curious. Holly smiled and said had sex with a girl when she was in college. Katie said she had not done anything more than kiss a girl and asked how Holly's girl girl experience came about.

"After a night of too much partying I was showering and my friend who lived down the hall was showering in the next stall. It was like 4 AM and we were the only people in the bathroom. She asked if I wanted to join her. I did and at first she started rubbing the soap all over me, then she was massaging and kissing my breasts and before I knew it she had her mouth between my legs. I figured I should return the favor so I did."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"It was all right. It was similar to masturbating "

"Was that the only time?"

"Yep. Either my friend did not remember it or acted like it never happened .We never discussed it."

"Well if we do this you'll be my first girl."

Holly smiled and said "'ll be honored. It will be fun."

Keith knew that Holly did not understand why he would not take money from their friends. You would have had to grow up like Keith and seen his mother take advantage of her friends to get money and in the long run hurt everyone involved. Keith could not involve his friends in his money problems. However, he felt bad about putting Holly in this situation. She loved the house and he knew that Emily was trying to give them a deal.

Keith had worked with and been friends with Katie for three years. Keith was surprised that Holly and Katie didn't hit it off the first few times they met but suddenly after the Christmas party, a year and a half ago, they became inseparable which was a bit odd since Katie was his friend first.

He was with Holly and Katie was with Rob at the time he first met Katie. They had never even flirted. He thought she was attractive, smart and funny and occasionally Keith wondered what would have happened if circumstances were different and they were both unattached. However, he was very much in love with Holly and it was clear that Katie was crazy about Rob.