Sweet Southern Comfort


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"How're you doing, sweetie?"

I bit into my hamburger, trying to drum up a smile. "Okay, I guess."

Her hand shot out to touch my arm. "Still miss him?"

I nodded then looked down at her hand. The diamond sparkling there caught my attention. "Do we have news?"

The glowing, gushing smile and embarrassed, warm grin had me smiling for the first time in days. "Yes. He asked me last night."

"Congratulations, cuz. I'm so happy for you." I reached out and she crawled into my lap for a huge hug. "When's the big day?"

She pulled back, smiling and laughing. "I'm thinking soon, like at the end of June."

My eyebrows shot up. "That is fast. Can't wait any more?" I waggled my eyebrows so she'd know what I meant.

She slapped my arm and blushed furiously. "It isn't that."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Couldn't wait, huh?" She looked away for a moment before looking back at me with a shy, coy shake of her head. "Well? Details!"

She snorted at me before swatting my arm again. "I'm not sharing."

"To quote you, 'eww, gross.' Does he make you happy?"

"More than I could have thought possible."

At her heartfelt, honest outpouring of emotion, I choked up a bit, but still smiled for her. "That's all I need to know. But honestly, why the rush?"

She fidgeted in my lap for a second. "We both decided not to wait any longer. And... well... in the rush, we kinda forgot protection. So..."

"I see. And you're okay with that? Kids so soon?"

Her smile spoke of love and commitment and so many other warm feelings that I felt the tears spark in my eyes. "Yes."

"Then that's all I need to know." I really didn't want to know, but I had to ask. "So... first time for him... any issues?"

Claire started laughing hard. "I've never been anyone's first before. But it was beautiful. A little fast, but he made up for it later."

I chuckled at her blush. "That's great. I've never been anyone's first before either." The thoughts caused my face to darken, but Claire kissed my cheek, bringing me back. "I guess it wasn't meant to be."

"I'm so sorry, sweetie."

I shrugged, but Claire didn't see it. Claire's eyes looked over my shoulder and her joy seemed to triple. I didn't need to turn around to know who came in the diner. I stood and watched her bound over to Erik, practically leaping in his arms for a warm hug and a not so chaste kiss. When he set her down and walked up to me, I figured what the hell. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug, clapping him on the back. "Welcome to the family."

"Thanks, Liam."

I took one look at him and the strong body I had just had in my arms. "Damn, my nieces and nephews are gonna be strong, good looking kids."

When they both blushed, I chuckled. "I want six at least."

Erik started laughing and Claire blanched before she swatted my arm again. "Two for sure."

"That'll be enough."

I left the two lovebirds alone so I could finish lunch. I waved to them both as I left, happy for them, but sadder inside, deep down, than I had been before I went to lunch. Damn Jackson LeDeux. Why'd he do this to us?

A few hours later, I was leaving City Hall for the weekend when a police cruiser pulled up in front of me and Erik got out. I waved to him, but he kept coming towards me, mirrored sunglasses covering his eyes, a determined gait taking him to me. I stopped and felt a slight fear run through me. When Erik stood before me, he reached for his handcuffs and started speaking. "Liam McCoy. You're under arrest."

"Erik, cut the crap. What's going on?"

He didn't even twitch his lips. "Turn around, sir."

Confusion and fear rode high inside me, both battling to win out. "Erik, why are you doing this?"

"That's Deputy Johansen, sir. Please turn around."

I turned slowly, too stunned to do otherwise as I felt the handcuffs secure my wrists. He took my arm and led me to the police car, opening the back door and lowering me inside. When Erik got behind the wheel, he didn't say one word as he drove me away from the police station out to the main highway. Fear kept me silent for a bit, but when we turned away from the big city towards the mountains, I couldn't keep quiet any longer. "God damn it! Erik, what the hell is going on?"

Erik fidgeted in his seat for a minute before turning slightly to me. "Just sit back, Liam. You're going to understand real soon."

After about a half hour on the road, in which I couldn't get Erik to say one more word to me, we turned off the highway onto a seldom-used road out towards a lake. When we got near a cabin, Erik slowed before parking in front of it. He got out, helped me out of the back, then took my arm and escorted me inside. He sat me down in a chair, unhooked one of the cuffs, and then secured it to one of the chair legs. "Sit tight, Liam. This will all be clear in a few minutes."

With those parting words, Erik left. I could hear the car leave. Fear, panic, anger, and confusion all warred inside me. At least until I heard the back door open and footsteps approach. I refused to turn around. I refused to think who it might be. But that voice, that damn whiskey-smooth voice rang out anyway. "Hello, cher. Glad you could drop by."

That son of a bitch! The man was going to die, and shortly by my own hands.

*** Jackson ***

Erik had done exactly as I asked. I watched from the trees in back as he led Liam inside the house then came out a few minutes later. I stopped him before he got in his car. "So... how's he doin'?"

Erik grinned at me before answering. "He's pissed and he's scared. You got your work cut out for you boss man."

"You and Claire will pick us up Monday, right?"

Erik laughed and clapped his arm on my shoulder. "We'll be here. I'm not sure if there'll be enough left of you to get, but we'll be here."

"Thanks, Erik."

He tipped his hat to me before getting in the car and speeding off. I grabbed some wood for the fire before heading in the back. Just seeing him, sitting there all stiff, occasionally jerking on the handcuffs made me smile. I'd missed him terribly. "Hello, cher. Glad you could drop by."

I loved it when that man gets riled up. "Fuck you, chief!"

I set the wood down by the fireplace then stood to face him. "I thought that's what you wanted to do to me, cher."

Liam swallowed then looked away. When his head turned back, there were tears in his eyes. Aw hell! I didn't want that. Shit. "Come on, cher. Don't do that."

I stood before him and undid his handcuffs, took them off him and pocketed both them and the key. When Liam stood, he clenched his hand in a fist before it swung out and connected with my gut. The air left me in a whoosh. Boy that man could get pissed. "I suppose I deserved that one. Wanna do it again?"

He looked at me funny then nodded before he socked me again. "Damn boy that hurt. Feel better?"

Liam glared at me before heading for the door. When he noticed that there were no cars around he spun back on me. "How the hell did you get up here?"

I tried not to laugh, but couldn't help it. "Claire brought me up here. It's just you and me until they come for us on Monday."

Liam dropped his head and groaned. "Come on, cher. It isn't so bad. I know how much you hate being all sweaty and grass-stained after work. Go on in and take a shower, I'll start the fire going."

Liam looked at me for a moment before trudging off to the bathroom. I knelt before the fire and got some newspaper and kindling started, added a log to it. Once the blaze was going and I heard the shower, I snuck into the bathroom and took all his clothes and hid them outside. When the shower stopped, Liam came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, glaring at me. "Where are my clothes?"

"Now, cher. Don't be angry." I stood and started unbuttoning my shirt, grinning inwardly when Liam's eyes tracked my movements, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. "I'll go grab a towel so you won't feel self-conscious."

His eyes locked with mine, fury sparking in them. I chuckled as he groaned in frustration, sitting down on the sofa, staring at the fire, refusing to watch as I peeled the rest of my clothes off. Figuring he wasn't making any moves to indicate he was upset by my nudity, I stood before him, forgoing the towel. "Now, cher. We need to talk."


"I know I said some things that hurt in the hospital."


"I'm sorry, Liam. From the bottom of my heart I'm so damn sorry for hurting you."


Damn it, it hurt to swallow so much pride, but for Liam, I'd walk on hot coals, slide naked over broken glass, and wrestle three alligators while wearing nothing but a raw chicken G-string if he'd only talk to me. "I should have listened to you. We can face anything together. I know that now."


I dropped to my knees in front of him, staring at his face, seeing no reaction at all. "I love you, cher. More than I can say. I've never been in love before, and it made me panic. Especially when I found out that bastard might have made me sick."

His nostrils flared. Flaring nostrils. That's good. Right?

"I've learned a lot from this, cher. I learned that you have to trust the person you love to love you no matter what."

He swallowed hard. Good sign or not, I was taking it as such.

"I know we can face anything, as long as we're together."

His eyes had tears in them. I think I was getting good at this stuff.

"We need to think up a name for the children we're gonna adopt."

His eyes flicked to mine quickly before looking away. I'd take it. "As I see it, there are three ways we can go about having a kid. We can do a flat out adoption. But I don't like that idea, too complicated. We can ask someone to carry a baby for us, but that could be complicated too. Or we can each go out and knock someone up, it isn't the best, but an easy w—"


The scream barely left his lips when he was pressed against me on the floor, kissing me for all he was worth. In between biting, punishing kisses, he kept muttering. "Stupid." Kiss. "Idiot." Another kiss. "Moron." A deeper kiss. "Knock someone up, you dumbshit." Even longer kiss. When Liam pulled back to look at me, his lips were swollen and his eyes shooting fire.

"That's a hell of a kiss, cher."

"Shut up, chief. You stupid moron. Don't ever do that again."

"What, cher?"

He growled low in his throat at me. "Don't push me away because you're scared. God damn it. I love you! I didn't start out looking for you, but I found you. Don't do it again."

My heart thumped slow and hard in my chest, my throat clogging with tears. "And if the tests are positive?"

"We'll deal with it when and if it happens."

I pulled him down and kissed him deeply. "The tests were negative."

He kissed me again. "It still wouldn't have mattered."

We spent long minutes kissing each other, holding each other. When we pulled back to catch our breath, I nodded towards the side. "There's a big, comfy bed in there, cher. How about we go use it?"

His grin was full of mischief as he pulled me up and led me into the bedroom. The bed was huge, king-sized and covered in a thick down comforter. Liam turned to me and took me in his arms. He brushed his hands against my back until he cupped my ass. "We never got to go home and try, Chief."

I shuddered under his words. "I know." I leaned forward so I could brush his lips with mine. "There's no time like the present."

Liam shook against me. "Why don't you like it?"

I looked in his eyes and smiled. "The first guy I was ever with, we were so anxious to try everything and he got a little over enthusiastic." I shrugged. "It hurt and I bled for three days after. I never wanted to try again."

"I won't hurt you."

I smiled at his words. Of that, I had no worries. "I know."

I lowered my hands and loosened the towel around his waist so it could fall to the floor. I pulled his shoulders as I leaned back against the bed, taking his weight upon me. His thigh wedged between mine as his hips rocked gently against me. I felt him hard and urgent as our arms pulled each other hard against the other. All I could feel, all I could taste was Liam. It wasn't enough. I wanted more. I wanted it all.

As Liam ground his hips against me, he slipped between my thighs, rubbing against me, sending chills up my spine. My body on fire, my need great, I reached over to the bedside table and grabbed a condom. Liam was exploring my chest as I tore the packet open with my teeth. He heard the sound and looked up. "Just because I tested clean, doesn't mean I am."

Liam swallowed before kissing me. "I love you, Jackson."

I groaned as I reached down and covered him with the condom. "I love you too, Cher."

He pressed against me, needful and urgent and got nowhere. He reached over and grabbed some lube and smeared some on his fingers. He pressed his fingers against me. It made me shiver. "That feels good."

"Great." He took my lips as he continued to toy with me. His kiss drugged and distracted me. He pressed against me and slipped inside. My breath left in a sharp exhale. Liam paused over me. "Are you okay, Chief?"

I looked in his eyes and saw concern. I knew if I asked, he'd pull out and never ask again. "I'm not hurt. Just startled."

He held himself over me as I lay under him, cradling him with my thighs. Liam flexed inside me and it made my eyes roll back in my head. "God, that feels good."

When I could focus my eyes again, Liam smiled above me, macho looking and venerated. "Good." He pulled back a bit then pressed forward. I clung to him as any hint of pain, any memory of pain, floated away. "You're so tight, Chief. God, you feel incredible."

My body shook beneath his. Pleasure spiraled inside me. "Keep going, Cher."

He kept thrusting against my hips, his arms like corded steel as they braced him over me. I reached up and wrapped my hands around his biceps and linked my ankles behind his ass as he kept rocking into me. Over and over he pressed into me. The moans and heavy breathing filled my ears. My body shuddered as he leaned down and nibbled my ear. When I experimented and squeezed him, he moaned heavily, sending shivers of warmth down my back.

When I thought I could take no more of his urgent, powerful thrusting, my body exploded, causing me to cry out his name. Liam smiled evilly down at me as he sped up. After a few moments, he threw his head back and cried out. As soon as he stopped flexing inside me, he collapsed against me. I could do nothing but hold him in my arms as our breathing calmed and our sweaty bodies began to cool.

While I was still orbiting somewhere between the Earth and the Moon, Liam pulled away from me and flipped me onto my belly. "What the hell?"

I felt his hand press against my ass, slightly parting me. "Again, Liam?"

"Shh." His finger brushed against me and he lowered and kissed one of the cheeks of my ass. "You're fine. No bleeding, just some redness."

"I'm fine. I could have told you that."

Liam turned me over and lay against my chest. "I wanted to see for myself."

"Anytime, Cher."

*** Liam ***

On Monday, when Claire and Erik came to rescue us, Jackson and I were worn out, sated, physically exhausted, but emotionally enriched. We spent a good two weeks in my house before he could put his on the market. We spent that time searching for houses that we would both like. After my house sold, we moved in to a three bedroom split-level house with a huge backyard that I immediately went to work in, transforming it into a secluded retreat filled with decks, a hot tub covered gazebo, and a tree-lined area full of places to frolic, both for adults and kids.

Claire and Erik did indeed get married in June. I gave the bride away while Jackson stood up as best man. Andy Forester stood trial in July and August that year, both of our testimony helped put him away for the next twenty years minimum.

We followed Jackson's second suggestion for getting a family. We found a college student who needed some money and wanted to help us out by carrying a baby for us for nine months. About the same time we brought our son home from the hospital, Claire went into labor with her own child, only to be surprised by bringing home twin girls.

Two years later, as I watched Jackson and Erik argue over the grill, as our three children played in their outdoor playpen, I looked up into the sky and saw a cloud floating by, smiling, because for once in my life, things were going exactly as I wanted them to.

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TasjaDaneTasjaDane7 months ago

Brilliant story. Absolutely wonderful. Intriguing, horrifying, heartbreaking, but also so very romantic, lovely uplifting and outright adorable! ♥️

PrinceraPrinceraabout 3 years ago

This story was crazy and I loved it

Ginger630Ginger630about 3 years ago

An absolutely beautiful story!!!!!

Hutchison12Hutchison12about 3 years ago

Absolutely amazing, loved every moment of it. Magnifique 😍

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